A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 247:

(pz) "We Bimon Chamber of Commerce do not agree." An upper **** of the Bimon Chamber of Commerce spoke directly. This upper **** is a tiger, and the entire Bimon Chamber of Commerce is actually a chamber of commerce established by the orcs. The fighting power of the orcs lies in the gods. The world is also very strong. Of course, the Temple of the God of War and the orcs cannot be confused. There are many sects in the entire orcs, but the sect of the God of War is relatively stronger.

"What to do then, is it just watching the Chamber of Commerce decline like this?" A human asked coldly.

"If any of you think that you can compete with Cook, then you should try it. Not to mention the precious materials we reserve, just talk about the relationship between Cook and the dragon family. The dragon family has tens of thousands of equipment from Cook. Order, if Cook encourages those dragons to rob us, don't forget, who is in charge of the Council of Gods now." The tiger man from the Bimon Chamber of Commerce asked.

"I don't believe that the dragons dare to rob us brazenly." Another member of the Chamber of Commerce said irritably.

"Yes, but Cook will not accept orders as long as he says to buy materials from our side, who do you think you want to sell your materials to." Another person thought about it, and said irritably.

A dwarf shook his head and said: "In fact, our Chamber of Commerce can unite with Cook."

"Union, what capital do you have." Someone asked the dwarf dissatisfied.

"Hehe, let's not talk about Cook's alchemy level, so does a person of Cook's level need top-level materials? As for the entire god-level materials, whoever has more information in our Chamber of Commerce?" The dwarf smiled. Asked.

Hearing the dwarf say this, the tiger man asked with some worry: "I'm afraid Cook is unwilling."

"Benefits, in the God Realm, benefit is the best ally. As long as we give enough benefits, I don’t think Cook will be a fool, and you find out that none of Cook’s relatives in the sanctuary have appeared in the sanctuary. But it doesn't appear in the gods, what does this mean." A god-level fox clan man looked at these people present and asked.

"What does it mean?" Tigerman asked.

The chamber of commerce where the tiger people belong and the chamber of commerce where the fox men belong are not the same chamber of commerce. The most astute in doing business are the foxes and dwarfs. As for the tigers, they only rely on their strength to bring out most of the tribes in the orcs. It's just selling, it's not a business at all, it has a compelling taste.

"It means that Cook hid these relatives. This is Cook's related information. There are many people who know in the sanctuary. If nothing else, Cook's parents definitely can't advance to the **** level, so they can't be promoted to the **** level. People who want to become gods, what do they need." The fox man asked again.

A middle-level **** dwarf shook his head and said: "The God Realm does not allow trading of Godheads."

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard. Trading is not allowed. It's just that the benefits are not enough. Moreover, someone may make trouble in trading with other people. However, who dares to say anything about trading with Cook, and we are not talking about it. Cook directly trades, we can provide a way or information to go to the different planes, some of the different planes we could not go before, but after Cooke, not necessarily." The fox man said with a sneer.

When the surrounding chambers of commerce heard this, they frowned, and a human said: "Another plane, this is everyone's biggest secret, who wants to say it."

"Hehe, the heteroplanes that can be conquered are of course valuable, and the ones that cannot be conquered are of course valuable. What are you keeping? At that time, you can sign an agreement with Cook and develop together. I think this is the most ideal, not to mention the heterogeneity. The benefits of the magical equipment in Cook’s hands, as long as anyone takes it out, it will make a lot of money, otherwise you think about it, your families, chambers of commerce, in these years, have accumulated a few artifacts, let alone artifacts The suit is complete, so how many artifact suits Cook has in his hands." The fox man continued with a smile.

After being said by the fox men, the chambers of commerce in the room stopped talking. These chambers of commerce were a little moved. The fox men said it was right. In fact, the alien plane is far less important than imagined. The alien plane is powerful, so it represents It cannot be conquered. Even if you want to conquer, the cost is very high. The alien plane is weak, and the materials produced are not enough to build the portal.'

Even if this alien plane is a way of retreat, if such a powerful alien plane retreats into it, the consequences are unknown, and if the weak alien plane retreats, the reason why the weaker plane does not have a strong one, It is because of the purity of the elements, no matter how high their talents are, and if they don't have enough energy support, it's just blind. Once you escape into such an alien plane, it means you never want to return to the gods.

But the artifact is different. What is the artifact? That is the best way to quickly increase your strength, and the artifact can be passed on from generation to generation. The Fox men stopped talking when they saw the people around them, and stopped talking.

The tiger tribe orcs asked, "But who of us has the eccentric side of the **** of birth?"

No one spoke, everyone looked at each other, and the fox man said at this time: "No matter who takes it out, our chamber of commerce must be united. It is very dangerous for a single chamber of commerce to go to Cook."

"Danger," the dwarf asked.

"Don't you guys be afraid of Cook directly grabbing it?" The Fox man asked with a smile.

The Tiger Orcs said angrily: "Everyone is not afraid of Cook taking it when they are together. Cook even dared to smash the Sky City of the Birdman clan, even the Silver Dragon clan dared to looting, and he was afraid of us."

"Haha, don't forget, we also have the right to speak in the Council of Gods, don't you know what Cook wants to control the Council of Gods." The fox man looked disappointed at these people here. These people are not stupid in their brains, but they often fail to think clearly when considering problems.

The dwarf of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce said, "It’s probably not that simple to control the Council of Gods."

"Don't you dare to oppose it in the Council of the Gods, and even if it is against, there are many people who can agree with it." The fox man asked angrily.

"Don't say so much, let's talk about it. Why is Cook controlling the Council of Gods? Does it really want our Council of Gods to grow." The Tiger Orcs asked angrily.

"How is it possible." The people of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce said irritably. The Dwarven Chamber of Commerce mainly sells all kinds of ores and forged equipment, which can be regarded as a subsidiary of the Forging Temple. Of course, I am not satisfied with Cook. Cook is on the Forging Temple. I caught a handful, but it made the entire dwarf distressed, but no one opposed it. Now the entire God Realm business in gem mines saves Cook’s magical images, because these people suspect that Cook can figure out these gem mines. The situation inside, whoever encounters such a guest is all bad luck.

The dwarf chamber of commerce also shook his head and said, "Speaking of this, I don't understand what Cook is for. He took out a hundred sets of artifacts and equipment for nothing. There must be a reason."

"Of course there are reasons. You stand in Cook’s position and consider the problem. First of all, Cook and the Birdman clan seem to be peaceful now, but this is because the Birdman cannot deal with Cook. Why, Cook alone, once they can’t do it. Well, it is the disaster of the Birdman family. When it comes to this, I have to say that Cook’s biggest weakness is that he has no power and no foundation in the gods. Although Cook seems to be very beautiful now, once Cook has refined the Sky City , What will Birdman react?" The Fox man asked.

"Then those who place orders for artifacts." Someone asked.

"Hehe, those who get the artifact will definitely fall for Cook. Think about it, if I have the artifact and you don’t, then someone has to deal with Cook. The possibility of you people having the artifact is very low, then Will my benefits be greater in the future, so I will deal with Cook secretly." The fox man explained with a smile.

The Tiger Orcs nodded: "It's possible."

"There is also the dragon clan. Although Cook and the dragon clan are very friendly now, everyone must know the urinary nature of the dragon clan, not to mention that Cook has refined so many artifacts and equipment for the dragon clan. It's rare and expensive. As long as the bird people do it, the dragon will definitely stand by ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and maybe join hands with the bird people." The Fox man further said.

"Tsk tusk, the dragons turn their faces and don't recognize people, and are willing to do anything for money." The dwarf sighed.

"But Cook is not a fool. In the God Realm, what can compete with the Birdmen and Dragons is the Council of Gods. To control the Council of Gods, Cook just needs to take out the artifact. I'm sure that Cook would never refine the Sky City before he took control of the Council of the Gods." The Fox Clan man said with a smile.

"But what's the problem with our trade with Cook." The Tiger Orcs still didn't understand.

"Hehe, Cook wants to control the Council of Gods, and we are a part of the Council of Gods. Do you think Cook will take action against so many of us? Certainly not, but it may not be possible for a single one, so we all We must unite." The Fox man explained with a smile, of course he was very proud of himself. After all, the intelligence of the Fox is not just talking about it.

The dwarf chamber of commerce continued to ask: "Then Cook wants to control the Council of the Gods, what should we do."

"Of course I obeyed." The fox man said with a smile.

"Obey." Everyone at the scene looked at each other, and had some doubts about what the Fox men said.

The fox man saw this and sighed: "Don’t you think that it is a very good thing that our Council of Gods has a leader like Cook? With a leader like Cook, we will not be afraid of the dragon in the future. One clan, bird-man clan, and those sacred beasts. We can freely travel between various races and various places in the God Realm. For us merchants, what can be better than this."

"But in case the birdmen and dragons want to deal with Cook." The dwarf of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce asked worriedly. pz

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