A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 250:

"Ah...Okay, okay." When this human being heard this, he nodded in surprise. Someone who knows at the top of the temple is simply great. Although the power of the Temple of the Harvest Goddess is not very big, this It is for other forces, for a lower god, it is still very powerful.

"Damn it!" The dwarf cursed in a low voice when he saw the human being at the stall following the other person.

The dwarf didn't care about the dwarf at all, but rushed out in a hurry. When the dwarf saw where the dwarf was rushing, and Cook looked at something in front of a booth, the dwarf didn't care about it anymore, and rushed out.

"How to sell this thing?" Cook saw the fruits of various plants on the stall. A human girl was the owner. This human girl was not a god, but the peak of the sanctuary, but in this market, the peak of the sanctuary There are also many.

All kinds of plant seeds, the plant fruits of the plants that Cook holds in his hands are like bananas, but they are blue. In this world, Cook has not seen anything like bananas, so Cook is the only one. ask.

"I picked this thing from far away, a low-grade **** crystal." The human girl explained in a low voice when she saw Cook and the **** of contract wearing.

In the God Realm, as long as you look at the equipment you wear, you know what level this person is. Needless to say, Cook's body is obviously high-end equipment.

"Haha, I'll try it first, don't mind." Cook laughed, this fruit is a magic plant, but from the perspective of magical fluctuations, it is not a high-end commodity.

"Yes." The human girl did not refuse Cook.

Cook took a banana and put it in his hand. The banana turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye. Don’t forget, Cook is of wood. It couldn’t be easier to ripen a fruit. The aroma of the fruit slowly radiated. Came out.

"Is there a lot of this kind of fruit?" Cook didn't eat it. Cook has already affirmed that this is a banana. Cook can't forget the fragrance of the banana, and Cook is a little excited. ‘

At the level of Cook, he already knows that the earth is also in the universe, but I don’t know where it is. As for why he appears here and the soul passes through directly, Cook still doesn’t understand that it’s a wormhole in space. The pressure is not something that the soul can bear, let alone the distance from the earth to here, I don’t know how far, but when I see something familiar, Cook is still very excited. Although he can’t directly prove anything, Cook is still very excited. .

"Many, it's not delicious." The human girl saw Cook's ripening banana, her eyes lit up, and this banana actually wanted to do so.

"Tell me where that place is, one hundred lower grade **** crystals." Cook directly drew out a **** crystal that was a huge sum of money for the peak of the sanctuary.

"Give it to Shenjing first." The human girl immediately looked at Cook when she heard this.

Cook directly took out a hundred lower-grade crystals and handed them to the girl. After receiving the crystals, the girl smiled and said, "This is produced in the territory of our family. You can only buy it from me in the future."

"Well, you have this kind of fruit in the future, send it directly to me." When Cook heard this, he finally knew why the girl would ask for the crystal first.

"Where do you live?" When the girl heard this, her eyes widened.

The God of Contract spoke at this time: "Send to the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night."

"To go so far, the transmission fee is a lot." The girl was a little reluctant.

"I pay for the transmission fee. There are such fruits in your territory? Why haven't I seen them elsewhere?" Cook promised, and then asked, this is Cook's biggest concern.

When the girl heard this, she looked at Cook suspiciously, and then said: "This is what you said. You pay for the transmission cost. These plants were planted by our ancestors. As for how they came, I don't know."

"Oh, send it to the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night, when the time comes, you will say that I am looking for me, my name is Cook." Cook heard this, and his heart was a little lost, although he knew that it might be such an answer, but Ku Ke is still very lost.

The God of Contract is very puzzled, I don’t know why Cook wants to buy this kind of fruit. Did he like this girl, but it's not like that, this girl is not very beautiful, it can only be regarded as average, the God of Contract is puzzled, I heard Cook Ask the girl to send fruit.

He also opened his mouth and said, "This is my calling crystal, and it's the same if you ask me for anything."

Calling the crystal, you can notify the magical item that calls the owner of the crystal within a certain distance. It is a very simple thing, mainly used for outside adventures.

"This is for me." The girl looked at Calling Crystal, knowing that this kind of thing is quite a gadget in the eyes of the **** of contract, but in the eyes of the girl at the top of the sanctuary, it is a luxury. Just like a watch with hundreds of thousands of millions in the hands of the rich, it is something ordinary people can't afford for a lifetime. This is the gap.

"Of course, when you arrive at the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night, just call me directly, you don't need to find him." The God of Contract said with a smile.

"That's good." The girl carefully put away the call crystal given by the **** of contract. The girl didn't know that the **** of contract was the master of the second-rate temple.

After Cook and the God of Contract left, there were a few people in front of the girl's booth, a dwarf, a dwarf, a tiger, a fox orc, and a human.

"What did that person buy from you just now?" a dwarf asked.

The human girl saw the person in front of her stall, and she was a little at a loss,  When her business was so good, the girl was obviously not the first day to do business. Seeing the customer asked, she immediately said: "I bought this fruit later, and Let me deliver every day."

"Such?" The dwarf grabbed a banana, and the others were unwilling to lag behind. There were not many bananas in the bunch.

"How many **** crystals are there?" the human being asked.

"A low-grade **** crystal," the girl said.

"A low-grade divine crystal is not enough for the teleportation fee." The fox orc said angrily.

"The customer just paid for the transmission fee, and the other customer gave me a call crystal. When I go to the temple of the goddess of the dark night, I will look for him." The girl saw that these were all god-level powerhouses, and when she spoke Call the crystal to take it out.

The few people in front of the booth looked at each other, and they were all silent. Even if they were the gods of the contract, these people present couldn't afford to provoke them. After all, it was a temple, and the temple had more power in the gods than the family, let alone the chamber of commerce Now, the background is even more incomparable by the family.

"Ahem, there is only one low-grade **** crystal." The dwarf paid first and said.

The other people also paid, and then these people left. A few minutes after leaving, the girl's information was found by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. After all, if you want to set up a stall, you need to register the information.

"It's actually a member of the Norton family." The few people gathered in front of the girl's booth just now gathered again, and the dwarf looked at the information and said.

"Tsk tusk, this time the Norton family has made a big deal, give Cook fruit, tusk." The dwarf sighed after seeing the business opportunities inside.

"No, this girl belongs to the Norton family, but she has been separated by the Norton family, and she is divided into a barren mountain. The barren mountain is full of plants with this kind of fruit. This girl and two servants rely on this barren mountain. He made a living, and started planting plants, picking magic seeds, and selling magic fruits." The Fox Orc said.

"Tsk tsk, a fruit like this is a low-grade crystal, tusk, this Nima is more profitable than our mining." The dwarf looked at the green banana in his hand, envied.

"Haha, the other members of the Norton family are afraid to be **** off." Tiger Clan said.

The human among them sneered and said, "Who dares to use the fruits designated by Cook?"

"Luck." When several other people heard this, they all sighed, yes, the fruit specified by Cook, who would dare to do anything, let alone the call of the **** of contract to crystal.

"Why don't we sell fruit too, this fruit is so unpalatable, if Cook wants it, there must be a secret?" The dwarf said with a frown, taking a bite of the green banana.

The dwarf also took a bite and frowned: "That's it, such a terrible thing, Cook still needs it, it must be a good thing."

"This Nima is also called fruit. I finally understand why this fruit seller can't sell it nearby. I think this business can be done." The human also took a bite of the green banana and said after swallowing it hard.

The Fox Orcs didn't eat it, but thoughtfully said, "Should we find that girl and set up a chamber of commerce to sell fruits?"

"I think it's ok, just a few of us." The other people's eyes lit up. You must know that these people are sent by other chambers of commerce to follow Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are not the core personnel in the chamber of commerce, but As expected, the Chamber of Commerce came out and soon discovered business opportunities.

A new chamber of commerce was born in this way, and no one thought that the speed of the rise of this chamber of commerce was astonishing. In just a few years, it became a large chamber of commerce.

"This thing is really delicious?" Watching Cook peel off the banana and eat it bite by bite, still looking intoxicated, the God of Contract asked.

"Haha, this is everyone's preference." Cook laughed. In fact, as long as Cook has this banana, he can grow it himself. The reason why Cook wants this girl to send bananas is to know the origin of this banana. Will not have a relationship with the earth.

The **** of contract also had a banana in his hand, green, and the **** of contract also learned from Cook to peel it, and then bit it down.

"It's so unpalatable!" The God of Contract took a bite and swallowed it directly into his belly.

"Haha, haha, haha." Cook saw that the **** of contract ate the green banana directly, he couldn't help but laughed. If Cook knew that there were some other guys, he would even bite the skin. What is the expression.

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