A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 254:

Cook smiled bitterly and said: "I haven't consulted Mr.'s name yet. [No pop-up novel network]"

"Ge Huang." The middle-aged man replied with a wine glass.

"Mr. Ge Huang, it's like this..." Cook told the story.

After Ge Huang heard Cook's narration, he didn't show any expression, but said: "Cook, you did the right thing. The inspector shouldn't come to trouble you at all."

"So what is Phoenix's attitude?" Cook heard Ge Huang say this, filled Ge Huang the glass again, and said.

"Cook, do you know Phoenix?" Ge Huang did not answer Cook's question directly, but asked Cook instead.

When Cook heard this question, he groaned for a while and said, "The Phoenix City I know is also heard from other places. I don't know much about it, but I know that Phoenix City is the leader of the entire family of beasts."

Ge Huang heard Cook say this, drank the fruit wine in one sip again, sighed and said: "To be precise, Phoenix is ​​two cities, one is Fengcheng and the other is Phoenix. I am from Phoenix. The trouble is coming from Fengcheng. Strictly speaking, our two cities are Phoenix, one for the inside and the other for the outside."

"There is such a thing?" Cook didn't expect Phoenix to be like this.

"Yes, but the population of Phoenix has not increased much for countless years. Cook, do you know why?" Ge Huang asked.

"Low fertility?" Cook asked guessingly.

"Hehe, you can say the same. Strictly speaking, Phoenix's fertility is not low. It's just that Fengcheng is a female tribe, and Huangcheng is a male tribe. Cook, you might know that Phoenix can be reborn after death. It is the power brought by the blood. A Fenghuang can give birth to at least five offspring in a lifetime, but there are very few Fenghuang who can give birth to offspring." Ge Huang said these things with an ugly expression.

Cook did not disturb this Ge Huang, but silently took out a bottle of fruit wine again. Ge Huang poured a glass of fruit wine himself, and then continued: "Cook must also know that the offspring will face the continuation of blood, but no one There is no guarantee that our offspring will have enough blood. Once the blood is weakened and is not enough to support rebirth, then this tribe will die directly. This is the biggest reason why many phoenixes reject birth."

"Um!" Cook heard this answer and didn't know what to say.

"Maybe you humans don't understand our feelings. We don't want to watch our offspring die one by one. That would hit us too much." Seeing Cook's astonishment, Huang Ge explained.

When Cook heard this, he understood it. In other words, the phoenix is ​​basically immortal and can be reborn. We can understand that it can have a complete memory of the previous life, so trouble will come. If the previous life and others Phoenix has offspring, so what should you do after rebirth? Continue to live with your original spouse, and watch your offspring die one by one, and there is one biggest problem in it, that is, two people are living together. Together, I can't help but feel a little bumpy. In case I don't want to live together, then watching my wife live with others after being born again is what a hurry.

Cook found that if he was himself, he would not be able to accept it, but the phoenix could continue to rebirth again and again, and the trouble would be even greater. Thinking of this, Cook understood that he could not bear too much emotion, so the Phoenix family was not willing to have children. .

Cook said with a wry smile: "It seems that not dying is also a trouble."

"It can be said that the undead blood has made the Phoenix family strong, but it seems that it is far less powerful than humans. In ancient times, there were only a few human god-level powerhouses. Now there are almost tens of millions of god-level powerhouses. The reason why the Phoenix family does not participate in the affairs of the Taoist God Realm is to avoid conflicts with humans. The elders of our Phoenix family have long predicted that humans will become the masters of the world." Ge Huang said.

"It's still early, not to mention the dragons, but the angels, which is much better than humans." Cook shook his head, disagreeing with Ge Huang's words.

"This is also the biggest weakness of your humans. Infighting. If humans didn't fight inwardly, they would have dominated the gods." Ge Huang shook his head.

Cook couldn't say anything, so he asked, "Then what happened this time?"

"That's it for this time. Our Huangcheng is in charge of external affairs. As long as you don't kill those Fengcheng inspectors, nothing will happen." Ge Huang heard Cook's question and said directly. Said.

"How can it be killed?" Cook shook his head and said.

"Hehe, I can perceive it, and you also understand the power of the origin. Although you are not very strong yet, you are the first strong person I have seen in hundreds of thousands of years to understand the power of the origin, and we Phoenix family It's not really immortal. The strong roots can directly change the power of the roots in our blood, and we will lose the talent for rebirth." Ge Huang said with a smile.

When Cook heard Ge Huang say this, he said, "How can you tell me these things?"

"Cook, I'm not afraid of you. I find that living is very tired, very tired, and I really want to die, but my blood is very dense, even if I commit suicide, I will be reborn." Ge Huang raised his head and looked at the roof. .

When Cook heard this, he didn’t know how to answer. It seemed that it’s hard to live too long. Everything he wanted to do was done, and the wish he wanted to be fulfilled was done. That kind of emptiness, that kind of loneliness, It is enough to make anyone have a tendency to commit suicide, but the Phoenix family just committed suicide and never died.

"Why don't you stay here for a while?" Cook invited Ge Huang.

"No, I have to go back and report the results of the investigation." Ge Huang refused directly.

When Cook saw Ge Huang leaving leisurely, he let out a long sigh, and then Cook suddenly patted his thigh: "Forgot to ask about the Godhead."

Ge Huang’s visit is just a small C song, but in terms of favor, Cook is considered to owe Ge Huang. After all, God Core was given by Ge Huang. Without Ge Huang, Xi’a and others would not have achieved what they are today, but the situation in Phoenix is ​​still Cook sighed: "I didn't expect immortality would have such troubles."

But then after Cook arrived in the laboratory, he saw countless orders, and sighed again: "Bitch is hypocritical."

Cook has a reason to say this. The Phoenix clan is similar to the giant dragon clan. They are all races with powerful bloodline abilities. They don’t need to learn or exercise at all. As long as they grow up, they will achieve A certain height.

Human beings are different. Human beings must constantly learn and keep busy for life. Although most people only have a life span of tens to hundreds of years, this century may be the time for the dragon to sleep, and the phoenix may be there. In these hundred years, nothing has been done, but mankind has done a lot of things in these hundred years. There are many children and grandchildren, and a lot of wealth has been created. When I was satisfied.

But as for the Phoenix family, they are immortal. Coupled with the powerful bloodline, they can reach a realm that most intelligent creatures can’t reach without doing anything. So in Cook’s view, these phoenixes are huge Dragons have a characteristic, that is, laziness, very lazy, so Cook would be very dissatisfied to say that **** is hypocritical.

Of course, Cook would never envy giant dragons or phoenixes. Why, it is precisely because of the power of blood that led to the lazy nature in the bones of the Phoenix clan and the giant dragon clan. The Phoenix clan Cook does not yet fully understand it, but only the dragon. In terms of being arrogant, arrogant, and desperate for profit, even with each other, the same is true. Although humans are desperate for profit, humans are not as rampant as dragons. Of course, dragons are rampant. Capital.

It is this inertia that makes the dragon and phoenix race what it is today. Because of inertia, the entire race loses its motivation for development and innovation. It only knows that it depends on the power of blood, so in Cook’s view , This inertia reaches a certain level, then this race will face death.

"Is the Phoenix's undead bloodline really immortal?" Cook has a deep understanding of the law now. In Cook's view, there is no absolute immortality. Even an undead race like the undead will face it. dead.

"Unless it's..." Cook thought about it, and soon discovered that unless there is a situation, undead creatures will appear, but Cook is not sure.

Before Cook had time to work, Dilly broke into Cook's laboratory. Cook was speechless about Dilly's behavior. Dilly saw Cook and asked nervously: "Cook~www. wuxiaspot.com~What did the angel from Phoenix just say?"

"You mean Ge Huang?" Cook didn't expect Ge Huang to come with a big fanfare, and Cook thought he didn't say anything.

"Ge Huang?" Hearing this name, he looked at Cook suspiciously.

"It's the man from Phoenix." Cook nodded as he watched the God of Contract walk into the laboratory.

"You actually know your name?" Dilly asked Cook with a weird look.

When Cook heard Dilly's words, he smiled and said, "That's right, we also drank two bottles of fruit wine together, that's the best fruit wine."

"Really?" Even the God of Contract was a little suspicious of Cook's words. In the God Realm, the Phoenix family is notoriously difficult to deal with. Although the dragon family is not easy to deal with, the angel family has eyes on their foreheads. Go guys.

"Then it's okay." After the God of Gamblers has dealt with the casino affairs for a while, he blames Cook in his heart, and he didn't get up for a while. However, seeing the situation after the Chamber of Commerce Union explained the situation because of Cook's sentence, the God of Gamblers is very wise. Knowing the gap between himself and Cook, he made it up.

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