A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 260:

Hearing the roar of this life, the people watching not only did not push away, but shouted loudly: "Haha, I won, more than two minutes."

"Damn it, you slackers, it took more than two minutes to rush over. I want to complain to you and complain to you." Others shouted.

More than a dozen humans flying in the air heard the shouts of the people below, and the expressions on their faces were ugly. For the god-level powerhouses at the scene, not to mention that this area is a hundred meters away, that is, facial expressions from thousands of meters away It's clear.

"Listen to the people inside. We are the fourth team of the third squadron of the business alliance's law enforcement group. Please stop your hands immediately, otherwise we will take measures." One person shouted loudly in the air.

However, a few people in the Norton Chamber of Commerce were angry. They were not only angry, but also very regretful. This was an opportunity to rise to the upper level of society. It was wasted in vain. Thinking of the possible future life, this point is very annoying. In addition, the tempers of several people themselves are not very good. The dwarves are hot tempered. Don’t look at the short heads of the dwarves. Nima's temper is not much worse than that of the dwarves. A few humans themselves don’t want to care about it, but in the dispute between the dwarves and the dwarves, From time to time, several human beings are involved, and several human beings usually calculate each other, so they can do it immediately if they don't agree with each other. Fortunately, the strength of several people is similar.

"Boom." A huge red light soared into the sky, and it was clearly seen that it was in the shape of a huge machete. This was a flame blade, a magical technique used by fire weapons.

"Wow!" The people present screamed when they saw this scene, because it showed that weapons had been used.

"Damn treacherous, despicable human, look at the hammer." Amid the violent divine power fluctuations, a voice roared again and again.

"Boom." The roar just came down, and the people around immediately felt a dull sound of the ground.

"Boom!" Immediately thereafter, the ground of several thousand meters suddenly burst out huge energy fluctuations, and then the stones on the whole ground turned into countless huge fragments, and the huge fragments were directly sprayed into the sky by huge energy. Falling in the distance.

"Go." The captain of the law enforcement team flying in the sky turned black. Nima's face was simply Chi Guoguo's face. Let's see how much damage this has suffered.

More than a dozen people rushed towards the divine power fluctuation area, and the people watching the excitement saw this, and they kept backing away. You must know that the god-level powerhouses in the battle are very sensitive. It was originally a melee. More than a dozen divine power fluctuations, if one is not handled well, the consequences will be disastrous. Even Mrs. Homan left the empty wine barrel and ran away, shouting, "Homan, **** it, run away."

"Rumble." In less than two seconds, a deafening roar shocked the entire city, followed by a violent vibration on the ground.

"Look!" Outside the city, a god-level powerhouse pointed to the inside of the city and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at it one after another, and a huge semi-circular light group appeared in the city, and the light group swelled violently, just for an instant.

"Boom!" Everyone felt a violent force hit their bodies, and then they heard a violent roar.

"Boom, boom, boom." Everyone was stunned. There were countless huge cracks in the huge wall in front of them. Afterwards, huge fragments fell down and hit the ground with a dull sound.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on, but within a few seconds, there was a violent divine power fluctuation from the mountain of gods, and then a huge door of descent appeared above the city. What came out was a white crow. After this white crow rushed out of the gate of descent, two gazes gave out faint beams of light, like two huge searchlights. Everyone was illuminated by this faint beam of light. People felt that their souls were solidified, but within a few seconds, the crow scanned the entire city and the periphery.

"Damn it, it's an instantaneous explosion caused by the disorder of divine power. These lawless guys should be beaten severely, **** it, wasting my strength." After scanning, the white crow cursed badly and turned back. At the Gate of Advent, the Gate of Advent disappeared instantly.

The whole city was in a mess, and a voice roared in the air: "Damn it, what happened."

Everyone looked up. It turned out to be the big bosses of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. The expressions of these big bosses can be imagined. More and more god-level powerhouses are floating, looking at the scene in the city, they are all surprised. Inexplicably, the entire city is in a mess, only a few buildings stand vaguely in the city, and the rest are all rubble.

One of them is the place where the portal is standing. There are no scars on the outside of the building. The other is the forged temple. The original huge spire-shaped building only stands halfway there. The other is the temple of the goddess of wealth, which has not suffered much loss. Because the Temple of Wealth is equivalent to a bank in the God Realm, it is very sturdy and has a magic pattern defense system. The Forge Temple is built with large pieces of hard stone and some metal pouring gaps. Even so, it is just Only half is left. The remaining one is the trade hall of the Chamber of Commerce and the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and only half is left.

The rest of the shops were turned into rubble. These things made the Chamber of Commerce pain painful, and the fragmentation of the city wall made the bones of these big heads hurt.

Everyone knows that in the God Realm, there are standards for building a city. The most important thing in a city is the city wall. The city wall can be said to be piled up with **** crystals. Various defense systems, repair systems, energy systems, and attack systems.

But everyone knows that this kind of defense is aimed at the outside of the city, not inside the city, so the huge impact that erupted in the city just now was almost offset by the city wall. Although most of the city wall is still standing in place, the huge cracks indicate This city wall is already scrap.

The city built by the Chamber of Commerce has been in ruins almost overnight. In addition, many merchants in the city have suffered losses. Because this city was established by the Chamber of Commerce, all the merchants who settled in it paid to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. It's too Shenjing.

"Haha, come." After being baptized by the impact, the people outside the city looked at the ruins of the city, not only weren't frustrated, but they were very excited.

From this point of view, the God Realm is not a society of emotions at all, but a society of interests. Those who live outside the city do not have the capital to gain a foothold in the city. Of course, the warehouses of some chambers of commerce are exceptions.

These small merchants, small merchants are usually subjected to the rules of the Chamber of Commerce, and there are various suppressions, and they are dissatisfied for a long time, but the merchants can't do without here, so they can only swallow their words. Now seeing the situation of the Chamber of Commerce, unfortunately, it is a disaster. strange.

"The members of the law enforcement team!" The **** of forging looked at a piece of rubble, and even the mines where the ore was piled were covered by rubble. How much time would it take to clean it up, as well as the various rare materials in the forging temple.

"Damn it, what the **** is going on!" The dwarf is about to collapse, and the dwarf Chamber of Commerce has lost a lot.

Not to mention anything else, the situation in the city is not optimistic. There are various materials on the ground. This is normal. After all, the main materials sold here are materials, but the materials are not clearly stated, so some merchants just Started to grab it.

As long as one person does it, then others do it. The impact just now is indeed very strong, but this impact is even, not concentrated. The damage to the god-level powerhouses present is limited, otherwise the temple of wealth will also It will not still stand there, and the structure of the shop itself is still relatively strong, offsetting part of the impact, but the city wall is different, the city wall is surrounded on all sides, and the city wall is much higher than the building, it is not offset at all, plus The defense of the city wall is for the outside, and the inside is just a stronger rock.

So the construction loss this time is great. Of course, the original place where the Norton Chamber of Commerce was located is a big pit, which is hundreds of meters in diameter and tens of meters deep. The Norton Chamber of Commerce itself is in a relatively remote place, which is close to the city wall. , This section of the city wall is completely damaged.

"Damn it, **** it." Several big bosses of the Chamber of Commerce roared again and again, but no law enforcer came here at all. None of them were idiots. After a little thought, I would understand that this was obviously an escape.

Several big bosses looked at each other and felt bitter in their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Most of the people in these law enforcement groups are related households, and due to the independence of the law enforcement groups, the law enforcement groups and the chambers of commerce directly under them The organization is different, and few people thought it would be the situation today.

The dwarves, dwarfs, and orcs on the ruins of the city started to get busy, and even the people outside the city became busy. Now that they have become merchants, what are merchants, they have interests in their eyes. Now there are various materials on the ground, crystals, Everywhere, the dazzling people are dazzled. Why are these businessmen not tempted? When the people in the big chamber of commerce saw other small businessmen daring to take advantage of the fire, they would definitely quit. Nima group of unstated guys actually dared to do it at this time. So these people immediately started to teach these little merchants, as well as the original customers, and now the robbers.

But even though the Great Chamber of Commerce said that the power is great, these powers are also the total power, and the personnel is definitely not as many as these sloppy people, so conflicts arise.

"Stop, everyone will give you all out of the city. Our Chamber of Commerce Alliance will be responsible for your loss." Seeing these conflicts below, the God of Forging roared loudly. The rolling voice could even be heard clearly by the gods, obviously using On the supernatural power.

"You pay for compensation, what kind of compensation?" A giant shouted when he heard this.

"That is, your chamber of commerce is hard to protect itself now. You still pay for it. If you want to compensate, bring the crystal?" Another dwarf also roared loudly. The **** of forging was angry, but this dwarf was the emblem of the mountain **** temple, forged It is impossible for the God of God to do it. Once it does, it is the problem of the two temples.

Seeing that the God of Forging had nothing to say, the people below started again, and the people in the Chamber of Commerce saw this scene, only to quietly retreat, the people on the ruins actually cheered, and the faces of the big leaders of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance were more complex. Embarrassing is as embarrassing.

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