A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 269: Grab business

When Cook heard this, he was surprised: "Already figured it out?"

"No, we have accepted the invitation to participate in a bloodline auction." The God of Gamblers quickly added.

"Do you know where and who held it?" Cook heard this and he was relieved. If he knew the truth now, Cook estimated that he could only use thunder. After all, in Cook's opinion , All conspiracies are a symbol of insufficient strength.

The God of Gamblers shook his head and said: "We still don't know, we also know from other people. We came this time mainly to ask Cook you, what should we do?"

When Cook heard this, he didn't hesitate to say: "Just buy it directly, but in order to avoid showing your feet, I think you should not come out in person. As long as it is a relatively rare bloodline, buy it. Just tell me how much it will cost when the time comes. I just want to use the blood to test the blood medicine."

The God of Gamblers said, "Cook, don't worry about this. Both of us are not newbies. Although we are not very good at these conspiracies, our news is very well-informed, so there is no surprise in the assurance that things will proceed."

"That's great, come see me again if there is anything." Cook left after speaking.

The God of Gamblers saw that Cook was about to leave, and immediately stood up. When Cook saw the God of Gamblers standing up, he asked in confusion, "Is there anything else?"

The God of Contract also stood up and said, "Cook, this time we want some equipment, in case something happens..."

When Cook heard the God of Contract say this, he nodded and said, "Well, I will give you two sets of equipment for one person. I think you are going to the auction and you can't bring more people."

"Thank you, Cook. I don’t know the price of this equipment?" The **** of gamblers was also excited when he heard this. In fact, the two did not want to come to Cook, but they heard that Cook took out a hundred sets of equipment at a time to be brave. The Knights also took out more than a thousand weapons, all of which were artifact-level things, and the two of them were moved. Who doesn't have too many artifacts.

"Don't worry about the price, you do things first." Cook said with a wave, and then gave them two space rings.

"This is a space ring that can be equipped with artifacts. You usually put your weapons in it. This space ring is soul equipment." Cook explained, turning around and leaving after speaking.

The God of Gamblers saw that Cook said to leave and left, and sighed: "A big deal, just this space equipment, I don't know how much God Crystal is worth outside."

"It's better to get things done quickly. If things are not done well, you will have the price of these things." The God of Contract heard the words of the God of Gamblers and said.

The God of Gamblers smiled and said: "In terms of reasoning, I am not your opponent, but to talk about these crooked things, hehe, my God of Gamblers is their ancestor."

"Yes, I don't know whose casino has dozens of points, ancestors, hehe." The **** of contract said with a smile.

Having said this, the God of Gamblers didn’t feel embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: “If you compare with Cook’s pervert, then everyone will have no way to survive. Now you go to my casino to see it, it’s still too crowded. Up."

"If something like this has happened, will anyone else go?" Hearing this, the God of Contract asked angrily.

"Hey, after the incident, I fired most of the staff. I now charge a fee for the venue. Everyone can play by themselves. I will draw a percentage according to the size of the play. My main function is to supervise. Give me a violent beating, let alone, since this way, everyone has trusted my casino. After all, I am now in the position of supervision. Who is the opponent of the master in the casino?" The **** of gamblers said with a smile.

When the contract **** heard this, he said angrily: "You are blamed if you believe it. I don't believe you don't collude with some of them. Without collusion with these people, your business will recover so quickly."

When the gambling **** heard the words of the contract god, he looked straight at the contract god, and asked depressedly, "how do you know?"

"Hey, Cook has said that ten gambling and nine frauds were originally just you cheating. Now you are cheating with those familiar customers. It's just that you have already added some partners." The God of Contract also smiled.

The God of Gamblers looked up at the sky and gritted his teeth and said: "Perverted, abnormal."

Cook went back and continued drawing. Cook didn't know that ten days had arrived. After ten days had arrived, people from two sides became anxious. On the one hand, the apprenticeship of the magic pattern. It was agreed that ten days should be selected for screening, but ten days have passed. Why is there no movement?

Others belong to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. It can be said that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance has spent a huge price in these ten days. The original city ruins have been cleaned out, and a lot of **** crystals have been consumed, and the materials to build the city are also It was transported from all directions, but after ten days, Cook had no news, which made the people of the Chamber of Commerce extremely nervous.

"Why don't the Silver Fox go to Speaker Cook and take a look?" the dwarf said.

When the dwarf heard the dwarf say this, he nodded: "I think we should also take an attitude. We can't say that Cook is coming. We just wait passively to show our sincerity."

"I think this makes sense." The Tiger Clan also said.

The rest of the humans also nodded their heads in agreement with the dwarf. Everyone turned their gazes at Silver Fox. Silver Fox saw that everyone around him was looking at him, and he had no choice but to gritted his teeth and said, "Well, I'll go. "

When he spoke, the silver fox took nothing, and entered the portal of the mountains of the gods, and arrived at the territory of the goddess of the dark night where Cook was. After seeing the land of the goddess of the dark night, the silver fox was completely shocked.

The silver fox in the realm of the goddess of the night has not been here, it was hundreds of years ago, came to discuss a certain matter with the goddess of the night, how many buildings there were in the realm of the gods of the night at that time.

Looking at the past, the original mountains are gone. It’s a large plain. The plains are huge buildings and huge streets. Looking at the past, dozens of kilometers are buildings, but the buildings are not surprising. Yinhu was surprised by the flow of people on the huge street.

From the perspective of businessmen, what the flow of people is, that is wealth, massive wealth.

"Aren't there a million people?" Yinhu couldn't help but muttered when he saw the crowds.

"Ha, beauty, according to the latest statistics of our security team, there are a total of more than five million people in the entire territory of the Goddess of the Dark Night Temple." Silver Fox just heard a voice around him replied.

"The dragon?" Silver Fox turned his head and looked at it. A middle-aged man, covered in a set of equipment, seemed to be of the artifact level, but the faint Longwei still made Silver Fox recognize the identity of the servant.

"The third squadron, the fifth squadron, and the third squadron of the Dragon Public Security Team are willing to serve you." The giant dragon man immediately roared loudly when he heard Silver Fox's question.

The Silver Fox was shocked. What did Nima mean? The Silver Fox suddenly remembered that Cook had hired some giant dragons to manage public order. Could it be that it was like this?

In the silver fox's mind, the dragon should fly into the sky to maintain law and order, with wide-eyed eyes. Whoever wants to make trouble will spray anyone. Nima wears equipment like a dog and still serves you? Is there something wrong with this cargo?

"Beautiful lady, do you have anything to help?" Daken continued, knowing that the dragon is here, life can be nourished, beauties and beauties, food and delicacies, and things to play with. Things are much more interesting than sleeping, let alone occasionally sending money to the door without opening their eyes.

"I want to see Speaker Cook." Silver Fox didn't know what to do, so he said.

When Daken heard this, he shrugged helplessly: "I'm sorry, I don't see it. Ten out of ten people you see want to see Speaker Cook, including me, but it's difficult."

"Difficult?" Yinhu didn't believe it when he heard this answer.

"Yes, Speaker Cook is not something everyone wants to see. You must know that Speaker Cook’s time is precious. It is all God Crystal, and Speaker Cook spends most of his time in the laboratory. Speaker Cook, it's not as good as the Pointy Night Goddess or the Goddess of Life. The possibility is still higher." Daken replied very seriously.

Hearing Daken's answer, Silver Fox became even more curious about what kind of person Cook is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who can make a dragon, um, a dragon wearing a set of artifacts and equipment is so disciplined. , Yes, there are rules.

"Then how can we meet these two people?" Yinhu asked again.

"First of all you have to show your identity, and then there will be an equivalent person to receive the reception, and then according to the arrangement of the receptionist, but I know that the longest waiting has been half a year, and I have not seen the receptionist." Daken continued. Explained.

"They're so busy?" Yinhu didn't understand. They were all leaders. Why didn't they know that leaders were all verbal, and they had to put plastic bags on their feet even when they went to the countryside? How could it be so busy?

"Don’t be busy, the goddess of night and the goddess of nature manage the acceptance of orders. Speaker Cook sets the number of orders. Only when Speaker Cook completes the order can the order be increased. This time is uncertain, so I want to establish a relationship. There are too many people, beautiful women, do you want to refine equipment?" Daken asked after explaining.

"Yes, I want to refine equipment." Silver Fox nodded, who doesn't need artifact equipment.

"Hey, beauty, you are looking for the right person. I tell you, I have equipment here, but not a set, and all of them are made of dragon skin. If you want one, I can also introduce it to you. "Daken's mouth is cracked and bigger than his head. If it weren't for his head, his mouth would fall.

"What? Are you still in business?" Silver Fox was really surprised. What is the dragon of Nima? That's a robber, who would actually do business? Silver Fox found out if he had heard it wrong, so his voice became a little louder.

"Beautiful women want to buy equipment, I have them here, a set, and a single piece..." Before Daken could answer, another voice rang.

"Mao Da, you steal my business!" Daken yelled immediately when he heard this.

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