A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 271: Difficult to meet

Da Mao smiled and said, "Of course, the Temple of the Goddess of the Night must be involved. No, it should be the intervention of Lord Cook."

"City Lord Cook intervenes?" Yinhu asked suspiciously.

"Of course, you have to use weapons as a guarantee. When the time comes, you take the weapon and run away. We can do it, but it is not the same if there is Lord Cook. Needless to say, the force of the Lord Cook, unless you want to fight with the gods The world is the enemy." Da Mao chuckled.

"If I run away, where will Cook find me?" Silver Fox asked with a different questioning method.

"Hehe, it's not worth it, you think, when you ran, you offended me, and the owner of the weapon itself, among other things, at least one dragon tribe must punish your tribe, and offend the goddess of wealth temple , Your tribe’s future son, the Goddess of Wealth Temple’s credit is reduced, and the goddess of the dark night, Cook, look at how much this offends, let alone sign a contract to offend the **** of the contract." Da Mao gave Silver Fox one. Calculating each.

Silver Fox thought that if the people or forces mentioned by Da Mao offend these forces, it would be useless to hide them. Silver Fox and Da Mao came to the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, and Da Mao was familiar with Silver Fox through the procedures, and it didn’t cost much. Things like blood deeds are only pledged with weapons, and the names may be fake.

The gods of the gods will not give blood to others. That would be too dangerous. Certain ancient curses, not to mention blood, are known by their real names. So when specifying this loan contract, the subject It is the weapon itself.

Of course, as for people who disappear after taking a weapon, Cook has a way to find it. People in the gods don’t know, but readers must know it. According to Cook’s character, maybe every weapon has its own back door. , Once someone wants to deal with Cook with a weapon refined by Cook, it is estimated that the possibility of tragedy is very high.

The silver fox stroked the weapon in his hand. The surface of the weapon did not show any pale gold, but it gave people a grayish feeling. However, the silver fox could feel the energy running happily inside the weapon with the blood contract. And waved it casually, it felt like a weapon that had been used for many years, and the fit was very good.

"Hehe, beautiful lady, do you still need a space equipment that can store such good weapons? Our Goddess of Fortune Temple sells such a space ring. One only needs ten thousand crystals, which is also made by the Lord Cook Made." A white-robed priest in the temple of the goddess of wealth asked the silver fox with a smile.

"Is there such a thing?" Silver Fox asked.

"Of course, please come here, there are various styles..." Silver Fox was taken away.

Da Mao watched the silver fox leave, walked out of the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night triumphantly, and then walked into a tavern familiarly.

"Da Mao, how is the harvest?" When Da Mao walked into the tavern, he heard a shout.

"Sold a weapon, this is the harvest this time." Not only Daken is here, but there are also a few dragons, Daken took out the proceeds of this trade.

"I'm going to divide the money. I didn't expect this trick to be so useful. Tsk tsk." Daken took the Divine Crystal Card. The Divine Crystal Card is a substitute for the Divine Crystal. This thing is mainly exchanged in the Goddess of Fortune Temple. , This card is refined by Cook, and it is divided into several types, named, unnamed, and various levels of **** crystal cards.

"However, our team is relatively close to the portal. I often see people coming in and out. This time I saw the woman and knew I hadn't seen it. If you don't let Daken you go first, I will go again. Hehe, this time the harvest is not small, there are a total of 30,000 high-grade **** crystals in total, and a few of us have 5,000 high-grade **** crystals." Da Mao also said with a smile.

"You're still smart, Da Mao, you know how to divide the power of attorney into grades, so that others will not doubt it." Another giant dragon also complimented.

"Haha, just buy things for the fox girl, she doesn't understand anything, just looks at the attributes of the equipment, it will be difficult to prepare the equipment in the future, and there will be more crystals." Da Mao said with a smile.

Daken also said: "Yes, without wearing the suit, you will never know the difference between the suit and the parts. It is impossible to look at a certain attribute alone. According to Lord Cook, balance is the best. "

If the silver fox heard this, at least he would have to vomit blood with anger, hundreds of thousands of high-grade **** crystals, this is not a small number, it is not important, the silver fox never thought that the dragon would actually do this, Will play tricks with a fox clan, and the fox clan is foolishly fooled.

If Cook would know here, this is caused by information asymmetry. Although Silver Fox is smart, information asymmetry is useless no matter how smart it is.

Silver Fox didn't know that he was cheated by the dragon when he first came here, and he was full of joy in his heart. Three hundred thousand **** crystals, only half of them were given, and he got such a magical artifact. If he has such a magical artifact, he will go out of place. With noodles, you can gain more.

In fact, this kind of installment does not put the slightest pressure on most people in the God Realm. Those who took out hundreds of thousands of high-grade God Crystals at one time all have the foundation. Although these guys can't have an alien plane, they pay. It is still possible to go in at a certain price.

This kind of thing is good for several aspects. Of course, the biggest advantage is the temple of the goddess of wealth, the dragon, and the temple of the goddess of the dark. On the contrary, Cook has not received much benefit. Of course, if someone refuses to pay, he should be dispatched.

The silver fox put the weapon made of golden dragon teeth into the natural ring, and he was satisfied, and the shape of the ring was very beautiful, and the beautiful pattern on it made the silver fox feel a little amazing.

"Excuse me, if I want to see Speaker Cook, I don't know whom to call?" Silver Fox then asked the white-robed priest of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth who introduced himself to the Ring of Nature.

"The time of Lord Cook is very precious. If you want to place an order to refine artifacts, you can directly join the members designated by our Goddess of Fortune Temple. As long as the members register with us, the Lord Cook accepts orders We will inform you as soon as possible. If you can trust us and give us the materials and related things, we can place the order on your behalf. The first time the order is successfully placed, we will send the order contract to the door." When the white-robed priest heard this, he immediately began to introduce it, of course, to introduce business.

Silver Fox did not expect that the Goddess of Wealth Temple would have such a business. He shook his head in amazement and said, "Sorry, I will not place an order. I came to Speaker Cook this time. There are some things. I am the head of the Fox family. silver fox."

"The patriarch, the patriarch of the fox clan?" The white-robed priest of the goddess of wealth temple looked at the silver fox and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I came this time because of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance City." Yinhu nodded.

"Oh, it's you." The white-robed priest in the Temple of Fortune heard the silver fox's name and was shocked.

In the God Realm, not everyone can see the patriarchs of a race. It is a legend about the strength of these patriarchs, but one thing is certain. The status of these patriarchs is higher than that of the gods in these temples. All are still high.

The temple is completely different in the **** world from the temple in other planes. In the lower planes, the temple is superior, above the kingship, but in the **** world, the temple is more like a company, yes, like a The company is the same organization. Of course, this company can only enter, but cannot exit. Once you are sentenced to a certain temple, not only will the temple chase you, but other temples will also clean up you when they see it. This is also the unspoken rule of the temple. .

Therefore, the hierarchy between the upper and lower levels is not as tight as other planes, and the gap is not very large, but the power of the patriarch of a race is great. Although a race also has a presbytery, the presbytery is a deterrent, not related to the survival of the race. It’s almost impossible to show up.

Moreover, most of the members of the Presbyterian Church are in an extremely mysterious state. These members of the Presbyterian Church understand certain laws, and they can even sit in one place for thousands of years, ten thousand years.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the patriarch of a race has the power to live and kill. What's more, the patriarch of a race has a huge appeal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the fox tribe is not a small race in the gods, at least more than the dwarves. , There are more midgets.

"But I'm sorry, if you don't make an agreement, you won't be able to see City Lord Cook." The white-robed priest of the Goddess of Fortune Temple shook his head even if he knew the fox patriarch.

"Then how can I see Speaker Cook as soon as possible?" The Silver Fox did not expect it to be so difficult to meet Cook. Only then did Silver Fox realize how high Cook's status is now.

"There are only a few people who can see City Lord Cook, but I heard that the Mageweave Apprentice also sent someone to see City Lord Cook. If you don't mind, just wait with them?" The white-robed priest said afterwards.

"Mageweave Apprentice?" Yinhu asked suspiciously.

The white-robed priest smiled and replied: "It's not that they are real apprentices of Mageweave. They came from the original alchemy temple, but the Lord Cook said that they have learned something wrong, so they have to study again. This is not all Mageweave. Apprentices, it is said that one thousand Mageweave apprentices will be selected this time. The original plan was ten days, but ten days have passed, so Mageweave apprentices sent representatives to wait to see City Lord Cook."

"Oh." When Silver Fox heard this, he was relieved. Cook selected the Mageweave apprentices, obviously for the purpose of building the city of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Since the selection of Mageweave apprentices has not yet started, it proved that Cook himself was delayed.

Silver Fox figured it out in an instant, but Silver Fox still said, "Then please give me some pointers, who should I call?"

"I don't see there. Those who are in line over there are all registering and want to see Lord Cook. You can register there. According to your identity, it is estimated that you can see Lord Cook as soon as possible." Yinhu pointed along. Looking in the direction, there were a team of hundreds of people, and the number was still increasing, Silver Fox was a little dumbfounded.

Silver Fox asked, "Do I have to come forward and wait?"

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