A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 674: Depressed Silver Fox

The Silver Fox was only sulking. After all, the loss was due to his own reasons. Silver Fox had to examine the recent changes, but it was only a mere over a year, how the changes were so big.

In the God Realm, a hundred or two hundred thousand high-grade crystals are not expensive in Yinhu’s eyes. As for the installment, in Yinhu’s eyes, it is also a low-grade magical weapon. , The rent of a thousand years is more than just this magic crystal.

But who knows that the price of a single artifact is actually reduced, and it is actually rejected. This is something that Silver Fox could not think of. Of course, this has a lot to do with Silver Fox’s high confidence, and Silver Fox has not seen it for a long time. Information from the Chamber of Commerce.

Because in countless years, the information of the Chamber of Commerce has been all these things, and the price reduction of artifacts must also be in the information of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Hey." Looking at the artifact in his hand, the joyful mood not long ago disappeared, and some were only deeply entangled and helpless.

"Go to those dragon guards?" The silver fox was not reconciled. The only solution seemed to be to find the dragon guards, but the scope involved was too wide. Not only were there dragons, the dragons were selling things to themselves. But this is in the realm of the goddess of the dark night, the dispute must involve the temple of the goddess of the dark night, as well as the temple of the goddess of wealth, maybe eventually there will be Cook's share in it.

Thinking of the troubles, Silver Fox gave up the idea decisively, but this weapon fell into his own hands, even if hundreds of thousands of high-grade **** crystals were lost?

"Why don't you sell it now?" Yinhu thought of another way out.

But Silver Fox later denied this idea. Why, first of all, it was the change of the blood contract and the power of attorney from the dragon elder. If this is to be changed, I'm afraid the trouble is indispensable. Silver Fox thinks about it and forgets it.

There was no good way for Silver Fox to think about it, but thinking of more than 300,000 high-grade **** crystals, even the patriarch of Silver Fox felt a little overwhelmed.

"Forget it, let's buy a lesson." The half-sounding silver fox put the weapon made by the golden dragon teeth into the space ring. Because of the bad mood, the beautiful space ring is not pleasing to the eye, but if you want to throw it away , And reluctant.

For the rest of the time, Yinhu asked the branch president to give him all the business information, and then he looked at it carefully and analyzed it.

The more I look at the Silver Fox, the more I am surprised. Although the deeds of Cook, as the patriarch of the Fox clan, the Silver Fox knows very clearly, but he knows about the Silver Dragon City, the Sky City, and the alchemy temple, and Cook can a large number of Deeds of refining artifacts.

As for Cook's commercial tactics, Silver Fox had never seen these reports. After all, as the patriarch of a race, the level of certain things was not enough to bother Silver Fox. After all, Silver Fox also needed cultivation.

So this is the biggest reason why Silver Fox is deceived, but what Silver Fox sees is the purpose behind Cook's series of business talks.

As the patriarch of the fox clan, the IQ and thinking logic of the silver fox are definitely not under any fox clan. The silver fox has seen what others see, and the silver fox has analyzed what others can't.

After reading it once, Silver Fox watched it a second time, and asked the branch president to collect intelligence in a certain direction. Of course, the branch president of the Chamber of Commerce did not dare to neglect, and the entire Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce's intelligence system was fully operational.

The news was sent to Silver Fox one by one. The branch president of the Chamber of Commerce was very confused about some of the information, but he went to deal with it immediately. Silver Fox has the greatest power when it does not show up in the presbytery.

When the Silver Fox was analyzing intelligence in the realm of the Goddess of the Night, Cook had already left the laboratory to prepare tens of thousands of Mageweave apprentices. Then Cook went directly to the city of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. The modular drawing has been designed. Now For Cook to take the final step, he needs to know how much materials the Chamber of Commerce can produce, and then Cook designs the drawings of the entire city based on the materials.

Modularization is like a block of bricks, but how much soil these bricks need, how good carbon powder is needed, how much fuel is needed, and so on, all have certain data, and how much material the entire chamber of commerce brings out, Cook can calculate how many modules can be refined, and then design the size and specifications of the entire city based on the number of modules.

Just like how many bricks are used to make a large building, of course, you also need to consider the materials consumed when building the module.

Cook came out in a hurry and left, and Hesen had forgotten what Dilly had ordered, because Hesen was also studying hard, but fortunately, Cook would not be eliminated in the process of screening.

And Dilly heard that Cook came out, but to the patriarch of Silver Fox, Dilly didn’t want to help, so she didn’t say to Cook. Of course, Dilly didn’t see Cook nor heard that Cook did not. Silver Fox, although Dilly was puzzled, she didn't care much. After all, Dilly couldn't believe that Hesen didn't tell Cook about this matter.

As for the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, there is no way of knowing Cook's traces. Although the branch president of the Chamber of Commerce also knows that his patriarch is waiting for Cook, but if he doesn't know about Cook, the Chamber of Commerce has nothing to do.

"Chairman Cook, are you here, have the drawings been designed?" The dwarf of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce asked with a little excitement the first time he saw Cook.

After the big bosses behind the entire Chamber of Commerce have made their decision, they have left one after another. Now it is the president of the Chamber of Commerce who manages various things.

When Cook heard this, he said, "It's almost there. Now it's up to you to see how much material you can produce. I will revise the drawing."

"Materials?" The presidents of the following chambers of commerce didn't know the results of the above discussions. They just said that someone had gone to Cook. The president of the dwarven chamber of commerce was another dwarf, and this dwarf was also the new **** of forging.

Because when the original **** of forging sold to Cook’s gem ores, the other dwarves were angry. In addition to this incident, the original **** of forging would later serve as a priest in the forging temple. .

"Yeah, how many materials do you say, do you allow me to design for you, when the materials are not enough, who can not build the city?" Cook heard this and thought that the Chamber of Commerce Alliance would let him play, so Cook Asked tentatively.

"Chairman Cook, please sit down, please sit down, I will ask first." The dwarf president quickly let Cook sit down, the dwarf president of the dwarf chamber of commerce, the fox family of the fox chamber of commerce, and the tiger family, and Others in the Chamber of Commerce brought to Cook a good wine and greeted Cook.

"Alright, hurry up and ask, I'm busy now." Cook didn't feel anything wrong, and said with a big wave.

But when Cook waved his hand, a bunch of people disappeared in a panic. Cook looked at the empty surroundings and muttered angrily: "This Nima..."

The presidents of the Chamber of Commerce were anxious. Cook came in person. These people were anxious and secretly slandered those guys behind them. Aren’t things all arranged? Why did Speaker Cook come to the door in person? It’s too big, but the Chamber of Commerce Alliance is too embarrassed. Think about what the situation will be if this thing is spread. The Chamber of Commerce Alliance will not be blamed by others, especially those who have placed orders and have not received them. People with weapons, it's strange not to spray.

The guild leaders of the Chamber of Commerce were anxious, and then the big hands behind the scenes who were found shook their hearts, and then they rushed to the mountains of the gods, just after meeting, the patriarch of the dwarf clan furiously said, "How is this going to be done? Yes, how about the Silver Fox people, how about people, how many days have they been?"

"That's it, for so many days, I didn't get things done?" The patriarch of the dwarf clan also said irritably.

If other people in the God Realm heard this, they would definitely roll their eyes in angrily and do things in the God Realm. Whoever came in according to the number of days was based on the year, and it was ten years, a hundred years.

"Hurry up, the people from the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, quickly find the Silver Fox, this **** girl." A human being also cursed in an annoyed manner, knowing how rare it is to be able to scold the patriarch of a race with integrity. Things.

The patriarch of the tiger clan also roared again and again: "Also signed an agreement, agreement is a shit."

The president of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce saw the rage of the big hands behind the scenes, and quickly launched the intelligence system to find Silver Fox. Fortunately, the information system of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce was established.

When Silver Fox got the news, he could not be surprised. By the time he rushed to the Mountain of Gods, it was already a long time. In the past, this is already a very fast speed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in other From behind the scenes, it seems that this is very slow.

"Silver Fox, what did you do, Cook has been here for most of the day, you don't even know?" The dwarf was the first to spray silver fox.

"That's it, because we still trust you so much, what have you done?" the dwarf clan chief also roared in an angry voice.

The Tiger Clan snorted coldly: "Humph."

Silver Fox didn't have time to think about other issues, so these guys urged him to see Cook.

Cook waited for a long time and didn't feel bored. In fact, all the things that Cook wanted to do in his mind were just sitting there, but the fruit wine, pastries, and fruits from the Chamber of Commerce were eaten. It's over, there are a few CDs left. ’

It's not that people from the Chamber of Commerce didn't come in, but they were blocked by a big hand behind the scenes. There was a little bit of Cook, and I was afraid that someone would be asked by Cook after they entered.

"President Cook." Silver Fox hurriedly walked into the lobby where Cook was, and behind Silver Fox was the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

"Oh, are you guys pretty fast? It's only been a long time since the discussion is over. Let me see the list of materials." Cook took a look at Silver Fox and said directly. Of course, Cook didn't know that Silver Fox was the goddess of the night. The territory waited for several days.

"Yes, yes." Silver Fox was directly stunned by Cook's aura. Originally analyzed the various situations facing Cook, they did not show it.

When Silver Fox gave Cook the list of materials, Silver Fox was shocked: "Oops, it was originally good to reduce the share by 20%. I forgot to rewrite the list these days..."

PS: Thank you to those distinguished guests who are beautiful and intelligent, handsome and rich, stamped, I wish you a fortune this year, good luck, sorry, I just saw it in the background, I dare not rush the book Read the book review section, so some big speeches are not that I ignore and bow.

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