A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 287: You ungrateful animal

"Haha, who dares to go to your Black Dragon City, even our dragon dare not go, haha, haha." The elder Red Dragon laughed when he heard this.

The face of the city lord of the Black Dragon City is dark, and the reputation of the Black Dragon is not unstinting. Even the Dragon Clan has no good impression of the Black Dragon, let alone other races, Cook also shook his head.

"Ahem, thank you for your kindness, but I am afraid we people are not adapted to the extreme environment in which you live." Cook said euphemistically. Originally, Cook was right. The place where the red dragon and black dragon live. It's almost the same, scorching, and highly toxic. Such an environment is not suitable for other creatures.

"And for the time being, I don't accept the order. The date of accepting the order will be notified separately." Cook said this sentence without waiting for the two dragons to speak.

"Speaker Cook, I'm late, and our Red Dragon clan is willing to pay Speaker Cook 8 million high-grade gods." A big red-haired man rushed over from a distance with a terrifying breath. Shouted loudly.

"Eight million...." When the people around heard this number, they were already numb. Yes, eight million high-grade **** crystals. How many years does a high-level **** have to save, and a high-level **** can't save five thousand in one year. Top grade Shenjing.

Although the condensing of the **** crystals is fast, the **** crystals are the divine power in their own body, and occasionally they may condense dozens of **** crystals a day, but if they condense for a long time, an average of ten **** crystals a day is considered good.

Let’s talk about a simple example. Love between a man and a woman is better than a new marriage. Three or two times a night is not a problem, but if it’s like this every day, let alone a long time, it will be ten or twenty years. On average, once a day is enough. Maybe Once a few days, the same is true of supernatural power.

And long-term consumption of divine power is very harmful to oneself. The harmfulness mentioned here refers to excessive consumption of divine power, and there is no technical requirement for condensing divine power. It is not like consuming divine power when fighting, and consuming divine power when fighting. This helps to improve combat experience.

Eight million high-grade **** crystals is definitely an astronomical figure, and only some big forces can take it out. The **** crystals are strategic materials in the gods, and they can supplement their gods, and they can also use their own gods to detonate. These **** crystals are like grenades.

"President Cook, our Black Dragon City is willing to use a piece of territory as a reward." Hearing this, the Black Dragon City City Lord groaned for a while, and then said.

"Wow!" All the people present were amazed, especially the senior members of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Because in the entire God Realm, the best territories are the territories of the dragon family and the angel family, because when the territories were allocated, the strength of these two races was very strong, and of course it is still the case.

"It won't be a territory full of magma," said the Red Dragon City Lord.

"No, it's a territory on the Black Wind Mountain Range." The Black Dragon City City Lord said confidently.

"Black Wind Mountain is the Black Wind Mountain where you can pick up magic gems!" A dwarf was amazed.

When Cook heard this, he was also taken aback, Black Wind Mountain Range, where the wind blowing is black. This is not because of other things, but because the entire mountain range is full of volcanic ash, which means it is a mountain range formed by a volcano. However, the volcano there hasn’t erupted for a long time, but the volcanic magma that erupted in the past carried a lot of magic metals and magic gems. That area can be said to be the most mineral-rich mountain.

But Cook didn't move at all. What Cook wants the mine to do. Cook has a lot of materials. According to Cook's current market, what he needs, just a word, naturally someone will send it to the door.

"Haha, your realm Speaker Cook can see, how much material does Speaker Cook have in his hand and will he want your realm?" Red Dragon City City Lord laughed and laughed.

Even the City Lord of Red Dragon City calls Cook Speaker Cook. It can be seen that Cook’s reputation is still very high. Of course, there is another side, and that is to ask Cook to consider the issue as the Speaker of the Council of Gods. Think about the overall situation instead of considering issues from a personal standpoint or interest.

Who is Cook? A man who has lived for hundreds of years. I know these things by thinking about it. Cook shook his head and said: "Now there is really no order for building a city, but if you have that mind, you might as well. Collect the materials and report the quantity of the materials to me. I will give you some drawings. Anyway, this year I am not planning to build a city and I will not accept orders."

"Since Speaker Cook does not accept the order, then we are not reluctant. Let's go back and see how much material is available, but Speaker Cook can you show us how the city condenses crystals?" The Black Dragon City Lord heard When Cook said this, he was actually relieved. Although the black dragon is unreasonable, he still scores who he is. It is like a gangster and then a gangster, who dares to play gangsters against the police is just like ordinary people, just like the black dragons dare to compete with other species. Argument, it doesn’t make sense, but if you meet someone like Cook, who is so powerful and has a high reputation, who dares to smash the sky city of the angel clan, if you play a rogue with such a person, is it possible that the Black Dragon City has also been looted? Are you ready?

"I can't agree to this, because the city belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, and the place where the crystals are produced must be kept secret." When Cook said this, he saw the Chamber of Commerce want to speak, so he added another sentence.

Sure enough, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance must keep the place where the God Crystals are produced must be kept secret, and the question is still the Black Dragon City Lord. The people of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance immediately stopped talking. Just kidding, the reputation of the Black Dragon is notorious. If this servant comes in and robs, Just cry.

The upper level of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance didn’t say anything, and the city lord of Black Dragon City couldn’t force it to see. You must know that this is the site of the Council of the Gods. The Council of the Gods is no longer as it used to be. If you want to do something, you have to weigh your own itch. It doesn't itch anymore.

The Red Dragon City City Lord said with a sneer: "I want to see the place where the gods are produced, boy, or let us visit your treasure house, the robber's mind."

"Damn bastard, reptile, you're looking for death!" Hearing the city lord of Red Dragon City actually said this to him, the city lord of the Black Dragon City had a worse reputation, but it was one thing to say it face-to-face, and another one behind the back. thing.

"Oh, boy, what else do you want to do, let's go, we are out of the territory of the Council of the Gods, old man, I will teach you this little boy today." The elder Red Dragon heard the words of Black Dragon City and moved forward. Come, point to the nose of the Black Dragon City City Lord and curse.

The Black Dragon City City Lord had a sullen face and angrily cursed: "I don't stop, if I live as old as you, but I only know that I will come out to bully the junior, I will kill myself, so I am embarrassed to be here, shameful. "

"You, boom!" When the elder of the Red Dragon City heard that the Black Dragon City Lord actually satirized himself like this, he was so angry that his body fluctuated with divine power, and he shot at the Black Dragon City Lord.

However, before hitting the Black Dragon City Lord, he was stopped by a hammer. The hammer in Cook's hand did not move, but the Red Dragon City Elder was directly shaken back hundreds of meters by the force of the counter shock.

"Don't make trouble around the mountain of gods, or don't blame me for being polite." Cook took back the Star Breaker lightly.

The Star Smashing Hammer actually absorbed part of the strength of the Red Dragon City Elder, and the Red Dragon City elders were bounced back. It is a physical characteristic. The Star Smashing Hammer is something that even stars can break, let alone this little red. Elder Longcheng.

"President Cook, I'll give you face." The elder of Red Dragon City felt that his hands were sore in his bones, and he was deeply afraid of Cook, so he spoke.

"Haha, give others face, old fellow, this is the first time I heard about it, right?" Black Dragon City City Lord laughed.

Cook didn't expect the Black Dragon City Lord to say this, but Cook didn't plan to take any action, his tongue would not solve any problems, but for the first time Cook saw such a big dispute inside the dragon~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Hehe, that's because other people are not as capable as Cook, and I give face to the capable old guys. "The Red Dragon City elder laughed, but everyone can see how murderous the smile is.

"Old guy, you want to kill me, come, come, come kill me, I'm standing here...boom." Black Dragon City Lord relied on Cook's words, and even more advanced towards Red Dragon City The elder ridiculed, but before finishing speaking this time, he was hit by a black shadow on the ground, making a dull noise.

The people around looked at Cook. Cook didn’t give a chance to explain at all. Then he said to the senior management of the Chamber of Commerce: “This is the magic pattern key that controls the center. You can change the magic pattern key. The magic pattern key is Divide it into several sections. Each memory crystal in it is a magic pattern key. You can figure it out."

"Chairman Cook, then this..." The senior executive of the Chamber of Commerce pointed to the Black Dragon City City Lord who was still fainting.

"Get out immediately after waking up, so shameless guys will not be welcomed by our Council of Gods in the future." Cook replied lightly.

When the elder of the Red Dragon City heard this, he smiled and said: "Shame on your face, good point, but how long will this fellow faint?"

"It is estimated that it will take three or five days to faint." The magic seal that Cook used just now, as long as this thing is hit, the soul will be hurt and fall into fainting. As for how long it will take to wake up, it is because of people. Depends.

Hearing Cook’s answer, the eyes of the people around him looking at Cook changed. To be precise, they looked at the magic pillar that Cook was waving just now. Cook already has a very abnormal hammer in his hand, and now this stick is casually smashed. After a moment, the city lord of Black Dragon City was going to be in a coma for several days. What kind of weapon, the main artifact, it was impossible, and the main artifact was not so powerful.

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