A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 297: Plant Familiar

Zi's ​​eyes and pupils are black, and there is no eyelid or anything, a personal feeling of ghastly, this scene makes the tiger clan chief almost back, watching Cook's eyes full of awe.

It’s not over yet. The fruit of the flower above the purple eyeball has matured, but after the fruit slowly opened, it turned out to be the same big mouth full of black thorns, which looked weird. feel.

"Haha, how is it?" Cook smiled and said with a smile looking at the evolved purple star spotted thorns.

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan was stunned. Hearing Cook said this, he asked in a low voice: "Chairman Cook, what is going on?"

"Wisdom, I gave this magical plant wisdom. Now this purple star spotted thorns is no longer a simple magical plant. They can think, speak, and are a new kind of life." Cook said.

"Can talk?" The tiger clan chief stood behind Cook. The hundreds of strange eyeballs made the tiger clan chief always feel uncomfortable.

"Of course, but you need to learn." Cook nodded.

The elder of the Bunnyman tribe heard Cook and others talking before standing up, moving closer to Cook, and asking: "Sir, what will this thorn look like in the future?"

"That's it. The purple eyes can release poisonous rays, and the big mouth on the head can eject spikes with piercing properties. This spike is a kind of seed. Once this spike penetrates any The creature's body will grow up in an instant, and when the creature approaches, the big mouth can bite. Thousands of spikes will pierce into the creature's body fiercely. Of course, this spike is also highly poisonous. "Cook explained.

"Then, what shall we do?" Hearing this, the old bunny man quickly took two steps back.

"What are you talking about? The purple star spotted thorns have no offensive power against you bunny people. There are already memories of you during the growth of the purple star spotted thorns, and it can also let people command these purple stars. Star-spotted thorns." Cook replied when he heard this question.

"Control, how to control?" The tiger clan chief's eyes lit up.

"President Cook, this is the territory of our Bunnyman tribe." The patriarch of the Bunnyman clan immediately said to Cook, apparently afraid that Cook would say it in person.

Cook said with a smile: "Don't forget, I said this purple star spotted thorn can think and talk. You bunny people can find someone to water this thorn. The IQ of this thorn is similar to that of a three or five-year-old kid. Easy to teach."

"But we haven't done it." The old man of the Bunnyman tribe said embarrassedly when he heard Cook say this.

"Don't you educate your bunny children?" Cook asked silently when he heard this.

The old bunny man heard Cook's words and looked at Cook and said: "Children can be beaten if they are not obedient, this..."

"This is to convince you." Cook was also depressed when he heard this.

The patriarch of the Tiger clan heard this and said with a smile: "This old man, if your tribe doesn't like it, you can give it to..."

"Tiger, this is the property of our bunny clan, and we have also reached a deal with Cook to provide seeds." The clan chief of the bunny clan said immediately, kidding, Cook all values ​​things, for you, you tiger clan It's awesome, but it can still be used as Cook's face.

If the tiger clan chief heard this, he would have stepped forward and kicked the rabbit clan chief a few times, Nima, would dare to talk back, but now there is Cook here, the clan chief of the tiger clan would be really difficult to do.

"Aren't you unwilling to ask for it?" The tiger clan chief said angrily.

The patriarch of the Bunnyman slapped the old man of the Bunnyman tribe with a slap on the head: "Old guy, listen to me, this purple star spotted thorn, you have to take care of me, if you don't take care of it, be careful with me beat you."

"Yes, patriarch." The old bunny man was slapped another slap by the patriarch of the bunny, and he immediately stopped.

When Cook saw this scene, he was not surprised. Although it seemed that the patriarch of the Bunny was younger, the patriarch of the Bunny was definitely older than the old man. In the God Realm, one cannot tell the age by his face.

But the old bunny man asked afterwards: "Then patriarch, what should we feed this purple star spotted thorn?"

"You can eat anything, whether it is trees, plants, or living things." Cook said with a smile when he heard this.

"But, but this purple star spotted thorns should eat us..." The old rabbit man continued to ask.

Cook was speechless, and shouted angrily: "I have said, this purple star with thorns, wise and wise, can think like a person, and with age, IQ will increase, or else You can just sell it to me."

"It's not selling..." The old rabbit man wants to sell now. It's like planting a pot of cactus in your house, but one day the cactus actually grows eyes and a big mouth. How dare you be like this? Watering as easily as before, what if you get a bite?

"Shut up!" The tiger clan chief and the rabbit clan chief stood on the same point of view, and at the same time yelled at the old bunny man.

Cook shook his head and said: "Don't look at this purple star spotted thorns so terribly. There are no plant familiars in the priest. This is a plant familiar. The halo just now is the psychic warsong halo."

"The psychic warsong aura can be used to subdue the plant-based monsters!" Several orcs shouted in unison.

The psychic war anthem is actually something similar to the activation code, but what is activated here is the priestly talent. Of course, the talent is not enough, but, but this psychic war anthem is used for orcs, and there are used for plants. In principle, this is like selling a car to people, but one day we found that it was a monkey driving. We were equally surprised and unbelievable.

"Of course it can, but this requires high requirements for the release of the Warsong Aura, and it is not possible for all plants. This purple star spotted thorn can survive for so many years, I believe not many." Cook nodded and explained.

The patriarchs of the tiger and rabbit people looked at Cook, and then asked: "President Cook, will you refine equipment that can negatively affect the god-level powerhouse?"

"Of course I can. I didn't see the original city lord of the Black Dragon City. He was smashed by me and was in a coma for several days." Cook nodded.

"Chairman Cook, you are going to save our orcs." Hearing Cook's answer, the bunny clan chief immediately squatted on the ground and wept loudly at Cook.

Although Cook was stunned for less than a second, he quickly reacted and quickly moved away. Although the patriarch of the Bunny Clan is not strong, he still has a high status. This is like Africa. The leader of a certain country, the whole country is not as big as a province in China, let alone the economy, but if people visit, they will never ask you to be received by a governor. This is status.

The patriarch of the Bunnyman is the patriarch of a race at any rate. Even if he is not high in strength, he is squatting on the ground towards Cook. If this is spread, although there are not many who dare to slander Cook, there must be.

"Get up, get up, have something to say." Then Cook grabbed the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan.

"Chairman Cook, we orcs are being bullied in the gods. You are also a priest. In the gods, priests have no value. We orcs have today. We are all made by the lives of orcs warriors. Although the human race is not a powerful orc race, as long as the priests can function, we rabbit people are not afraid of death." The patriarch of the rabbit people cried to Cook.

When the patriarch of the Bunnyman said so, Cook understood and asked: "There is no position for priests in the gods?"

"Yes, Cook, the priest of our orc clan has little value in battle. When taking risks outside, the priest has no value at all. Fighting alone is not an opponent of the god-level powerhouses of other races. Our orc god-level warriors face these god-level powerhouses with a lot of magical skills, and they are also suppressed. Fortunately, our orc warriors are not afraid of death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so we orcs barely have the position they are today. "The tiger clan chief also smiled bitterly.

"Then why is this warsong aura not working?" Cook asked in a puzzled way. Seriously, Cook hasn't noticed this yet. You know, the low plane of the thief. Although the warsong aura is not as dazzling as magic, the warsong priest The status in the lower planes is still very high.

"We don't know clearly. Once the warsong aura is released on our orc warriors, once our orc warriors use their power, these warsong auras will collapse immediately. Even if they do not collapse, they will have some impact on our orc warriors. We orcs warriors don't want to use warsong halo." The tiger clan chief shook his head and said.

Cook still didn't understand, he thought for a while and asked: "I will release a power halo for you, can you see if it works?"

"Yes," the tiger clan chief agreed.

When Cook raised his hand, it was an aura of power. At the point of Cook, it was easy to silently send out the aura of war songs. The patriarch of the tiger clan saw a light flashing in Cook's hand, and the patriarch of the tiger saw that he was enveloped in a halo. .

"Roar!" The patriarch of the tiger clan roared all over, his body soaring, and the muscles of his entire body instantly bulged.

The patriarch of the Tiger clan felt that his power had become a lot stronger. Looking at the power halo on his body, the eyeballs of the patriarch of the Tiger clan suddenly increased, and even the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan stared.

"Does Cook really belong to our orcs?" A thought came to the head of the tiger clan. It wasn't the tiger clan patriarch who wanted to think so, but everything that Cook did was basically the expertise of the Nima orcs, and These specialties are better than orcs.

"President Cook, are you really only one-eighth of the bunny blood?" the bunny clan chief asked.

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