A Unique Hunter

Chapter 168: Achievement "2nd more"

"Keng! Keng! Keng! Who are you?" Those who came to the shift saw only two people, Belbesu, and they were not familiar faces. Since the fortress did not have an intrusion alarm, the team leader who came to the shift was suspicious. But instead of issuing the alarm, he shouted loudly, and the team members behind him also pulled out their weapons.

Bell is worthy of being a veteran adventurer, but after a moment of panic, he walked up to the small captain: "Flap! Pop! Pop!" Lifting off the captain's helmet was three hard slaps.

"Your Excellency's matter, please, you can also take care of it. Get out of here. It's delayed the matter of the Bishop's. It's something you look good." Bell just turned his mind and immediately shouted in a low voice.

"Goddess is on!" As expected, this team leader is also a believer in the goddess of the night, but at a lower level, he immediately raised his arms and shouted loudly when he heard the bishop doing business.

"Slap! Fool! Get out of here, if someone else finds out, just wait." Bell slapped again, then cursed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The team leader quickly replied in a low voice, and then ran away in a hurry, rejoicing as he ran. Fortunately, he didn't leave a name, so I won't recognize anything in the future. For this reason, the team leader deliberately led his team members to the bar to cheer up, and these subordinates expressed that they must follow the team leader.

A crisis was fooled over in this way. When looking at Daza and Bensa next to him, his eyes widened. With two small eyes, you look at me and I see you. For a while, Bensa also nodded: "Me too. Want to be such a smart person?"

Cook is busy loading important things, first the magic giant crossbow, then the accessories of the giant crossbow, and then the magic crystal coins, but the space ring for these Cooks is full, but fortunately, Cook has already prepared a few A space bag, magic crystals, and magic cores were barely packed in, and Cook looked at the remaining magic herbs, animal skins and other magic materials, tangled.

"Move!" Cook finally made up his mind. The magic herb must be moved, and the animal skins must also be moved. You must know that the warehouses are all the skins of intermediate-level monsters. This is the best monster skins purchased by Danif. , Was acquired for the temple using the position.

Looking at the remaining magic equipment, Cook's heart was bleeding, and then Cook slapped his head: "I'm grass, pack it for me!"

And those trolls and a few people began to pack these things. For the orcs who often relocate, packing is indeed a very familiar thing, but it is too much, too much, and in the end Cook is busy. Zhong roared: "You can't move it several times, what do the following monster mounts do?"

The people in the fortress saw the first spectacle in history. There were more than a dozen adventurers. Because the trolls and orcs were wearing full armor, they were not discovered. These more than a dozen adventurers carried it every time. Packages as high as a person were transported under the ground a dozen times back and forth. Even the guards who patrolled back and forth were surprised, but seeing the tall figures of these guys, the guards on patrol felt that they were not very troublesome. It took these trolls and orcs two hours to move the things that Cook didn't load in the warehouse to the mount.

Cook looked at the huge magic circle in the warehouse. The magic circle used one kilogram of mithril, which was also the stuff in the warehouse. It was surrounded by inferior magic crystals and cores. A silver-white identity was inserted in the middle of the magic circle. card.

"Hey! There's a good show to watch!" Cook looked at the results of his two hours, hehe sneered.

"Now I'm looking for Lori!" Cook brought Belbesu to Lori, the warehouse door was tightly locked, and Manly went back to get her own things. The orcs and trolls were on the basement floor. Look at the spoils.

Cook found Loli easily, but at this time, a man was pestering Loli. Cook looked at him and went straight forward: "Lori!"

"Cook, you..." Lori rushed towards Cook in surprise.

"Ahem, Miss Lori, this is...!" A guy dressed up as a polite swordsman looked at Lori's movements with a twitching face, then coughed twice and asked with a smile.

"It's your uncle. Your expression like this makes Lao Tzu feel nauseous. Do you like Loli? Do you want to kill me? Look at you. You have the guts to say, why laugh, Are you laughing at you! Look at the way you smile, it's obviously not smoking, your uncle!" Cook was very upset and just crackled.

"This...!" The swordsman was already angry, but he asked politely.

"Hey! I told you that you are dying like this! Virtue!" Cook slapped the little white face away, then took Lori and left. The people around did not react for a long time.

"Cook, you...you were so masculine just now!" Lori's words made Cook vomit blood.

"Go!" Cook was in a hurry now, because the sky's eyes found that Danif was close to the fortress for more than 800 kilometers. Danif didn't dare to advance at full speed along the way, but only dared to explore slowly, because Danif already knew Bishop Levy and fifty Templars have fallen. What a huge amount of strength is needed, so Danif didn't dare to move forward at full speed, which is why Cook dared to arrive first.

Danif always remembered seeing Bishop Levy hit by countless beams of light from a distance of tens of kilometers, as well as the sound of explosions that sounded tens of kilometers. Danif’s eyes were red, what supplies, Without the equipment, he led the eight hundred subordinates to flee in a hurry, and they did not dare to make too much noise along the way. They used to walk in remote and difficult places. In order to ensure combat effectiveness, Danif did not dare to consume a lot of fighting spirit and strength. , So the speed of action can be imagined.

"What's the matter?" Lori asked with surprise feeling Cook's nervousness ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Don't ask! Manli, go." Cook saw from a distance that Manli's earth dragon was also carrying a huge package, and more than a dozen beast mounts were like this.

"Head, there are extra monster mounts here. Let's disguise them and pull them away together." Da Sa pointed to dozens of monster mounts behind the earth dragon. They are still big and small, but these mounts are now The members of the orcs were so colorful that they couldn't tell which monster it was.

"Okay! Go." Cook saw this. He only had to walk. Hundreds of magic armors occupies a considerable place. There are also three hundred and fifty boxes of magic materials. In short, these scared orcs and trolls are connected. The broken equipment in the warehouse did not fall. In the end, Dasha even ransacked the residence of the warehouse keeper. It can be said that there is no nail in the warehouse, and of course the warehouse will not put these things.

"Quick, go to the right!" Cook saw that Danif had been swiftly advancing towards the fortress under the **** of the outer patrol. It was estimated that Danif should reach the fortress in an hour, and Cook quickly ordered the leading place. Long bypassed this section of the road.

At the gate of the fortress, Cook took out a letter, then waved a mercenary and threw a magic coin to the adventurer: "Go, send this letter to the leader of the Wushuang Academy. I'm still paid." Then Cook left in a hurry, and the adventurer ran into the fortress in a hurry, but it took 20 minutes to line up at the door, and finally Cook's letter reached the leader of Wushuang Academy Hands.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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