A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 299:

"Tsk, good stuff." The patriarch of the Tiger clan sighed.

When Cook looked down at the wine in the barrel, a silver light flashed in his eyes. This can no longer be called wine. How difficult is it to store for 50,000 years, and how good the brewing materials are, it can be stored for 50,000 years. .

"This kind of fruit wine was brewed when our tribe moved here. We haven't been willing to take it out all the time. This is the last way out for our tribe." The old man of the Bunnyman tribe said.

Cook nodded and said: "It is indeed a good thing, but you can't find it."

Hearing Cook's praise, the elder Bunny smiled and stretched out his hand to take the wine barrel in front of Cook, and said, "This wine has a unique way of drinking."

"Hehe, I also know a little about this, old man, just let me do it." Cook reached out with a smile and blocked the old bunny man.

The old Bunnyman heard Cook’s words, although he was a little worried, but he was facing Cook, and the old Bunnyman said generously: "Then Speaker Cook, please do it."

"This kind of fruit wine is not actually a fruit wine. After tens of thousands of years of fermentation, these fruit wines have unique properties. If I am not mistaken, this fruit wine can increase the lifespan, and when it is brewed, it is added. There are more than a dozen precious magic herbs. If this kind of fruit wine is drunk like this, it would be a waste. I have the water of life here. With this blending, the attributes of the fruit wine will be stronger." Cook waved his hand and it was ten. A few crystal bottles. The crystal bottle contains green liquid. This is the water of life.

Seeing Cook took out the water of life, the tiger clan chief was not surprised at all. Although the water of life was precious in the gods, it wasn't there. And Cook's current status did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Cook took out some empty crystal bottles, and put the water of life into the new bottles, so that each bottle is half a bottle of water of life, and then Cook used a crystal rod from the barrel Dip some jelly-like liquor, then put the crystal rod into the half bottle of the water of life bottle.

"This..." When the crystal rod was put into the crystal bottle, when the jelly-like liquor touched the water of life, a miracle happened. The jelly-like liquor actually moved and gradually separated from the crystal rod, and getting bigger.

"It smells so good." The whole water of life gradually moved, and a strong fragrance spread out, the tiger clan chief said in amazement.

"Hehe, these liquors have absorbed the energy of the water of life, and their attributes are even stronger." Cook took out several crystal glasses and filled them one by one.

The patriarch of the Tiger clan heard Cook talk about attributes several times, but he didn't care at all. However, when the patriarch of the Tiger clan just picked up the crystal cup and took a sip, the patriarch of the tiger clan said in astonishment, "This attribute?"

"Increase the life span of about a thousand years." Cook said when he saw the tiger clan chief's surprise.

"A thousand years." Not only the tiger clan chief was surprised, even the two rabbit men present were very surprised, not to mention the rabbit men serving around.

"Of course, just this half bottle of water of life is such a huge amount of energy, let alone that this wine is 50,000 years old, but this wine is only effective for the first time." Cook heard the tiger clan chief's repeat. Explained a sentence.

The patriarch of the tiger clan looked at the remaining small half-barrels of jelly-like wine, and didn't know what to think, but the old rabbit man drank the wine from Cook with excitement, life span of a thousand years.

Even in the realm of the gods, it is a very important thing. For those god-level powerhouses at the end of their lives, how many things they can do with a life span of one thousand years, at least they can protect their descendants for a thousand years. .

But the old bunny man saw the look of the tiger patriarch and said with a smile: "This water of life is not ordinary, right."

"It is the essence of life, the effect is about twenty times that of the water of life." Cook said lightly, and then blended the fruit wine again.

After a dozen and a half bottles of life essence were blended by Cook, Cook directly packed up the remaining fruit wine in the barrel, and then took out four of them and said: "Here you two patriarchs each have two bottles, and the rest is me. To this bunny tribe."

When the old rabbitman heard Cook say this, he was immediately grateful: "Thank you, Speaker Cook, thank you, Speaker Cook."

As for the wine barrels that were put away by Cook, the old rabbit man didn’t care at all. The wine blended with the ten bottles of life essence is a huge wealth. It can be said that wealth can’t be measured at all. God-level powerhouses will increase it by a thousand years. Lifespan, what about the sanctuary level, it has to condense the godhead, but is it still a little bit worse?

"Below God level, dilute one hundred times and take it, not more." Cook glanced at the old bunny man and then ordered.

The patriarchs of the Bunnymen and the Tigers hurriedly accepted two bottles of good things, the essence of life, these are top-notch materials, good things that money can't buy, Cook actually took out more than a dozen bottles, this Nimakan Richer than the Temple of Nature.

Of course, if these two knew how much life essence is in Cook's natural ring, I'm afraid they would have the mind to rob Cook.

Seeing the tiger clan chieftain and the bunny clan chief, Cook said: "I came to the bunny clan this time, mainly because I want to cooperate with the orc clan."

"Cooperation?" When the patriarch of the tiger clan and the patriarch of the bunny clan heard Cook say business, they immediately listened quietly. Although several things have happened, Cook said that they would cooperate, which made the two orcs not surprised.

"I need some magic plants, a lot of magic plants." Cook said directly.

When the head of the rabbit clan heard Cook say this, he immediately promised: "Chairman Cook, we are looking for our bunny clan. Our bunny clan still has a way to distinguish plants."

"We also know the tiger people." Although the patriarch of the tiger clan is a little guilty, the tiger people definitely don't know a lot of plants, but as long as they know the first time, they will definitely know it the second time.

Cook asked with a smile, "How many magic plants can you provide? A conservative estimate is that I need billions of high-grade magic plants a year."

"Billions of high-grade **** crystals!" Hearing the number that Cook said, the patriarch of the tiger clan and the patriarch of the rabbit clan stood up and looked at Cook in shock.

Cook took out two pills and said to them, "Who would like to try?"

"I'm coming." The old man of the Bunnyman tribe saw Cook's pill and stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Both were taken away, and one was quickly put into his mouth.

"Hey, how do I feel warm?" After the old bunny man finished eating, he looked at Cook and asked in surprise.

Cook said dubiously: "It's still you, the head of the tiger clan."

"Humph." The patriarch of the tiger clan snorted coldly to the old bunny man, and swallowed the pill given by Cook.

"The power has increased?" The tiger clan chief is indeed the clan chief. Just after taking the pill, the warm feeling in the body shocked the tiger clan chief, but the tiger clan chief found that his strength had increased when he moved his mental power.

"Dali pill can increase strength, 5% to 10% increase, animal body is better, it is estimated that it can reach more than 8%, lasting two hours." Cook took out another pill, and then said with a smile.

"I'll give it a try too." The chief of the Bunny said and reached out to Cook. When Cook saw the chief of the Bunny, he handed it to the chief of the Bunny.

"Sure enough, the strength has been increased. Is this a potion?" After the rabbit clan chief took it, he affirmed what the tiger clan chief said, and then asked Cook.

Cook nodded: "Yes, I have always wondered why there is no development of medicine in the God Realm. After a long period of research, I finally made it into a medicine. This Daliwan is only the most basic medicine. There are also upgraded versions. King Kong pills. King Kong pills not only increase strength, but also improve the body's defenses. There are also various other pills that require a lot of magic herbs."

"But did anyone buy this pill?" The tiger clan patriarch asked with some confusion. This little power can't play a decisive role in the battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hehe, a piece of low-grade **** crystal, can you buy it? ? "Cook asked.

"Buy, it's so cheap. Buy a few hundred and put it there." The patriarch of the tiger clan thought about this and replied to Cook.

Cook smiled and nodded: "How many god-level powerhouses are there in the entire God Realm, even if we exclude orcs, dragons, angels, and other races with one such pill for each god-level powerhouse, how many crystals?"

"What's more, it's like dwarf mining, smelting, etc., not one after another. After all, two hours of digging are more ore than a low-grade **** crystal." Cook continued.

Hearing Cook's explanation, the patriarch of the tiger clan asked anxiously: "So what about those below God level?"

"A pill like this can last for a day below the **** level." Cook pointed to the Dali pill and said.

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan said with a golden light: "In this way, every god-level powerhouse will definitely prepare for the powerhouses in these families who have not reached the god-level, and there are more people at the sanctuary level."

"Hehe, King Kong pills increase strength by 15% to 25%, defense increases by 5% to 15%, how much do you think it is, and there are more than a dozen pills with the same properties." Cook said with a smile. .

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan said immediately: "Fuck, we Tiger Clan and Bunny Clan did it."

"That is, our two races are desperately trying to supply Speaker Cook with your magic plants." When the patriarch of the Bunny clan heard this, it was obvious that they had reached a tacit understanding.

"I'm afraid that you two races won't work. You have to know how many billions of high-grade magical plants are. Have you ever counted and what kinds of magical plants are. Are you looking for them all over the mountains?" Cook shook his head. Said that such a large amount of wealth is definitely not for the Bunnyman and Tigerman clan to eat.

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