A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 301: Rabbit's calculation (part one)

Inexplicably, the patriarch of the tiger clan felt a little horrified. Yes, who is Cook? Now it can be said that the first person in the gods. In fact, even if Cook is not the first person, he is still in the top ten, because after all, the gods God, who knows what monsters are hidden.

But why does Cook want to help the orcs like this? Why, Cook is a human, not an orc, then what is the purpose of Cook doing this, for the gods? The patriarch of the tiger clan was the first to deny that there was no shortage of **** crystals for someone like Cook.

So it's human. Thinking of this, the Tiger tribe even denies it even more. Are the people of the orc tribe worthy? They are not worth money. The population is large.

territory? It is also impossible. Among these races, the orc's territory is the least resourceless, except for some plants and animals, and the surrounding areas are the territory of other races, and there is no way to expand.

The tiger patriarch thought of so much in an instant. The tiger patriarch really couldn’t figure out what Cook was going to do. In subsequent dialogues, the tiger didn’t take it seriously until after Cook left. Still wondering.

"Tiger, what's the matter with you?" The patriarch of the Bunny clan looked at the space ring in his hand. There were 100,000 high-grade crystals in it. The patriarch of the Bunny clan looked at the obviously absent-minded patriarch of the tiger clan, and quietly put the spatial ring in his pocket. , And then asked.

"Rabbit, do you think this Cook has a plan?" the tiger clan chief asked.

When the head of the rabbit clan heard this, the head of the tiger clan nodded solemnly, "Tell me?"

"Look, why do we orcs deserve to be treated like this by Cook? It is to teach us orcs to refining medicines and to purchase magical plants. We also need to cooperate with us. Rabbit, please analyze and see if Cook is right. What are our orcs' schemes?" The tiger clan chief was also troubled by this question, and asked about the rabbit clan chief.

The head of the Bunnyman looked at the head of the Tiger clan in surprise: "Tiger, I didn't expect you to think more than me, but I have a good way to see if Cook has a conspiracy?"

"There is a way, Rabbit, do you really have a way?" The patriarch of the tiger clan asked the patriarch of the rabbit clan in confusion.

The patriarch of the Bunny said: "Yes, this is the cooperation. Just our Bunny people come to cooperate with Cooke, and check whether Cook has any conspiracy. If there is a conspiracy, your tiger people can help us rabbits. Let’s talk about the human race first, and we can’t watch our jokes then.”

"Where can... Rabbit, are you guys taunting me?" The head of the Tiger clan was moved when he heard the words of the head of the Bunny. This was a trial, but then he understood immediately and yelled at the head of the Bunny.

"Tiger, you think too much, Cook has a conspiracy against us, just talk, you say what Cook wants, and you dare to say no to you?" the rabbit clan chief asked angrily.

The patriarch of the tiger clan heard this question from the bunny and did not know how to answer, but the patriarch of the tiger defended: "There must be a reason for what you want."

"Reason, what people like Cook want to do, as long as they let out the wind, someone will naturally give a lot of reasons. Maybe someone doesn't need Cook to do it first." The patriarch of the Bunnyman clan said grimly.

The tiger patriarch asked again in confusion, "Is Cook really kind?"

"Tiger, if you are suspicious, you can completely withdraw from this cooperation. After all, your life for the tiger clan is much better than our bunny clan. Our bunny clan can't help it, poor, what about Cook? "The patriarch of the rabbit race said to the patriarch of the tiger clan again.

The patriarch of the Tiger clan heard the bunny clan patriarch said so, and didn't know how to answer, so he shook his head and said, "I will go back and consider it first."

The patriarch of the Bunny clan watched the tiger patriarch leave. The tribe elder here saw the tiger patriarch leave and said with a smile: "Brother, is there something wrong with the tiger's brain?

"The **** problem, the business is doing too much, and my mind is full of conspiracy and tricks, Brother Sixteen, this time is the day when our tribe turns over. You will send this purple star spotted thorn seed to Cook in the future, you go personally." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan told the old Bunny that the two were actually brothers.

"Big Brother, I know this. I'll go there, so I said Cook asked me to go, and I promise to see Cook." The old bunny man said.

"Okay, I'll go first..." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan said here, and he was about to leave.

The old bunny man saw that the bunny patriarch was about to leave, and immediately grabbed the bunny patriarch: "Brother, I'm not stupid. Cook said that what is the purpose of these 100,000 high-grade **** crystals, you have to keep some for us."

"Nonsense, this is the purchase of magic plants..." the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan stared and roared.

"If you don't give it to me, go to the head of the tiger clan, and tell you bad things when I gave Cook the purple star spotted thorn seeds." The old bunny man counterattacked without any weakness.

When the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan heard this, he said angrily: "Up to five thousand high-grade **** crystals, after all, we..."

"Well, I thought it was just giving me one thousand. I didn't expect five thousand. Give it to me quickly. I will let all the people of the tribe collect magic plants." The old bunny man said in surprise.

"One thousand is one thousand..." The patriarch of the Bunny really couldn't do anything with the sixteenth brother. Hearing this, he said immediately.

The old bunny man nodded and said, "It's okay, but this space ring equipped with Grade God Crystal..."

"Shut up, five thousand." The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan immediately stopped when he heard the old rabbit mention this.

"Hey, this is a big brother. By the way, big brother, quickly rub out the appearance of the magic herb. Don't the tiger clan want to do it, let's do it first. This is the top grade **** crystal." The old man hurriedly greeted people and took a small box, put these high-grade **** crystals in different categories, and then said to the patriarch of rabbit people.

When the patriarch of Bunny heard this, he said, "You don't need to say it, I already knew it."

The bunny patriarch handed the rubbings of the kind of magic herb needed by Cook, and the photo crystal to the old bunny man, and then left quickly.

"Assemble, assemble. Except for the old, weak, sick, and disabled, all assemble quickly." The old bunny man immediately shouted after seeing the bunny patriarch leave.

"Elder, don't need guards..." an attendant asked remindingly.

"Shit guard, didn't you see the purple star spotted thorns on the city wall? Who dares to come over?" The old bunny man roared badly.

After an hour, this bunny tribe divided into dozens of teams, and rushed into the surrounding mountains and ridges, and this scene began to spread in this song bunny territory.

After the tiger clan patriarch returned to the tiger clan territory with great concern, he went directly into the presbytery. The elders heard what happened, and the elder yelled: "You guy, such a big thing, I don’t know how to report it earlier. what."

"Wait, as the patriarch, have you verified the halo of Warsong?" The second elder asked another thing.

"This is simple, immediately find someone to verify, you said that Cook has a totem pole of the artifact level?" The three elders are concerned about another matter.

The fourth elder coughed and said, "The kind of good thing that can extend the life span of a thousand years, don't take it out quickly."

"Wait, Cook's potion is really effective?" The Fifth Elder asked a new question.

The patriarch of the tiger clan was about to answer, and the elder yelled: "Say one by one, let's talk about cooperation first. This is a big issue for billions of gods."

"Elder, business is not in a hurry. Warsong Aura is the most important thing. With Warsong Aura, our orcs' combat effectiveness..." The second elder immediately objected.

The three elders said with no anger: "How long does it take for the war song halo to form combat effectiveness, and if Cook can refine the totem pole of the artifact level, our combat effectiveness will immediately increase."

"Improve combat effectiveness, my life is not long now, if anyone can't get along with me, hehe." The four elders finished speaking and smiled, the meaning is obvious.

"That's what I asked. If Cook can refine medicines, will there be medicines for repairing the Godhead?" the fifth elder said.

The tiger patriarch was depressed and slapped his thigh: "Oops, I forgot one thing."

"Forgot what?" several elders asked.

"Cook seems to have given a large amount of high-grade Shenjing, saying that it is to buy some magic herbs first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tiger patriarch said that there is nothing to say here.

The elder glared at the tiger patriarch and asked, "How much is it?"

"It seems there are one hundred thousand, maybe more than one hundred thousand..." the tiger clan chieftain replied weakly.

"Your mind is filled with mud, one hundred thousand high-grade **** crystals, how come you have to get eighty thousand back." When the Sixth Elder heard this, he almost went up to beat the patriarch of the tiger clan.

"I am also afraid of Cook's conspiracy." The tiger clan chieftain weakly defended.

"You have a brain disease. If you have a conspiracy, you must first bring back the crystals. Why didn't you bring back the magic herbs that Cook said?" the elder asked coldly.

The head of the tiger tribe patriarch lowered his head and said, "Forgot."

"Leave things behind, go and get things done, if you don't do it well, you, the patriarch, don't do it." The elder's face was extremely ugly.

The tiger patriarch hurriedly took out the wine that Cook had blended with the essence of life, and ran away in a hurry, but the tiger patriarch was very awkward, because the rabbit people did not have a portal.

Several days after time passed, the tiger patriarch came to the bunny tribe with purple star spots and thorns again, and shouted from afar: "Rabbit, you come out for me."

The tiger clan chief didn't dare to get too close. When the tiger roared, the hundreds of eyes on the purple star spotted thorns turned towards the tiger clan chief.

"Rabbit, you **** it, come out quickly." The tiger patriarch shouted again.

"Our adults are not at home here." A little bunny man with bare buttocks, looked at the tiger clan chief, and replied loudly.

"Not at home, go there." The head of the tiger clan shook his heart.

"I have entered the mountain." The little bunny man still knew where he was going, but when the tiger patriarch heard this, he felt like ten thousand grass mud horses stepped on, entering the mountain, entering the mountain, this Nima is a mountain.

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