A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 303: attitude

The patriarch of the Bunnyman clan was almost choked by his saliva when he heard Cook's words so taken for granted, but the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan still decided to ask clearly: "Then the cost of this portal?"

"Do you have enough materials?" Cook asked, looking at the bunny patriarch.

Of course, the patriarch of the Bunny clan knows how to answer. Even though each race has some material reserves, he can't tell it. The patriarch of the Bunny clan said embarrassingly, "We are poor. Unlike the tiger and fox clan, there is a chamber of commerce. ."

Yes, this Bunnyman patriarch is not a fool, and when he answered, he even blacked out the tiger and fox tribes.

Cook asked again: "Do you have enough crystals?"

"No." This time the patriarch of the Bunny clan directly answered two words without thinking about it.

After listening, Cook asked angrily: "Then what you just asked is not nonsense."

"That is to help us build for free?" The Bunny Clan chief asked in disbelief, and his heartbeat accelerated. After all, if Cook answered in the affirmative, then he would make a lot of money, and he would also have face in front of other races, and it was Especially face-saving.

"Free is free, but in the future I will charge 80% of the teleportation fees of other races." Of course, Cook can predict the value of these portals after the potion flourishes, and after all is free, then the orcs have the ability to manage these. There is no portal, and things need to be maintained.

"Eight achieves 80%." The patriarch of Bunny doesn't care. When he comes to Cook, he not only has to pay for the transmission fee, but also the other races on the runway to transmit. They are all given to the gods. It is definitely more convenient in your own territory.

As for the danger of portals, enemies can reach their own territories at will through portals. The patriarch of the bunny finds that he thinks too much. These orc territories are extremely poor. Who wants to come here, besides, these orc territories Who is the backer now, Cook, and anyone who doesn't open his eyes will try it.

"Well, you choose a place first, and then we first start to build the portal. Where are you Bunny people going to build?" Cook made a casual decision.

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan was taken aback and asked, "I will start building immediately?"

"Of course, do you still want me to go to the territory of the tiger clan every time?" Cook asked angrily.

"There is a place, there is a place. The Moonglade of our Bunny Clan is extremely vast." The Bunny Clan Chief said.

It was the first time that Cook heard of the name of the core of the Bunnyman clan. Cook said: "Let's go, let's walk through the gate of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night."

"The entrance gate of the Temple of the Goddess of Dark Night?" the patriarch of the Bunny Clan asked suspiciously.

The Gate of Advent is one of the advanced versions of the portal. The Gate of Advent can open the plane channel. Of course, the energy that can pass through this plane channel is very small, mainly because of the spatial strength of the lower plane. , Once the spatial strength of the lower plane is exceeded, the entire plane channel will collapse, resulting in failure.

This is also why the lower planes descended on the spirit power of the god-level powerhouse, because the energy of the god-level powerhouse itself is extremely large, and it is impossible to reach the lower planes.

However, the construction of the gate of the descent is more demanding. After all, in the God Realm, there is no need to consider the amount of energy, as long as the space between the two points is opened, and the gate of the descent will have countless detection systems in the process of using it. , Will change the energy level of the open plane channel, making it just within a degree that can be accommodated, and at the same time can provide a reference for those who need to use it, and how much mental power is appropriate.

One is brutal and direct opening, and the other is automatic control. It is conceivable that the difficulty of construction is different. In the entire God Realm, there are only two doors of descent, one for the angel family, one for the entire Council of Gods, and even the giant There is no dragon clan.

This is why in the lower planes, the Holy See of Light is so powerful, because there is a gate of descent, there are more miracles, more believers, more believers, more wealth, and more wealth, the faster and greater the development.

The entire mountain of the gods only kept coming down, and everyone took turns to use it. It is conceivable that other temples had no miracles in the lower planes for thousands of years. After all, the lower planes also have countless minor planes. There are dozens of temples on each plane, and there are enough to use them.

And there are also expensive usage fees. The Gate of Descending consumes God Crystals, and at least thousands of high-grade God Crystals at a time, after all, it is necessary to open the plane channel. Energy consumption is not generally large.

That's why the patriarch of the Bunny was very puzzled, and Cook nodded: "It's not long since it was established."

"Tsk tut! Tsk tut!" The patriarch of the Bunny was exclaimed, this is really true.

The gate of descent is used as a portal. It is more stable and more accurate than a portal. Therefore, this kind of information only knows the spatial coordinates. Using the gate of descent is safer than using a general portal.

After the teleportation, the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan looked at the familiar Moonlight Woodland and was truly amazed. In fact, the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan didn't see the difference between the gate of arrival and the portal.

"This is Moonglade?" Cook asked, looking at the lush mountains.

"Yes, this is the edge of the Moonglade." The head of the Bunny Clan nodded.

This was originally what Cook wanted to do. Although Cook was with the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan, it was not only a very unsafe behavior, but also a very unsafe behavior to open the door of descent to the core area of ​​another race. A polite behavior, it's like someone directly descending on the mountain of gods, and the members of the council of gods will definitely be dissatisfied.

The patriarch of the Bunny clan took out a horn from his arms and began to blow it, but Cook did not hear the slightest sound.

But Cook knows that this is a special kind of magical equipment. The sound waves it emits cannot be heard by humans, but Cook has a talent for animal speech and animal language. After using the talent, Cook heard a low horn sound. And this kind of sound is very penetrating, it is estimated that it can be transmitted to a long distance, plus it is a magic item, the transmission distance is farther.

"Let's go." Cook said after seeing the bunny patriarch finished blowing.

"Chairman Cook. Wait a minute, our Bunnyman clan will use the highest courtesy to receive you, the most honorable guest." The Bunnyman clan chief saw that Cook was about to leave, and quickly blocked him, and then explained.

Cook originally wanted to refuse, but this is after all the highest etiquette used by the Bunnyman to receive himself. Although Cook doesn't like it, Cook believes that this kind of etiquette and rules are still needed.

Wait and wait, Cook was very satiated, but within ten minutes, Cook heard a sweet chirping, a group of birds of various colors flew from one direction and fell on the trees around Cook.

After a cursory glance, there are at least thousands of birds of all kinds. These birds are not very big, small and medium-sized. The feathers on these birds are also very beautiful. After these beautiful birds land on the tree, They started to tweet together.

Music, yes, Cook heard a sense of rhythm from this tweet. This strange scene surprised Cook. You must know that these little birds are just ordinary magical creatures, and their IQs are not very good.

"Very good." Cook praised sincerely.

"Thank you, Speaker, for your compliment." Hearing Cooke's words, the patriarch of the Bunny Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

Thousands of birds respond with various heights and lows, and various sweet sounds, forming a pair of sweet music. Although there seems to be a loop, this is enough. When Cook waved his hand, a large wave of green liquid directed towards the surrounding small The bird flew out.

"Essence of life!" The patriarch of the Bunny clan felt the violent life fluctuations and screamed.

"Hehe, these little elves are so cute, and I, a distinguished guest, have to give some rewards." Cook laughed, these little birds are already very close to people in Cook's eyes, and they are helped by the essence of life. , These little birds have a much higher chance of giving birth to wisdom.

After all, ordinary magical animals can be trained to be like this. It is a small chance in itself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be said to be the smartest in each bird family. The most difficult thing is not the essence of life given by Cook, but lies in Choosing such a clever one from tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of birds, but what Cook gave was another most important step.

Thousands of birds were hit by the rich life essence, and the sound stopped all of a sudden. Once the life essence touched the creature, it would be absorbed by the creature. After thousands of birds absorbed the life essence, it began to change rapidly. , The feathers fall off quickly, and the body shape begins to change.

Cook took out the Sealing Demon Pillar, a thick green light suddenly enveloped thousands of birds, and a huge war song halo agitated.

"This..." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan was speechless, and Nima, a human being, could easily release a huge warsong halo covering a radius of five to six hundred meters. Does Nima want the warsong priest to survive?

"Let's go, these little guys still need to digest for a while." Cook said with a smile after he released the war song halo.

"Ah..." Seeing Cook left, the halo of the war hymn did not disappear at all, and the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan was shocked, Nima, who had this ability.

The Bunnyman patriarch hurriedly followed up and asked, "Speaker Cook, what are you releasing a constant warsong halo?"

"No, the constant warsong aura takes longer to release. After all, it consumes a lot of energy. This time the warsong aura is a psychic warsong aura, and it lasts for half a day. Half a day is enough for those little guys. If half a day If wisdom is not born, the time is useless."

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." Just after Cook finished speaking, Cook heard the drum beat of the drum, but the drum beat was more cheerful, and then Cook saw a team of bunny riders from Flying out from the jungle, and the bunny man riding a group of beautiful big birds in the sky fell in front of Cook.

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