A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 306: Lion man

"Hey, guy with a long nose, didn't you see me here?" The patriarch of the Bunny Clan heard the elephant say this, and said immediately in dissatisfaction.

"Chairman Cook, go, let's go." The elephant glanced contemptuously at the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan, and then ignored it at all, turned his head and continued to talk to Cook. It was not surprising that Cook saw this situation. , The orcs are not very united within the clan. As for the bunny clan patriarch said that the elephants have long noses, this is nothing at all. The orcs scold each other, and there is a lot of irony.

The patriarch of the Bunny clan saw that the elephant man ignored him, he chuckled, "Boy, do you know who I am?"

"You, are you also a guy with a long nose?" Xiangren's answer almost made Cook spit rice. This answer is too surprising, but in essence, for the orcs, this is an insult, that means Just follow us, how old do I know you?

The bunny chief was angry: "Damn bastard, I am the chief of the bunny clan."

"Oh, what?" The Elephant Man looked at the patriarch of Bunny and asked angrily.

"You, you like the human race have today, thanks to me, now you cross the river and demolish the bridge..." The patriarch of the rabbitman immediately shouted loudly when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, the Elephant Man sneered and said: "You were also commissioned by Speaker Cook. We Elephant People thank you, but we are more grateful to Speaker Cook."

"You..." The patriarch of the Bunnyman didn't know how to answer when said by the elephant. Although the patriarch of the Bunnyman seems to have today, he should be thankful to himself, but he is just thankful. Possibly, because after all, the patriarch of the Bunny Clan is not the master, the master Cook is here.

The Bunnyman had nothing to say, but the Bunnyman blocked the Elephantman and said: "What good things do you Elephantman have? Our Bunnyman clan held a grand reception to welcome Speaker Cook."

"Haha, I don't think Speaker Cook will despise us as being poor as a human being." I don't know that this elephant laughed, and what he said made the Bunnyman feel a little bad.

When Cook heard this, he said with a smile; "I'll just go back and forget it. If I go to one of your places, then I will offend the other."

"Chairman Cook, don't go, just go to our Bunnyman side, but we are ready..." Although the Bunnyman Patriarch does not want to let Cook go, he can't say so generously to let Cook go to the Elephantman side. .

Cook shook his head and walked directly into the portal. On the one hand, these orcs are really poor. Take the Butterfly Man as an example. Although the outside world says they are beautiful, Cook doesn’t look very good at all. No, it’s just some animal skins. These animal skins are also finely sewn, but no matter how finely they are, this is just some animal skins, and good animal skins have been sold, and the rest are of poor color. The animal skins on the ground, so they don’t look very beautiful either.

The other is that the living materials are really scarce. The butterfly people live in the cave, but the cave where the butterfly people live is relatively high. As for the decorations inside, Cook did not go in to see it, just the patriarch of the butterfly people, and three The elder came out, and the other butterfly people watched from a distance, seemingly wary of outsiders.

After Cook left, the patriarch of the Bunnyman looked at the elephant and asked, "You are really the elephant. You have to **** someone from me. Are you okay now?"

"Also, your Bunnymen have already benefited, and it's our Elephantmen's turn." The words of the Elephantmen made the Bunnymen patriarch feel a little ugly.

"What do you mean, it should be a shit, believe it or not, after I go back, I will close the teleportation coordinate to your side?" The Bunnyman chief said angrily.

The elephant smiled: "You still think about how to go back to the elders."

The patriarch of the bunny people watched the elephant walk through the portal and left, and the surrounding butterfly guards began to increase, and the elder of the butterfly, the patriarch was busy studying the authority of this portal, and was learning how to control it.

The patriarch of the Bunny sighed: "Oh, those old guys are also true, don't care about things, don't care about things, now you have to worry about them, oh!!!"

However, when the patriarch of the Bunny Clan returned to the territory from the portal, he unexpectedly discovered that a few lionmen had arrived in the territory. These lionmen had wide-eyed and couldn't believe what they saw was true.

"What are you guys doing here?" the patriarch of the Bunny Clan asked angrily.

When the lion people looked at the patriarch of the rabbit clan, they curiously asked, "Brother, where are we?"

"This is the Moonlight Woodland of the Bunnyman." The Bunnyman clan chief didn't expect that these lion people didn't know where they came, so he replied.

"But this place is a bit weird, it's not like a portal." A lion man looked at the huge upward staircase on all sides, and the huge circular portal above his head. This was not right at all.

"Haha, this was established by our Bunnymen clan and Speaker Cook in cooperation." When the Bunnymen clan chief said this, his head was raised high.

When several Lions heard this, they asked in confusion: "Speaker Cook is the speaker of the Council of Gods."

"Of course, otherwise, who else can build such a portal? See if it is not, this is a portal that is more advanced than other places to project downwards." The bunny chief pointed to the circle on the top of his head. Of course, this circle is the teleportation. The gate and the portal are covered with an energy shield. Fortunately, this energy shield doesn’t require additional energy input. The entire surrounding city wall is a huge energy absorption system. Of course, the necessary defense system is also necessary, but the Bunnyman clan Turn off other defense and attack auxiliary systems, because these systems need to consume energy when they are in standby, so that the energy storage system can store energy.

Of course, this reserve of energy is mainly used for free transmission. According to the distance to the mountain of gods, it can be transmitted five times a day without additional energy consumption. Each of the five elders has a ranking every day.

Originally, several elders planned to sell these places, but now, no one wants to buy them, and no one needs them for free.

Everyone has to ask, why, can it be said that these bunny people are stupid, no? The key is that even if they don’t need **** crystals when they go, then when they come back, they don’t need **** crystals, and the portals use high-grade **** crystals. In the eyes of the Bunnyman, this thing is not worth it. It is a pity for the five elders that the portal does not have the function of compressing energy into a **** crystal, only to watch the energy reserve there, and after the energy is full , The system is no longer running.

Several Lionmen followed the Bunnyman patriarch out of the transmission facility with curiosity. Only then did the Lionmen believe that this is the Bunnyman territory. From the Lion’s point of view, this place is simply too remote. The transmission facility is actually a wasteland. Nothing, just some Bunnymen guarding here.

"I originally went to the patriarch of your lion clan, and wanted him to cooperate with us, but I didn’t even see your patriarch and didn’t meet me. Now it’s not just our bunny territory that has portals, elephants Territory, Tauren Territory, and Butterfly Territory, all have portals. The next step is to build a city. These are the prerequisites for Speaker Cook to cooperate with us.” The Bunny Clan Chief said with a smile.

The words of the patriarch of rabbit people felt uncomfortable in the hearts of several lions. One lion asked, "What is your identity?"

"I am the patriarch of the Bunnymen. Originally, Cook discussed cooperation with our Bunnymen and the Tigermen, but the Tigermen didn’t know why, and they didn’t want to cooperate. Maybe the Tigers felt that the establishment of the portal would affect the tigers. The business of the Human Chamber of Commerce, so I went to find other races, after all, we orcs are not one, and it turned out to be like this." The patriarch of the Bunnyman clan started to drink water.

In fact, the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan also has his own ideas. What ideas are that the few races currently cooperating with Cook are relatively weak. If Cook wants to do something that is not conducive to unity one day, of course it will not work to resist. Yes, but to strive for some favorable conditions, it is still possible, but to strive for favorable conditions, it needs to have a certain foundation. The current racial foundations are somewhat inadequate in the opinion of the rabbit clan chief.

"Huh, the tiger people don't have a good thing, what are the teleportation points opened by your portal?" a lion man asked.

These lions have passed through the portal for a long time, but it is very important to know the number of the portal of a portal~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The patriarch of the Bunnyman blinked his eyes, then raised his finger and said, "There are not a lot of them. First of all, the three races of our orcs, the tauren, the elephant, and the tiger have not yet been opened. Mount Kinabalu, Temple of the Night Goddess, Temple of Liberty, Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, Temple of the God of Contract...As long as the members of the Council of Gods have the portal territory, we are open for rabbit people, not only for us rabbit people. Yes, even the tauren side is open, and the elephant people temporarily do not accept the service of teleporting past. As for the butterfly people only connect with the elephant people portal, if you want to go to the territory of the butterfly people, you need to transit, and the butterfly people are needed. Agreed to, and Speaker Cook is discussing with the Angels and Dragons, and it is said that it may be opened."

"So much!" The Lions took a breath. It's like an airport in a remote city in the southwest. It can go directly to all countries in the world. As long as there is an airport, there are flights. This is how awesome. .

"Haha, with Speaker Cook, everything is easy to handle." The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan laughed.

"Damn old bastard, unexpectedly missed such a great event." A lion man scolded angrily.

"Then how do we go now?" another Lion asked.

"You can walk from the territory of the tauren." The patriarch of the rabbit clan said quickly.

"But the portal of the Tauren territory is far away from the territory of our Lion Clan?" A Lion said.

"Nonsense, the portal of the Tauren Territory is built in Yinshan, and it's not far from your Lion Territory." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan said immediately.

Several lion people were puzzled: "Yin Mountain, why don't the tauren build the portal in the wilderness and grassland, build it in Yin Mountain?"

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