A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 316: impossible

"You don't know this?" The God of Gamblers asked strangely when he saw Cook's expression.

Cook shook his head and said, "Tell me?"

"The alien planes are not all low-level planes, they also have high-level planes, and planes higher than our **** realm also exist, just like the star realm. The star realm has always been controlled by the light **** race. In the history of the God Realm, there have been planes higher than the Star Realm, but at that time it was when the ancient gods ruled. It is said that tens of thousands of ancient gods disappeared in that powerful alien plane, but I don’t know if it is true. Fake." The contract **** began to explain.

The God of Gamblers said irritably: "Just say it, don't talk so much nonsense."

The God of Contract glared at the God of Gamblers: "Didn't I start from the beginning?"

"In the history of the God Realm, there are many powerful forces. Because of the different planes, they have directly become second-rate forces and third-rate forces. The most famous example is the Temple of Liberty. The Temple of Liberty was very powerful long ago. , Is to find the coordinates of the anomalous plane, and it is said to be a higher plane. This plane allowed the Temple of Liberty to invest a lot of manpower and material resources, but the result was discovered by the powerhouse of the anomaly, so the entire heteroplane was gathered When attacked, the entire elders of the Temple of Freedom was almost wiped out." The God of Contract said again.

When Cook heard this, he sighed, "I didn't expect it."

"Haha. At that time, the Freedom Temple elders' meeting, but there was the existence of the main **** level, as for whether it was fallen or trapped in a different world, it is not known." The contract **** smiled, explaining that time The strength of the Presbyterian Church of the Temple of Liberty.

Cook nodded, and the God of Contract continued to speak: "Even if the alien planes are not so advanced, but the strength of a certain temple in the gods is reduced, there is no control over these alien planes, and even some temples. The stronghold of the alien plane split directly, cutting off the connection with the gods. It can be said that there are not no ones who betray the temple. Therefore, the gods have never lacked the coordinates of the aliens, but valuable ones can obtain resources from the aliens. Yes, they are all in the hands of those organizations now, but we can see with just a little bit that the temple has high-level alien planes."

"Oh?" Cook was really surprised that there was such a thing.

The God of Gamblers said irritably: "In fact, it depends on income, expenditure, and equipment level. The investment of higher planes is not a small amount. Some temples have a large annual income, but if there is no growth for many years, most of them are Consume in these different planes.

"And some of the income is not good, but the expenditure is more than the income, and if the level of equipment continues to improve, there will be a higher level of alien." The God of Gambler paused, then added.

Cook nodded. This is indeed the easiest way. The God of Contract said, "But it’s better not to try these coordinates on the different planes. First of all, no one knows whether these coordinates on the different planes are real or fake. , The more advanced anomalous planes are, the more sensitive they are to spatial fluctuations. Without hidden means, even if they successfully reach the anomalous planes, the danger will be great."

This is what the God of Contract said to Cook. He is afraid that Cook will take risks easily. If you want to talk about the powerful alien plane, Cook must be careful. The Star Realm is a good example. No one knows a certain What kind of existence is a different plane? Even if it is in the God Realm, Cook’s strength is not considered the top level. What's more, it’s on the different plane, like the plane of the Star Realm. In a big city, you don’t know how to die.

This kind of transmission across the plane, the time that energy cannot be used is not known for how long, even Cook, it will not be so risky.

Cook asked, "Are there any alien planes in your two temples?"

"Yes, but the plane coordinates we don't know are all held in the hands of the elders." The God of Contract nodded and said.

The God of Gamblers said even more irritably: "Our two temples are low-level planes, and they have no effect."

Cook nodded. Whether the words of the God of Contract and the God of Gamblers are true or false, Cook will not go directly to these two temples. This is a very secret matter. If others take the initiative to say nothing, Cook will not take the initiative. To ask.

The **** of contract asked Cook: "Cook, do you want to integrate the badly talented gods in your family?"

"With this plan, it is not difficult to condense the Godhead, but the quality of the Godhead cannot be guaranteed." Cook nodded and revealed some news.

Upon hearing this, the God of Contract and the God of Gamblers asked doubtfully: "Quality, the hardest thing to condense the Godhead is to ignite the fire?"

"Hehe, I naturally have mystery to light a sacred fire. The problem is that after igniting the sacred fire, the energy needed to condense the godhead, as well as the soul power, is difficult to imagine if it is not enough." Cook laughed, and Cook said it was true. Yes, with Bari, it is probably not difficult to ignite the sacred fire, but it takes a certain amount of time for the sacred fire to condense the godhead. If this time is energy and the soul power is not enough, even if it is to condense the godhead, the quality is very poor.

The God of Contract and the God of Gamblers glanced at each other, and then the God of Gamblers asked: "Cook, how sure is it to light the fire?"

"This... 100%." ​​Cook groaned for a moment, and then replied.

"This is impossible!" The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract stood up suddenly and looked at Cook in disbelief.

Seeing the performance of these two people, Cook said with a smile: "It is indeed 100%. With your expression, can it be said that there is any secret technique that can improve the quality of the condensed Godhead?"

"Cook, do you know what you said, all the temples in the entire God Realm know how to solve these things, and these can be solved by external forces, but you have to rely on yourself to ignite the sacred fire. You can actually say that you can ignite the sacred fire 100% , Do you know what this means?" The God of Gamblers looked at Cook and asked.

"What? Is there a solution?" Cook was also surprised, knowing that the energy that condenses the godhead cannot be different, and there is also soul power.

The God of Gamblers sighed and said, "Cook, do you know that in the God Realm, there is also a kind of strong, the original strong."

"Yeah." Cook nodded.

The God of Gamblers explained: "The lack of energy you mentioned is just because the law of energy is different, but the source of power can change the attributes of energy, which is the same as the energy that condenses the godhead. As for the soul power, this is simpler, direct Just use soul crystals."

"You mean, these are very simple?" Cook asked.

The **** of contract nodded: "For other strong people, it is difficult to invite those who are strong in origin, but if you want to invite Cook, it is probably not difficult."

"Then what other powers of energy condense the Godhead, and what other powers of origin do you need?" Cook asked.

"This is natural." The **** of contract nodded.

When Cook heard this, he felt a little painful. Cook took his fingers and counted. This requires a lot of strong origins. The God of Contract saw Cook's appearance and asked in confusion: "Cook, you How many people want to gather the godhead?"

"At least...at least twenty or thirty people." Cook said.

"How can there be so many? You don't want to gather your cronies to gather the godhead, or do you say that what you said is true?" asked the God of Contract in surprise.

"Of course, I am 100% igniting the sacred fire, but I don't know those who are strong in origin." Cook is actually lying, because Cook has already seen the strong in origin. Cook said this to test.

The God of Contract said: "In fact, the strongest person is the root of the God Realm, and it is also the top part of the God Realm, but this part of the people has no need for the God Realm, so as long as the God Realm is not chaotic, these origins The strong will not come forward, and the original strong will be very expensive."

"Expensive?" Cook didn't expect that those guys would also have magical hands.

"God core, and according to different things, from dozens of Dao to hundreds of different." Gambler said with a wry smile.

When Cook heard this, he smacked his lips and said, "So greedy for money?"

"..." The **** of gambling and the **** of contract dared not answer these words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nima actually said that the strong roots are greedy for money, of course, the two are not very clear that Cook is also a strong roots.

Seeing that the two were not talking, Cook asked: "Then the strong in origin just needs the core?"

"This is not clear, our level is too low." The God of Gamblers and the God of Contract shook their heads and said.

Cook nodded and didn't say anything. The eyes of the God of Contract and the God of Gamblers looked at Cook more and more erratic. Cook asked, "What kind of eyes are you?"

"Actually, Cook, you can do nothing at all, and you can let the strong source come forward." The **** of gamblers heard Cook ask so, so he said.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Of course Cook can't ask for it to not owe others favors.

"As long as you release the news from Cook that you can help others to ignite the sacred fire, a lot of people will come to you. One part is that the energy is condensed enough, but you are not sure that the descendants of the powerful people who ignite the sacred fire, and the elders. The elders of the meeting, naturally someone will help you invite the strong original source to take action." The God of Gamblers explained.

When Cook heard this answer, he asked: "You said the descendants of those strong, I understand, but the elders of the Presbyterian Church, what is the reason?"

"The elders of the Presbyterian Church can burst the Godhead, and then reconsolidate the Godhead, so that they can regain a new life. However, after the elders of the Presbyterian Church burst the **** core, it is extremely difficult to ignite the divine fire, because at that time the body was almost shattered and the whole body was essence. Pure energy, and the aftermath of the explosion made the soul unable to concentrate on igniting the sacred fire, but when the aftermath of the explosion calmed down and the energy dissipated, it would be meaningless to ignite the sacred fire." The **** of contract explained.

"You can still play like this, the elders of the Presbyterian Church are not afraid that their souls will be burst?" Cook heard this explanation and asked incredulously.

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