A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 319: Bunnyman 1 response

"If you don't believe me, you can go and check it out. The Tauren Territory is very prosperous." Silver Fox has not actually been to the Tauren, but the information says it.

When the head of the Bunny heard this, he felt that things might be too big. He walked quickly towards the portal, and the silver fox said behind him: "Shall we go together?"

"No, I will go by myself." The Bunny Chief said without looking back.

Silver Fox froze for a moment. In the past, this rabbit saw Silver Fox, and there were times when it came back. But now and then, Silver Fox looked at the huge teleportation point and sighed inwardly: "It's a miscalculation."

The Bunnymen directly teleported to the Tauren Territory, and the Bunnymen clan grew out of the portal and muttered to themselves: "It's a fox, you have to calculate this teleportation, no way."

If the Silver Fox knew the reason why the patriarch of the Bunny clan refused to go with him, he would have to take the high-grade **** crystal to kill the clan patriarch of the Bunny clan. The patriarch of a race would actually calculate the **** crystal?

When the Bunnyman clan grew out of the portal, he was shocked before he went out. The layout here is exactly the same as the Bunnyman clan. There are four huge exits, but the four exits on the Bunnyman side, except for some guards, almost No one, but the Tauren Territory is full of humans, lion people, tauren, tiger people, humans, dwarves, Nima and all races.

"That bunny man, hurry up." The clan chief of the bunny clan just stopped, and the guards next to him yelled.

The patriarch of the Bunny race hurriedly left. The patriarch of the Bunny race didn't have any dissatisfaction. He himself was wrong. When the Bunny race grew out of the teleportation building, he was completely shocked.

"Isn't this true?" The patriarch of the bunny clan looked at the stretches of buildings. Most of these buildings are tents, but these tents occupies more than half of the field of view, and the traffic here is extremely large, which can be said to be rabbits. An extremely rare scene of the patriarch of the people.

"Let's let it go!" The patriarch of the Bunnyman clan hadn't reacted from the shock, he heard the shout from behind, and the patriarch of the Bunnyman hurriedly stepped away.

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan took a deep breath, and then wandered around here. Within ten minutes, the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan understood. He saw the huge building of the Yinshan Branch of the Pharmacy Association and the flow of people coming and going. The goods, and a lot of magic plants, the patriarch of the Bunny Clan understood what was going on.

Looking at the situation on the Tauren side, the head of the Bunny Clan gritted his teeth: "Damn the Tauren."

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan was jealous and hated in his heart. Looking at the flow of people coming in and out of the portal, these were all gods. What made the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan even more dissatisfied was that he was one of them.

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan returned to the Moonlight Woodland as quickly as possible, found the Presbyterian Church, and reported the incident. Several elders in the Presbyterian Church were shocked when they heard this.

"It's careless, it's careless." After hearing the report, the elder said loudly.

"That's right, that's right, let's take care of it. Originally, those belonged to our bunny clan. What should we do now? If Cook sees that the tauren is developing well, if the focus is on that side?" The second elder worried Asked.

"You, quickly go to Cook to ask about the situation." When the other elders heard this, their hearts felt a little bit, and then the elder yelled at the patriarch of the rabbit people.

"I, what should I say?" The patriarch of the Bunny Clan felt that he could not explain to Cook. After all, this matter can be said to be the leader of himself, but the best development now is not on his side. All matters are taken seriously, so the patriarch of the Bunny Clan is timid.

Seeing the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan like this, the elder yelled angrily: "You, as the patriarch of our Rabbit Clan, can you say this too?"

"That's right, we leave the Bunnyman clan to you to manage, so you can trust you. Are you ashamed to ask us what to say?" The second elder shouted afterwards.

The third elder shook his head and said, "We are so disappointed in you, fourth child, what can you do?"

The fourth elder was about to pick up the drum and pass the flowers, but knowing that the third elder came to say this, the fourth elder was stunned and said: "I am a stupid person, so it depends on the fifth?"

"I listen to the boss." The fifth child is not a fuel-efficient lamp, nor does he say that he is not smart. I just listen to the boss, and I don't know how prestigious the boss is.

When the elder saw this situation, he couldn’t get rid of it. After all, it was the elder. The elder groaned and said: "When you go, lower your posture, and then ask Speaker Cook what you should do now, and you said I also understand that the reason why the tauren carried out large-scale harvesting of magic plants was to take a handful and leave. We are not the same as the bunny people. We have room for picking magic plants. You have to say tauren That kind of ruinous and crude picking method is unreasonable and is not conducive to the development of the entire Pharmacy Association. Then you ask Speaker Cook to advise you on what to do next. Remember, Speaker Cook is the leader here. We just cooperate, you know? Cooperation?"

When the second elder heard this, he said with sincere admiration: "The boss is the boss. This remark wakes us up. If Cook cooperates with us, then it is Cook's leadership. The speaker is the dominant posture, what did Speaker Cook tell me, what should we do, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand." When the elder said so, Elder Bunny also figured it out. This is like a boss and a subordinate. A disobedient, self-asserting subordinate probably doesn't like that leader, even though he said that I have made achievements, but I don’t have any thoughts in my mind as a boss? I must have changed myself.

With this understanding, the patriarch of the Bunny clan went to see Cook. Of course, the patriarch of the Bunny clan was also very smart. He wrote down all the preparations of the Bunny clan during this period of time, and then reported to Cook.

"Chairman Cook, I'm here to ask about what we should do next for the Bunnymen, and by the way, I will report to you the preparations for our Bunnymen in this period of time." The head of the Bunnymen is very smart, so he said Cook I wanted to see myself, so I quickly met Cook. After seeing Cook, the patriarch of the Bunny Clan immediately reported on his work.

Cook saw the patriarch of the Bunny Clan like this. Although he didn't know why he was in this posture, Cook couldn't regard himself as a boss. Cook said with a smile: "Sit, sit, just discuss what matters, don't say anything to report. Not to report."

"No, Speaker Cook, cooperation is cooperation, but no one of us Bunny people understands how to establish and how to prepare. You have to give your advice." The Bunnyman clan chief said to Cook, feeling a little unhappy in his heart. There is no more, after all, the patriarch of a race, who wants to be someone else's subordinate.

Cook chuckled: "It's affirmative to point out, so just talk about what preparations you have made?"

"President Cook..." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan was still standing.

"Sit, sit, drink a glass of fruit wine, say slowly, I went to your bunny man territory, you will entertain me, now you are here, I should entertain you, my fruit wine tastes good." Cook out of thin air Take out a bottle of fruit wine, and then take out two wine glasses, pour out two glasses of bright red fruit wine, a fragrance instantly permeates the whole room.

"Well, let me talk about the preparations of our bunny people first. First, we gave orders to all the tribes. When picking medicinal herbs or magic plants, we can't dig them out all at once. We must leave small or mother plants. "The head of the Bunny Clan is lying. The Bunny Clan is similar to the Tauren, but the Bunny Clan does not have the fierceness of the Tauren, so the progress is very slow. Of course, when the Bunny Clan Chief left, this order has been The order went down.

Cook nodded: "This is very good. Although the immediate benefits are less, it is still very good in the long run. After all, the territory is so big. Once the picking is extinct, it will be more troublesome to go to other people's territory in the future."

"Yes, but we also found that some tribes did not listen to our orders, so we set up a special supervision agency. When purchasing magic herbs, we reduced prices for these tribes, and we taught each tribe some methods to deal with magic herbs. Every tribe must build a drying room and also set up enough drying yards. For the herbs that can only be dried in the shade, we have established a special drying room for the association to purchase." What the patriarch of the rabbit clan said is correct, but this They were all for the **** crystals. The price of the processed magic herbs was definitely higher than the price of the slightly lower herbs. The weak and disabled members of the Bunnyman clan did these tasks at home and made money by the way.

"This is good and worth promoting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook nodded.

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan said: "The rest is the area around the portal. We leveled out a large piece of ground. No one is allowed to build anything on this piece of ground. The side length is fifty kilometers wide, I don’t know. Is this space enough?"

"Fifty kilometers, it’s a bit small, but it’s not a hurry. We can build a city first and expand it later. This city is the inner city, and then build the outer city." When Cook heard the 50-kilometer-long city, he felt a little small. In the lower planes, this is terrible. A city of 2,500 square kilometers of land is not available on any lower plane in this world, but in the God Realm, this is a bit small. .

"That's good, we'll expand another one hundred and fifty kilometers, stay first, and there will be less trouble in the future." The patriarch of the rabbit race almost jumped up. This Nima is not enough, but this is a good thing, Rabbit. The patriarch of the human race immediately made a decision. In fact, there are not many people in the place. It is enough to level the ground. Of course, the fifty is open, and the five elders are leveling it.

"Also." Cook nodded and agreed with the bunny chief.

Seeing that there was nothing dissatisfied with Cooke, the patriarch of the Bunny clan asked quickly: "Then what should we do with the Bunny clan next?"

"Gather some young bunny people first. The level is not important. The main reason is dexterity. After a period of time when the city is established, we will start the selection of pharmacy apprentices." Cook said without thinking.

"Chairman Cook, are you saying that you want to choose a potion apprentice in our bunny clan?" The bunny clan chief is breathing fast. Although Cook has said before, when things really come, the bunny clan chief can't help it. Excited.

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