A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 321: The Tauren Patriarch's Response

"Moreover, we can also give advice to the Tauren Territory and the Tauren Branch in the name of the headquarters of the Pharmacy Association." The second elder said when he heard this.

The elder nodded: "Yes, just do it."

Everyone, look at me and I will look at you. Finally, the great elder asked: "This matter is still handled by your patriarch."

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Bunny Clan immediately said: "Grand Elder, I am afraid that my level is not enough, after all..."

"Why the level is not enough? Could it be that the tauren guys dare to beat you?" the third elder asked angrily.

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan nodded and said, "The character of the tauren, I am afraid that those guys will beat me up."

The fourth elder saw that the third elder was so utterly recognized by the patriarch of the rabbit clan that he couldn’t speak. The fourth elder chuckled and said: "You fool, is there mud in your mind? Go to Cook and take a look. Does Cook have any suggestions? After all, this is for the future development of the Pharmacy Association."

When the elder heard this, he saw that the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan still speaks, and shouted angrily: "I said before, everything needs to be asked for instructions, if you ask for instructions, you will forget, if you are not sure of your idea, go to ask Cook for advice. Speaker, understand?"

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan has anything else to say, nodded helplessly and agreed: "Well, I accept this task."

The whole bunny people set off a storm. In the past, the door was not open, and the two elders of the bunny people were all dispatched. The old guys in the tribes of various tribes were all running around, if it was a rabbit. When the patriarch of the human race comes over, these old guys may not necessarily buy it, but these five elders walked out, and the old guys of each tribe didn’t dare to stay still. In terms of generation, the elders are all elders. If these elders are in front of everyone He beats you up, you old guys have a face?

The three elders and the fourth elders acted separately, inspecting the tribes picking magic herbs and inspecting them one by one. Once a problem is found, the old guy in the tribe will be pulled out for a training session, severely slapped and slapped. The old guys of the various tribes only have the ability to fight.

Compared with the third elders, the fourth elders still have traces to follow, while the fifth elders are nowhere to be found. Whenever they go to a tribe, the five elders first inquire about the young rabbit people who behave well, that they are well-behaved, and that reputation. Okay, after inquiring clearly, the fifth elders immediately recruited people, but the fifth elders did not explain what they were going to do, but those who could be pulled away were the best-known, best-behaved, and smartest in each tribe. Yes, although some are very clever, there are some with bad conduct, and the Five Elders don't want it either.

Such strict screening criteria made everyone wonder. The fifth elders just left, and the second elders came again. The tribes were pulling people, and they were all strong laborers. It is said that they were building cities, which made many tribes very dissatisfied. Because it takes a long time to build a city, life will be more difficult if there are few people in the tribe. However, the second elders ignore all this and force them to pull people. Some tribes go to the elder, but they did not expect to be the elder. A reprimand.

The second elder has just left, and the elder is here again. What kind of drying room, shade drying room, and other herb treatment facilities, if there is something that is not working, immediately pull the old guys from each tribe out, swearing, but also in the limited After the time rectification was over, these five elders were doing tricks in the territory, but there was no way. The five elders were the highest level and the strongest. If they dared to resist, it would be a fight.

The bunny patriarch went to see Cook again, but this time Cook didn’t see the patriarch of the bunny. The patriarch of the bunny just asked how to deal with the chaotic mining in the tauren, Cook. The answer is to let the patriarch of the Bunny Clan go and talk to the tauren.

"Rabbit, this is what Speaker Cook said?" The head of the rabbit clan looked at the head of the tauren. After hearing the words of the head of the rabbit, the head of the rabbit clan asked.

"Of course, you will regret doing this, magic herb..." the bunny clan chief nodded and replied.

The tauren patriarch sneered and interrupted: "I said rabbits, you are not authentic, why do you rabbit people come to our tauren to point fingers?"

"I'm kind." The patriarch of the Bunny Clan replied irritably.

"I think you are jealous. The output value of our Tauren Territory is now more than one million high-grade Divine Crystals. How about you Bunnies, are there 300,000?" The tauren clan chief looked at the Bunny clan chief and said.

"I'm jealous of you, if we rabbit people are jealous of you, I will give you this news?" Hearing this, the clan chief of the rabbit people felt very ridiculous and argued loudly.

The patriarch of the tauren clan widened his eyes: "You Bunny Clan, it's good to not see our tauren clan. You Bunny Clan are not capable. Come here and try to force you, do you want to find something?"

The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan had long expected such a situation to happen, but he did not expect these tauren to be so unreasonable. The patriarch of the Rabbit Clan also sneered: "Anyway, I just brought the words to you. As for you don’t listen. That is your business."

"Oh, this is going to be a bitch. If you want to, I have to ask you. How did Speaker Cook know our situation? Did your bunny clan report it?" The tauren clan chief heard the bunny man The patriarch said, staring at the patriarch of the rabbit people and asked.

The patriarch of the Bunny Clan replied in an angry voice: "This should be managed by the Bunnyman. The headquarters of the Pharmacy Association is to be established in the territory of the Bunnyman."

"What, it is established in your Bunnyman territory, what is there on your side, empty, look at our side, how many people, how many people, how many magic herbs, if the headquarters of the Pharmacy Association is established on your Bunnyman side, here we are The magical herbs on the side will not be transported by the Jedi." Hearing this, the patriarch of the tauren clan jumped up and roared loudly.

"Cut, you only know now, otherwise why am I here to inform you." Hearing this, the clan chief of the Bunny sneered.

"No, what can you bunny people do? How can it be established in your bunny territory, even if it is established, it should be established in our tauren territory." The tauren patriarch said something a bit heavy, why can't you do it? This is indeed the case for the people.

When the patriarch of the rabbit race heard the patriarch of the tauren say that the rabbit people can do nothing, he immediately jumped up: "You dare to say that our rabbit people can do nothing. In the future, our rabbit people will not allow you bulls to come to us. there."

"If you don't go, you won't go. The magic herbs from our side will not be transported." The tauren clan chief heard the bunny clan chief speak so, and said in angrily.

When the patriarch of the Bunny clan heard this, he turned his head and left. There was no way, he couldn't tell. Anyway, the patriarch of the Bunny clan was afraid that he could not help but do it, but he must be at a disadvantage.

After the patriarch of the bunny clan left, the patriarch of the tauren hurried to the presbytery. The five elders of the presbytery were all smiling. The income of the entire tauren territory has doubled. According to the current situation, the whole After the magic herbs in the Tauren Territory have been cleaned up, the Tauren Tribe will not be considered poor.

Seeing the recent income, the elder Tauren said with a smile: "The elders of the Lion Clan are furious. The new patriarch is said to have come out, and the original patriarch has been assigned to the mine to manage the mine."

"The mine, just the mine of the Lion Clan, what kind of income does it have? Now we have Lions, Tigers, and Foxes here to trade. It won’t be long before our Yinshan City will become more and more popular. At that time, Yinshan City became the number one city in the orc clan, and it was not impossible." The Third Elder said with a smile when he heard this.

The tauren patriarch walked in at this time: "Great Elder, it's not good, the rabbit patriarch just now..."

Hearing what happened when the patriarch of the rabbit people came, the elder asked in surprise: "How is it possible, how can the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce be established in the territory of the rabbit people?"

"That is, is it possible that the rabbit man lied?" The second elder was also very surprised.

The other three elders all looked at the tauren patriarch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the tauren patriarch shook his head and said: "I am not very clear about this, but it was indeed the rabbit patriarch who accompanied Speaker Cook at the beginning."

"I don't know, don't you contact Speaker Cook for a while?" The third elder asked angrily when he heard this.

The entire Presbyterian Church is still looking forward to building a city with Cook's help. If the headquarters is not built in Yinshan City, wouldn't the calculations fail?

"I..." The patriarch of the tauren clan has been busy fishing for the **** crystal recently, and there is no need to care about Cook or Cook.

"You bastard, **** bunny man, you, go to Speaker Cook right away, and you must make things clear." The elder immediately shouted when he saw the tauren patriarch like this.

The patriarch of the tauren clan said irritably: "How could it be possible to build the headquarters on the bunny side, the bunny side is not popular, secondly, there are not so many magic plants, how many magic plants we reserve here."

"Fuck! You know a fart, magic plants. If Cook doesn’t want these magic plants, it’s firewood, a pile of firewood. How many such magic plants are there in the whole orc clan? Popularity, Cook is in existence, and I’m afraid of being unpopular. You bastard, did you say something that shouldn't be said?" The elder slapped the patriarch of the Tauren clan and fell to the ground, shouting loudly.

"No, I mean that the magic herbs on our side can't leave our territory." The tauren clan chief was beaten, and then listened to the elder Dao's question and quickly replied.

"Pig brain, you are a pig brain. Go and apologize to the patriarch of the Bunny Clan." The second elder also cursed loudly, and roared at the patriarch of the Tauren clan.

"The patriarch of the rabbit people must lie, what can they do, why do Cook value them?" Hearing this, the patriarch of the tauren defended loudly.

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