A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 323: Visit by the elders of the God of War Temple

"What are these guys doing?" The patriarch of the bunny race was puzzled. The Temple of War God is still very high among the orcs, but most of the high-level orc races are not very cold about the Temple of War God.

From the perspective of these high-level people, the Temple of the God of War is like a parasite, but the believers within the race believe in the Temple of the God of War. The orcs themselves are relatively poor, especially for races like the Bunny. For the rabbit people who are already very hard, this adds to the burden.

But the Temple of the God of War will come. According to the truth, the Temple of the God of War does not have the existence of a war song priest, so it should be declining, but the Temple of the God of War has not declined and is still prospering. I have to say that this is a miracle.

"How do you look at the Temple of the God of War?" Cook knows something about the Temple of the God of War. Originally, Cook didn't know the Temple of the God of War very much, but after knowing it, he didn't catch a cold with the Temple of the God of War.

The patriarch of the Bunnyman originally thought he didn’t have the right to speak for himself. After all, Cook is the master here. Hearing Cook’s question, the patriarch of the Bunnyman hadn’t spoken yet, Niu Tai said: "President Cook, this temple of God of War is not a good thing. , Controlled by a group of profiteers, and controlled by a strong race, sucking the blood of our tribes, this time those guys must have come for the Pharmacy Association."

"Yeah." Cook hummed to Niu Tai's words.

When the head of the Bunny Clan saw Niu Tai speak, he also said, "This is a group of parasites."

Cook nodded and said: "The things we are cooperating with are set in this way. Niu Tai, I also know the purpose of your coming. It is nothing more than building a city. I am also planning to build a city in the Tauren Territory, but it must be better than the Bunnyman. After all, it takes a lot of materials to build a city. After the city is established, we will divide the income in half. The management right is half of me and you. I ask for this. You go back and discuss it. If there is no problem, sign an agreement."

"No problem." The patriarch of the bunny race immediately replied, looking for such a good thing, there is no need to build anything, just a piece of land, there is half of the income of a city, this is a huge number.

Niu Tai heard this from the patriarch of the Rabbit Clan, and gritted his teeth and agreed: "We tauren also agree."

"Hehe, let’s go back and discuss it. Of course, there is a time limit for the income between me and you. Within one thousand years, the income will be half and half. From one thousand to five thousand years, I only take 40%. I only get 30% for 10,000 years, and I only get 20% for 10,000 years to 20,000 years. After 20,000 years, I only get 10%. The same is true for portals. Now I occupy 80% of the income. I reduced it by 10% for two thousand years. In the end, my income was only 10%, and no matter whether it was a city or a portal, when the income was reduced to 30%, I would not participate in management.” Cook laughed. Then he spoke.

Niu Tai and the patriarchs of the rabbit people heard Cook’s words and said quickly: "Chairman Cook, don’t, don’t..."

"Haha, don't say it, this was originally my intention. I, Cook, do things and don't like to be arbitrary. If I were such a person, the God Realm now has tens of thousands of artifacts?" Cook interrupted with a smile. The words of the two.

"Our Bunnyman clan has no problem at all." Hearing Cook's condition just now, the patriarch of the Bunnyman clan sighed involuntarily. Cook is a wise man, too smart.

Niu Tai also sighed in his heart. The orcs themselves have no choice. Even if Cook wants 80% of the benefits, as long as they help build the city, the tauren must accept it, but Cook is doing this now. As far as the tauren is concerned, it is even more impossible to disagree. In this way, the Bunny and Tauren clans have significant interests with Cook. It can be said that they are tied together, but this is exactly what the tauren want. If necessary, Niu Tai also nodded: "We Tauren has no problem. I will clear the ground immediately after I return."

"Don't worry, it will take you a year or a half." Cook shook his head.

Niu Tai was even more anxious when he heard Cook say a year and a half. For the god-level powerhouses of the God Realm, this is nothing, this is just a blink of an eye. After Niu Tai and the patriarch of the rabbit people leave, They left together.

"President Cook." The seven elders of the Temple of God of War saw Cook and bowed in salute.

Cook said with a smile, "Please sit down, please sit down."

The seven elders took their seats one after another, and Cook looked at the seven elders, Tiger, Fox, Lion, Leopard, Medusa, Pig, Doug, and the elders of these seven races with a smile.

"I don't know if you came to me today, what's the matter?" Cook saw these elders seated, and asked directly. At the level of Cook, there is no need to make any twists and turns. Any questions? That's it.

Of course, on the other hand, it also shows that Cook does not like this person very much, otherwise it would not be so direct, because it would not give face to ask directly.

"We are here this time for Speaker Cook to build the Pharmacy Association. Our God of War Temple is willing to cooperate fully with Speaker Cook." The elder of the fox clan held a very low posture, and his tone was very respectful.

When Cook heard this, he shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I originally gave this matter to the patriarch of the rabbit people to contact the orcs of various races, but other races are unwilling to accept cooperation with me. I have never done things too hard. , So now that the association has been established, you don’t need your cooperation."

Directly, what Cook said was so straightforward. This is simply a face-slap, and the seven elders are also very uncomfortable in their hearts, but the seven elders still know who Cook is.

"Chairman Cook, you handed this matter to the bunny people. It is a mistake in itself. The bunny people's appeal in the orcs clan is very bad." The tiger elder shook his head and said.

"Hehe, if you are wrong, you are wrong, I don't care anyway." Cook laughed, but the tone of the following words was very blunt.

"No, Speaker Cook, we didn't mean that. We are here to follow Speaker Cook's command." The elder of the fox clan said quickly, and at the same time glared at the elder of the tiger clan.

"I dare not be a commander. Anyway, I have already chosen a partner for cooperation. I don’t have the energy to find more partners for the other partners. Moreover, the more partners I cooperate, the more troubles there will be, but our Pharmacy Association welcomes everyone to come. Doing business." Cook shook his head, and still refused. Although the elder of the fox clan had a low attitude, it is really impossible for Cook to establish so many partners among the orcs. First of all, it is impossible for Cook to establish more portals. Not to mention the city. Too many partners means that Cook has invested more. Is more investment interesting to Cook? It certainly doesn’t mean anything. As for the development of the Pharmacy Association, the Orcs The edge is just the beginning. How big the territory of the entire Council of Gods is, and building a branch in a territory of power is big enough.

When the Leopard Elder heard Cook say this, he said: "President Cook, after all, we orcs are one..."

"One, you can squeeze other orc races and earn hard-earned money?" When Cook heard the words of the leopard elder, he interrupted this guy without hesitation.

"And it's not good to say, your God of War Temple plus the race behind you, I Cooke doesn't even look at it, one? Now you go to the bunny people or the tauren people?" Cook doesn't Waiting for these elders to answer, he said irritably.

The seven elders were furious by Cook’s words. Looking at Cook, Cook smiled: "Don’t look at me like this. It’s not that Cook didn’t give you a chance, but you didn’t grasp it. Not to mention, I made it clear to the head of the Tiger Clan in person. Since I don’t believe me, then there is no need for us to cooperate. Well, my attitude is clear."

"Please, everyone." Several guards heard Cook say so and immediately stood up.

The seven elders saw that Cook was starting to drive people, stood up and left. They were treated like this. The anger of these elders is conceivable, but Cook is not only strong, but these guards and elders can't provoke them at all. At the beginning, all of them are giant dragons, the most helpless and rogue race in the Nima God Realm.

After the seven elders left ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook pondered for a moment and said, "I need some guards on the orc side. I wonder if your dragons are willing to go to the orc side to perform tasks?"

"Yes, yes, Speaker Cook, our Red Dragon clan are many great boys." A guard not far from Cook said immediately.

"Our Frost Dragon clan also has it, and our Frost Dragon clan promises not to harass those orcs." Another guard also said.

When the Red Dragon guard heard this, he shouted dissatisfied: "Lan Mao, do you mean that our Red Dragon clan is not abiding by the rules?"

"Okay, okay, you send the news back to Dragon Mountain. I need a thousand dragon guards in the Bunnyman territory. There are also a thousand on the tauren side. On the elephant and butterfly people side, let’s leave it alone. It's my rule, but I don't want to fine me, but don't go too far." Cook said with a wave of his hand.

When the surrounding guards heard this, their faces blushed with excitement. Don’t be divided. This is incredible. There is no shortage of equipment. Now there is no shortage of dragons. Is the dragon lacking crystals? That’s for sure. of.

But what is the most enjoyable thing about the dragon guard now is that it can be robbed upright, it is the look of awe from others, it is the look of avoidance, if the dragon guard looks at it, others will have to run quickly, no Know what was wrong.

As for what Cook said, don't go too far. How to understand it, of course, don't go too far. There must be a bottom line for framing.

When several guards heard this, they immediately promised: "Speaker Cook, don't worry, if anyone dares to go too far, we can't spare him."

"Yeah." Cook hummed and put the matter aside. Cook believed that these dragons could do things well. Cook did this to prevent the Temple of War from being unfavorable to the Bunnymen and Tauren clan.

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