A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 330: The crisis of the tiger elders

The tiger elders are almost mad, but facing the dragon clan, the whole orc clan unites, there may be room for protest. The three major forces in the shooting world, the council of the gods, the dragon, and the angels, are not joking.

"I know their property and where their treasure trove is." The tiger elder gritted his teeth.

The only thing the tiger elders think about now is to stay out of the matter. In this situation, the giant dragon family has already clashed with the war **** temple. Although the war **** temple does not want to confront the giant dragon family, this is not based on the wishes of the tiger elders. And established.

The temple is the foundation of the tiger elders. In fact, the tiger elders still have an idea in his heart, that is, the other elders have been taken away, so who has the final say in the God of War Temple.

Although a few elders were taken away, the strength of the entire God of War Temple would be greatly reduced, but the previous God of War Temple belonged to someone else, and who owns the Temple of War God in the future is still unknown.

Therefore, the tiger elder decided in an instant, not only to let the other elders be arrested, but also to let those elders have no room to stand up. Although in the God Realm, strength is respected, financial resources are also indispensable. Part.

The tiger elder said to help the dragon find the other elders, but the dragon did not accept it. The dragon was fascinated by wealth, so the tiger elder had to show all his hole cards.

Of course, since then, the tiger man has also stood on the opposite side of the other elders. If the other elders know that the tiger elder betrayed themselves, the consequences need not be said.

But the tiger elders knew that there were such consequences, so he still had to choose such a path, because the tiger elders had no way, and the other elders were nowhere to be seen, and the tiger elders could no longer go.

"Since I can't get out of my body, I deserve your bad luck." When the tiger elder thought that he would return to the Temple of the God of War, he would be implicated in his heart, and since he realized the opportunity, the tiger elder would do it. Because if you don't do it, you will be detained by these giant dragons, and the trouble will be big.

Sure enough, hearing the words of the tiger elder, the eyes of the nearby giant dragon men suddenly lit up. The two words Treasure could not be rejected by the giant dragon.

"You wait." A giant dragon said immediately, and then ran into the portal.

However, in ten minutes or so, a dozen big men came out of the portal, and they knew it was a dragon and a dragon at the leadership level.

"Are you willing to cooperate with us to find several other criminal suspects?" a leading man asked.

"Yes, I can also cooperate with you to find the treasures of those bastards." The tiger elder replied immediately.

"Bang, great, as long as you find the treasure, we will give you a 1% share, how about it?" When the leading man heard this, he slapped the tiger elder on the shoulder and asked.

When the tiger elder heard this, he couldn't believe his ears. When did Nima become such a generous dragon, the tiger elder refused without thinking, "I don't want..."

"No, what are your thoughts, don’t think we don’t know. The suspects in the God of War Temple have to work for at least a long period of time. Do you guys want to control the rights of the God of War Temple and then hide the treasures of those guys? Come down and fetch it yourself?" The giant dragon man asked with a stare when he heard the words of the tiger elder.

The tiger elder is almost cursing, Nima, you dare to go to other people's treasures, I dare to go, and see the Julong Dahan look like I understand everything, the tiger elder compromised: "I accept."

"This is good. Cook is right. We, we have common interests, yes, common interests, so you don't want to hide yourself." The giant dragon said with a smile when he heard the words of the tiger elder.

"Little ones, get ready, let's go...where to go?" The giant dragon turned his head and asked the tiger elder.

"There are also here, and there are also in the tribes of each elder." The tiger elder replied.

"Let's do this first, introduce yourself, the commander of the Red Dragon Legion, who also serves as the second elder of the Red Dragon Presbyterian Church." The leading man introduced himself.

"Here is the commander of the Golden Dragon Legion, the commander of the Dragon Legion, the commander of the Blue Dragon Legion... However, this operation is under my command." The commander of the Red Dragon Legion introduced himself.

"Okay, okay, it's a shit, isn't it your turn this time, do it quickly." The other commanders said angrily when they heard this.

"That's it, got it by rogue means, next time we..." the Blue Dragon Legion commander said with contempt.

The commander of the Red Dragon Army smiled: "You are ashamed to say that I am a rogue, you just haven't had a rogue over me."

"Okay, hurry up, let's go back and have... there are tasks." The Frost Dragon said angrily.

"Let's go." The Red Dragon Corps commander said to the tiger elder.

When the tiger elders walked to the entrance of the Temple of War God with a ticket of giant dragons, they were blocked by the warriors of the Temple of Orcs.

"Boy, it's up to you." The Red Dragon Army commander looked at the tiger elder and said.

The tiger elder looked at the temple warriors of the God of War Temple. These were brainwashed warriors, which can be said to be the elite of the orc clan. The tiger elder said, "I order you as an elder to get out."

"Elder, this is the Temple of the God of War, have you betrayed the Temple of the God of War?" a priest asked.

"It's not that I betrayed the temple, but that we don't need to be responsible for some bastards." The tiger elder said.

"But what evidence do they have to prove that several elders made mistakes." A priest asked excitedly.

The tiger elder replied: "I am the evidence. I was there when the incident happened, but I did not run. I dared to act. I paid all my fortune for this mistake. I told myself that Shenjing did not You can earn again, but if you lose your integrity, then the whole person will be over. I will not run away selfishly, and then bring trouble to the temple."

"Elder..." When many people heard this, they felt very uneasy. They didn't know if they should move the tiger elders or blame the other elders.

"We are not robbers either. What we are looking for this time is just a few criminal suspects. We will not disturb the others." The Red Dragon Army Commander also said at this time.

"Get out of the way, do you want to bring trouble to the temple, and make the temple bear the debt of several criminals?" Seeing the temple guards shake a little, the tiger elder immediately shouted.

The temple warriors retreated, the tiger elder brought a ticket of dragons into the temple of the gods of war, the tiger elder pointed out the residences of several elders, and then these giant dragons began to move things, and while carrying them, while recording.

"A tattered vase." A giant dragon man holding a huge half-human vase, said.

"Elder, it was carved with warm crystals, worth thousands..." a priest said.

"Thousands of what, thousands of high-grade **** crystals, okay, I will give you this stuff, you give me thousands of top-grade **** crystals." The giant dragon man holding the vase interrupted the priest, asking angrily Tao.

"Obviously..." The priest even had his mouth hard.

"Kang Dang!" The giant dragon man directly threw the huge vase in his hand in front of the priest.

"Tsk tusk, didn't you say that the **** crystal is worth thousands of high-grade, the **** crystal brought it, is the vase yours?" The giant dragon said, pointing to the vase fragment on the ground.

"I...I don't buy it." The priest was stunned and stammered.

"If you don’t buy, if you don’t buy it, you say thousands of high-grade crystals. If you don’t buy it, what price you charge, you say thousands of them will be thousands of high-grade crystals. Okay, I said this thing is worth 50,000 high-grade crystals. Come." The giant dragon roared.

"You... slap." The priest uttered a word when he was slapped twice by the giant dragon.

"Take the **** crystal, didn't you say that it is worth thousands of **** crystals? Bring it, dare to owe money to our dragon clan, do you want to die, slap." The giant dragon man picked up the priest~www.wuxiaspot. com~ shouted loudly, and slapped twice again.

"Elder..." This priest was beaten and had no strength to fight back. Originally, the priest had a high status in the temple, but his strength was not very strong, because the priest's war song aura could not be released before.

The tiger elder looked at the priest: "You said that it is worth thousands of high-grade **** crystals, and you should use the money for what you say."

"..." The temple warriors and priests of the God of War Temple heard the elder's words, and they were silent. I don't know what these people think, but no one talks about how much this is worth and how much is that worth.

"Boy, if you don't give the money, we will take you away. Our dragon needs a lot of coolies." The giant dragon said with a smile on the priest.

"Yes, I will." The fox priest was about to cry.

"Give money, fifty thousand high-grade **** crystals." The giant dragon said very arrogantly.

"Not thousands..." the fox priest asked incredulously.

"That's what you said is worth thousands, and I am the seller. You have seen anyone who buys things will give you high prices, but they all said that they are low. So the price you gave is very high. This bottle is worth 50,000 high-grade Shenjing. , If you don't give it, hum." The giant dragon looked like a rascal.

"A piece of tattered miscellaneous fur animal skin." A piece of unknowable animal fur in the hands of these giant dragons became another name.

Moreover, the giant dragon man with the fur of the beast looked at the others in the God of War Temple, as if waiting for others to say something, but with lessons learned, no one dared to speak.

"I don't have that many **** crystals." The fox priest was about to cry.

"No, there is nothing you said nonsense, first take the things to settle the account, and then write down the IOU." The giant dragon said angrily, and as he said, he grabbed the things on the priest's body.

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