A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 333: abandon

The powerful fox tribes have all increased their vigilance to prevent this group of giant dragons from getting into trouble. The low-strength fox tribes are hurriedly transferring, and more god-level fox tribes are gathering, and Silver Fox City can be said to be a panic.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of giant dragons emptied all the supplies of the six elders, and the head of the poisonous dragon army said: "Next time you will keep your eyes open. Don't go against us. We don't want to do anything. We are just looking for the creditor. This time we just interrupted our hands and feet. Next time we stand in front of our dragon, we will directly tear you apart."

"That is, this is a copy of the item mortgage list. Please see the six elders, give them a redemption in three months. If you don't redeem, we will auction it, and the proceeds from the auction will be credited." A scroll, said.

Under the vigilant gaze of the strong fox tribe, hundreds of giant dragons safely left from the portal and did not have trouble in this place. The strong fox tribe were all puzzled: "Is this still a giant dragon? Really?"

"I think it might be an account. I'm afraid there will be a big trouble in the temple." Another strong fox said.

The other elders in the temple saw that the dragon was gone before they came out to clean up the mess. Looking at the shattered guards of the temple, these elders were also very angry: "Damn bastard."

"That's right, these dragons are too shameful." Another fox elder said.

"I'm not talking about dragons, but a few offenders. In other people's territories, they thought they were inside the temple. They didn't follow the rules. This is all right. It deserves it." The elder who just spoke said.

"But this list of mortgaged items..." Another elder looked at the list of items left by the Dragon Legion commander and was speechless.

After several other elders read the list, one elder said with a sneer: "What kind of virtue is the dragon, the robber race, it would be nice to give a list, and I hope those guys can be honest, I think our God of War Temple should A vote will be held to expel those who have caused heavy losses to the temple."

"In fact, there is no substantial loss to our temple, but these elders are afraid this time, I am sorry, tusk." Another elder said.

The situation of the God of War Temple is more complicated. Each race has branches of the God of War Temple, and the number of elders in these branches is not the same. There is a kind of elder that everyone recognizes. Generally, there is only one elder in a race. Other elders and other temples do not. recognition.

Just like the territory of the fox tribe, there are more than a dozen fox tribe elders in it, and there is only one elder of other races, and this one is recognized by other race territories.

Just like the Temple of the God of War in the Tiger Territory, there are several elders of the Tiger Tribe, but there is only one elder of other races, and the War God Temple of the orcs does not say who controls each other, and even the cost of the temple is used separately. Yes, a bit like a warlord.

Of course, there is also a God of War in the God of War Temple. This God of War must be selected from the elders recognized by everyone. Although this God of War is recognized by everyone, it does not have much power, just like the recognized elders. Among them, Tiger If a person becomes a God of War, then the words of the God of War can be implemented in the Temple of the God of War of the Tiger Race, but not necessarily on the side of the Fox Race.

In this way, the main reason is that the Temple of the God of War is basically the only temple of the orcs, but each race of the orc race has its own territory, coupled with the lack of communication, eventually resulting in the dominance of each race.

On the human, dwarf, and dwarf side, each temple does not exclude other races, just like the realm of the night goddess temple, there are dwarves, some gnomes, humans, and some elves, giants, etc., as long as they are in the temple territory, these People can come and go freely.

The Temple of the God of War will not work. When the Temple of the God of War was established, it was said that the entire territory of the orcs belonged to the Temple of the God of War, but the various races within the orcs divided their own residences.

It is impossible for the two races of the orcs to live together. Just like the tiger and the rabbit people live together, then most of the prey may be hunted by the tiger, so each has its own territory, causing the temple instead. There is no place of its own.

"Does the portal think of a way, in case those guys come again?" a fox clan expert said worriedly.

"Nonsense, you just close the portal. Those dragons are not coming, can you stop them?" Another strong fox said in an angry voice.

"Could it be that these guys are allowed to show off in our place?" The Fox clan powerhouse who spoke just now said dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, you can't bear it, you just went on..."

"Well, we are not to blame. I think these dragons will definitely come, and we have to respond in advance."

"How to deal with it, did you demolish the temple?"

"Who said that the temple was demolished, who are these dragons aimed at?"

"Didn't those dragons move everything away?"

"Moving away, don't you know the greed of the dragon? I think we will send away Elder Ruolin's family and property, otherwise the dragons can't find Ruolin. Will it involve our entire fox family?"

"The whole family, that's tens of thousands of people..."

"Hmph, tens of thousands of people, you won't say that if you are hurting you and me."

"No way?"

"No, there is no reason to dare to grab the virtues of dragons, let alone those dragons now have reasons?"

"But Elder Ruolin..."

"Elder Ruolin, she dare to show up?"


Everyone reached a preliminary agreement with just one word. At this point, everyone knows what to do.

"Then first find out what is going on, then send people away, and inform the Temple of the God of War, don't cause trouble, otherwise, we don't mind dismantling the Temple of the God of War."

"I've long been dissatisfied with that group of parasites."

What the strong foxes don’t know is that there is the Tiger Elders’ Association who have the same ideas as the strong foxes. The Tigers basically escaped. The tiger elders did not run, although they were hit hard. , But the more this is the case, the more dissatisfied this Tiger Clan elder is with the other elders.

As a result, the people related to the six elders were directly expelled from the tiger people's territory by the tiger elders, and an announcement was issued that the Tiger God of War Temple removed the other six elders.

The Fox God of War Temple also quickly received this news, and the same news was released at the same time, and the Fox Temple also sent the family of Elder Ruolin along with the property to the realm of the goddess of the night, and handed it over to the dragon. Public Security Management Office.

Regarding this matter, the fox clan elders will have the same ideas as the temple elders in the fox territory. This matter has also caused a lot of controversy among the orcs, and it is also very surprising to other temples. .

As soon as this result came out, the security of the entire Dark Night Goddess's territory was improved, and the patrolling dragon guards became more and more depressed.

Cook also heard about what happened. Cook himself did not have a good impression of these elders. In addition, these elders violated the rules set by him and beat people very arbitrarily. This is right in Cook's view. His own dissatisfaction is only to say that the dragon guard has done too much, which Cook will ignore for the time being.

Cook's foundation in the God Realm is not very deep. Even in the Council of the Gods, it is exchanged for benefits. Now it can be said that Cook used the notoriety of the dragon to make law and order better. If Cook manages it himself , I’m afraid it’s not so easy.

Based on this, Cook did not express any opinion on this matter. Of course, the Dragon Debt Collection Group still followed the plan. For a while, the Temple of the God of War in the ethnic territory of the six elders, including the Panther Race and the Pig Race, suffered. Yes, hundreds of giant dragons made a raid, and immediately moved away all the property belonging to these elders in the temple. This is the first round. After this round, the giant dragon debt collection team will soon come second. Lun, the territories of the tigers and the territories of the foxes did not suffer this time, because these two territories have nothing to do with the six suspects.

Panther Territory, Pig Territory and other five elder territories where the elders belonged to the family was raided by the Dragon Debt Collection ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the dragon raid, these families were simply ruined. It’s a shame. It’s clean. All the valuable things have been scrapped away. You must know that these elders have a lot of people in their families, but don’t forget that there are also subordinate dragons, dozens of giant dragons. Take Wan Yalong, and within one day, the families of the other five elders were washed white.

At this time, the tiger clan and the fox clan in the orc territory came down with cold sweat. Of course, such a big action would not do without some loss. It is said that during the conflict, the building of the leopard elder family was basically destroyed, and even the ground was destroyed. A big hole was excavated because the dragon seriously suspected that these leopard men had hidden secret rooms and wealth.

No less than a hundred people died in the Pig family, and the entire building was razed to the ground. The family was declared a hostile target by the Dragon Legion. The Dragon Clan can retaliate against the Pig family at any place and at any time. .

What aroused the anger of the Dragon Legion was that this elder Pig’s family actually said that the Dragon was a toad-like creature.

The remaining families of the other orc elders were not spared. Even if the building was not damaged, there was nothing in it.

The dragon did too much this time, and the first to intercede for these orc elders was actually the tauren elder Niu Tai.

"Does this seem to be without your tauren this time?" Cook looked at Niu Tai suspiciously.

"Speaker Cook, there is no tauren, those six bastards, you can deal with them as you like, but these families..." Niu Tai said.

"Hehe, Elder Niu Tai, let's take a look at how many things were found in these families." Cook took out several animal skin scrolls and handed them to Elder Niu Tai.

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