A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 344: Big guy's mind

Cook asked the Silver Fox with a smile, and said with a smile: "As long as it is under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Gods, all forces and races, during my term of office, the portal will be established for everyone, and the portal will bring you The convenience is not only the circulation of commodities, not only the circulation of wealth, but also the safe circulation. Races like the butterfly people in the orcs are not very strong. Once they encounter troubles, there is no portal. Our Council of Gods Just want to rescue, I am afraid that the consequences are unimaginable, so here I can tell you for sure, yes, I will build it for everyone. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā"

"Speaker Cook is great." The God of Gamblers shouted immediately.

"Speaker Cook is great." Hearing this shout, the orc couldn't help but also shouted, originally this is the orc's voice.

Cook continued: "But there must be a process. The first batch of plans will be built in the territories of Bunnyman, Tauren, Lionman, Elephantman, and Butterflyman. Everyone has seen it and build a small city for Bunnyman. How many metal parts are needed? These metal parts need to be refined by a magician and also need a large amount of materials. These materials are all taken out by myself. Of course, my materials are also provided by many people. As for why I should occupy A certain share, this is mainly to recoup the investment. Yes, if I build a place, and then I don’t want it, then I might be able to build it for the Bunnyman and for the Tauren. As for the Lion, it may take two or three years. , Four years, after all, these are all materials. As for the other races in the back, it may take a hundred or thousand years. That’s why I have to occupy a certain share and have a profit. The faster I can recover the materials, then I will give it to everyone. The degree of establishment is also fast."

"So don't urge everyone, as long as you have enough supplies, I will come forward and build it." Cook said a lot in one breath.

"Speaker Cook, what metal materials are needed, can we orcs raise some of it by ourselves?" Silver Fox asked with a rolling eyeball.

"Haha, yes, but after you mine it, smelt it, and then transport it to me, is it sure that the price is lower than the current price?" Cook asked with a smile.

The Silver Fox originally wanted to save some points, but when Cook said that, he had to give up. Why, because mining the ore is no problem for the Orcs, but transportation, smelting, and transportation to Cook, the price is only afraid of high Outrageous.

When Cook saw that the silver fox had nothing to say, he smiled and said: "The method of the fox clan chief is good. After the portals of each race are established, you can cooperate with the dwarves to mine the mountains, and then the metal materials you get can be sold. The price of this product will certainly not drop in the next few decades."

"Chairman Cook, we dwarves can cooperate with the orcs, but you need to participate in Chairman Cook." Hearing this, the dwarf patriarch was heartbroken. There are many mines in the Dwarf Territory, but rich mines have long been excavated. It's almost there, and on the orc side, it is an unknown virgin land. I don't know how many good mines there are, but the dwarves don't dare to cooperate with the orcs alone. If these orcs turn their faces on Nima, wouldn't the dwarves lose out?

"We orcs are also willing to cooperate with dwarves, but you also need Speaker Cook's participation." Silver Fox also said, Silver Fox's idea is very simple, you Cook will not participate, the portal will not be established, we sell the materials we get Who, and Cook will be the biggest buyer in the future, and Cook's participation will have a lot of benefits. As for worrying about the dwarves, cut, a group of dwarves in their own territory can still produce flowers.

"Yes, we tauren also agree."

"We Lions agree."

"We cat people agree."


Why don’t these orcs approve that Nima’s useless magical plants are valuable, but now they’ve been made by Cook, and the rocks in the mountains are also valuable. If you don’t mine and smelt the ore, it’s a stone. In a clan, stones are goods that no one wants, and for most orcs, the mines after ore mining are natural dwellings, and the temperature fluctuations under the ground are not large at all, and the stones are sold for money. There is also a place to live. Where is Nima looking for such a good thing?

Cook was speechless, waved his hand and said, "I don't have so much energy..."

"Chairman Cook, the biggest buyer of these metal materials is still you, and you can save a part if you participate in it." Silver Fox saw that the other orcs hadn't understood the truth, and said.

Hearing what Silver Fox said, other animal talents realized that Nima still has this advantage. Yeah, Cook, you participate, and the price cannot be too low at that time, and Cook participates. The first purchase is definitely My own is not.

"That is, Speaker Cook, and the portal still needs your support." Elder Bunny also thought of a little and said.

The orcs around now understand better that Nima does not have a portal. If you mine it, smelt it, and sell it to whom, the freight will cost you.

"President Cook, we dwarves still think that you are involved. You are fair and not greedy. We dwarves believe in you. Of course, it's not that we don't believe in orcs." Seeing the orcs like this, the dwarf clan chief wants to understand that there is no Cook. Go as a dwarf, Nima's consequences are somewhat unpredictable.

"Well, after this matter..." Cook really didn't want to agree. Nima has a few dollars in material money, a small amount of money, and I am tired, and I can imagine that there will be trouble between the dwarves and these races in the future. less.

"Don't, Speaker Cook, our tauren and bunny people can start cooperating. We warmly invite the dwarves to explore our two race territories." The tauren said without waiting for Cook to finish.

"We tiger clan and fox clan are also okay." The tiger elder said immediately, and of course he also pulled the fox clan.

"It's okay for our Lion people, because we are the next race to build a portal." The Lion people are not far behind. Nyima, your money, will we Lion people watch?

The dwarf patriarch was very excited. He looked at Cook and said, "We listen to Speaker Cook."

Cook almost kicked the dwarf flying with one kick. Nima listened to me. Nima said he agreed. Cook said, "Well, I have to build another building on the Bunnyman side. Everyone is discussing a cooperation plan these days. I am really busy."

"Architecture?" Hearing Cook's words, other envy and hate temples were all puzzled, and the Gambler asked.

"It's the School of Pharmacy, which mainly recruits and cultivates talents in pharmacy." Cook nodded and explained.

"Speaker Cook, who is the professor of this pharmacy school and what kind of people are recruited?" Hearing this, I knew how other temples of a pharmacy association would let Cooke go, and immediately asked.

"Recruit some of the Bunnymen and Tauren in advance, and I'll talk about it later." Cook also felt that there was no need to hide it.

"Can we humans?" a human patriarch asked.

"Yes, but the Pharmacy Association will also establish academies in humans." Cook nodded and said.

"Where are we dwarfs?" The dwarf patriarch also asked quickly.

"Innate talent is available in all races, even giants, but the number is very small. The reason why I established it on the orcs side is mainly to make the orcs rich." Cook said this with a clear conscience. Yes, of course, this is not to say that Cook really came for this, but Cook’s face is thick to a certain extent. Yes, the orcs are rich, but as the biggest host, Cook, can Not getting rich?

Of course, this is also a win-win situation. As for other people who see this, they can't say that they are not of the orcs first, and they are offending Cook by speaking out. Who wants to offend Cook for other people's things?

As for the orc family who can see clearly, there is no other way. Magic plants are everywhere. In this way, where Cook is not established, you have to be orcs. Besides, magic plants can be sold for money. Not to mention that Cook gave a lot of money.

Hearing Cook's explanation, everyone else nodded, but some people still asked: "Is it Speaker Cook that you teach yourself?"

"Yes, I taught myself the first batch." Cook nodded and said.

"Then how do we know if there is a talent for medicine?" Hearing these words, the people around were moved. Nima, Cook taught himself, this is Cook's disciple, the status of Nima will be different immediately afterwards.

When Cook heard this, he shook his head and said: "Yes, but I don't know if the people you send are talented. If you don't, you will be eliminated directly, and it is in the Bunnyman territory and requires a certain amount of tuition."

Seeing Cook shook his head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ many people were disappointed, but after Cook said this, the people present were relieved, who was able to get in close contact with Cook? Those who have a good reputation, have power and power, as for tuition, they have to pay even if they borrow money.

"Then Speaker Cook, how can you tell if there is a talent for medicine?" someone asked.

Hearing this, Cook felt bright, and said: "I will give a solution to the production process, as long as a qualified solution can be prepared, there is a talent for medicine."

Cook’s words are true, but no one is able to make a solution by himself. It’s not as simple as having a talent for medicine, but a very good talent. But Cook is also happy to do this, because it will lose the trouble of screening. Give it to other people, and although Cook will select a part again, it is much easier than the audition.

Everyone present made a decision in their hearts. Nima will let everyone in the family prepare the solution when he returns. I don't believe there is no suitable one.

Cook subsequently announced the solution formula and process. After this announcement, almost all people left, including which orcs. The Elder Bunny asked worriedly: "President Cook, how much do you think we charge for tuition?"

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