A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 353:

Shi Heng knew that the question he asked was a bit presumptuous, but Shi Heng had to ask, and Shi Heng too wanted to know how Cook did it. Madness is the talent of the orcs, which is almost rare in other races. , But a human just managed to do it. How could the lion clan, known as the top three in the orc clan's combat effectiveness, be willing to let this problem go.

"Actually, I don't know if it's right. If you want to listen, I'll tell you?" Cook asked in an inquiry tone.

Cook’s words are true. After all, Cook’s current state is inconsistent with the mainstream of the gods. When Shi Heng and others heard Cook say this, their heads are like a chicken pecking at rice: "I want to hear , Want to hear."

Cook thought about it, and said, "This is actually what I learned from refining equipment. It can be said to be a rule."

"As you all know, the higher the equipment, the higher the raw materials required?" Cook asked.

"Well, that's for sure." Lion Heng immediately replied. Of course, the Lion Elders didn't understand what Cook meant, but it did not hinder the recognition of several people.

Cook continued: "Then our human body is actually the same as the refining equipment. What madness looks at is the physique, the body can withstand the violent energy, which is like low-level magic equipment and high-level magic equipment. The materials of magic equipment absolutely cannot withstand the energy of advanced magic equipment. After my first madness, I was thinking about how to increase the madness level. In the end, I knew that it was physical fitness. During the ascension, most of the energy is used to improve physical fitness. As for the law of comprehension, in fact, I don’t understand much about the law of energy. As long as my body keeps getting stronger, the higher my madness level, Then my body's combat power, the higher my defense power."

"You mean to improve your physique?" Shi Heng asked incredulously.

"This is the main thing. I found that I have no negative effects after being mad. First of all, I am a human race, and my mental power is stronger than you. In addition, I can release a sober aura. Even when I release the war song aura, the stronger my body is. , The greater the power to release the war song, the shorter the time." Cook nodded and said.

"So is there any specific way?" After listening so much, Shi Heng felt that what Cook said was reasonable, but he always felt that there was no substantial gain.

"Hehe, there are many ways. Wear gravity equipment and fight against creatures without weapons. Although you will be hurt in the middle, you will find that after the damage is healed, your physique will improve." Cook introduced several ways. .

The lion elders wanted to ask again, but they all felt embarrassed. Shi Heng gritted his teeth and asked, "Sir, what is the beast soul transformation you just used?"

"Hehe, this is the secret." Cook replied with a smile, of course Cook didn't know.

"Elder, the elder Bimeng is here." At this moment, a Lion reported from a distance.

The lion elders are a bit disappointed. If no one is bothering you, you can ask more things, but today these things have been enough for these lion elders to digest for a while.

Cook's superimposed madness is growing rapidly, in fact, it is still in the star realm, and it takes a lot of the flesh of star beasts to grow his physique quickly. In the God Realm, Cook estimates that although it is more than five times the superimposed madness.

Of course, what Cook eats in the astral world is good, whether it is in the Sage Association or the giant's side, what he eats in the astral world is the best.

After returning to the God Realm, Cook’s frenzied level did not show the slightest movement. Bimon’s arrival was within everyone’s expectations, and Cook had long been informed. In fact, Cook had established a portal at Sanjiangkou, and he also had a chance The Meng Dynasty is here to move closer.

When Cook and others came to Sanjiangkou, Cook saw a huge wooden raft, which was like a bamboo raft **** with very thick logs, but the wooden raft was very large, measuring fifty to sixty meters. It is long, ten meters wide, and more than one wooden raft. On the wooden rafts stand a huge bimon, and each bimon holds a long bamboo pole in his hand. There are more than a dozen such wooden rafts. So many, they are connected with each other with piso.

"Boom!" A big fish several meters long jumped out of the water and wanted to attack Bimon. A few things like the bamboo poles in Bimon's hand easily pierced the fish and the fish was thrown on the wooden raft. The **** smell of the big fish attracts many other creatures. Some Bimon is responsible for paddling the raft, and the other Bimon uses something like the bamboo pole in his hand to fork these big fish in one go.

"It seems that Bimun is still very suitable for living on the water." Cook said involuntarily when he saw this.

"Beimon is the bravest race among our orcs, and the most powerful one." Shiheng explained with a smile.

Cook had always thought that Bimon would not be active in the water, but now it seems that these Bimon are also very good on water, and Cook is just a little curious.

However, I saw that there were tens of thousands of Bimons over there. It was obvious that there were a lot of Bimons this time. Bimon was in the orcs, but actually more like wild beasts. Except for walking upright like a human, everything else. Nothing looks like a human being.

However, Bimon's wisdom is not low. Of course, the Jedi is not as smart as humans. The key is that Bimon has a thick skin and strong strength. It does not have the flexible hands of humans and can do many delicate things.

"Speaker Cook, I'm glad to see you." After the first wooden raft moved closer, a Bimon with silvery fur all over said.

Bimon is tall, about three meters in height. This is definitely short in Bimon, but in Bimon, the combat effectiveness of shorter people is often the highest, because Bimon is generally five or six meters long. At a height of more than three meters, it can only be said that Bimon has reached a certain level in the use of laws and energy.

"Hello." Cook also nodded and replied.

"We are the patriarch of the Bimeng clan, Meng Chong, this time we are here to prepare to be stationed on the opposite side of Sanjiangkou. After the portal is established, our Bi Meng is also touched." Meng Chong opened his mouth and said.

"The Mengchong patriarch is about to discuss with the Lion clan. I am an outsider and cannot be the lord." Mengchong's words made Cook look at the Bimeng clan with admiration. Nima said that these Bimengs have no brains, so they rushed. Knowing that Chong Cook said so, you know that this is not a simple role.


Mengchong means that he wants to use the portal, but this is for Cook. Whether Cook agrees or not, it will not help the relationship between the Lions and Cook, even though the portal is established by Cook Yes, Cook also has a larger share, but this site is ultimately owned by the Lions.

Cook was also a man who lived several hundred years old. Hearing this, he asked Meng Chong to find the Lion Clan, and it was useless to find himself.

"Haha, good, I will discuss with the Lion Elders Association." Meng Chong never expected Cook to say that. Meng Chong led his tribe to hurry up, just want to find Cook in person.

According to Meng Chong’s understanding of human beings, human beings are the most face-saving, and Cook is so strong. According to Meng Chong’s idea, under such a crowded situation, Cook will definitely not lose his face, even if he is If you are not sure of the answer, you will definitely say it very vague. Then Cook said that when Meng Chong negotiates with the Lion Clan, it will be very easy.

Shi Heng was also very uncomfortable, but Shi Heng thought more. Since Cook is willing to say that this is the portal of the Lion Clan in front of so many people, then the Lion Clan can't be stingy. Shi Heng smiled. Said: "In the future, the Bimons will use the portal, and we will charge the cost."

"That's good, that's good." Meng Chong heard this, although he was very slanderous in his heart, the cost, who knows the cost? But Mengchong had to smile and replied ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Bimeng clan is very powerful, but the Bimeng clan is also very poor. The reason why the Bimeng clan is poor is that the residence is too remote, no matter what, The cost of transporting out of Bimon Territory and transporting into Bimon Territory is several times the original price of the goods.

In ancient times, the transportation of materials from Xi’an to the present Xinjiang relied on human and animal power. A large part of the food was eaten along the way, and it took a long time. Nowadays, a train can solve the problem day and night. In ancient times, it may be necessary. Hundreds of thousands of people over a period of months.

Bimeng is poor because of the inconvenience of transportation, so Bimeng is so concerned about Sanjiangkou.

"Just now we saw a giant. Is that the magical skill you performed by Speaker Cook?" Meng Chong asked again.

Cook took a different look at the Bimeng clan in his heart. Cook turned into a giant. How could the Bimeng clan not see him, but he resisted asking now. From this we can see that this is not easy. In place.

Shi Heng chuckled and said, "Yes."

Cook was not prepared to answer originally, and when Shi Heng said this, Cook felt a lot more relieved. Lion and Beamon didn’t seem to be very united, otherwise Shi Heng would not be able to answer this way. For Cook , The best of the orcs is not monolithic, just like if the subordinates are united, then the leader will not be able to do their work. The leader wants the subordinates to contradict each other so that it is easy to control, so sometimes they are united. The subordinates, the leaders will also make the subordinates not united, there are those who need to make small reports, there are those who need to work hard, there are people who need to vent their anger, and there are flattering people.

"Gosh, what's going on in that place?" Of course, Meng Chong is not perfunctory, referring to Cook smashing the open space where the mountain peak appeared, and asked in exclamation.

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