A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 358:

"Dare to be with you?" Cook was also surprised.

"Yes, that guy also threatened us, saying that if we don't take good things to entertain him, when the Phoenix clan arrives, we will say that we instructed, especially not a thing." A divine beast quickly replied.

When Cook heard this, he said with a sneer: "This man is tired and crooked. Which race is it from?"

"It's a tiger-like beast, Majesty, beat him up." The surrounding beasts immediately urged.

"I'll go and see." Cook nodded, and planned to see what kind of guy he was so arrogant.

When the beast led to a huge stone building, Cook and the others were blocked. A group of beasts obviously blocked the way. The beasts around Cook immediately cried out, "Go away, this is our new king. Beat your master."

"Haha. I even told you to beat our master, you guys have lived to the end." The **** beast on the opposite side was not afraid of the many **** beasts, and roared extremely arrogantly.

"Damn it, who is going to beat me, my little master, I plucked his hair." The guardian of the beast just finished speaking when he heard an extremely arrogant voice coming from the facade of the building.

When Cook heard this voice, his face was hard to look at. Cook walked over and several guards from the other monsters were about to attack Cook. As soon as Cook accelerated, more than a dozen guards from monsters blocked the way. It flew out and fell to the ground far away, motionless.

"The king is good, the king is good." Seeing this scene, the other bear-like beasts yelled one after another, and rushed out dozens of beasts, dragged the fainted guy back, and then whether unconscious or not, it is A fat beating.

"Damn it, dare..." A golden shadow rushed out all of a sudden, and then shouted loudly, but he turned around before he finished speaking.

"Run, you run, you are bold enough, you dare to come here to rule the king, and even beat the inspectors of the Phoenix clan to cause trouble for you Lao Tzu." Cook twisted the boy's ears. Recruiting Cook is very skilled, this is not Jin Guangyan, this guy actually came out to cause trouble, Cook twisted his ears to teach.

"Boss, Boss, I can...slap." Cook put the Phoenix baby bird down, then picked up Jin Guangyan, just slap it down.

"You, I've done it for you, and you have dignity. You **** guy, you have the ability to let me go. We will fight a fair fight." Jin Guangyan roared again and again, baring his teeth at Cook, but his ears were twisted by Cook , Jin Guangyan has no room for resistance at all.

"Papa, papa. In the decisive battle, you still want to fight with me. Do you know the strength of the Phoenix clan? You dare to find trouble with the Phoenix clan. You are looking for death." Cook was ruthless in Jin Guangzhen. There were several slaps on the ass.

"Damn, Cook, you let go, if you don't let go, I will get angry." Jin Guangyan roared again and again.

"You get angry, let me see if you get angry." Cook shouted angrily.

"You idiots, this guy is a human being, a human being, you mythical beasts, it's a shame to your ancestors to recognize a human as a king." Jin Guangyan saw that Cook did not eat this set, and immediately shouted towards the bears. The beast roared.

"Haha, we already knew that the king was a human being, brothers, don't you think?" A bear-like animal laughed loudly.

"That's right, we just want a human to be the king, but this tiger brother, you can't even beat a human, and you lose the face of your ancestors." Another bear-like animal said jokingly.

"Idiots, idiots, a group of idiots, Cook, you let go, I want to teach these idiots." Jin Guangyan said.

"Cut." Cook wouldn't be fooled.

"Cook, you let me go, I want to teach these idiots, how dare you laugh at me." Jin Guangyan struggled in Cook's hands.

"Honestly, say, why are you targeting the Phoenix Inspector?" Cook shouted angrily.

When Jin Guangyan saw Cook like this, he basically couldn’t fool it. He honestly replied, “I’m just going out to play and wander around. Who knows if someone asks me who I am and what I’m doing. Catch the beast, Cook, you know, how lonely I am, just..."

"Okay, shut up, do you know how powerful the Phoenix family is?" Cook shouted angrily.

"Awesome? I didn't think it, those guys are too bad, if it weren't for a mother, I would have stripped her off." Jin Guangyan replied in an angry tone.

"Go away." Cook let go of Jin Guangyan and shouted angrily.

"Hey, Cook, you wait for me, next time it's my turn to clean up you." After being released by Cook, Jin Guangyan gave a startled suspicion, and then a golden light flowed out, and Jin Guangyan's voice was far away. Pass it over.

"My lord, what are you?" The beasts around looked at Cook without understanding.

"Hehe, this guy provokes the Phoenix family, not us, we have nothing to do with this matter." Cook said with a smile.

"Great King Yingming, this guy is not easy to provoke at first sight, and the Phoenix family is not easy to provoke. Let's let them bite the dog. Regardless of our business." A big beast man immediately understood and said.

The surrounding mythical beasts nodded, and Cook shouted angrily: "I'm not your great king, throw those guys out of the territory, don't cause us trouble, the Phoenix family will come, we don't know anything."

The reason why Cook let go of this Jin Guangjian is to avoid unnecessary troubles. Of course, he also does not want Jin Guangjian trouble. As for the dispute between Jin Guangyan and the Phoenix clan, it is their business. Moreover, if you don't catch it, There are a lot of people who don't admit it between the beasts.

Unfortunately, Jin Guangyan's attendants were beaten by people, and then everything that could be pulled off was pulled down and thrown out of the territory of bear-like beasts.

What makes Cook depressed is that the Phoenix clan hasn't seen anyone come, and this young Phoenix bird seems to have eaten itself. When it wants to eat, it opens its mouth and faces itself. This fellow tens of meters in size, It tastes fast. Fortunately, Cook is now in the name of the king, so he doesn't worry about it.

As for the two elders of the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night, there is no trace at all. Cook estimated that these two guys must have ran away, because it is foreseeable, how many sacred beasts are in this bear-like sacred beast territory? Anyway, the unit is at least ten thousand, as for one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, Cook doesn't know.

"I don't know how many people are in the entire city?" Cook chatted with these beasts for a while, and found that the city of the beasts was really strange. He didn't know the situation of the whole city. As for the buildings in which they lived, the big fist made sense. It was money and powerful. Stop at your door and shout with a loud voice. Lao Tzu looks at this place. The only one who lacks strength is to get out.

As for the city’s defense and public security, there is no such thing as a race of similar strengths living in the city. White bears, black bears, brown bears, unicorns, and so on. Everyone does not interfere with each other. As for those with insufficient strength. , I have to live on the periphery obediently.

"Of course there is no security team or anything, we are the beasts, who dare to make trouble without opening his eyes?" The beasts immediately asked strangely when they heard the question asked by Cook.

When Cook heard this, he couldn't help asking: "Then what are you doing to build a city?"

"Of course it's sleeping, and everyone can discuss something else." The beasts answered naturally.

Cook almost hid his face and left, but Cook didn't intend to pay attention to these beasts. He just went to the place where he lived. Cook looked at the outside of the building with a sense of history. It was written language, but it was actually very shabby.

After entering the building, Cook was surprised when he saw these things.

"Where did these things come from?" Cook asked, pointing to the stuff in the room inside.

"One part was sold by the merchants on the human side, and the other part was picked up in the wild by everyone. Just take what you liked." The answers of the beasts refreshed Cook's three views again.

"Just take it, can others agree?" Cook asked grimly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just didn't agree to have a meal. "The beasts answered like this.

"That is, if we take their things, they will come to us when they get into trouble. Strictly speaking, it is a deal." At last there was a sensible person who explained it more.

"Oh, then if you take it, I take it too, he agrees to take it, but he doesn't agree to take it, and he comes to you again, what should you do?" Cook asked.

The beast didn't even want to answer directly: "Of course he beat him!"

"Why do you want to beat him?" Cook was speechless. You took his things and didn't protect him. Instead, you beat him.

"You are the king, he came to me, if the king is annoyed, what should I do if I vent my anger? I will not only beat him, but also bring things to the king. If you don’t open your eyes, I’ll see you once in the future. "The explanation of the beast is natural.

"Sister Ni!" Cook only had these two words in his heart.

But on the other hand, as long as you have enough strength, in this world of sacred beasts, it is simply the enjoyment of an emperor. If you fancy anything, you can just take it directly. There is no law, and there is no law and order. Character.

"What are human merchants doing here?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Business." The answers from the mythical beasts were not beyond Cook's expectations.

"How often do you come?" Cook asked again.

"About once a year." The beasts' answers were beyond Cook's expectations.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Are you the same group of people, what kind of transportation do you use?"

"Basically, it is a mount." The beast replied.

"Then what is such a thing in exchange for?" Cook has a beautiful clock in his hand. This thing is a bad thing in the human world. Any dwarf can make it.

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