A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 365:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

Tommy Slow is a senior sage of the Sage Association. Tommy's major is history. Historians still have a good status in the Sage Association. Many adventurers will consult these historians.

So Tommy's life is not bad, but people are not satisfied. Tommy is not bad compared to people of the same level, but Tommy knows that sages are nothing but low-level coolies. Only by surpassing the ninth level and reaching the tenth level can the power class truly enter this world.

There is almost no intersection between Tommy and real people, and the things that some adventurers ask for are mostly things that are not very old, nothing more than the meaning of various words in some ancient ruins, and some architectural layouts.

However, Tommy researched history and found some incredible things. Of course, they were all speculated through various events in history. Tommy put these news on the points exchange. But for a long time, no one bought Tommy. Tommy feels discouraged by the news of the news, and Tommy has no hope for points redemption.

"Beep." A beep sounded in Tommy's ear.

"Who is it?" Tommy asked when he heard the noise outside the door.

"I delivered it." Tommy opened the door, and a person dressed up that Tommy had only heard of appeared at his door.

"Are you Tommy Slow, a ninth-level historian?" someone asked.

"Yes, it's an adult, I am." Tommy pinched himself vigorously before waking up from the shock. In front of him, the man in front of him was able to redeem a real person who can cost tens of thousands of points and can be delivered through space movement.

"Here is a letter from you, sign for it." What made Tommy even more surprised was that someone actually spent so many points to send a letter to himself. Nima is such a tyrant.

Tommy didn't dare to neglect, and quickly signed the receipt. When the real person on the opposite side saw that the receipt was completed, he disappeared as soon as he flashed.

"Who is it?" Tommy opened the package in confusion.

When the package was opened, Tommy was amazed by an energy crystal. There are many kinds of energy crystals. The energy crystals that can retain language are of high value.

It was the first time for Tommy to use such an expensive thing, but at any rate Tommy was a historian, and he still had some knowledge. He opened the energy crystal in two clicks.

"Mr. Tommy, I am very interested in some of your research, but I don't have enough points, but I have this here!" To Tommy's surprise, this is actually a crystal that can retain images.

The energy crystal directly projected a three-dimensional portrait, which covered his face, but what was in his hand attracted Tommy's attention.

"The wizard book, the ancient wizard book!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Mr. Tommy, if you want to trade with me, you can come directly to Whirlwind City." The figure left a last sentence, and then the expensive energy crystal directly cracked countless cracks.

"Ancient Wizarding Book, this is an opportunity, an opportunity, and it seems to be at least a fourth-order wizard book." Tommy is indeed a historian, knows more about history than ordinary people, and can recognize wizard books, most people Think of it as a spell book.

However, the distance between Whirlwind City and Tommy is a bit far away, Tommy thought for a while, and then checked the points he had accumulated over the years.

Then Tommy came to the Sage Association and released the mission. Tommy's mission is very strange, that is, take himself to Whirlwind City.

"You are going to Whirlwind City?" A real person quickly accepted the task and found Tommy and asked, looking very arrogant.

"Yes, my lord." Tommy replied, not surprisingly at such a thing.

"Come with me." The real person said to Tommy, and then followed the real person.

"Use this to wrap your body, remember, no matter what happens, don't untie this bag." A bag with a height of one person appeared in the hands of a real person, and Tommy was taken aback, and then he packed himself up.

Tommy just couldn't feel the shaking, and then there was a huge pressure, Tommy fainted instantly.

"You're already awake, this is Whirlwind City, let's complete the transaction." Tommy was directly awakened by a chill. Before Tommy could react, someone said.

Tommy looked at this real person and quickly gave the points to him. Tommy felt very uncomfortable. He paid the points, but what he got in return was just like this.

Tommy walked out of the Sage Association. This is Whirlwind City, but Tommy is a bit at a loss. Whoever is looking for himself and where, Whirlwind City is not small.

Looking at the huge windmill, this is the origin of Whirlwind City. This huge windmill provides power, grinds food, and the rail vehicles in the city. What's more, it uses mechanical power, which is provided by the huge windmill. The power is transmitted to various places in the city through various gears and bearings, providing various power. Of course, living here is very expensive. Whirlwind City is also a gold-level city.

"Mr. Tommy." Just when Tommy secretly regretted his impulse, a voice rang.

"Are you?" A young man stood beside Tommy, and Tommy asked suspiciously.

"I am the person you are looking for, come with me." The young man replied.

Tommy left with Cook. Yes, this is Cook. Cook took Tommy directly out of the city. Tommy was puzzled and increased his vigilance. Tommy regretted in his heart that he was not familiar with this place. of.

"Where do you want to take me?" Tommy asked as he looked increasingly lonely.

"Just here, Mr. Tommy, I need to know more about the ruins of Mota." The reason Cook didn't take Tommy to other places in the city was because Cook didn't want to leave too much information. Although Cook is very strong now, in the star realm, Cook doesn't dare to be so horizontal as in the **** realm. There are too many capable people here.

"You are..." Hearing Cook's question, Tommy looked at Cook in disbelief.

"The wizard book, the ancient wizard book." Cook took out a wizard book, and raised to Tommy.

"The fourth-order fire wizard book!" Tommy was shocked.

"I think you must know the value of this wizard book. Of course, if you don't give enough information, then the transaction between us may not be reached." Cook said with a smile.

Tommy looked at the wizard book in Cook's hand, and his heart throbbed. Tommy resisted his excitement and asked, "Can I look at it in detail?"

"Of course." Cook threw the wizard book to Tommy at will. How many wizard books Cook had, and how many such low-level cooks were there. Cook didn't know if he knew about Cook. If you already have a Tier 9 wizard book, and if it is not a single one, I don't know how shocked it is.

Tommy thought that Cook would actually throw it over. In Tommy's mind, this was a treasure-level thing. Fortunately, Tommy's skill was not very simple, and he took the wizard book in his hand with a tiger.

As soon as he came into contact with the material of this wizard book, Tommy knew it was true. Before he had the wizard book, he couldn't open the wizard book. But as a historian and has a lot of knowledge about ancient wizard books, Tommy knew The wizard book is made of special materials, which is fundamentally different from the spell books used by real people today.

"It's the work of Grand Master Monado!" Tommy rubbed obsessively. Suddenly, Tommy screamed when he saw a strange text on the wizard book.

When Cook heard this, he asked angrily: "Is Monado famous?"

"Of course, the Grand Master Monado is a build wizard who can create a Tier 8 wizard book, and Master Monado is also a Tier 5 energy wizard, a Tier 7 analytical wizard, and a Tier 8 combat wizard." Tommy heard of Cook. Asked, said immediately.

Cook curled his lips: "Ninth-order wizard books can't be made, I haven't heard of it."

Tommy looked at Cook, took a deep breath and said, "Sir, you are slandering the Grand Master Monado. According to what I know, there are no more than 100 books of the ninth-order wizard in the entire Wizarding Age. , And in the entire age of wizards, the number of wizards exceeded tens of billions."

"Oh, okay, let’s talk about your news first." Cook said indifferently. Cook has several Tier 9 wizard books in his hand, including the fire wizard book and wind wizard book used by Cook himself. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The construction wizard books are all ninth-order, not to mention the energy wizard books, which are the analysis wizard books.

"Sir, Morta was the pride of the entire wizarding world in the wizarding age. There is the manufacturing base of the largest construction model in the wizarding world, where..." Tommy said carefully.

"Speaking of the point, where are the ruins?" Cook said irritably.

Tommy was speechless. He looked at Cook and said, "Sir, I want to say a place name directly, do you believe it?"

"Believe, why don't you believe it." Cook replied immediately.

When Tommy heard Cook say this, he was very depressed. To know the location of Mota, Tommy had analyzed the location for a long time and spent a lot of time to get a clue. Tommy wanted to say his credit, but obviously Cook didn't want to listen to those nonsense.

"Mota is not on land. According to my analysis, Mota is on the sea, in this location." Tommy took out the map of the sage world and gave Cook some pointers.

Cook saw where Tommy was pointing and asked, "Isn't it possible."

"How can it be impossible? Mota is the largest construction module production center. First of all, not to mention anything else. Refining the materials required for the construction module requires a lot of processing procedures. First of all, a lot of water is required. The whole world of sages can Provide such a large amount of water..." Tommy explained to Cook carefully.

Cook shook his head and interrupted: "I have been to the place you mentioned, and there is no trace at all."

"This..." Tommy was stunned, looking at Cook, knowing that the Black Sea is so fierce that some people have actually been there.

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