A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 385:

When Cook heard the dragon sheriff's words, he asked, "I just don't want to be troublesome. Do you want to participate in the dragon clan? Don't participate."

"Participate, why don't you participate? Even if you lose money, our dragons are willing to participate, but the relationship between our dragons and other beasts is not very good." The dragon sheriff flew. Said angrily.

When Cook heard this, he asked gossiping: "The relationship is not good, why?"

"Since you know something about sacred beasts, Cook, you also know that sacred beasts speak with their fists. They are some brainless guys, and they don’t even speak civilization. Our dragon is different from them. Our dragon is It belongs to a civilized society," said the dragon sheriff.

"It's a robber in a civilized society," Cook said irritably, and the dragon was ashamed to say that it belongs to a civilized society.

"No matter how much better than those divine beasts." The dragon sheriff was speechless when he heard Cook say this, but if others said that even if the dragon sheriff could not do it, he would not be merciful, at least To let this fellow see what a civilized dragon is all about, but facing Cook, the dragon sheriff had no choice but to answer.

"I don't think it's necessarily." Cook shook his head. In Cook's view, the society of sacred beasts is straightforward, simple, and crude.

In fact, Cook's style of acting is also very direct. Although he sometimes uses his brain, if he does not use his brain, he must adopt simple and rude methods.

"Hmph, you can go to the world of sacred beasts for a low-powered one, can you come back intact?" The dragon sheriff said irritably, and muttered in his heart, if you Cook can't subdue the beasts, others Want to survive?

Cook also agreed with the Dragon Sheriff’s words. Cook then said: "The trading venue is in the site I rented. The beasts are only allowed to move in a certain area. Of course, merchants outside can also enter, but the rules to be established are still To be established."

"What is the rule?" the dragon sheriff asked.

"Every item has a minimum price, which cannot be lower than that. There are a lot of materials on the animal side. Don't see some rare materials. Everyone will reduce the price together." Cook explained.

The dragon sheriff looked at Cook and asked, "I heard it right. Is it the lowest price?"

"Of course, in addition to the bear-like beasts, there are other beasts, which will be the objects of our trade in the future. How many good things are there in those beasts, and how can we supply them in the future?" Cook said angrily.

"Fuck, Cook, you actually want to do business with the entire world of beasts!" The dragon sheriff was stunned by Cook's thoughts. How big a turf, how many resources, and how many good things there is in the world of beasts, you Cook thought Do this business.

"What can't be, now there are bear-type beasts, and in the future there will be tiger-type beasts, eagle-type beasts and other beast races." Cook asked angrily.

"It's impossible. How could those sacred beasts do business with you?" The Dragon Sheriff didn't believe Cook's statement at all.

Cook raised his fist and said: "I can, every one of their leaders beat them up, do they agree?"

"You... this method is really possible. It seems that you know Cook thoroughly enough about the world of the beasts." The dragon sheriff looked at Cook's fist and then understood.

"But what about Phoenix?" Then the dragon sheriff asked again.

Cook said irritably, "You know, I have a phoenix here. Could it be that the Phoenix City has to go to the trouble? This phoenix needs food and drink, and what I earn is living expenses."

"Shameless!" The dragon sheriff saw Cook's serious appearance, but after hearing what Cook said, the dragon sheriff gave Cook a definition in his heart, no matter how much a phoenix can eat, how much can he eat?

"And I don’t need to do it at all. Let’s let the sacred beasts learn to use equipment. The bear-like sacred beasts will definitely go to other racial territories if they are equipped. It's our business, of course, what kind of water of life, healing potions, equipment, we just have to deal with it." Cook looked at the dragon sheriff's strange eyes and waved his hand.

The dragon sheriff looked at Cook and said, "Cook, what I admire most about you is shameless and shameless. I actually want to start a war between gods and beasts. Tsk tsk, but how can our dragon not participate in such a thing? Well, how are the benefits distributed?"

"Pure profit, let's go three and four, four, you dragon three, Dilly is three too." Cook explained perfectly what shamelessness is.

"No, no, Cook, I have nothing to say about you occupying four, but how could Dilly occupy three?" The dragon sheriff shook his head and said.

"Dilly is the lord of the Sky City. My Sky City is above my head, but I can attack downwards at any time, but I protect the territory..." Cook said with a smile.

The dragon sheriff heard that Cook was getting more and more shameless, and immediately said: "Just talk, we have our dragon clan, and use your Sky City. Dealing with those hillbillies, our dragon is very sure."

"It's impossible for me to occupy four, so do you also occupy four?" Cook asked helplessly.

"No, anyway, Dilly can't be divided into the same way as our dragon." Julong Sheriff said.

"Then, I will occupy five, you will occupy three, and Dilly will occupy two?" Cook changed his statement.

When the dragon sheriff heard this, he nodded and said, "I think...Cook, you are playing tricks on me. You and Dilly have had 70% benefits just now, and now they are still 70%. Our dragon expresses serious dissatisfaction."

Cook didn't expect the dragon sheriff to react so quickly. Cook said, "Then how to allocate?"

"We occupy 40%, and you together occupy 60%." The dragon sheriff first raised his own, and then the rest was Cook's.

"No, I manage everything, the site is mine, the portal is established by me, and the sacred beast is also in contact with me. I have to participate in the management, and I will occupy 60%. Can do it." Cook said quickly, shaking his head.

When the dragon sheriff heard Cook’s words, he asked without frailty: "The site belongs to you. Those merchants don’t pay rent. The portal is free to send. You are the beast that you contact, manage, you Want to manage and find our dragon family?"

Cook is speechless. The Nima dragon has been dealing with humans for a long time and has a lot of intestines. Cook said: "Four or sixty is enough, but the reward for the dragon guard can't be opened. You dragon take it yourself. Distribute."

"No, the management of the beasts depends entirely on the quality of the guards. This is the biggest expense." The dragon sheriff said quickly. ‘

Cook is a little bit painful. You must know that the benefits here are very big. Imagine that every transaction involving the sacred core and the sacred beast egg is very huge. Cook shook his head and said: "In this case, Then forget it, I will do it myself, the big deal is that I will be busy."

"Hey, Speaker Cook, don't do this? Let's discuss something. This time our business is completed. The relationship between our dragon family and the council of gods will be deeper. In the future, we can form an alliance." The officer heard that Cook was going to disperse, and said quickly, the dragon sheriff also knew that he would participate in the transaction of the entire world of beasts. The profits in it would make people crazy. If you don’t participate, it would be a loss. It is not very useful for human **** crystals, but dragons like this tune. (PS: I just think I like games. I have to play for one hour a day. Although I know that these are virtual and useless, I still want to play.)

Cook shook his head and said: "Our Council of Gods is not afraid of anyone now."

"President Cook, the Council of Gods is not afraid of other forces, but some people want to provoke the internal conflicts of the Council of Gods. Can you, the speaker, be able to beat those who don't open their eyes?" The dragon sheriff asked with a smile~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Do you think that if your dragon has started, other people will not know that I am instructing it? "Cook asked angrily.

"Hey, as long as you don't tell, we don't tell, we dragons have to see, who dares to challenge us, Speaker Cook, we are in the wrong." The dragon sheriff said with a smile.

"No, I don't need you. Who dares not to be obedient, naturally someone will take care of them." Cook shook his head, but still did not agree to the dragon sheriff, because once the dragon got involved, Cook would be called colluding with outsiders and he was caught by the dragon. With the handle, Cook wouldn't be so dumb.

"This..." The Dragon Sheriff looked at Cook and really didn't know what to say.

"My seven, you three, this is the last time. We must know that our cooperation is for the entire mythical beast clan." Cook asked the giant dragon clan to cooperate. In fact, he wanted the giant dragon clan to back the pot, and he would earn more in the future. If a certain sacred beast race is going to make trouble, Cook guesses that he hasn't done anything, these dragons will at least kill the door, so Cook will find the dragon family to participate.

"Okay, only 30%, but all the guards need to be guarded by the dragon, and other guards cannot be paid from everyone's cooperation." The dragon sheriff said through gritted teeth.

Cook nodded: "Okay."

"Speaker Cook, you are too cruel. The benefits are huge." The dragon sheriff didn't expect this to end, but the dragon sheriff also knew that this kind of thing left Cook, really no one. It can be done.

As for the bear-like beasts, other races may only have some doubts, but the dragon has long known that it is a magical technique. According to the dragon's sheriff, it smelled of bears from afar.

"Happy cooperation, now let's discuss how to make a profit." Cook said with a smile

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