A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 387:

?Other bear-like creatures saw this scene, and then looked at the two guys who were knocked out by Cook with a stick, and they trembled. The world of the beasts is so direct. You have super strength, and other guys will be afraid .

The views of these bear-like beasts are very simple. Cook is just a stick, and these two guys have become like this. There is no way to wake up after being pulled by such a hair, which means that the injury is very serious.

"I'll be in a coma for ten days. In the future, if there are others who do not follow the rules, I will be knocked out and thrown into the river to see what he will be like in ten days." Cook saw other bear animals looking at his expression, Cook Shouted.

No way, these sacred beasts are like this. If you don’t be cruel, these guys will push their noses on their faces, and they will have a memory if they frighten these guys at a time. Nothing else. Cook was on earth in his last life. When I was a child, I was a farmer. I used to steal vegetables and eat the chickens I raised. I caught them and beat them a few times, so I didn't dare to go.

When Cook saw this, his heart was exhausted. These two guys definitely have enemies. Otherwise, no one would be so cruel.

Cook took out the magic crystal and photographed the appearance of the two naked guys.

Then Cook threw the two guys into the natural ring, then came to Bear City, threw the two guys in the city, and patted his **** and left.

The other bear-like creatures in the bear city were very curious when they saw the two naked guys. The other bear-like creatures who came back immediately announced Cook’s order that fighting is not allowed in the human world. If they fight, this is the end.

The families of these two guys wanted to bring the two guys back, but without Cook's order, the families of these two hapless guys didn't dare to move at all, so the two guys were visited sadly for ten days.

Ten days later, after these two guys woke up, it is said that no one has seen these two guys for a full five years. It is too shameful, even if it’s a shame in the world of mythical beasts, but after being tossed like this, mythical beasts are too. I couldn't bear it, it didn't come out slowly until after five years when all the hair had grown, but these two hapless guys were already the legend of Bear City.

"Asshole boy, if you are not obedient, let the king pluck all your hair." When the bears in the future bear city taught the little bear, it was this sentence. Cook heard it accidentally and was very depressed. When did he pluck it himself Up?

The dragon has a big mouth. Before Cook made an announcement, the dragon announced that the transaction with bear-like beasts will have a doubled price. The qualifications for entry can be used to trade God cores and beasts with ordinary goods. The eggs, fur, and even living creatures.

Cook originally thought that other forces in the Council of Gods would wait and see, after all, the beasts were not easy to deal with, but when the news came out, Cook was almost annoyed to death.

"Speaker Cook, you give me a word, this time our goddess of wealth temple can also organize an auction." The goddess of wealth really made Cook speechless.

"This matter has not been determined yet. How about we discuss it after it is determined?" Cook said the truth. The transaction and the dragon clan are only negotiated within the framework, but the establishment of the market, the number of stalls, and the The prices of various commodities are still under preparation.

"Speaker Cook, you are wrong, the dragon has news, you are our speaker." Another member of the Council of Gods also said.

Cook waved his hand and said, "It's really not confirmed yet."

"Sir, isn't it that you want to cover all the transactions yourself?" Someone asked.

When Cook heard this, he knew the purpose of these people immediately. Cook said: "I won't, but in the transaction with the beast, the dragon is responsible for the security, and the dragon requires the profit I don’t know how to change it to a shop. I made this just for the sake of everyone. Of course, it’s impossible to say that I can’t get anything. After all, I built the portal and I linked the bear city, so I need to auction the stall. Get out."

"Sir, you can talk about the situation in detail, everyone is more anxious." A member of the assembly asked loudly.

"The situation is similar to what you have heard. The price must be doubled. After all, the **** beast and our council of gods are not a group. In this doubled profit, the council of gods will collect certain taxes, and these taxes will be The Council of the Gods is used in the Council of the Gods to build various facilities.” Cook said.

"Speaker Cook, what's the minimum?" someone asked.

"Hehe, there are specific regulations. The day after tomorrow, all the members of the Council of the Gods will be invited to come once. I will formulate a detailed charter. Will everyone earn money? However, the demand for the beasts is very large. You must plan carefully. "Cook replied with a smile.

The parliamentarians present are not fools. When Cook said this, many people understood the central meaning of Cook’s words. The central meaning is that the beasts have a great demand for goods. Pay attention to the plan, that is, pay attention to hoarding goods. quantity.

However, some members still asked: "Speaker Cook, can you give me a specific number?"

"I don't know the exact number, but I know that the beasts that can come to our side to trade have at least three or five cores in their hands. As for the number of beasts that come, it is likely to exceed 10,000, so three to fifty thousand cores. How much goods are worth, such as barbecues, pots and pans, and wine. The biggest demand of mythical beasts is daily necessities. You count, how much is this." Cook can’t say directly, don’t sell to giants. Isn't the dragon cargo finished? So I just have to explain it euphemistically.

With this explanation, everyone present took a breath of air-conditioning. Yes, Shennu is high-end goods on the human side, and daily necessities are low-end goods. Of course, daily necessities also have high-end items, but high-end items are not anywhere. .

"Speaker Cook, is this true?". Some congressmen asked without believing that, after all, for humans, the **** core is something that cannot be exchanged with **** crystals. Now it can be exchanged with daily necessities. This is a bit unrealistic. A major feature of daily necessities is , As long as there is demand, production can be expanded without restriction, and the technology is not very high-end.

Cook said with a smile, "If you don't believe it, of course, forget it, but I want to say one thing here, that is, the things we sell to the beasts must look very gorgeous."

"Speaker Cook, what a gorgeous way?" Some congressmen can't wait to ask as much detail as possible.

"How can I say, since we have increased the price, we don’t say that the quality is improved, but the style must be improved, such as the metal basin with water, we can grind the beautiful patterns inside and outside the metal basin, and for example, the fruit wine Yes, our wooden barrels can be wrapped in exquisite cloth, and the outside of the wooden barrels can also be painted with exquisite patterns. Another example is barbecue. We can increase the fragrance of certain spices. After all, the beasts are not us humans, and the ability to adapt to spices is very good. Strong, so even if the monsters in the future say that our prices are high, the goods are really different, isn’t it?" Cook said that this method is used by many merchants on the earth. The larger the company, the more it is, because the raw materials of the big companies are. They are all large batches, but the loss of raw materials is even more serious, not to mention the various costs incurred in the production process, and often they are changed to packages, just like moon cakes. ,

When Cook said this, the people present would understand. The councillors laughed loudly: "Speaker Cook, you are a profiteer."

"Who said I am a profiteer? I don't do business with the beast. Only those who do business with the beast are profiteers." Cook retorted in an angry manner.

"Haha, it's us, we are willing to be profiteers." The lawmakers heard Cook's answer and said with a smile immediately.

The congressmen left, and the major forces quickly formulated a series of measures. Each territory had a very strict entry and exit system for the products produced, but soon, the raw material suppliers began to increase prices~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Many congressmen are speechless when they see this situation. As long as Cook participates, the price of everything will be increased. At the beginning, it was the materials for refining equipment. These materials have not increased in price for tens of thousands of years. After Cook showed his hand in the alchemy temple, he kept rising in price, rising in price, and now it is still rising.

When Cook established the city, ordinary metals, which did not increase much, also began to soar, which is still going on.

Cook established the Pharmacy Association. Things like magic plants that no one had seen before, and the trouble of walking in the way to get in the way are actually worth money, and they have also become sweet pastries.

Yes, now Cook is trading with a beast, there is no way in the entire God Realm that does not increase the price, and the price increase makes the other two forces very uncomfortable. The first is the angel family. The angel family actually does not produce much. Most of the raw materials need to be imported from the Council of the Gods, which made the angels pay more and more, and complaints were already full.

There is another race, that is, the dragon clan, and the dragon clan is even less involved in production. It's just that the dragons used to rob in the past, but now everything is increased in price. There used to be no **** transportation teams. Guarded, and the power of the Council of the Gods, even if the dragon is robbing, it has to be sneaky.

When Cook convened a meeting of all members of the Council of Gods on the third day, the price of raw materials for daily necessities in the God Realm had already doubled, which made many members dissatisfied.

"Chairman Cook, it's too shameless to do this. We haven't seen the profit here. Some guys have started to increase prices and doubled in one day. How can we do business?" The human first spoke, and the target was directed at the dwarf. The dwarf is the largest supplier of metal and needs many daily necessities.

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