A Unique Hunter

Chapter 177: Road "Second More"

"Manly! Are you really willing to follow a kid like me?" Cook and Manly were sitting on top of a huge carriage, which was a four-wheeled carriage for soliciting goods. Cook looked at Manly next to him and whispered Seek proof.

When Manli heard Cook ask this, she first smiled, and then said helplessly: "We are life and death partners, and I find it safer to follow you. There is no news about the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, but I think it will be soon There will be news from them, and I must be the first person wanted."

"Hehe, don't worry!" Cook saw Manli showing her helpless look like a little woman, so he hugged Manli and said.

"If you hate me that day, I will leave automatically. My Manly is not like..." Manly heard Cooke's words, and instead broke away from Cook's arm and said, but she was caught before she finished speaking. Cook covered it with his hand.

Cook said lightly: "I won't leave you behind, even though we started from a misunderstanding."

Cook and Manly hugged each other like this. Looking at the setting sun in the distance, Cook is very calm now. In fact, Cook thinks from another angle. Manly is actually not bad. A Star Knight who is less than 80 years old, this talent He is strong enough, and he is also the deputy commander of the Knights of the Temple. Although Manli did not say her family background, Cook knew that Manli’s family background would never be too bad, and could support a Star Knights House. The resources needed are so huge, and he is just the son of a commoner, and his strength is only a second-level hunter. In fact, he should not be worthy of Manly, and Cook thinks that he has a big advantage.

The reason why Cook chose to walk instead of using the teleportation array is to avoid the exploration of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. Cook is not afraid, but Manly's goal is too conspicuous, although it takes up to two months to reach her territory from the Magic City. For a long time, but with Manly, at least not very lonely.

Starting from the Magic City, along the Da Murray River at the edge of the Warcraft Forest all the way up, through the Satya Empire, the Garcia Empire, and the Rochelle Empire, and then into the Mesai River, a tributary of the Da Murray River, and Da Murray The other tributaries of the river extend into the endless Warcraft Forest.

After reaching the Messer River, he entered the Maser Empire. After half a month's long journey, Cook finally reached his territory, but what Cook saw by the river near his territory in the Mars Empire was huge. The fortress, where the Maser Royal Guards, one of the elite legions of the Maser Empire, is stationed, and within a few kilometers is the territory of the Kuruman Empire, where the Messer River has drawn a 150 A large bend that is many kilometers wide. There are five empires on this bend. The abundant water of the Mesai River has nurtured nearly 100 million people in the five empires. Therefore, each empire has dug huge canals, which are the natural borders of various countries. .

And here, the merchants also began to complain, because the opposite of the Mesai River is not the plain, but the edge of the Totisnia Highlands. The kilometer-high cliffs are very common, so they have to go to Cook’s territory. You must go along the way and pass through the five empires. However, every time you pass a checkpoint, you will collect a lot of taxes. There are also strict inspections. There is no way. The Damurei River flows smoothly, and the places passed by are mostly plains and mountains. Hilly area, but the lowest bank of the Mesai River is more than ten meters high, and the deepest place is hundreds of meters deep, and the road here is not easy to walk, because it has entered the mountainous area, and the road sometimes winds up. , Sometimes hovering down, height difference of up to kilometers is very common.

"Oh, my territory map is like a stomach!" Cook lined up and sighed. Cook's territory is a good plain, but the **** thing is that the edge of the Totisnia Highland stretches out for a hundred kilometers. These people must pass through the territories of the five empires before they can enter a gorge that is more than 30 kilometers wide in the Totisnia Highlands and the Natal Mountains. There is also a 30-kilometer wide gorge in addition to the several kilometers wide Mesai River. It is winter and the flow of the Maisai River is not large, but looking at the deep riverbed and the billowing rocks as large as houses above the riverbed, one can imagine how much water flow there is in the rainy season.

After passing the largest chain bridge on the mainland, the Messey Bridge reached Cook’s territory. There was once an elite army of orc empires with 10,000 people trying to get through here, but when a fire burned the thick wooden planks on the chain bridge , The elite legion of this ten thousand orc empire was only staring.

Cook looked at the dozens of huge iron chains that were thick enough for the sea bowl. The entire chain bridge was built on the narrowest part of the Mesai River, but it also has a length of 1,500 meters. The river bed is 100 meters deep, and the chain bridge is less than five meters wide, so the one-way system is implemented here. In the morning, it is released to the territory of Cook, and in the afternoon it is released to the empire, and the person responsible for guarding the chain bridge is actually It is a knight group in the magic city, and the charges are charged by the Randy Empire among the five empires.

The Ceylon Empire is close to the Randy Empire, but the Ceylon Empire only occupies the foot part of the Natal Mountains~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can barely be regarded as the border with Cook’s territory. Cook also breathed a sigh of relief, but It was in the afternoon when Ke arrived, it was when the other side was released, so Cook had to find a hotel to stay. This is already a mountainside part of the Natal Mountains. The huge mountain col is full of hotels, which is more than a medium-sized city. All are still prosperous, with adventurers, merchants, guards, mercenaries and so on.

The races seen here are also the most on the continent. Orcs, dwarves, dwarves, giants, goblins, etc. are all present here. Cook can't help but sigh, and the three hundred magic city knights stationed here are still beginning to take shape. If you want to, then the three towers of the two hundred meters high that stand on the side of the bridge allow everyone who wants to forcibly pass through here to weigh their own weight, and the huge bridgehead is exposed with cold, shiny arms. Crossbow arrows make everyone more cautious. The magician legion here is also a regiment, with one hundred and fifty middle and high-level magicians, including the knights, and the number of affiliates of the magician group is as high as 5,000.

"Oh! It seems that my territory is not very peaceful!" Cook muttered to himself, but at this time Cook also heard a bad news.

"Everyone, everybody, the Temple of the Lady of the Night has been established in the Hill Empire." Cook heard the people in the tavern say loudly, and Cook couldn't help but sink. The Hill Empire, one of the top empires on the mainland, The number is as high as 900 million people, and the permanent army has reached 15 million. What is more rare is that the Hill Empire is close to the sea and rich in resources. It is even more said that the Hill Empire has a close relationship with the Sea Clan.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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