A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 389:

"What if you don't have this certificate?" the dragon asked with a sullen face.

"That is the market price, and now the ale is very tight. The ale is scheduled to reach this time next year, and the order is still being placed. If it weren't for the grain harvest next year, it is estimated that the order will be accepted." The owner of the ale replied. .

When the dragon heard this, his heart became more unhappy. He turned around and left. The dragon came to another shop selling metal pots. Before he spoke, the boss said, "Excuse me, a few, we are here. The goods on the side have been booked out."

"The reservation is out, I pay a high price!" The dragon said with a sneer.

"Everyone, it's really booked out. Isn't this going to be easy with God? The dwarves have refused to accept orders for metal materials, and we humans now refuse to accept orders for food. Now this goods has already been booked out." The boss here Also a human.

"Nonsense, obviously you humans raised the price first." Next to the human boss was a dwarf boss, and the dwarf boss shouted angrily.

"It's ridiculous, who raised the price first? When the city was built, the price of metal rose, and that time the price of ordinary metal rose." The human boss also shouted loudly.

"Ordinary metals are also smelted from ore. Don't talk nonsense if you don't know." The dwarf boss said angrily.

"You are too embarrassed to say it, and it is also smelted from ore. At that time, did the price of the ale you drink increase? No, did the price of the food you eat increase? No, so what is the reason for your price increase? Are there many people buying? I'm sorry, now we have a lot of ale, food, and so on." The human boss said that this was annoying.

"You have the ability to never sell?" The dwarf boss roared again and again.

"Cut, we human blacksmiths are not good, but it is still possible to build some farming tools, but I don't know if some races will grow food and make wine." The human boss said angrily.

"You, I drink the fruit wine of the orcs." The dwarf boss was angry.

"Go drink it, the price of the fruit wine on the orc's side has also increased. Go drink it, no one wants you to drink it!" The human boss said very proudly.

"Damn human, your dwarf uncle beats you... bang." The dwarf heard the human boss say this, his face was pale, you know that the orc fruit wine is very good, but the price of the orc fruit wine has always been higher than the ale, and the dwarves drink more. The average dwarf really can't afford the price of fruit wine.

The dragon saw this scene, turned around and left. Obviously, the high profits have already caused conflicts within the Council of the Gods. Unlike other things, the bulk of goods can be robbed. Even if it is a robbery, this thing can also rob. how much.

"What, I'm not an internal member of the Council of Gods, I can't buy it at the internal price?" The giant dragon came to the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, and the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce has a lot of goods.

However, the dragon got an unexpected answer here. The waiter of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce heard the dragon ask himself repeatedly and smiled and replied: "Yes, because God Yi needs a lot of goods, so we gods The council decided to meet internal needs first, and only if there was surplus it would be sold to forces outside the council of gods, and each race would sell licenses between each other. Only by getting this, can a large amount of certain goods be purchased from each race."

"God, who made such a bad idea, I'm going to choke him to death." The dragons were angry and roared at the fox waiter.

"All members of the Council of Gods agreed, and Speaker Cook also made a decision." The fox waiter is not afraid of these giant dragons.

When the dragons heard this, they were at a loss. All the councils of the gods passed it. Even without Cook, the dragons did not dare to take any action. Although the council of the gods was a piece of loose sand, the council of the gods could interact with the giants. It's not without reason that dragons and angels stand side by side.

These news were fed back to the Great Dragon Elders Association, which protested to the Council of Gods, but the answer of the Council of Gods left the dragons completely speechless. The answer of the Council of Gods was to meet the needs of its members. The most basic common sense of every force or organization, of course, has exceptions, such as traitors.

The dragon elders are not reconciled, what a profit, and the dragons are even more regretful after knowing that Cook's auction qualification is actually the price of the entry permit.

But giant dragons also have to face it. The giant dragons don’t know what to do. As time goes by, the scene with Shenyi has become more and more popular. After the opening of Shenyi place, 500 God cores were traded. This is a huge amount of wealth.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Looking at the news sent by the dragon guard, the dragon elders became more uncomfortable.

There are not only various nuclei, but also various living sacred beasts, eggs of sacred beasts, and some fur, teeth and other things, magic plants, unknown ores, and most of these ores are gem ores.

This kind of ore is the most top-notch. The sacred beast cannot mine the ore. Imagine what kind of rich ore that can pick up gem ore.

The various merchants on the Council of the Gods are buying and shipping a large number of goods. The human food planting area has been planned to increase fivefold next year, and the dwarf clan’s ore output has also decided to increase fivefold.

"They are all idiots, thinking that they are doing well, now they are good, now they are watching others make money." Red Dragon patriarch shouted angrily.

"Idiot, who are you talking about, who was the most insidious and grabbed the most shops?" The Diamond Dragon Patriarch shouted angrily.

"That's my stupid brain, I was deceived by your diamond dragon clan's idiot." The red dragon patriarch sneered and replied, for the sake of profit, the red dragon did not hesitate to demean himself.

"In other words, your Red Dragon clan is actually not as good as an idiot?" Diamond Dragon Patriarch said with a sneer.

"You, anyway, our red dragon clan has been fooled by your diamond dragon." The red dragon clan is so angry, but I really don't know how to refute this.

The golden dragon patriarch shouted: "Don’t say it, the starting point of the diamond dragon is good, but we have all ignored it, that is, our dragon clan cannot produce any products, and now the price is as high as Shenyi, who wants to Isn’t that a fool if the products are sold to us at low prices?"

"Should we ask Cook to come forward and talk?" the patriarch of the Dulong clan suggested.

"This kind of problem is probably not easy for Cook to talk about. The benefits involved are too great. Although Cook said that he is a speaker of the Council of the Gods, he can't buy or sell!" The Frost Dragon patriarch shook his head and analyzed.

"In fact, it seems that we are still making a lot of money." Huanglong clan chief said with a smile.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the patriarch of the Huanglong clan curiously.

The patriarch of the Huanglong clan shook his head and said: "The shop we have now is also a very expensive property. When Cook auctioned it, the price was high enough, but now that the transaction is hot, I want to participate in the forces. There must be a lot. We, the Dragons, have the right to use these shops. Now we transfer them..."

"Stop talking." The Green Dragon clan chief interrupted.

"Why?" the patriarch of the Huanglong clan asked suspiciously.

"Look at the agreement that was signed at the time. Doesn't it allow us to transfer it, and can only be used by the dragon clan?" The green dragon clan chief said angrily.

Everyone quickly took out the contract and took a look. As expected, the Red Dragon clan chief said in surprise: "Does Cook already know all this?"

"Maybe this, Cook made me think about it clearly." The Diamond Dragon sheriff replied very depressed when he heard this.

"Tsk tusk, this Cook is really, can it be said that there is a shadow of Cook in this incident?" Diamond Dragon Patriarch asked guessingly.

The other dragons shook their heads. It’s hard to say right now. First of all, for these commodities and raw materials, the council of the gods are fighting with each other. Cook’s words are not effective, everyone doesn’t know, but Cook, as the speaker, will definitely not let it. The Council of the Gods was in chaos.

"Look for Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dragon elders looked at each other, and finally there was only one way.

Of course, this is why Cook is strong. If Cook is not strong, the dragon will speak so easily. Therefore, equality and everything are based on the same strength. No matter what, there is no absolute equality. The rich have conflicts. The only thing the poor rely on is their own personal strength. The rich can hire lawyers if they have money, thugs if they have money, and law enforcement officials if they have money to eat and drink. The final result is definitely unfair.

Even the law is unfair. It is to maintain the social system. Although civilians are indispensable, the base of civilians is large, and it is normal for some civilians to receive unfair treatment.

Because the social value created by some wealthy people is much higher than that of the civilians who need to make sacrifices, even from a large perspective, the rich are needed to create social value and maintain the operation of society. As for a small number of civilians...

That's why there are mental patients who kill people, because they have the ability to turn a mental illness into a mental illness, which is obviously impossible for civilians.

The dragon has thought about being tough against Cook. There must be some, but this business is really inseparable from Cook. If the dragon can get rid of Cook and go it alone, then the dragon clan will definitely do it alone, but the beast is that It was Cook who brought the line, and the shop was built on Cook's territory. Without Cook, the dragon really couldn't do it well.

As for the status quo of the dragon clan, Cook did not expect it to be so serious. Cook just knew that the dragon would definitely not be able to buy enough goods, because the God Realm is a place that pays attention to interests, and the major forces have their own opportunities to make a fortune. Why Give the opportunity to make a fortune to others.

"Speaker Cook, our dragon clan quit, we want to auction off the shop." Golden Dragon Elder came to find Cook in person.

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