A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 397:

The two looked at each other and hurriedly searched around. As a result, many people obtained the items of the ancient gods. Many of the items obtained made others jealous. As for where Cook went, no one cared at all, because What everyone cares about is the baby, because the impact was very big at that time, so there were hundreds of kilometers within the explosion range, people were constantly looking for it.

Of course, because they can’t fly, the people on the ground are like a colony of ants fleeing. Of course, there are lucky guys. They are some dwellings under the mountains of the gods, and some things are inexplicably smashed in. Of course, good luck is a treasure, luck If it is not good, the building will be destroyed.

As for the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, I was very depressed, because before the shock wave arrived, the entire city wall lit up a protective cover, but it was cheaper for some people outside the city. Standing under the city wall, there would be treasures falling down, because it was a passive defense. Therefore, these items have not been counterattacked by the city wall defense system. This is mainly because the detection of magic lines detects that these items have no energy fluctuations.

When Jim and Todd saw Cook again, it was already the next day. After they saw Cook, they looked expectantly. Cook looked at the two of them and said: , Directly penetrated the space, I don’t know where that guy was hit, maybe it’s still in the space turbulence."

"My lord, is that you didn't get anything useful this time?" Jim said regretfully.

"It's still there. I found a doorman." Cook pointed to a creeping red thing not far away. Jim and the two looked at it, this is not what a red bear is.

"Probably the strength of the **** emperor, equivalent to the main **** level of human beings, but due to the lack of energy in the main mysterious realm, the current strength is only at the upper **** level, but the resistance of this body is not under the main god, and it can be restored after a period of training Quite a lot, you will show me the door in the future." Cook said, pointing to the red bear.

When the two of Jim heard this, they couldn't help but asked worriedly: "My lord, is this an ancient god's pet?"

"Here, no matter how good the relationship is, you have been kept in one place for countless years, you can't eat enough, you can't sleep well, you can do it, this guy is smart." Cook shook his head and said. ‘

Jim was a little speechless when he heard what Cook said. He wanted to refute it. Cook said it was very reasonable. If you want not to refute it, he always feels a little unbelievable.

"Well, this guy doesn't dare to mess around, or I'll take his skin." Cook has an attitude towards these creatures. Those who are obedient will stay, and those who are not obedient will cause heavy losses. That's it.

The red bear heard Cook say this, he couldn't help but shrank his neck, slandering in his heart: "Nima is a pervert, and he said something disobedient. I have this thing on my neck, can I be disobedient?"

"But this size error is too big, right?" Todd asked suspiciously.

"I make it smaller and smaller." Cook replied very aggressively.

But in fact, this will consume the red bear’s energy. Although Cook has implanted a soul-branded equipment into the red bear’s brain, there is a magical equipment on the neck, as long as the one is wrong, this The artifact on the neck will stretch out hundreds of long spikes in an instant. As long as you say what is on the spikes, as long as Cook knows it, after the red bear sees the spikes popping out, the spikes The weird colors and weird energy fluctuations make the red bear know that even if it doesn't know what it is, it is a bad thing.

However, the two of Jim were still envious. The red bear was just looking at the momentum at the time, and he knew that he was a strong man, a **** beast of the **** emperor level. This was already considered very high, and his body defense power reached the main **** level, which was a bit abnormal. .

It is true that in the God Realm, there are many main gods, and most of the main gods are hidden. Take the residence in the sky city of Cook auction this time, there are at least dozens of main gods gathered together. Don't say it didn't show up.

From this point of view, it is reasonable for the divine beasts not to provoke the human world. Who knows how many super powers there are? As for why the human world does not occupy the land of the divine beasts.

The reason is the same as that of the sacred beasts. The two worlds are full of contradictions. But in contrast, the inner world of the sacred beasts is more **** and rude. Although the internal contradictions of human society are also very bloody, they are often covered by conspiracies. Down.

"My lord, the name of that sect?" Jim began to ask the development of the Cook sect.

"This...I'll talk about it later." Cook groaned, then waved his hand.

For Cooke, this sect is an experimental thing, and it also has an auxiliary role, which is to collect information. Even so, in Cook's eyes, it is still not very important.

After Jim and Todd left, Cook also began to refine artifacts and equipment. After a few months, Cook hadn't refined artifacts. Although those who placed the order did not say anything, they must be anxious.

There is also the continued establishment of the Pharmacy Association. The foundation of the Pharmacy Academy has long been taken out by the Bunnymen, and the stone on the Sanjiangkou of the Lion Man was within a few months. There were more than one hundred thousand Beimeng who got the designated location of Sanjiangkou and waited for Cook to go.

There are also various facilities in the home of his family on the Sky City, which have not yet been completed, and there are security measures. These things make Cook a little overwhelmed, but things still have to be done step by step.

When Cook was immersed in refining the artifact, it was very lively outside. First of all, the old guys who lived on the sky city were actually all old guys. This made Dilly feel a lot of pressure. A large part of these old guys are The existence of the main **** level.

Of course, these guys dare not make trouble, but Dilly is also very troublesome to manage.

"Dilly City, I want to change my bedroom. I don't know what formalities are needed?" Then the old guy who lived here came.

"Uh, this senior..." Dili really didn't understand, because the management of Sky City had a very strict set of rules, so Dili quickly turned it over.

"Don't call me senior, I am a resident of this city, and I will be under the jurisdiction of the city lord in the future." The old guy said with a smile when he saw Dilly like this.

"Senior, the bedroom in the house you live in is constructed with more than 360 compound magic patterns. It has constant temperature, moisturizing, fresh air, sound insulation, and the ability to resist the attack of the main god, and there is an independent water supply in the room. If the entire drainage system is changed, I am afraid that it will require more than 600,000 high-quality crystals. This includes the cost of dismantling the original bedroom and building the drawings of the bedroom style. This requires Speaker Cook to do it himself, and the establishment also requires Speaker Cook to add What is the cost of the materials." Dilly explained after reading it.

Hearing this, the questioning old man asked, "So is Speaker Cook busy?"

"I'm afraid I don't have time now, I need to make an appointment." Dilly said a little sorry.

"Then don't worry, wait until Speaker Cook is free. I won't bother City Lord Dilly." The old guy heard this, turned and left as he spoke.

Dilly looked at the old guy’s back, feeling a little strange, and after the old guy went out, he patted his chest: "The place where I slept actually costs 600,000 high-grade **** crystals. This Nima is too luxurious, but it still seems It's worth it, to be able to fight against the main **** level hit ability?"

What the old guy seems to be very reasonable is very unreasonable in Dilly’s view. After Dilly took a closer look at the change quotation for the entire house, she muttered in her heart: "The city of the sky has such a strong protection ability, these residences need Is it useful to build such a strong defense capability? Once the defense of the Sky City is broken, the thing will fall directly. No matter how high the defense of the house is, it is of no use."

The old guy who just left is going to go back, but thinking about it, he walked towards the portal and then came to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. The Sky City can reach dozens of places in the God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In these dozens of places, you can also Go directly to the Sky City, but you must first have the permission to teleport. Even if you do not have the permission, you will be attacked by the Sky City.

"Haha, old guy, if you are not happy to live on it, or do you want to live on the ground?" The old guy came to a relatively remote tavern familiarly, and looked down upon the outside of the tavern, but inside it was different.

"I'm here to see if there are good things on it. To be honest, I'm really not used to living in the house above. I don't want to buy some materials and change it." The old guy who came down from the Sky City said to the tavern owner.

"Haha, it's better for you to live in the Sky City." The tavern owner poured a glass of wine familiarly, and then sent it to the old guy. Obviously the two are already familiar.

"What's so good, I regret it now, do you know how much it will cost to change the house this time?" The old guy took a sigh and asked with a sigh.

"The price is definitely not low, it's all made by Speaker Cook himself." The tavern owner also guessed.

"Six hundred thousand high-grade **** crystals." The old guy's voice suddenly became louder, causing several other old guys who were drinking to look sideways. 600 thousand high-grade **** crystals, this is a huge sum of money.

"Six hundred thousand, how is this possible?" Although the tavern owner guessed that the price was not low, he did not expect that there would be such a high price.

"I asked carefully. There are hundreds of composite magic patterns in the house we bought, which can adjust the temperature of the room, can be ventilated, soundproof, and have a special bathroom. Anyway, as long as you are in the room, you can do everything without leaving the room. Of course, the most important thing about the price is that these buildings can resist attacks of the main **** level.” The old guy said, and he was a little proud.

"Wow!" Sure enough, everyone around him wowed when they heard this.

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