A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 408:

"Two thousand, huh." Someone shouted a number when he heard this, and then hehe, in fact, if the person didn't say this, then maybe no one has increased the fare yet.

"Two thousand, is there any higher? No, it's this gentleman's." The lion-man elder was so excited that he said a few more words, which upgraded from one thousand to two thousand.

However, two thousand is already a high price, no one bids, and the lion-man elder's mouth opens with a smile: "Congratulations to this gentleman for getting the biggest mussel so far. Should you open it yourself, or we open it for you."

"I'll come by myself." The man still came by himself.

"The green pearl is actually of wood!" The human did not open it rudely, but opened it slightly, and a green light spurted out. Fortunately, this man had been prepared, and the people around him exclaimed.

Generally speaking, aquatic creatures are generally water systems, but there are exceptions, but they are very rare, very rare. In the God Realm, there are several creatures with the highest value, space, fire, wood, gold, and fire. The gold element has strong attacks, and the wood element is used for healing equipment.

"Get rich, get rich."

"That is, if this is the best wood magic pearl, the value is at least tens of thousands of gods. If it is used as the main material for Speaker Cook to refine an artifact jewelry... Sir, I will spend fifty thousand to buy your mussel. "The people around were amazed, even some people bid 50,000 yuan.

"I don't sell it, I raise it myself." Hearing this, the human who had just offered two thousand shook his head and refused.

"Look here, look here, there's more here, everyone hurry up and bid, hurry up and bid." The lion elder and the patriarch Bemung were also envious and jealous, and the two of them realized that this pearl has so much attention, of course. The two also knew that there were a lot of these things in the Blackwater Marsh.

"This is five hundred."

"This two thousand."

"This one thousand." In less than five minutes, the remaining 98 mussels were photographed away. Among the more than 90, there was also a blood mussel and a highly poisonous mussel. The rest are basically at a loss.

The patriarch and lion-man elders were even more excited. The lowest price of these hundred mussels was the first, and the highest was 5,000. A total of hundreds of thousands of high-grade **** crystals were collected. This Nima is actually better than grabbing money. More powerful.

"Okay, please wait patiently and proceed to the second auction right away. Everyone can check it up close." The lion elder hurriedly asked the patriarch Bimon to put the big guy who just picked up. This thing has this advantage. In general, as long as you don’t hurt it, it won’t attack you, especially if you change the environment. Of course, if you pry it open, it will definitely attack you. In addition, this thing runs very quickly, but Now the water downstream of the dam is not deep enough to run.

The second auction was completed in a few hours. This time, several rare varieties were released, which made the people around them even more excited. More people participated. When the lion elder saw that the situation was not right, he immediately said:" Well, today’s auction is complete. Please come early tomorrow. We will select the 100 largest ones for the first auction tomorrow morning."

Others heard this, although they were a little unwilling, but they still waited patiently. After all, it is night and it will only take a few hours the next morning.

"I'm going to ask someone for advice." The lion elder hurriedly left, and the patriarch Bimon looked at the **** crystal card in his hand, which was hundreds of thousands. The trust in the lion elder was admired by the patriarch Bimon. This has played a big role in the future cooperation between the two races.

Who did the lion patriarch go to look for? He didn't look for the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. He didn't look for any other races in the orcs, such as the Fox tribe who are good at doing business. He didn't look for the Tigers, but went to Cook.

When Cook was in the Pharmacy College of the Bunnyman Territory, when he heard the lion man’s purpose, Cook didn’t expect that the lion man actually had this kind of itself. He smiled and praised: "I can’t see it, you lion man actually found this. A way of making money."

"Thanks to the speaker for your dam." The Lion Man Grand Elder was also very excited. Hundreds of thousands of high-grade God Crystals may be a small number for other forces, but for the impoverished Lion Man, this It is a huge sum of money, of course, this **** crystal will definitely be spent in an instant.

"The idea of ​​auctioning mussels is very good. After all, there are a lot of mussels at Sanjiangkou. Not only can the mussels be auctioned, but you can also auction the mining rights of the open surface of the river. For example, the area of ​​100 square meters will be auctioned at a starting price. People can go to the river to dig by themselves, and the harvest is someone else's." Cook came up with an idea.

"Yeah." Elder Lion Man listened carefully, and didn't say anything.

"There is also farming. Those who buy mussels, especially those who buy rare mussels, can build a series of houses by the big river at Sanjiangkou. There is nothing else behind this house. There must be a big pool. Those used to raise mussels can be rented or sold. The winners of mussels worth tens of thousands will definitely be willing to buy a house for tens of thousands. After all, the house is also valuable, and you Lions can also Fishing from the river to sell these mussel farmers, although this business is not of high value, but it takes a long time." Cook said again.

"Okay, good." The lion elder cheered for Cook's idea.

"Hehe, as for the Blackwater Marsh, you should first ask the crocodile people what they think. If the crocodile people are willing to do it, you will share with them. If you don’t want to, you can do it yourself. Those crocodile people will definitely not provoke. Yours." Cook chuckled and answered another question from the Great Elder Lion.

"Sir, what about this auction?" The Lion Elder asked again.

"Haha. You are doing very well. You can't use the latter to test this. Once the mussel responds, the value will be revealed. I think more than 99% of the mussels are worthless." Cook said.

"Sir, do we still need to pay attention?" The lion elder asked Cook's instructions and promises at last.

"No, but why don't you find the Fox Clan to assist you?" Cook asked suspiciously.

When the lion elder heard this, he said with a wry smile: "Those foxes are more calculating than anyone else. Our lions are not as clever as they are, and you must look down on this benefit, Sir, those foxes. The family is not necessarily."

"Well, you can just do it according to your ideas. Sometimes, my speaker is not for nothing." Cook gave a hmm and didn't say anything.

The lion-man elder went back, but after returning, the number of people in Sanjiangkou was much less. The lion-man elder has implemented the results of seeing Cook this time, and this has also been supported by Bimon.

So tens of thousands of Bimeng and Lions began to deal with stones again. After all, it is not a simple matter to breed mussels. The bottom of the pool is at least a thick rock layer, and at least metal is used around the pool. Of course, for Gold-type mussel, that is another matter.

However, there are still a lot of people participating in the auction. What makes Lion Elders excited is that there are merchants who want to wholesale mussels, those small mussels, these mussels are just ordinary pearls, but for those who have not reached the **** level Yes, it is still valuable.

There is still a lot of people flow in the Lion Man Territory, especially many people will come to see the dazzling light at night, and the development of the Lion Man Territory is also rapid. Houses are located on the riverside of Sanjiangkou. Some The house is already inhabited, and there are some ordinary lion people catching fish in the river below the dam, and then these are used as commodities to circulate, some are used as feed for raising mussels, and some are used as food for the lion people.

The rapid prosperity of the lion’s territory has created another myth, that is, a place that Cook values, even in a remote place like Sanjiangkou, can thrive. Where is Sanjiangkou, in the past, even the orcs did not Where I am willing to go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, the price of land in that place is skyrocketing, and more job opportunities allow more Lions to gather from all parts of the Lions. Here, the Lions get jobs. It's very simple. Even going to the river to fish for mussels is enough to make a lot of money.

More people means more commodity consumption, more commodity consumption means more merchants, and more merchants means more prosperity. This is a cyclical process. The Lion Man Presbyterian Church also Instead of putting away the sold crystals, they used them. This attracted more races. Some dwarves opened blacksmith shops, some equipment merchants sold equipment, and some dwarves opened parts shops.

The Bemun clan, which is separated from the Lion clan, also established settlements on the other side of the dam, and allowed adventurers to enter the Bemun territory. The tax is very low, and the tax is based on the harvest. Those adventurers who have not gained , Nothing will be charged.

In this way, thousands of adventurers have been attracted to the territory of Beamon, because in the territories of other races, regardless of whether they have harvested or not, they must pay taxes and fees. Of course, this idea was also given by Cook.

Bi Mengxian was not satisfied, but within half a month, the Bi Meng clan did not pay much to the adventurers, but the number of hotels, taverns, and equipment shops in the Bi Meng settlement exceeded two hundred. It will not expand again, and has formed an adventurer trading market, where the adventurers' gains can be sold directly to merchants.

The bunny, lion, tauren, elephant, butterfly, and even elephants, the poorest races in the orc race, have almost become upstarts in just over a year, which makes others The orcs felt very uncomfortable, and they regretted nothing more than the Tiger Clan and the Fox Clan. These two races first came into contact with Cook, so the God of War Conference began to be held ahead of schedule under the control of the interested people.

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