A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 411:

Along the way, the angel warden did not introduce other prisoners. After arriving in the space where prisoner No.16 was located, Old Ba looked at prisoner No.16 and sighed, "As expected, it is a star beast. The momentum."

"The star beast was originally suitable for the starry sky. If we hadn't set up a very powerful defense system here, this guy would have run away." The angel warden said.

Lao Ba looked at a sphere with a diameter of tens of meters, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and asked, "How powerful is this guy to explode?"

"The strength of this guy is equivalent to the level of the **** emperor, and if he explodes, it is equivalent to a blow with the full strength of the main god, and this star beast is a rare wind type, and the speed is very fast, and most people can't avoid this guy's self-destruction." Angel The warden explained.

"In what form is this?" Old Ba continued to ask.

"This is the third form, this form is exactly like dormancy, reducing its own consumption to a minimum, but retaining the weakest breath." The angel warden replied.

"The first form is the combat form?" Old Ba wondered.

"Yes, but if you blew up, it would be in the second form. In the first form, the size of this guy is dozens of times the size now." The warden nodded and said.

The old man smiled and said, "Okay, let this try the strength of this guy Cook."

"This is a soul control crystal." The warden handed a soul crystal to Old Eight and said.

"Is it really extravagant, this soul crystal is very valuable." Looking at the soul crystal, the old man sighed involuntarily.

What is the soul crystal? The soul crystal is a crystal that can save the soul. It is an extremely rare and unique crystal. The soul in the soul crystal will not weaken, but will continue to strengthen. As for the origin of the soul crystal, it is not I know, of course, even if I know it, I won't say it, after all, the value of this thing is too high.

"It's just a low-quality product, and the life of the soul is not more than 50,000 years." The warden said with a shrug.

Old Ba branded his own soul in this soul crystal. There is a part of the soul of the star beast in the soul crystal. Through this, the old ba can control this star beast, which looks like a rope passing through a bull's nose. , Like a man pinched by others.

"By the way, what's this guy's name?" Old Ba asked afterwards.

"Puff, a prisoner still needs a name?" the warden asked sarcastically.

Seeing the expression of the warden, the old ba sneered and said: "Idiot, I didn't ask what you meant, I asked the name of the race."

"You... don't know, get out." The warden was annoyed by the old eight's words.

"Hehe, who wants to stay in your broken place." Old Ba hehe smiled.

The warden waved his hand and then chanted a few urgent spells. The walls of the huge space opened slowly, and the starry sky outside could be seen through the opening.

Some people are curious, why do these two guys turn their faces when they turn their faces?

This is the reason for living a long time. He thinks he is the best, others are idiots, and there are contradictions within the angel royal family. The specific contradiction is the allocation of resources.

Just like the warden, if you want to use the prisoners to do any experiment, you need funds. And how these funds come from is contributed by the whole angel family, but the warden is not the only one who uses resources, but also research. Pharmacy, research equipment, archaeology, and adventure, so every resource allocation, everyone is blushing, and this contradiction will continue to accumulate, because they live long enough.

So sometimes once someone else has something wrong, they will immediately ridicule. Of course, other people are not vegetarian, so the contradiction immediately becomes prominent.

Old Ba sneered and said, "Just stay with your puppet, idiot."

Old Ba flew away after speaking, and landed directly on the body of the star beast. The star beast perceives the surrounding elements, and when he saw the starry sky, he was excited for a long time and rushed into the starry sky with him.

"Bah, you are an idiot. After you explode, you will not be able to compete with me for resources for at least tens of thousands of years." The warden looked at the back of Lao Ba leaving, and said with a sigh of pride.

Then the surface of the entire asteroid returned to death again, and continued to float in the starry sky.

Besides, after Cook used your own authority to reconfigure the detection system of the Sky City, the energy anomalous area of ​​the entire God of War Canyon was immediately found.

"Tsk tusk, the core of the energy anomaly is actually far away from the God of War Canyon. Looking at this energy field, it should be a spacecraft of a certain exploratory model." Cook has an energy wizard, who can judge what is released by energy fluctuations.

In addition to analyzing wizards, constructing wizards, and general wizard equipment, as long as they are discovered by Cook, they can basically determine what they are.

"Look more carefully." When he found out what it was, Cook felt relaxed a lot, but because it was an exploratory spacecraft in the Wizarding World, Cook had to be more careful because it could already threaten Cook. Up.

If it was something from the God Realm, Cook would have done it a long time ago, but when Cook was busy, those guys in Sky City felt a little different.

"Why Speaker Cook hasn't acted yet?" Some people were puzzled. Through the huge energy shield, they could see the city of the sky constantly moving above the God of War Canyon. Some people were puzzled.

"You idiot, this sky city moves freely above the God of War Canyon. Doesn't this explain any problem?" But just as he said this, a giant dragon said with a mockery.

After being said by the giant dragon, this person realized that the most weird part of the God of War Canyon was that he couldn't use energy to fly. Now the Sky City has been flying back and forth several times, and obviously it has made great progress.

The silent people around looked at the guy who had just opened his mouth and was ridiculed by the dragon, and secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, I didn't speak first."

After constant investigations, Cook discovered more situations. Cook looked at the energy fluctuations in the entire canyon, and sighed: "Insidious, insidious, I was just investigating the abnormal energy area, but I didn’t. Exploring the energy intensity, if Nima directly rushed to the place with abnormal energy, he would have left in embarrassment."

Dilly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, this Ares Canyon is actually a huge defense system, and the plants in the entire Canyon are actually a whole." Cook said.

"How is this possible?" Dilly didn't believe what Cook said, how big the Canyon of the Gods of War is, with such a big magical plant.

"Natural may not be possible, but this is a mutated plant cultivated by man." Cook said with a smile.

Dilly continued to ask: "How did you tell it?"

"Look at the area where the energy intensity is located, the abnormal central energy is somewhat low, the others are somewhat high, and the surrounding energies are almost the same. This is impossible because the types of magic plants are different and they release Energy fluctuations are also different, and such a large range is within a small value range, then there is obviously a problem, and if we go directly to the energy anomaly area, we will fall into the trap." Cook pointed The energy distribution image said to Dilly.

When Cook said that, Dilly nodded, and Dilly asked, "So how do you crack it?"

"Hey, this is simple. Since others want to disguise these magic plants, what does it mean? It means that this is a weakness. I guess these plants can not only accumulate energy, but also absorb the energy of attack. I must destroy these magics first. Plant, look at the reaction again." Cook said with a smile.

Dilly didn't say anything. In these respects, Dilly admitted that he was not Cook's opponent, but Cook hadn't acted before Windsor appeared.

"Cook, you can't destroy those plants. Mutated plants are very helpful for our research." The first words from Windsor made Cook depressed.

"Then what do you say?" Cook asked angrily.

"You are a man~www.wuxiaspot.com~You should find a way." Windsor replied confidently.

Cook said with a smile: "Windsor, if you think about it, if these plants lose control, maybe it's a disaster in the gods?"

"Our Temple of Nature is capable of handling it." Windsor is now an official of the Temple of Nature, and his words are also considered for the Temple of Nature.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you for one day. If it hasn't been processed in one day, don't blame me for ruining it." Cook heard this and said immediately.

Dilly was snickering on the side. When Windsor was said by Cook, she didn't know how to answer. She turned around and left. Dilly only said at this moment: "I don't think it was Windsor's own idea."

"Hehe, some people don't even know who the master is. They stopped the energy supply in the botanical garden to let the elders of these natural temples know who is the master." Cook said with a smile.

"What if it didn't mean the elders?" Dilly didn't expect Cook to do this.

"I don't believe those elders don't know." Cook replied indifferently. Dilly understood when she heard this, that is, the elders of the Temple of Nature did not play their due role in this matter.

Dilly activated the authority and then stopped the energy of the plantation.

Don't forget, there are still many people on the sky city now. The others were shocked when they saw the energy shield on the other side of the plantation disappear, and then they heard a scream.

"Gosh, what's the matter, my baby..."

"Ah. The mutant plant I cultivated."

"The seeds I just planted, what's wrong with this?"

Then I saw a group of elders rushing towards the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion. The people around looked at each other, and they all had a question in their hearts: "Is there something wrong with the Sky City?"

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