A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 415:

The eight-clawed star beast is like eating it. The eight huge claws continuously spray out rays. The old eight originally avoided it. However, this eight-clawed star beast is also very smart. It is constantly attacking. Reduce the dodge range of the old eight.

The dodge range is also a space that can be moved, and the space shrinks rapidly, but the higher the attack frequency of the Octopus Star Beast, the higher the attack frequency, and in the end Lao Ba was hit by several rays of the Octopus Star Beast at once.

Lao Ba's actions suddenly slowed down, and then he was caught by several claws of the Octopus Star Beast, and at the same time, countless spikes protruded from this claw and directly penetrated Lao Ba. Inside the body, the old Bayi struggled, and the consequences can be imagined.

Seeing this result, the sixth child trembled, and now he must be rescued. If the sixth child dies, the sixth child is absolutely uncomfortable at the scene. As for the sixth child dared to go to battle in person, this is another matter. Up.

"Speaker Cook, I have a legacy of the ancient gods' potion, which will be exchanged for you." The sixth man said to Cook.

Originally, Cook wanted to cause Lao Ba to be seriously injured. He was deliberately delaying time. Now even if the Lao Liu doesn’t say anything, Cook will take action. After all, if Lao Liu really died in the God of War Canyon, then the gods. Between the council and the angels is the enemy.

The sixth said that he was a windfall for Cook, and Cook promised: "Well, who made me interested in medicine?"

"This... Speaker Cook will take a look at it?" The sixth man was surprised at Cook's answer.

Cook shook his head: "I believe in the credit of your angel royal family."

When the people around and the sixth child heard this, they all felt a little weird, and the other people around were muttering in their hearts, believing that there would still be bargaining.

The sixth child was moved by Cook’s words, so he directly took out a piece of metal and handed it to Cook: “It’s enough to activate it with energy.”

"Deal." Cook took the metal block and threw it into the natural ring without looking at it. This made the sixth person have a more favorable impression of Cook. Of course, if the sixth person knew Cook's real thoughts, he probably wouldn't have it. Feel good.

"Sir, do we need to take action?" the people around asked.

"No." Cook shook his head.

"Aliluya!" Cook yelled out of no preparation. The people around were surprised at Cook's words. It was obviously not a spell and had no energy. Cook called this What is the meaning of the words.

"Go back to work." Cook yelled again afterwards.

"Dudu. Dudu." Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the eight-clawed star beast actually dropped the angel old ba, then screamed and crawled back under the War God Canyon.

The old sixth's eyes were about to stare out, looking at Cook, he said in surprise: "Secret Soul Method!"

Cook almost spit over it. The Aliluja that Cook called was the control spell of this eight-claw star beast. Of course, it must be matched with the energy released by the wizard model. As mentioned earlier, this eight-claw star beast is The cultivated test product, while Alilua is something like the original voice control code, and as the explorer responsible for cleaning, it must be public. Cook shouted, and it really is the voice control that has not changed. Password, as for Cook letting him go back to work, this is to reassure the people around him, after all, if Cook calls over, if this eight-clawed star beast comes over, what would the angels think? Cook is invincible, but Cook is not a lunatic, to provoke a lot of flies.

As for the beep made by the Octopus Star Beast, it is to remind people not to get hit. After all, there are many places to work, and of course it is also good for others to find.

"Okay." Cook didn't answer, with an unpredictable look.

However, the people in the Council of Gods were very excited. The soul secret method can use the soul secret method to drive away the star beasts. This Lord Speaker is so abnormal.

The two races of angels and dragons have another taste in their hearts, a taste of fear, and the soul secret method can drive away star beasts. What about other people?

This is mainly because the fluctuations released by the wizard model are very obscure. Of course, this kind of fluctuation is also actively sensed by the Octopus Star Beast, which is also the main reason why the Octopus Star Beast eats ordinary attacks.

As mentioned earlier, the Octopus Star Beast was originally bred to fight. It is a cyborg and half creature. Naturally, it is a living creature. It has expressive yuwang. In this Octopus Star Beast’s brain, Cook is one of its masters. The owner hasn't appeared for many years. This has just appeared, and he has to work harder, so the old man was beaten.

Why is it one of the masters? Because no wizard is willing to conclude a contract with the Octopus Star Beast, the combat power is too scumbag, but because he can adapt to various harsh environments and can act as a coolie, he is left.

Not to mention Cook, the people around him believe it more, and the soul is always mysterious.

"Let's go." Cook took the people willing to go with Cook to the bottom of the God of War Canyon.

The sixth child was speechless when he saw how old Ba was in his current state, and then the sixth child left the God of War Canyon with the other members of the old Ba and the angel clan. These situations need to be dealt with immediately, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The Canyon of the Gods of War is completely dark, and even the rocks can be seen to be burned and cracked. Some of them are cracked and shattered. The rocks are suddenly heated, and the huge parts will burst.

"Tsk tusk, this gorge seems to have mineral veins." Cook kicked and a stone of other colors was exposed.

"Yes, the quality should be good." The dwarf who followed Cook took a closer look, and then replied.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at the orcs. This is the territory of the orcs, and the general gem mines are not pure gem mines. They are all associated mines. Maybe there are magic gems, and if there are magic gems, there must be energy spars. , There is magic metal with energy spar, and ordinary metal with magic metal.

The orcs did not speak, but in the back, the patriarchs and elders of these orcs all races unconsciously walked together, and soon the expressions of these orcs became happy.

At the bottom of the Ares Canyon is a huge downward cave, and the patriarch is a huge downward cave several kilometers high.

Cook stroked the stone wall. When the others saw Cook like this, they all touched: "Everyone, what have you found?"

Cook asked, and a dwarf said: "The surface of the rock is relatively smooth, and there are high-temperature burnt substances."

The dwarf said: "The surrounding rocks are denser, and it seems that they have been subjected to huge high pressure."

"So, this place was formed by external forces?" someone asked.

A group of orcs saw this scene and did not understand what was going on. Some people explained in a low voice: "This is the normal practice of our Council of Gods Adventure Group. To investigate a certain place, first start with the surrounding environment, and then base it on Different environments make different plans."

"Doesn't it take a long time to wait?" an orc asked suspiciously.

"Of course..." This person just said two words, and was interrupted by Cook's next words.

"Come on, guys, I'm very busy." After Cook finished speaking, he walked into the huge passage first.

When the orcs saw the human being talking just now, they looked contemptuous and said angrily: "Will Cook lead the team just like the others?"

The huge passage slopes downwards, and you can see the traces of the huge flowing water for a long time. Here, other people have also discovered.

"Look, this is a trace of artificial excavation, and it seems that there are traces of human activity." Someone pointed to the slippery steps and said, because the **** is too big. And on this **** there is a water diversion channel excavated to guide the water aside.

After everyone found the clues, they followed the excavated steps all the way down, but it didn't take long for the steps to turn into the side road, and the huge passage continued to descend.

When Cook saw such a situation, he had long expected that the orcs could not control the things below. If nothing else, the huge eight-claw star beast could not be dealt with by the orcs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That guy’s territorial concept is very strong. Of course, he might be replaced by other star beasts, and he would ignore the ant-like existence of orcs, but this eight-clawed star beast is not an ordinary guy. This guy is responsible for cleaning up. The first reaction when you encounter ants, it must be to kill all.

Everyone looked at Cook, and Cook shook his head and said, "Walking off the road, I don't think everyone wants to face that eight-clawed star beast."

"Yes." When other people heard this, they agreed, and no one wanted to be like that angel.

"Why is there no one?" After walking into the fork road, it was another distance. There was a natural underground cave, and some people were puzzled.

Without waiting for Cook’s answer, someone replied in an annoyed way: "I said you are not an idiot, that way, you just passed by that big thing, who often lives here, you must know that you are looking for death in this hole. ."

This person is also reasonable, but Cook reminded: "Be careful, everyone, I think this place is definitely not without defenses."

"Speaker Cook, don't worry, our group of people are all veterans, and the strength is even more..." Some people didn't care.

But before the words were finished, someone put up a hand, and everyone immediately knew that there was a discovery.

"Someone." Everyone rushed forward, knowing that this time there were hundreds of people following Cook, and the team was not small.

Everyone saw an underground river, the water flow was very gentle, but the water surface was very wide, hundreds of meters wide, on this water surface, there was a metal bridge with a dozen orc handles on the bridge.

"Who are you going?" Everyone looked at each other, the meaning was obvious.

"The architectural style of this bridge is a bit like that of the ancient gods." Cook said.

Originally, everyone didn't pay attention. When Cook said so, everyone also observed carefully.

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