A Unique Hunter

Chapter 180: Blood Skull "Part 2"

The speed of Cook and his party is not slow, but Cook is walking on the road, and the Blood Skull scout is walking on the trail. After all, they are Qingqi and Cook and his team have a carriage. In fact, it was the idea of ​​the Cook team. There are many thieves, but the thieves here also have rules. Once they are targeted by other thieves, the rest of the thieves can’t do anything, so the other thieves can only look at other caravans.

And again, the thieves here don’t just come and rob one. The hundred-ranked chambers of commerce on the mainland are still afraid to make an idea, but these chambers of commerce will spend some money to keep them safe, and even ordinary ones. Merchants, the thieves will occasionally start once, because the thieves also understand that there is too much, so no one will take this trade route.

And the people in Cooke are clearly rookies. It is true that there are eleven tall ogres, eleven trolls, and several orcs. This looks like a miscellaneous army. Humans and demons are stupid. Although the trolls are fierce, there are only ten. As for the orcs, these guys have a lot of thieves here. As for Cook and Manly, they have become slaves in the eyes of others. Of course, Man Li's value is higher than Cook's, because Manli has ten beauties.

The Blood Skull is one of the five big thieves here, and it is also the most cruel. The rest of the thieves generally let the merchants a life, and some thieves just take ordinary property, while the Blood Skulls are the three lights and robs. Light, kill all, burn all, so they got the title of Blood Skull, and Blood Skull is also one of the most mysterious thieves. Although there are only five hundred in number, none of them are elites.

The headquarters of Blood Skull is actually located in a village by the side of the road, and most of the members live in seclusion in various villages along the road. These guys will gather at the designated location at a very fast speed after receiving the signal from the hands. It is also the biggest reason why the blood skulls come and go without a trace. After all, there are a large number of carriages, people, and adventurers on the commercial roads here every day, so hundreds of people are scattered, and they will not be noticed at all.

"Boss, boss!" The scout who was chatting with Cook quickly walked into a village near the woods. This is an extremely inconspicuous small village. Because it is a basin, the vegetation is very dense, and this village Most of the people are hunters, and they chop wood in exchange for some coins. It is the closest to Blackstone Town.

"Bloodblade, is there any good news?" The thief entered a lumber yard beside the forest. This is the old lair of the blood skeleton. The boss of the blood skeleton is actually the leader is a weak middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man’s eyes often The flashing light made high-level thieves like Bloodblade startled. Bloodblade knew that his boss was a powerful magician and black magic. This was also the reason why the Blood Skull Thieves group did not stay alive. Magic is a taboo magic, as long as it appears, it will be hunted down by the entire world, whether it is the Holy See, the Empire, or the major trade unions.

"There is a group of rookies who are escorted by the Wildhammer tribe. The Wildhammer tribe has been rich in these years. It is estimated that these rookies are hired this time to cover people's eyes." Bloodblade then detailed the strength and equipment of Cook and his party. For a bit.

"The two cars are going to be an ogre, eleven trolls, and nearly ten orcs. It seems that there is a problem. Bloodblade, staring at them, report at any time, and I will call in the manpower immediately!" The youth nodded. Order the table, and then ordered.

"Yes, boss!" Blood Blade hurriedly left.

Cook and his party should go and stop when they should stop. They didn't put the surprised eyes around them in their hearts. But when they saw a team like Cook, they either slowly retracted back or hurriedly moved away.

"Hehe, it seems that we are indeed being targeted!" Cook watched the blood blade make-up as an adventurer passing by the team. It is the third time that Cook has seen such a familiar magic light. In fact, it is in Cook's eyes. The magic wave here is a variety of colors with different shades.

Due to different departments and different cultivation bases, there are almost no figures with exactly the same color. Of course, there is also a person, so Cook knows that this guy has been coming and going through three times today, and each time he looks different. , Adventurers, hunters on the side of the road in exchange for items, and businessmen peddling all kinds of life items, if it weren't for Cook's magic eyes, he would not be recognized.

"Head! It's okay to be stared at!" Huang Hoof lowered his head and said quietly, with a look of excitement.

"Oh! It looks like they are ready to do it, Baglu, find a place to start camp!" Cook commanded loudly, since the other party wants to do it, then Cook waits for work and recovers his strength by the way.

Bagru turned his head, looked left and right, and then randomly pointed to a place near the river. In Baghru’s view, water and fuel were enough to set up camp. It is very simple to set up a camp. As soon as the carriage stopped, several huge tents were taken from the carriage, and then **** around the huge bonfire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The horses were driven to the grass on one side, guarded by special personnel, and the remaining giants The demon and the ogre began to hunt separately and start a fire, while Cook plunged into the two carriages, seemingly to inspect the goods, but only he knew that his head must be preparing the magic giant crossbow.

"Hehe, I stopped!" Ten kilometers away from where the Cooks camped, in an inconspicuous wood on the side of the road, hundreds of people were sitting around. These people were dressed in blood-colored armor, and their mounts were all demon. The wolves are basically Level 3 magic wolves, which is also one of the reasons for the rapid action of the blood skulls, but the expressions of these magic wolves are a bit sluggish, and the eyes are blood red, which is obviously a problem.

"Yes, boss! But the Smurf mercenary group is stationed three kilometers away from his mother and can clearly see the situation in this camp." Bloodblade nodded and replied.

"Huh, the Smurf mercenary group! Let's go, three kilometers, we will leave long ago after they came, tell the big guy, hide your figure, go!" The leader of the blood skeleton heard the three words of the Smurf and his face was a while Distorted, but obviously the Smurfs also had something he was afraid of, so he ordered afterwards.

Hundreds of people lightly leaped on the back of the demon wolf, and then began to walk through the woods quietly, quickly moving in the direction of the Cook camp. What the blood blade and the blood skull leader did not notice is that At a height of ten meters above the two of them, a black-laced bird with a big mouth tilted his head to eavesdrop on their conversation. When the blood skulls were gone, the dark bird left silently.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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