A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 426:

After Cook's instructions, the dwarf patriarch had to speak: "President Cook..."

"Please note that you are not a member of the Senate and have no right to speak." But before the dwarven patriarch finished speaking, a human spoke.

"Asshole, who are you?" the dwarf patriarch shouted furiously.

"I am the person in charge of this meeting. I warn you once that you have violated the meeting discipline. If you speak loudly, I will let the guards drive you out." The human replied with his head raised up.

"You..." The dwarven patriarch looked at the guards around him. At least a few guards of the brave knights locked himself in. In another place, the dwarven patriarch at least violently beat these guys who dared to lock himself, although the members of the brave knights were a full set of artifacts. Equipment, but the dwarven patriarch also has it, and the strength of the dwarven patriarch is higher. The dwarven patriarch is afraid to do it. If nothing else, Cook hasn’t said anything until now. Isn’t this just an attitude? The result, the dwarf patriarch can't imagine, if he is knocked out and dragged out, can he still see people?

"Dwarf Patriarch, you have a question. We have a question on the meeting process. At the final stage of the meeting, everyone can ask questions. Please don't disturb the meeting process." Seeing that the Dwarf Patriarch didn't say anything, Cook said with a smile.

"Okay." Cook said himself, the dwarf patriarch felt that his face was better. After all, Cook's strength was obvious to all who were present. Several times, I can only say that Cook is now an existence that everyone needs to look up to. Aside, nothing else, a soul secret method would allow a guy like the Octopus Star Beast to leave obediently, and the Octopus Star Beast would not want to abuse the angel royal family.

"I have one more thing to report about the believers of the ancient gods. Please see." Cook then took out a magic crystal and played it.

"Where is this place?" The magical image that I saw looked like a hillside. There was nothing on the hillside, only dense trees.

But soon everyone will know where it is. This is an island, a huge island. Under the jungle on the island are countless caves. Inside the caves are inhabited various races, humans, orcs, dwarves, giants, elves, Titans, these Everyone has the same characteristic, that is, all people have chains on their bodies, on their feet, and on their necks.

"Ancient **** believer!" someone exclaimed loudly.

While playing it, Cook said: "This is an island in the Blackwater Marsh. There are millions of people of all races on it, and there are believers of ancient gods, and even ancient gods."

"What? The Blackwater Swamp is a place where there are no people." The Lion Man said incredulously.

"Huh, there is only one kind of person who can get so many people and so many races here, slave merchant." Cook snorted and said.

"Speaker Cook, what do you say?" Seeing this scene, the people at the scene were not calm, is this Nima ancient **** believer so powerful?

"Encirclement and suppression, but the area of ​​the Blackwater Marsh is too large, so I hope the Council of Gods will grant me the authority to launch a war mobilization order." Cook said.

War mobilization order, this is almost a taboo topic in the gods. Once the war mobilization order is activated, all the powers of the Council of Gods will be under the control of the authorized person, and the rest cannot resist. Those who violate the order will directly Was killed.

It can be said that this is the purpose of Cook's meeting, and this is the ultimate goal.

Everyone has to ask, to deal with these, Cook is not waving his hand, why is Cook so troublesome?

This is when Cook heard Dilly say that as long as others listen to you, it is normal to have contradictions below. Cook thought of this. Of course, the more important point is that Cook wants to ask the Phoenix clan, the dragon clan Ah, the angels show their strength, not only personal strength, but also other strengths.

Because from this time the angel touched into the Canyon of the Gods of War, Cook saw something unusual.

"Member Gesak, I agree to authorize Speaker Cook with the first level of authority for the war mobilization order." A member of the House of Representatives stood up and said, while activating the member's badge on his body.

The first level of authority, that is, Cook can command everyone in the Council of Gods, all forces, is the highest authority.

"I, Senator Hans, agree..." Then the second man stood up and activated the member's badge on him.

The members of the House of Representatives stood up one after another and activated their badges. This scene stunned the senator guys, because the war mobilization order can only be authorized by the entire House of Representatives, even if one person disagrees, it will not work.

Because when the war mobilization order needs to be used, it is time for the Council of Gods to survive and die. At this time, no matter how big internal contradictions are, they will be set aside.

For more than an hour, none of the members of the House of Representatives objected, no one abstained, and they all agreed. This made the feelings of the Senate guys very complicated, especially those of the House of Representatives who had been replaced by their confidants. , And did not abstain from voting, which made the mood of several high-level forces very complicated.

But Cook can see why there is no objection. First of all, the identities of these members are mostly preserved by Cook, and the House of Representatives of the Council of Gods has today’s status, which is also Cook’s credit. Was replaced. If you want any proposal not to be opposed in the future, it is best to join everyone. Of course, these people have also broken with their original backers from this time on.

From this moment on, the House of Representatives is monolithic. This is another way of Cook, forcing those half-hearted guys to stand in line.

"I, the Speaker of the House of Gods, accept the war mobilization order." Cook also stood up and said solemnly.

The Speaker’s badge on Cook’s body immediately changed, and some permissions were opened. Within these permissions, Cook can order anyone wearing the Council of Gods badge. If this person refuses to execute Cook’s order, Cook can directly Using badges to control these people with badges can be said to be very abnormal.

"Okay, this is the end of today's public meeting. If you have any questions, please ask questions." After Cook sat down, his face was very calm, and the person in charge of the meeting asked Cook for his opinions and said.

Suddenly, apart from the members of the House of Representatives of the Council of Gods, everyone else raised their hands. The responsible human pointed to the dwarf patriarch: "This gentleman, you come."

"President Cook, I don't think there is a need to use a war mobilization order." The dwarf patriarch stood up and said.

"This is not something you can intervene. This is something decided by our House of Representatives." Cook replied lightly.

"This lady." Before the dwarf spoke again, the human in charge of the meeting pointed to an elf.

"Speaker Cook, I want to ask, what are you going to do this time?" the elf asked.

"This still needs members of the House of Representatives to discuss with me, but even if it is negotiated, it needs to be kept confidential." Cook replied with a smile.

"Mr. Dragon."

"Chairman Cook, what I want to ask is, how did you find that the ancient gods gathered in the Blackwater Marsh? Does this have anything to do with the Sanjiangkou Dam you built?" The question of the dragon is not simple, but it has ulterior motives. of.

"It doesn't matter." Cook replied directly.

The underlying meaning of the words of the giant dragon is, Speaker Cook, you found the traces of the ancient **** believers to build the Sanjiangkou Dam. In the eyes of outsiders, this is nothing at all, but to the Lion Man and Beamon, then Interesting, is it because Cook deliberately let our two races come here to block the believers of the ancient gods?

Cook then explained one more sentence: "In order to ensure the safety of the Sanjiangkou Dam, I am planning to build a city in the sky that is larger than the current one in the Sanjiang area. Of course, this still needs the assistance of the Lion and the Bimeng clan."

"Rely..." When the dragon heard this, there was only one word in his heart. The questioning dragon just made Beamon and the lion people question Cook in their hearts, but the dragon knew that Cook used this method to make Lion and Beamon believe in themselves.

It is a little ridiculous that the patriarch of the orcs actually serves as a member of the House of Representatives. The patriarch of the lion immediately said: "We lions obey Speaker Cook's assignment."

"We are also in Bimeng." The patriarch of Bimeng is not stupid. The words of the giant dragon are a little bit irritating in the heart of Bimeng, but when Cook's words come out, Bimeng is excited. In the Sanjiangkou area, you have to cooperate. That's for sure, than the patriarch of Meng can see clearly, Cook established the Sky City, but there are not so many people. Since he has to cooperate by himself, it must be....

The patriarchs of the orcs are the speaker of the House of Representatives. This also talks about the contradictions between the orcs and other races. In the eyes of humans, gnomes, dwarves, elves, and giants, the orcs are Manchus, so only a few people in the Temple of War are in the Senate~www. wuxiaspot.com~ The patriarchs of the other tribes of the orcs belong to the House of Representatives. In other words, things used to have nothing to do with the tribes of the orcs. Of course, the orcs did not get any benefits in the Council of the Gods, but now the benefits are seen.

"Our dwarf clan also strongly urged Speaker Cook to build a sky city. Our dwarf's territory is the closest to the Blackwater Marsh." The dwarf congressman said loudly.

"Come on, your dwarf clan is close to the area of ​​the Blackwater Marsh, and there is no one." A dwarf member of the House of Representatives immediately retorted.

"Because of this, maybe those slave merchants passed from our territory. Our dwarf decided to send 20,000 mechanical warriors to guard this area." The dwarf congressman heard the sour words of the dwarf and said immediately. As for the reaction of the dwarf patriarch , This congressman does not have to think about it.

"It's okay to build a city in the sky, but it's okay to support some equipment, and build a portal, but we will discuss this later, and it needs to be kept secret." Cook heard this and refused without hesitation, but the dwarf The congressman was also very satisfied. The equipment and artifacts supported by Cook were the lowest, so maybe it was a suit.

"Next, please call this lady of the Feng family." The person in charge of the meeting heard Cook say so and immediately pointed to a female of the Feng family and said.

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