A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 436:

Popular: @疯狂女国


@Rebirth, I am the emperor

"Who are you here?" A snake man said angrily when he saw Cook come out to stop him.

"He is the speaker of the Council of the Gods, and he has great power. You kid be careful to be beaten." Another ratman said.

Before Cook caught fire, the Bunnyman patriarch caught fire. He swung the magic pestle in his hand and smashed it down at the snakeman. The snakeman looked thin and skinny with scales on his body. The snake figure's figure seemed to be distorted at once, half of his body seemed to have no bones, and a green dagger was instantly drawn from his waist, which seemed to be a simple creation of a certain creature's teeth.

"Bang." But the snake man did not expect that Cook came with a kick. The part where the snake man was kicked by Cook was first concave = sunken, but Cook had long been prepared for this trick. The person was kicked hundreds of meters away, fell on the ground with a bang, and then remained motionless.

"Damn the orc." They all said that the Ratman was timid, but the Ratman actually took out two short swords, which seemed to be made of some kind of creature's teeth, and stab Cooke with two short swords. Wielding in a decent manner, a handful of thorns and a handful of them for cutting.

"Boom." Cook sneered in his heart, flew a kick, and kicked it out again. The two daggers of the Ratman were directly shattered under Cook's powerful feet. In the eyes of the Ratman, he kicked. Kicked the rat man.

"Who else is not convinced, stand up." Cook shouted loudly after kicking.

"Human, you are insulting our orcs." An eagle said.

"Cut, what are you guys worthy of Speaker Cook's insulting you?" Bunnyman replied ironically.

"Bunnyman, are you working with humans to deal with our orcs?" the eagle said with a sullen face.

When the Lion heard this, he laughed: "A bunch of poor ghosts, if it wasn't for Cook who had something good to come to you this time, you poor ghosts, I wouldn't want to see them all my life."

"Damn lionman, you are insulting us." The eagle roared when he heard this.

You must know that these two groups of orcs, a group of eagle people, and the rat people are separated from the lion people because they have to live the traditional life of the orcs, but from both sides, those who like to live the traditional life are indeed very poor, and this is also the case. The orcs least want to hear.

"Cut, I just insulted you, how about it?" The Lion Man waved the totem weapon in his hand and shouted with wide eyes.

"Count me, a stick and a poor ghost, and you have to come, come." Bimon said with a mace, too.

"We won't open this meeting, we won't open it. Our Eagle Man territory does not allow anyone to offend." The Eagle Man also knew the general content of this meeting and threatened loudly.

"Hehe, I didn't tell you to leave, who would dare to leave?" Cook said with a smile, although the tone is very plain, but the meaning of this is not so plain.

"It's ridiculous, this is in our orc's territory..." a civet cat said with a sneer.

"Go away, our cat people don't like you as a traitor, or let's have a try." The cat behind Cook said. The totem weapon in the cat's hand is like a huge claw with a thick one. The rope is connected, which is very weird.

"You..." The civet cat looked at the totem weapon in the hand of the patriarch of the cat, and wanted to speak angry, but he didn't dare to fight.

"What are you doing, my swan person is the host of this meeting." The swan person shouted.

"Go away." Not only Cooke said so, but Bunnymen and other races also said so.

"The guy who sells the **** is actually sore." The bunny said with a curled mouth.

"I'm going to fight you, you guy with a short tail." The swan man was poked to the painful spot and roared loudly at the head of the rabbit man.

"Boom." The bunny people hate others for saying that they have a short tail. In the orcs, the longer the tail is, the more temperament they are, but the bunny only has a little white hair on the tail. The tail is short and small. The bunny people don’t hesitate. As soon as the magic pestle fell, it smashed in the past, just hitting the head of the swan man.

The swan man knew that the bunny man would just do what he said. A purple halo was swayed from the magic pestle, and it suddenly enveloped the swan man. The swan man roared again and again: "Damn it, look for death."

The next moment, a short wooden battle appeared in the hands of this swan man, but it was the civet patriarch beside him who smashed it. The civet patriarch was about to watch the excitement, so he knew he had hit himself.

"Damn birdman, what do you want to do?" The civet cat almost fell from the smash, a big bag on his head suddenly bulged, and the civet cat flew into thunder.

"Quickly get out of the way, this is a mocking halo, the closest one will be subconsciously considered by the Swan Man as his enemy." The Hawkman said loudly.

However, Cook and the others have already stepped away. Cook retreated as soon as the halo was released. Although the Lion and others did not know him, they saw Cook retreat, without saying anything, it was farther than Cook retreated. .

"Bang, and you, this disgusting guy with a pimple face." The frogman also suffered. Before he could run, he was smashed in the face by the swanman.

"Asshole." When the frogman heard the swanman's words, he rushed towards the swanman angrily. The swanman's fighting skill is a pair of legs. For a while, the frogman and the swanman are inextricably fought.

"Let me come." Seeing this scene, the Hawkman shouted loudly and threw himself at the Swanman.

"Come on, come on, you **** bastards, I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, **** eagles, niggers." The swan man was shrouded in a halo. After seeing the eagle, he cursed loudly, the eagle. The skin of the eagle is very dark, but there are also white skins among the eagles. The eagle's nose is crooked when the swan is scolded.

In the end, the swan man was finally knocked out with the efforts of the hawk man, the civet man, and the frog man. The civet man was still unwilling and gave another violent kick.

"Haha, haha, who wants to come?" The patriarch of the Bunny touched the magic pestle and shouted loudly.

"While going, I'm here now, my stick doesn't have much power, who will come!" Patriarch than Mong was also itchy in his heart. The bunny man’s weapon is so small, he is so perverted, his own is more than ten times bigger. , Certainly more powerful.

"You, you are bullying people." The eagle man looked at his side. Although there were many people, he had fainted several times. The snake man, the rat man, the swan man, the frog man, and the civet cat were injured.

"Huh, we're bullying you, how about it, poor ghost." The Bunnyman said with a smile, but at this time he laughed. In the eyes of the eagle, it was too much to be beaten.

"Speaker Cook, this is how you want to discuss things?" The Mantis asked with his eyes slanted upward.

"Hehe, you can say what you want, but you have seen whoever started the matter first." Cook said with a smile.

"Chairman Cook, we don't need weapons. Let's follow the orc's etiquette. As long as you beat me, then we are the mantis man, let's listen to you." The mantis patriarch said.

"Okay." Cook nodded immediately and agreed.

"Do not use any auxiliary means, just physical power." Seeing that Cook had promised so readily, the mantis patriarch said immediately.

"Yes, I can also take off the equipment on my body, see if it is not, my set is a magical equipment." Cook said braggingly.

"That's for sure." When the mantis heard this, he was a little uncertain.

When the cat man on the side heard this, he sneered: "Guy with green eyebrows, is there such a rule in the etiquette of that orc?"

"Cook is willing, you can control it?" The praying mantid replied grimly, almost killing the cat.

"Okay, let's try it out." Cook looked at the mantid's figure and showed strong melee combat ability. To be honest, Cook needs such a person to improve his strength. Although Cook is a magician, Cook's assassins are all melee things, the Star Smashing Hammer, this thing is barely counted, but it's too big, and ordinary magic arts can't reach this range. Thunder tooth, this thing has spatial attributes. It looks like a dagger, and it can be regarded as half melee ability, maddening. This is a thorough melee battle. Of course, far fighting is not without a wizard book. Block the killer.

In fact, in the realm of the gods, there are more melee battles, and the number of melee battles is the most frequent, because there is no full assurance that they will not use magic skills to consume energy rashly.

"Okay, let's go to the final stage." The praying mantis said.

"Okay." Cook has the origin of the wind system, and he is afraid of this mantis man.

"President Cook, the decisive stage environment is complicated..." the Bunny Chief reminded.

"Not afraid~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook waved his hand.

Even if Cook does not need to be mad, his physical power is very abnormal, because Cook has already reached nine times madness, and the beast soul is transformed. This requires a high degree of tolerance for the body, so Ku Ke's body is abnormal now.

The decisive stage is the same thing as a platform, but in this platform, there are huge stones everywhere, creating an intricate environment. When Cook saw this environment, his eyes lit up. Isn't this a mode of street fighting? I didn't expect this orc There will be such things.

"Chairman Cook, are you ready?" The bronze skin of the praying mantis was faintly golden, obviously not simple.

"Ready." Cook also took off his equipment, leaving the shirt inside. Now Cook is a bit like a Chinese Kung Fu shirt.

"Chairman Cook, be careful, this mantid's body has gone through a secret method, and its defense is very strong." Lion-man reminded.

"It's okay." Cook looked at the hundreds of tons of big rocks in the field and smiled in his heart.

The decisive stage is thousands of meters in size, which is barely enough for a god-level powerhouse to fight. The mantis jumped first, and then went into the decisive stage.




The orcs behind Cook saw this scene and cursed.

"Haha, don't be afraid, I'm here, are you ready?" Cook jumped down, stood by the wall, and shouted.

"Speaker Cook is very experienced, with his back against the wall...I rely on it." The Lion was amazed, but then his eyes widened.

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