A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 438:

"We are the Chiken, this is the Mastiff, this is also the Ao, and this is the tortoiseshell, this is..." The Chiken introduced.

Cook understood at once that this Chiken was the chicken man among the orcs. The Aoman was split from the Doug clan, because the appearance of the Aoman is similar to that of the lion. Anyway, the Ao is a small race. Not a lot, or not very powerful.

"Listen to me, that's good." Cook replied without hesitation.

Because you can’t be polite to the orcs. These guys are used to going straight and straight. Of course, in private, it can be understood that the brain is not turning enough. Therefore, in the eyes of the orcs, humans are all cunning, despicable, and shameless guys. With a lot of brain twists and turns, the orcs are often fooled if they fail to react.

"And this bit man." Cook was surprised by the last orc race.

"This is not a tree man?" Cook asked.

"Oh." Now Cook understands that the tree-herders and the elves can be regarded as enemies. The biggest reason is that the elves and the tree-herders think the forest belongs to them, but the final result of the tree-herders and the elves is everyone. I know, the tree shepherd is squeezed out by the elves. Only the orcs accept the tree shepherd, and the elves are in close contact with humans, and the elves occupy most of the best forests.

"Oh, Patriarch Eagle, if you want to admit defeat, just blink, if you don’t admit defeat, don’t blink, if you don’t blink, we will leave, who knows how long your current state will last, maybe one day, maybe one month, Maybe a few months, it depends entirely on luck. What do you mean by blinking, disagree with my approach? Then we'll go, we'll go, or for your safety, I will put you in a crack in the rock ......What do you mean by blinking like this, are you talking?" The patriarch of the Bunny flirted with the eagle.

"Okay." Cook pushed the bunny patriarch away, shouted angrily, and then Cook waved his hand.

"I surrendered, I served, I served..." The Hawkman was too late to be guarded by Cook's hand, and shouted loudly.

"Haha, that's right, we are very convinced by Speaker Cook. <>" The lion patted the eagle patriarch, who was still in a weak state, and said with a smile.

What can the eagle patriarch say? The eagle patriarch now feels very uncomfortable. If he has a hard mouth now, this lion man is famous for his violent temper, and if he is beaten up, he will be beaten for nothing.

"Have you taken it?" The unconscious guys were awakened by the Bunnyman and Lionman, and asked.

"Take it." The praying mantis, the rat people, the civet cat people and so on were all taken.

The swan man didn't speak, but he was terrified when he looked at Cook. Obviously, the halo of the war hymn of the patriarch bunny made the swan people feel lingering, and the patriarch bunny looked like Cook's subordinates.

"Since everyone doesn't have any opinions, then this orc conference will begin, and Speaker Cook is our host." The lion chief said.

"No problem." The Chiken patriarch immediately replied.

Cook didn’t care about other people’s opinions, and directly opened a huge map and said: “This meeting is mainly to inform everyone that we orcs will be here, this, this, three rivers and upstream tributaries to build dams. From this Location, and this location. Orc tribes living below this location must move higher to avoid being submerged by water. In addition, a road will be built along the direction of the Blackwater Marsh. The approximate location is This line, there are tribal areas on the road, we will compensate."

"Chairman Cook, what are you doing when you build this road?" the praying mantis asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, listen carefully, it's good for you." Patriarch Bunny asked grimly. As soon as the mantid stared, the patriarch bunny waved the demonic pestle in his hand, and the mantid only put his head away.

"There must be benefits, lion-man patriarch, come up and explain." Cook is really hard to say if he wants to say the benefits.

The lion patriarch did not expect that Cook would name himself, and immediately stood up and said excitedly: "The benefits are many, first of all, there is unlimited food. <>"

"Liar, will humans give you food for free?" The swan man finally grabbed the handle and fought back.

"Shut up, wait for Lao Tzu to finish, otherwise..." The lion man waved the totem weapon in his hand, and the swan man saw the weapon and only shut up.

"The food is not given for nothing, it is exchanged for things, just like all kinds of ores, all kinds of plants can be exchanged for food, as for the specific types, Speaker Cook will give an explanation at that time, anyway, just one sentence. As long as you are diligent, you can't finish the food, and there are all kinds of exquisite metal daily necessities, gorgeous and soft clothes, all can be exchanged, even if it is the magic fruit we don't like to eat, we can also exchange for food." The Lion's speech attracted the attention of these patriarchs including the Chikens.

"Speaker Cook, can plants be exchanged for food?" the Chiken asked.

"Are you interested in going to the lion-man territory with us, where you can know everything you want to know." Cook said.

"Go, I don't believe that there are fools who like to exchange plants for food." The Hawkman said.

The Lion and the others laughed, and the Swan asked, "Speaker Cook, what's the matter with those skeletons?"

"Bone?" Everyone looked at Cook.

Cook pointed to the surrounding red stones and said, "These red stones are actually the bones of god-level creatures. Don't you believe you dig them?"

"How is it possible?" The Eagle and the others directly questioned. Although the Bunny and the others were puzzled, they still believed in Cook.

Everyone started, and soon a red stone was dug out. This was the leg bone of a creature, and the red exposed, and then gradually went down, it was white, and at a distance of ten meters, it was a pale bone.

"This?" The orcs present were shocked when they saw this scene. When did this red original become like this. <>

"Isn't it like this before?" Cook saw the expressions of these people and asked.

"I don't know, no one of us has ever dug a stone, and the bones are two or three meters away from the ground. They are all red. Who would have thought..." The lionman patriarch shook his head and said.

"Maybe it's for sacrifice." Silver Fox, the head of the fox clan, said.

"You mean that?" Cook pointed to the building built by the bones behind him?

"Yes, in the legend, every beast person must sacrifice, and then obtain the beast soul from the sealed magic pillar and become a **** warrior." The silver fox said.

"Didn't you say you want to kill the soul beast inside?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"It’s not like that. The soul beasts in the sealing pillar are given to the sacrificial **** warriors. The beast souls in each sealing pillar are random. The sacrifice must be a living god-level creature. Slaughtered on the spot in the area." Silver Fox said.

The swan man shook his head and said: "Who said it was a gift, the orc warrior must kill the soul beast in order to obtain the beast soul and become a **** warrior."

"Come on, what do you know, our fox clan is the steward of the God of War." Silver Fox said angrily.

"Cut, we Swan people are the royal priests of God of War." The Swan people also said.

"The **** priest is just being used by the God of War as a tool to vent." Silver Fox said angrily.

"You, do you dare to blaspheme the **** of war, I..." The swan man was so angry, but seeing the totem weapon in the silver fox's hand, the swan man almost died of anger.

Cook did not expect that there are these secrets in it. Cook took a closer look at the swan man and found that the figure is still very beautiful, even if this is a swan man, he feels that he is very temperamental.

"Damn." Cook quickly threw this idea into his mind.

"Okay, stop arguing, what's weird here, let's not busy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone will go back and check, if there are any clues, now go to our Lion Man Sanjiang City to take a look." Lion Man said Said.

The group of people left Hongyuan with their own ghosts. Everyone was concerned about Hongyuan's weirdness. After returning, everyone looked up carefully, and finally found some clues.

When the Eagleman first saw Sanjiang City, he was surprised: "You Lions have the ability to build such a city?"

When everyone came, it was already night, and the city of Sanjiang and the dam at Sanjiangkou were all in the colorful light, which was amazing.

Even the arrogant eagle was surprised.

"It's so beautiful." The swan people and others were dumbfounded. The Sanjiangkou Dam was beautiful in its entirety. The streets in Sanjiang City were as bright as daylight, and on both sides of the streets, there were words that kept flashing. Picture.

"Pine Tavern welcomes you." When the Swans and others walked into Sanjiang City, they saw the red text on a tavern constantly shining. After the text was a huge wine glass, and the overflowing wine pattern could be seen in the glass , Followed by a large plate with a piece of barbecue inside, and finally replaced with text.

"This is amazing." The Hawkman was surprised again, looking at the straight street, the luminous pillars on both sides of the street, the pillars were red, green, white, gold, and orange. The light, the entire light is very unified, constantly changing, these orcs have seen this formation, and they were shocked.

"How much energy is needed!" The swan man sighed afterwards.

"Hey, you don't need energy." The lion patriarch smiled.

"Ahaha, welcome everyone to our Sanjiang City. I am the great elder of the Lion Clan." Amidst a burst of laughter, a group of Lions appeared. Don't mention the proud laugh of the headed Lion.

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