A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 445:

The silver fox thought more and more angry, but when faced with the lion man's question, the silver fox had a high IQ and couldn't answer it. At that time, the silver fox didn't think of that inconspicuous, no energy fluctuations. Xiaozi, unexpectedly knocked himself out at once, Silver Fox thinks about it, he is still very scared.

"It is estimated that it has nothing to do with this. It is impossible for this ballroom to invite such a strong person. Then what is the relationship between this dwarf and the fox clan playing on the stage?" The Silver Fox kept rushing to the lion-man elders' residence. , Thinking in his head.

However, there was very little information available, so Silver Fox didn't think of anything of value until the elder lived. No matter how high IQ, without information, it would be useless.

"What, make an appointment? I'm the patriarch of the fox clan?" Silver Fox came here, also stumped by the guard.

"It's even more impossible to see you." The lion man at the door was much more kind, and said

Silver Fox didn't understand that his identity as the patriarch didn't work anymore, and asked, "Why?"

"Silver Fox Patriarch, do you think, our elder sees you privately, the Fox Patriarch, what will we think of the Lion People? If you have anything to do, you should go to the Patriarch first. This is the reason." Lionman at the door Although very respectful, but a little bit more contemptuous.

When the Silver Fox was said that, it immediately understood that this was what the elders meant to avoid suspicion, because the elders generally did not intervene in the specific affairs of the clan. The Silver Fox was also outraged just now. Said, it was immediately understood, especially when the lion-man internal development, the elders of the presbytery could not meet the fox clan chief in private.

"I'm here as a private person." Silver Fox explained unwillingly.

"It's even more impossible." The lion-man who is able to watch the door is more active. Who should be put in, who should be notified, who can directly call out, and who should be patiently explained. They are all well-rounded, and if they do not do well, they will lose their jobs.

Silver Fox said angrily: "I was beaten in your Sanjiang City. I can't find anyone if I can find someone to reason?"

"If you were beaten, you shouldn't find our elders anymore. Think about it, if the elders intervene in public security work, what does this make the person in charge below think, and that you were really beaten?" Seeing this silver fox looks good, he asked very suspiciously.

"I was beaten in the dance hall." Silver Fox immediately roared when he heard the lion man questioning himself.

"Then you should go to the Public Security Administration Office. I think the Dragon Guard is very willing to accept your case." The lion man at the door has a very good temper, and he also helps with ideas.

When Silver Fox heard this, his heart was depressed. The Lionman at the door saw Silver Fox’s expression, and his heart was like a bright mirror. You must know that the ballroom was opened for half a month, and many people were beaten, and some were not convinced. Those who wanted to get back to the place were punished by the Public Security Administration and were thrown out of the city. You must know that this is a lion-man territory, a very lonely place. If you don't go through the portal, tsk tsk, it is estimated that the journey will take a long time.

In ten days’ time, everyone knew that the people behind this ballroom were not simple. Those who wanted to move around would not only be knocked out and thrown out without exception, then the asylum would be cheaper. Okay. There is no personal danger, but it is inevitable to lose money.

"Patriarch, aren't you making trouble inside, right?" the lion man at the door asked.

"What's the trouble? I wanted to go to the stage. I didn't expect to be stopped by a dwarf and attacked..." Silver Fox said there was nothing to say here.

The lion man at the door took a breath and asked, "Then he was sent to the shelter by the patrol?"

"Yeah." Silver Fox looked at the Lionman at the door in surprise and nodded distressedly.

"Oh, Patriarch Silver Fox, I don’t think you can find our elders anymore. Our elders don’t use this matter. Our grandsons were also sent there ten days ago. Finally, our elders took out three Only one hundred thousand high-grade **** crystals took the person out." The lion man at the door sighed.

Silver Fox's eyes widened: "This is your Lion's Sanjiang City!"

"But we outsource the public security management work, and there are commissions." The lion man at the door told the truth.

"You, you, how can you do this?" Yinhu was shocked.

"No way, we Lions don't have experience in managing public order in such a big city, and the people who come are too complicated." The Lions at the door shook his head and said.

Silver Fox asked again: "Who is the owner of the ballroom?"

"I don't know this. Anyway, I know the dwarves you are talking about. You may not know the patriarch. Two golden dragons entered the dance hall less than three days after it opened. In less than half an hour, he was knocked out and lost. When they came out, the two dragons were said to be the royal family of the Golden Dragon clan, but they were still severely knocked out by the asylum. It is said that the patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan personally came to lead the people. These two guys were beaten by the fat. It is estimated that it will not be hundreds of years, and it will not be injured." The lion man at the door whispered.

"Then no one is in charge of this ballroom?" Silver Fox asked in surprise.

The lion man at the door said, "This ballroom is to pay taxes to Sanjiang City. If this ballroom is refurbished, what do other businessmen think? This is unanimously passed by the Presbyterian Church. Sanjiang City has the greatest law. No matter who it is, If you violate it, you will have to be punished, and this dragon foreign guard army is said to be powerful inside, so even the golden dragon clan chief has no choice."

"Then I was beaten for nothing?" Silver Fox asked in surprise.

The lion man at the door nodded, and the silver fox saw this scene and said angrily: "I will go tonight, I don't believe I can't find that dwarf."

"Patriarch Silver Fox, I'm afraid you won't be able to get in. As long as you make trouble, you won't be able to get in." The lion man at the door shook his head.

"How could it be possible that I, the patriarch of the fox clan, was beaten in vain?" Silver Fox still couldn't figure it out.

Upon hearing this, the lion man shook his head and said: "Our grand elder's grandson is still overseeing the mine now. The elder has spoken. It is not five hundred years and cannot come back."

"This..." Silver Fox knew it was useless to find the elders.

After Silver Fox left, he really couldn't figure out why, so he cursed to himself: "This Lion Elder Council is an idiot, an idiot, and he can't be the master of his own territory."

The Silver Fox certainly didn’t know. The Lions Clan’s elders first couldn’t figure out the law that Cook had enacted for Sanjiang City. Their own territory could no longer be the masters. However, as time went by, the people of the elders found that it had been a few times. After the grandson of the second elder and the Lion of the big family were punished, there were more businessmen in Sanjiang City. Finally, a private investigation revealed that these businessmen were not afraid of paying taxes or hard work, but they were afraid of unfairness. If the lion’s territory had the privileges, then merchants would definitely not want to come to do business, but the current law has been enforced fairly, so the merchants are willing to come here. The more merchants come, the tax will definitely be higher. The monthly increase in taxes makes the elders firmly enforce the law. In order to prevent the Lions from getting into trouble, the Lions have outsourced the public security of Sanjiang City. This is all right. From the wealthy giants. One less crystal in the dragon's hand, then prepare to smash the dragon.

Of course, the Lion Man Presbyterian Church also knows who runs the ballroom. It's a guy who can't afford to offend the elders' society, a guy who can't offend a dragon guard, so who else?

If the facades of other buildings throw out people who are stunned from time to time, look at the dragon guards and don’t find an excuse to go in and turn the facade over. This is the best excuse, but even the dragon guards are Who dare not go in and play sideways, who is in the entire God Realm?

Also, the mysterious weapon that the dwarves equip, who in the entire God Realm will make?

These news are combined, then the owner of this ballroom is ready to be revealed.

Of course, Silver Fox did not integrate these at all, because what the dragon said was reasonable. As for the sneak attack by the dwarf, in Silver Fox’s view, it was only careless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course more. It was Silver Fox who couldn't calm down, and things related to him couldn't be analyzed by calmness.

"I'm going to the security management office." After thinking for a while, Silver Fox decided to go to the security management office to find the dragon guard.

The public security administration is located in a remote corner of Sanjiang City, with a large area of ​​buildings. There are still many people coming and going. Silver Fox first saw the Chiken patriarch and the Lion’s patriarch. Silver Fox asked suspiciously. Said: "What are you guys?"

"Don't mention, the patriarch of the frogman and the patriarch of the ratman disturbed the security, and resisted, beating the security personnel, and the eagle and the swan people insulted the security personnel." The lion patriarch said with a sullen expression.

"Hiss...." The silver fox patriarch took a breath of air. Such a charge fell in the hands of the dragon guard. It could be better. In the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night, it was a lesson of blood, at least dozens of various races. The big family fell because of this.

"You said these **** actually dared to make trouble in our lion city. They don’t give us the lion’s face. I think we have to be punished severely." But the lion clan chief was very dissatisfied and stood by the lion clan chief. Angle, we will treat you well, the elder personally met you, and you actually got caught on your nose, and you deserve it.

Silver Fox didn't say anything anymore. He stood in a different position and looked at problems in a different way.

"Patriarch Lionman, you are here, please here. It is said that these guys are the guests you invited this time?" A giant dragon guard saw the Patriarch Lionman and immediately came up.

"Well, let's take a look." The lion chief said.

But the other orc patriarchs who followed were dissatisfied, the tortoiseshell patriarch said: "We are here to protect..."

The silver fox slapped the tortoiseshell man's head. The tortoiseshell patriarch glared at the silver fox. The silver fox stared and said, "Listen first."

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