A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 452:

"The first is the southern area of ​​the Tortoiseshell Territory. There is the Red River. A lot of materials can be entered from the Red River. A portal will be built. It will be a little wasted. The Glacier Canyon is close to the Tortoiseshell Territory. It is a big bend. The human territory just extends out. The magic plants that grow in the Glacier Canyon are of high value. Once the portal is established here, this is the outpost city to the Glacier Canyon. The location is very important." Cook pointed to the map and said. .

When the head of the Bunnyman heard Cook’s plan, his eyes brightened. The head of the Bunnyman knew how big the pharmaceutical industry would be in the future. Not to mention, since Cook overwhelmed hundreds of thousands of alligators with potions, the entire God Realm The knowledge of medicine has reached a new height, and everyone now expects Cook’s Pharmacy Association to sell medicine.

Now there are more than 1.6 million members of the Pharmacy Association. If you want to become a member of the Pharmacy Association, it is very simple, that is, you exchange the pharmaceutical materials for the points of the Pharmacy Association, which can be exchanged for medicine in the future. To put it bluntly, it is Replace Shenjing.

You have to trade enough 1,000 points to become a full member. Nowadays, there are no more advanced pharmaceutical materials in the market. They have all been bought and used to exchange points.

Because future medicines need to be exchanged for points, without points, no matter how many **** crystals you have, there is no use for eggs.

"President Cook, are you going to announce some of the magical plants that grow in the Glacier Canyon?" The Bunny Patriarch quickly reacted and asked.

"With this plan, some materials will grow in that environment." Cook nodded and replied.

"Promise." The Bunnyman turned his head and stared at the tortoiseshell patriarch, and shouted.

"Chairman Cook, this..." The tortoiseshell patriarch looked at Cook when he saw the expression of the bunny patriarch.

"You choose yourself." Cook said, shaking his head.

"There is not the territory of our tortoiseshell clan." The tortoiseshell clan chief obviously refused.

Cook shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this, as long as you tortoiseshell people are willing, it will be yours."

"Chairman Cook, don't want tortoiseshell people, but our bunny people want it." Hearing this, the bunny chief said immediately.

"The tortoiseshell patriarch, what do you think?" Cook asked the tortoiseshell patriarch.

"We have no opinion." The tortoiseshell patriarch shook his head. The place is icy and snowy, and the climate is very bad. Who would go to that place.

The patriarch of Bunny looked straight at Cook, and Cook shook his head and said, "In this case, let the Chikens manage this area, and you will not be troubled by the tortoiseshells then."

"This..." The tortoiseshell patriarch nodded, but was interrupted just as he said a word.

"Idiot, idiot, pig, you are still the patriarch, establish a portal, establish honesty, don’t want you to spend a penny, you don’t want it, there is such a large territory, this year is the income of tens of millions of high-grade gods, you An idiot, wait to be expelled from the tribe." The Chief Rabbitman pointed at the Chief Tortoiseshell and shouted.

The tortoiseshell patriarch's eyes widened, not being scolded by the bunny chief, but the number said by the bunny chief.

"There are really tens of millions of high-grade **** crystals?" The tortoiseshell patriarch stared, and there was only this number in his mind.

"This is the lowest, otherwise Speaker Cook will take out tens of millions of high-grade crystals to build portals and cities, Speaker Cook will have..." The Bunny Patriarch reacted.

"Chairman Cook, we build, we build, what we are going to do, you can instruct it." The tortoiseshell patriarch looked at the map and decided to fight. Anyway, the place is also a wasteland, and he won’t make anything out of it. The income of tens of millions of Shenjing, then his own crime is serious.

"Take this thing. When you get to this place, I will come naturally." Cook threw an object with spatial coordinates to the tortoiseshell patriarch and said.

"Yes..." The tortoiseshell man wondered what was inside the metal box, but he nodded and said.

"These are two space equipment. The place you are going to is very remote. Bring more supplies." Cook then took out two more necklaces.

"Yes." This time the tortoiseshell man almost grabbed it.

"Okay, let's go, I'm still busy." At this point, Cook began to drive people.

"President Cook, agreement?" The Bunny chief said quickly.

"..." Cook was speechless, so he had to sign an agreement, and then Cook went to study the medicine, to be precise, to improve the formula based on the pills of the star realm.

After the tortoiseshell chief came out of the pharmacy school with the bunny chief, the bunny chief said angrily: "Go, have a drink."

"Yeah." The tortoiseshell patriarch also had many questions.

The patriarch of the Bunnyman brought the patriarch of the tortoiseshell to a shop and went directly to the second floor. The tortoiseshell asked suspiciously, "This is your shop."

"There is so much nonsense, let me tell you, you tortoiseshell people still say your brains are smart, I think your brains are full of mud, the conditions just now are like rejection, you have a problem with your brain!" The Bunny Chief drank. A sip of wine, he cursed.

"You can't say that, the place is very remote..." the tortoiseshell patriarch said angrily.

"You, you, don't want you to contribute anything, what are you worried about?" The Bunny chief asked angrily.

"It is true that there is no way to give it away in Glacier Canyon." The tortoiseshell patriarch couldn't figure it out.

"I'm talking about you, do you know how much Yinshan City the Tauren clan earns in a month? How was it established? The magical plants produced in Yinshan City have the advanced level of Glacier Canyon?" The Bunny Patriarch asked again angrily.

"But..." The tortoiseshell clan leader felt a little guilty.

"You guys, the tortoiseshell people are also very knowledgeable. I can't see through this issue. I tell you, after you go back this time, you will bring people to the glacier yourself..." the patriarch of the tortoiseshell patriarch instructed.

The tortoiseshell man then left, and an elder bunny man went up to the second floor and asked, "What's wrong with this guy?"

"President Cook is preparing to build an outpost city in Glacier Canyon. The tortoiseshell clan still wants to stop doing it. Isn't it stupid?" The Bunny Chief said.

"Oh, do you want this guy to lead our love?" Elder Bunny understood at once.

"In the southern part of our orcs, we Bunnymen do not have the strength to intervene. Whether it is the remaining foxes, tigers, or their pigeons, these people are not easy to fool, and the tortoiseshell clan itself is low in strength and treats us The bunny people are good, the lion people are already trying to win over the Chiken people." The bunny clan chief said.

"This is right. We Bunnymen are one step ahead of them. We must maintain this level of lead. We can't let Lionmen and Tauren catch up later. I think our Presbyterian Church should have a meeting to discuss the future of Bunnymen. The most threatening to us now is the lion clan.” The rabbit elder said after listening.

"Well, I think the elephants and the butterfly people should also be drawn together. After all, the two races are just opening portals with our bunny people. We can give them preferential terms." The head of the bunny people has long thoughts in his mind. .

"Okay, I will immediately contact the other elders, you wait for my news." This elder immediately agreed upon hearing the words of the Bunny Chief.

The three forces of Lion, Bunny, and Tauren are secretly competing fiercely. It is not that these three parties want to compete, but that it is related to tangible interests, and it is a huge benefit.

So some people have to ask whether this three-party struggle will affect Cook. The impact is certain, but it is a good impact, because these three-party fighting are all for one person, Cook, only Cook can bring huge Interests.

The undercurrent of the orcs surged, and the Lions in Sanjiang City began to gather continuously. After reaching 10,000, they were pulled out, and then in one direction, a flat road was formed behind the Lions.

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Beamon clan also began to build roads, the dwarf clan also began to build roads, and the Elf clan also began to build roads. Even the dwarves who were not close to the Blackwater Swamp also sent tens of thousands of people to start repairs. road.

The Brave Knights were recruited again, and the number of flying mounts reached a thousand people. Together with the newly promoted thousand hippo brave knights, these thousand people began to block the Blackwater Marsh, mainly the lion man territory, the dwarf territory, Mongolian territory, the first level is close to the area outside the elf territory.

One by one strongholds began to be established, and Cook became more busy, each of the portals need to be built by Cook, followed by the walls of each stronghold, these strongholds are next to the road, this aspect is for future transportation Prepare, and Cook is determined to clarify the affairs of this ancient god.

In Cook's eyes, the Blackwater Swamp is a huge cornucopia. The management of the swamp is actually very simple. First, build dams around to reduce the inflow of water, and the coastal areas of the swamp will continue to dry up.

This dry area, piled up with soil, is fertile land. In the God Realm, the land is actually fundamental. The entire Blackwater Marsh eventually formed a lake that is now two-thirds large, and the rest is fertile. The land can be planted with anything, and the lake connects the territories around the Blackwater Marsh.

It can be said that the lake is a huge link, together with humans, dwarves, gnomes, elves, orcs, giants, and Titans, once the Blackwater Marsh is managed, the overall strength of the Council of Gods will rise a step.

Cook’s plan is to play a leading role by himself. Cook can do things like building portals, but is it necessary for Cook to do things like reclaiming the lake and farming? Has Cook done it? Of course, but cost-effective That's the lowest, so Cook will use a war mobilization order to mobilize everyone.

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