A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 454:

"The main material of the potion of strength is dragon blood, the auxiliary material is the powder of the stone of life, the golden thorn leaf..." Cook picked up the materials needed for the potion in the same way, and let everyone see clearly.

"The first thing you need to refining pharmaceuticals is to prepare utensils. Various tools are indispensable. Please see, this is a grinder, this is a pulverizer, this is a weighing equipment, this is a centrifugal equipment, and this is a high-temperature distillation equipment. This is the cooling equipment, this is the reaction equipment, this is the crystal cup..." There are a lot of utensils needed for refining pharmaceutical agents, and Cook introduced it tirelessly.

"Dracaena has nothing to do with dragons. The breath of dragon's blood is very unpleasant, just like the smell of dragons, and this magical plant attacks very quickly. Ordinary creatures are not opponents of this magical plant. , Creeping on the ground, once a creature passes by, the whole dragon's blood will entangle the creature at once. The living dragon's blood is highly toxic, so our first thing is to detoxify and detoxify at high temperature." Cook explained while experimenting.

The power potion is actually the castrated version of the Star Realm Dali Pill. Of course, the people of the God Realm can't bear the effect of Dali Pill. After all, this Dali Pill is larger than most creatures in the God Realm now.

This time, the refining of pharmaceutical agents is Cook's slowest. Of course, the refining process only takes less than one minute, but the preliminary preparations are more than two hours.

But the content of Cook's explanation this time includes a lot, the correct operation of various instruments, the use of various tools, the identification methods of various herbs, and the correct handling of various drugs.

After Cook finished his explanation, he began the questioning session. Cook said, "You can watch the magic video slowly, but you must never go out. Once you find out, the consequences will be serious. Okay, what are your problems?"

"Okay, you said." Cook pointed to the only dwarf among the hundreds of people and asked by name.

"President, can we buy processed magic herbs?" The dwarf asked a very direct question.

"This question is a good question, and my answer is yes, so everyone has to ask why I don’t need to process the magic herbs. What I want to say here is that the purity of the purchased magic herbs is different, like The dracaena, golden thorn leaves and other things I dealt with, after I personally deal with it, purity has a bottom in my heart. Of course I don’t ask you to deal with it yourself, but when I teach, I must teach it because this is a What pharmacists must know." Cook explained patiently.

"Thank you Dean, I understand, and I will handle the herbs myself," the dwarf asked when he heard Cook's detailed answer.

"You said." Cook pointed to a bunny man again. ,

"Dean, how is the price of this Dali pills set?" Bunnyman asked earnestly.

"One high-grade **** crystal," Cook said with a finger raised.

"Everyone may say that this power potion is not very widely used. Is it too expensive? I want to tell everyone that it is not expensive. The power potion is very effective. Dwarves can be used in forging. Used, the dwarf can be used when assembling machinery, and humans can also use it when taking risks. This reduces the energy used, reduces energy fluctuations, and helps concealment. As for mining, it is even more good." Cook said. .

"Thank you Dean." The Bunnyman also said politely.

After a series of questions, Cook said: "Well, you start practicing by yourself. As long as you refine the potion of successful power, you will be an official Level 1 pharmacist."

"Wow!" There was an exclamation below.

"Okay, I will come again in a week. If you have any questions then, ask again. After you go down, you will also collect some of the questions you have encountered. Collect them and I will answer them one by one." Cook is not busy. Now, with these seven days, there are many things that need to be done.

After Cook confessed, he left. Cook is really busy. Now Sky City is already on the side of the Blackwater Marsh. It is a transit station, plus a fortress of alert. There is this thing in the middle of the Blackwater Marsh. All kinds of activities can not get around the powerful detection power of Sky City.

"How is it, what is the result?" Cook appeared in the Sky City and asked.

"The initial estimate of the number of people detected is about 6 million, the god-level powerhouse is more than 1 million, and the orcs account for a large proportion." Dilly replied to Cook.

"Nothing unusual?" Cook asked.

"No, but this ancient **** believer seems to have a contradiction with the crocodile man. The ancient **** believer dare not go around the island. Once they go, they will be attacked by the crocodile man. Once the crocodile man is found, he will be hunted. "Dilly continued to answer.

"Continue to observe, I will first go to see how the roads around the Blackwater Marsh are going, and also the dwarf's mapping of the location of the dam.

"Cook..." Dilly saw Cook turned to leave and hugged Cook.

Cook understood after a moment, and then he picked up Dilly and disappeared. Although it is not a husband and wife, it is better than a husband and wife. Everyone does not know when Cook left, but the guards of the Sky City obviously feel that the city lord is very happy. .

Starting from the lion-man territory, Cook began to see that the road patriarch was 100 meters wide and was paved with huge stones. Tens of thousands of god-level lion-men were like a huge machine, no matter what it was in front of. , Will be crushed, and then form a huge road, and there are dwarf engineers on the road, no way, the lion can still use a little bit of strength, but if it requires technology, it still needs dwarves to do it, but this is in Cook It seems that it is far from enough. The pavement formed by stones is easily damaged. After all, this will be the main traffic line in the future.

"What, use a layer of metal?" The dwarf engineer was shocked when he heard Cook's thoughts. You must know that this is a road in the wild. According to Cook, it is to pour a layer of metal on the current stone ground, of course the current stone. The gap will also be filled with metal.

"That's it for ordinary metal. It doesn't matter if the quality is lower. What is the cost?" Cook asked directly.

The dwarf engineer was completely convinced. Nima, metal was used to build the road. The dwarf engineer quickly calculated it, and Cook was watching.

"Speaker Cook, it depends on the thickness of the metal pouring." The dwarf engineer calculated for a while and asked.

"You calculate an optimal plan, just give me the quotation, and your dwarves are in charge, I only take care of the crystals, and are responsible for the inspection, but you can’t just use your dwarves when you pour. People of other races should also ask "Cook directly waved his hand. Cook can't directly say how thick it is. This has an optimal thickness. The thickness is thinner. Not only is it not cost-effective, but it also consumes less. Thicker wastes materials.

"Chairman Cook, this needs to be calculated, and the quality and type of the metal are different, and the price is different." The dwarf engineer's eyes brightened. There are a lot of ordinary metals on the dwarf side. Some magma rivers are 80% metal. Not to mention, this thing is more difficult to transport, but it is the best choice to pave the road.

"You take the plan, anyway, don't say that it will be broken in tens of thousands of years, I can find you trouble." Cook said irritably.

"Okay, then we will make the best plan right away." The dwarf engineer went there. If you know that smelting ordinary metals, then dwarf kids can do it. Then this will be considered a labor, and Cook will still be paid. Why the dwarf engineer is unwilling, such a long road, in general, the benefits of the dwarf are great.

Cook left the Lion’s side and began to see where the dwarf surveying and mapping dam was built. The dam was built not to mean that Cook wanted to build it. The location of the dam is very particular. The mountains on both sides of the dam require hard stones, but not soft stones, as well as the height of the establishment, the water level, and the desired effect. This is a huge system project. Of course, Cook can do it himself. But Cook has no time or ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook has this time to refine some artifacts, and the reward is enough to invite many dwarves to do it.

The dwarven patriarch is also busy now. Now all metals are increasing in price, magic metals, no matter what kind of them, gems are also increasing. All major forces are collecting these magic metals to prepare for the establishment of the city, and the biggest customer of the dwarves, It’s the Mageweave Association. The amount of magic metal required every month is 10,000 tons. There are too many people who refine modules in the Mageweave Association. After doubling it several times, of course, the Mageweave Association has the largest source of magic metal, recovering magic metal that has failed to be refined. Things like the God Realm are waste products, and there are many, many.

Not only is the dwarf patriarch busy, but a group of elders are also busy wandering around in the orc territory. This is for prospecting. The dwarves and the orcs of all races have an agreement. Once a mineral vein is found, it will cooperate in development. As for the specifics, only the parties involved Both sides know.

"Patriarch, good thing, good thing." A group of dwarf engineers broke into the forging temple and shouted loudly.

The dwarf patriarch was looking at the huge number of **** crystal cards on the table, and suddenly a group of dwarves broke in and shouted angrily: "What is it, doesn't it look like a gentleman?"

"Patriarch, stop teasing, what's so good about these **** crystal cards, this time it's a big deal." The leading dwarf engineer said irritably.

"You, huh, how big is the deal?" The dwarf patriarch snorted, and quickly gathered up the **** crystal card.

"The minimum is the sale of tens of millions of high-grade Shenjing." Another dwarf engineer said eagerly.

"Ten million...Puff, you mean tens of millions of high-grade **** crystals!" The dwarf patriarch was drinking water calmly. In fact, he was concealing his embarrassment of being met by these people. It was too embarrassing, but the water was sprayed in his mouth. Out.

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