A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 460:

These words made the eyes of the giant dragons brighten. How can Nima, the lord of the tiger city, have such a good brain. Nima did not produce a crystal, and he actually made a residence in the sky city. It does not cost a cent to maintain anything in the future. Qian, the dozen dragon clan chiefs glanced at each other, and then silently nodded.

Don’t think that a diameter of five kilometers and a diameter of 30 kilometers seem to be the same, but one is 25 square kilometers and the other is 900 square kilometers. How many times is that?

"If not so much, 25 square kilometers is almost the same." Cook gave a little humility. Cook's area is the most valuable, because the shops are concentrated here, just like the five kilometers in diameter in the center of Shanghai. How much does the value of Shanghai occupy the entire value of Shanghai?

"We don't care about anything in the future. The extra five kilometers will be your hard work for Speaker Cook." The city lord of Tiger City was proud of himself. He used useless resources. What did the tiger beasts want the ore and hit the stone. Play, what do you want magic plants for, look, of course, the patriarch of the tiger clan also knows that these things are of high value for the Council of the Gods, and the city lord of the tiger city did not think of owning the city of the sky.

So why should the City Lord of Tiger City let Cook be responsible for the maintenance in the future, because the reputation of human beings is already a stinky street. An item can be sold to you cheaply, but the frequency and cost of maintenance add up, hum. This is the case in the Fourth Son store. The profit from selling a car is not as high as from repairing a car.

Therefore, the city lord of Tiger City thought of a solution once and for all. As for why we should give such a large area, it is because Cook said that five kilometers can build a city for free. The city lord of Tiger City is afraid of being fooled by Cook, so he simply handed it over to Cook. .

Of course, Tiger City mainly knows the origins of the city of the sky, and Cook will not smash the signs by himself. At least one hundred thousand years will not happen. Even if there is something in the future, it will be a minor problem. I don’t know if it will happen again. Do it.

"All right then." Cook nodded.

"But how many people are you planning to live in?" Cook asked afterwards.

"Five million Tiger tribes, and a population of 100,000 Phoenix tribes." Tiger City City Lord said.

"Too little." Cook heard the number and said.

"Then Speaker Cook, just look at the establishment, we don't understand." Tiger City City Lord immediately meant this again.

"Well, well, write down in detail what environment your tiger tribe and phoenix clan like. I will create more simulation environments for you at that time." Cook said.

"Well, we will do it right away." The City Lord of Tiger City heard that Cook agreed and he was relieved.

After seeing Cook's treatment, the three-headed golden dragon said: "Speaker Cook, let's follow the rules. The diameter is 30 kilometers. We just live in."

"Damn!" Cook had seen the sneaky dragons of the dragon family a long time ago, but he didn't expect this trick.

Cook said anxiously: "But who do I sell the shops in these two cities?" Cook was anxious.

"We, we, Speaker Cook, our Goddess of Fortune Temple first subscribes for five shops, and we can give the God Crystal first." The Goddess of Fortune immediately shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

"And us." The others stood up one after another, arguing.

"Ahem, be quiet." Cook didn't expect these guys in the Council of Gods to be so enthusiastic, but then Cook also understood that these guys are now upstarts. You must know that Cook put so many gods into it and who earned it. Of course it was these guys.

Cook looked at the white bear and asked, "Will you bear city do you want to work? How many high-grade gods are there a day?"

"Only a few, don't go, I can stay at the market for three months after ten days." Bai Xiong shook his head and said.

Cook wanted to let the crystals circulate. Knowing that the bear-like beasts looked down upon him, Cook said silently: "Well, sign a contract."

The people present were very happy. Except for the Angels, the Phoenix Clan did not get the Sky City, but the City Lord of Tiger City has already said that one hundred thousand places are reserved for the Phoenix Clan. This is enough. The Dragon Clan is a bit painful. But the dragon patriarchs whispered to each other, yes, if you want to go to the sky city, pay, don’t pay, hum, then wait, as for the dragons who don’t pay, but also want to play the role of a robber. , The dragon elders who want to live in the city of the sky, the dragon patriarch, will educate and educate the dragons of their own race, let these thorns do anything that is not easy to do.

The auction ended soon, but everyone did not intend to leave. For the first time, many people on the Mountain of Gods saw hundreds of angels, hundreds of dragons, hundreds of bear-like animals, and tiger-like animals, and The Phoenix clan, of course, the various races of the Council of Gods are extremely neat.

When the news of Cook’s auction of Sky City came out, most of them were stunned by the number of 2 billion high-grade Shenjing, 2 billion, this is a huge fortune, let alone two of Cook’s hands. The area on the sky city.

Of course, what followed was the skyrocketing price of materials. Various merchants began to hoard materials, and the prices of materials continued to rise for a while, and those teams and individuals who harvested materials saw the price of materials today and the price tomorrow, so they also began to hoard goods. .

These teams don’t stock much materials, but there are a lot of them. Businessmen who stock materials see that it is getting harder and harder to acquire materials and the material reserves are getting less and less, so they raise prices.

However, in the past ten days, the price of the entire material has soared by nearly ten times, which is extremely unfavorable for Cook, because he is the major consumer of materials.

"Cook, what should I do now, these **** businessmen know the price increase." Dilly reported to Cook Exchange.

"Did the dwarf metal go up in price?" Cook asked.

"The price has also increased, but there is no price increase for the dwarf to supply us, but we have a contract." Dilly said.

"In this way, we sell the materials we reserve." Cook said.

"Reserve materials?" Dilly asked when he heard Cook's words.

"Haha, don't forget, how many intermediate and high-level materials I have collected for refining artifacts. Those merchants want to do this now. It happens to be a good opportunity for our Mageweave Association and Pharmacy Association to occupy the market." Cook laughed. Cook had actually long ago. Beware of material price increases.

Could it be said that Cook had the foresight? That's for sure. At the beginning of refining the artifact, Cook expected the price of the material to skyrocket, so he would collect a dozen of materials, tens of thousands of high-grade crystals.

So Cook has a lot of materials, many, Cook has completed or unfinished orders for artifacts, more than 100,000, which means that Cook has more than a million copies of intermediate and high-level materials, or There are more than a few.

Would Cook depreciate the value of the **** crystal in his hand, according to Cook's order of 100,000 artifacts, an order of at least 50,000 high-grade **** crystals, how many **** crystals Cook has, and where did the **** crystals in Cook's hand go? It’s true that it costs a lot to build portals for Bunnymen and Lionmen, but it consumes more points. What Cook gives out is a little material, because the magic pattern master gate needs to exchange points for things. The **** crystal is in the magic pattern association. It doesn't have much effect, so what Cook pays is only some knowledge.

Therefore, Cook has acquired a part of intermediate and advanced materials, and Cook has no shortage of top materials.

Someone wants to ask, can this Cook contend against the merchants of the entire God Realm? This is of course not possible, but on the one hand, these merchants will not unite. Once you see that Cook sells materials at a low price, as long as a part of the merchants sell materials, the entire material price will plunge.

As long as the price drops, those hoarding businessmen will not rush away?

And as long as Cook takes a shot, as long as he is smart, he will definitely not fight Cook. Who is Cook?

Dilly looked at the hundreds of space rings in her hand. The space rings made by Cook had a lot of capacity. Dili couldn't estimate how many materials are in these hundreds of space rings.

But then Dili hurriedly went to handle it. The system of the Mageweave Association and the Pharmacy Association is complete. It just needs to add some manpower. Adding manpower is also very simple. Just publish two more association tasks~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So two days later, there was a long line at the gate of the Mageweave Association, and a long line at the gate of the Pharmacy Association.

"What's this for?" Someone asked in confusion.

"Who knows, it's very common to queue up here at the Mageweave Association." Some people know that to place an order for Cook now, it just needs to be placed in the Mageweave Association.

"Let me ask?" A team passed by. You must know that there is a big market outside of the Mageweave Association. The materials traded here are also the most abundant and the quantity is the largest.

"It's not good, big brother, the Mageweave Association sells materials at low prices. I just asked, all materials cost one twentieth of the current price." The questioner quickly followed the team and whispered Said.

"What?" The people on the team were all surprised. You must know that these teams rely on obtaining materials for their livelihoods, and the prices of materials have fallen. This is the person who is most affected.

"The adventure plan is canceled, hurry up, everyone hurried to the warehouse and sold all the materials separately." The boss of the team thought about it, his face changed and immediately ordered.

"Brother, there is no need to be so nervous." Some people disagree.

"Do you know what a shit, do you know who has the most material in the God Realm? It must be Speaker Cook, and once Speaker Cook takes a shot, the price can't drop?" The boss yelled in a low tone.

"Impossible, even if Speaker Cook is strong alone, can he compete with so many businessmen?" Someone asked in disbelief.

"You are stupid, what are the businessmen's ability to contend with Speaker Cook? Armed force? Financial resources? As long as Speaker Cook issues an order of economic sanctions, the chamber of commerce will be ruined, and that chamber of commerce dare to confront Speaker Cook. The small city sells the materials.” When the big brother's vision is indeed different, his analysis is clear.

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