A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 467:

Old Hill is not a great mallet who doesn’t understand anything. On the contrary, Old Hill knows a lot about the God Realm. Of course, Cook also explains a lot. With Dilly coming here from time to time, Old Hill is very caring about Dilly. In the eyes of Old Hill, he never expected his son to get a woman back to be his wife.

Don’t think about it, I didn’t even have this idea before, but suddenly it came, and this Dilly used to be the manager of a temple, that is, the object of the faith of countless people below. Of course, Old Hill also knew the manager of the gods. It's not as strong as imagined back then, but it's incredible.

Old Hill knew that the upper gods were the backbone of the God Realm. Although Old Hill did not understand very well, the backbone of Old Hill still knew that it was equivalent to a knight in his hometown. A city in the sky requires a powerful knight to work fifty. Ten thousand years.

Then Old Hill calculated it in his heart. If the knights in his hometown worked for half a million years, Nima could buy even a kingdom. Now Old Hill knew the value of this city in the sky, so he wouldn’t take a breath. The air conditioner is strange.

"Isn't this wasteful?" Old Hill exclaimed, feeling distressed.

"Come on, father, your son is very capable, what a city in the sky is!" Ramlan heard the words of Old Hill and said quickly.

Old Hill did not like La Milan in his heart. First of all, La Milan was not a human being. Although he looked like a human, Old Hill still couldn't accept it. In addition, it was La Milan’s dress, which looked too out of the ordinary for Old Hill. It is the dress of the noble courtesy.

What disgusted Old Hill the most was that La Milano was a fan of money. Of course, old Hill also had a city mansion and would not show it. Moreover, Old Hill knew that La Milan had a hot temper, and he would fist if he was wrong. Yes, who made La Milan a dragon? Old Hill still can't figure it out. How could a dragon become a human being? What energy can be so weird.

Cook’s other women are very popular with Old Hill. As parents, the more sons and women they have, the happier they are. This is the parents, and now the Hilton family is also a big family, from hometown to sanctuary to God Realm, the Hilton family is the sky.

"This is good for us to live here." Old Hill did not refute La Milan, but said instead.

"Father, it’s safer to live there in the future. After all, there are outsiders living here." Cook said. Cook knew his father. Although he is now in the God Realm, Old Hill has always come from a poor man. , So the stingy character is deep into the bones, of course outsiders think it is a stingy, but as Cook knows, this is his father used to plan carefully all his life.

"Well then, I'll listen to you." Old Hill nodded when he heard Cook say so.

"But..." Ramlan wanted to say something else.

"La Milan, don't go anymore." Cook said irritably. Cook knew what La Milan wanted to say, but it was just how much money and how much the building on the sky city would cost.

Does Cook lack money? He doesn’t lack money, so Cook doesn’t care, but Cook knows the character of the dragon’s money fans. There is no one in the lower planes who want to take a gold coin from the dragon. , Unless the dragon is dead.

"Humph!" La Milan snorted.

Lily also spoke at this time: "Brother, just our family?"

"Of course, but who do you want to go with?" Cook said with a smile.

For this sister, Cook is also worried, but, Cook's own status has been improved too fast. When in Sanctuary, some people liked Lily, but they had ulterior motives. The latter is that others have not had time to develop with Lily. , Cook took Lily to the God Realm. After coming to the God Realm, due to safety, there were not many outsiders in contact.

Cook secretly took Lily's business to heart. Lily heard Cook say so and said angrily: "I do, but where should I go now, or just find a dwarf?"

"Haha, as long as you like it." Cook won't say anything to disagree, Cook doesn't care about it, someone wants to manage.

"That dwarf?" Mrs. Hilton asked, looking at Lily.

"Mom..." Lily knows her mother. If Lily does find a dwarf, Mrs. Hilton will definitely let Cook break the dwarf's leg.

"Find someone to marry, don't be a dwarf." Old Hill also shouted angrily.

"Huh." Lily snorted and said nothing.

Cook waved his hand and said, "Well, you are all here. I have one more thing to announce. Each of you has a family, and each family has something to do with the God Realm. Lori, you have someone from the Hesek family. God realm, people in your family, as long as they reach the **** level, they can come to me to help. I have a lot of things here. If I say this, do you understand?"

"Cook, do you want our family to participate?" Lori asked.

"Yes, I am in the realm of the gods. Although I have high prestige and ability, but my background is not enough, and I definitely make more money from doing things here than they do on their own. I can give others, why not give myself People? So if someone contacts you, you can inform me. As for the truth, I still have the ability to tell the difference." Cook nodded and said.

"But I don't even know if anyone in our family is in the God Realm?" Murphy said.

"Haha, you don't need to worry about this. I guess your information has been collected long ago. Don't forget, the God Realm is the top level existence. The intelligence gathering ability of the temples of lower planes is not so powerful. , It’s just that you didn’t show up, so they can’t say anything, but you remember that people in the God Realm have interests in their eyes and don’t have much emotions. Even if it’s your family, it’s only an interest relationship. This relationship will change in a short time. Not much." Cook said with a smile.

"Cook, do we count as Thunder Dragon?" Ramanan asked when hearing the benefits, he began to calculate.

"Forget it, as long as they are willing to come to me to do things, I Cook is not short of money." Cook nodded.

"Well, I also need something to do." La Milano's eyes lit up.

"Sit down." Mrs. Hilton exclaimed angrily when she saw La Milan jump up.

Ramanan sat down obediently, no way, even in the dragon clan, the younger generation should listen to what the dragons of the previous generation said. Moreover, in this house, Cook is the first to have the final say. That is Mrs. Hilton. The second and third are Old Hill, and the rest are similar.

Cook turned a blind eye to La Milan’s grievances. If he did something for La Milan, it’s estimated that his income would go into La Milan’s pockets. Of course, it doesn’t matter, but La Milan is a bit bullying. For this, Cook does not like it. Up.

"Well, there are so many things to say today. After everyone goes down, the elves of the Temple of Nature will come to make dresses for you, train etiquette, what needs to be purchased, and record it on my account. In a word, as long as the best Yes." Cook said.

"Wow!" Ramlan's eyes were gleaming.

"Cook. Do you want them to meet first?" Old Hill asked.

"Who?" Cook asked.

"The Thunder Dragon family of La Milan, the Frost Titan family of Sinna, the Flower Elf family of Windsor, the Fox family of Wumei, and the Mermaid family of Ivis." Old Hill whispered.

"Well, I'll arrange it." Cook nodded and said.

Cook left after the meeting. In his heart, Cook wanted to get along with his own woman for a while, but he was helpless in large numbers, and it was hard to deal with. Cook sighed: "One monk carries water to eat, two The monk carried water to eat, but a group of monks had no water to eat. It seems that one person and one sky city is correct."

Cook turned around and came to the Council of Gods. In the Council of Gods, Cook found the giants, the elves, and the foxes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mermaid had no seats in the council of gods.

"Speaker Cook." Seeing Cook, the three members were respectful.

"Sit, sit, I'm looking for you today, it's something personal." Cook waved his hand, and then three cups of water from the leaves of the green tree of life appeared. The leaves of the tree of life where Cook is soaking are There are hundreds of pieces, unlike the dwarf side, one piece is reluctant.

"Speaker Cook, please." The Fox Councilor said.

"Yes, you may know that there is Frost Titan in my wife... What kind of eyes do you have?" Cook had just said half of this. These members of the Council opened their eyes. You must know that Frost Titan is the lowest It is seven or eight meters in height, and it is common for adults to reach fifteen or six meters.

"Sina's body has undergone an abnormal change, and only we humans are taller." Cook explained silently.

"Oh, this is a close relative, but the probability is very low, one in a million." Congressman Giant explained.

"Ahem, my wife, the flower elves, and a fox tribe. My father meant to let the three ladies meet his tribe, so that I might have a relationship in the future. The Titans are not very good. I understand, so I asked a member of the giant family to find out." Cook continued with a cough.

"The Titans live with our giants, but the Titans don't interact with humans, but with our giants. I don't know if the Titans will come to see Mrs. Sinna." The Giant Congressman said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to have it, but I brought more than two thousand Titans to the God Realm..." Cook was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Two thousand titans take the spirit world!" Representative Giant's eyes widened, his face was incredible, and even the other two members were shocked.

"What's the problem with this?" Cook asked suspiciously.

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