A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 478:

"Manager!" Todd's voice rang.

"What? Haven't dealt with it yet?" The manager's voice made Thoral's heart suddenly twitched.

Todd's voice sounded again: "This guy doesn't believe us. I just want him to regret it before he disappears. Damn it, it made my mission fail."

"Close it first, there may be a task that this guy needs to do." The manager said.

"Okay," Todd replied.

Solar was thrown into the same room as the observation chamber. There was no light and the heavy metal door. Todd said, "Don't try to escape. There are god-level guards outside here. Once you escape, you will directly kill."

Cang Dang! With a bang, the metal door was closed, and Solar found that he had no strength in his body. Solar was breathing air. Solar was really scared just now. Solar didn’t know if the manager didn’t So, what will I be like now.

Solar then looked at the room. The room was not very big. There was a metal bed. The other one was convenient. There was nothing left, no food, no furniture.

"Eat, bang." A sound rang from the metal door, and a bag was thrown in. The bag was not very big.

After Solar opened the bag, there was a piece of roast meat and a piece of bread inside. Solar did not feel hungry at all.

Solar was locked up for half a month. Every day, there was something like barbecue and bread. The water was enough. Even though the metal door didn’t look very strong, Solar didn’t dare to touch it. of.

"Solar." The door was completely opened for the first time in half a month.

"Tor..." Solal saw Todd and said a word without knowing what to say.

"Now there is a task for you to do. After you finish it, you can survive. Will you accept the task?" Todd asked.

"Accept, I accept, I definitely accept." Solar hurriedly replied.

"Well, come with me." Todd said.

Solar hurriedly followed behind Todd. This time Solar did not dare to ask anything more. When he came to the task acceptance department, Todd took out a task scroll and said, "This is the task you want to accept. Take a closer look. ."

"A believer in the ancient gods?" After seeing the mission, Thoral opened his mouth wide.

"Yes, we have grasped the traces of a group of ancient **** believers. If this group of ancient **** believers wants to send a group of people to the base camp of ancient **** believers, you must get in. No matter what method you use, ancient **** believers often There are also tasks in places where you can see it, so you can figure it out.” Todd explained and answered.

"This..." For the believers of the ancient gods, Solar originally didn't want to go, but what the price of not wanting to go, Solar knew very well.

"After completing the task, you will become the next group of members to ignite the sacred fire. If you don't go, haha." Todd chuckled, making Solar's chrysanthemums tight.

"I accept, I accept." Solal gritted his teeth thinking of the Condensation Godhead.

"Well, this is a giant man, and you are not the only one, so as long as it is not too bad, nothing will happen at all." Todd's seemingly kind reminder was actually telling Solar to be careful. , Your every move is within our vision.

"Why me." Solal didn't understand.

"Haha, because you made a mistake." Todd laughed.

Solal left, leaving with the mission. Todd looked at the back of Solal's departure and muttered in a low voice: "If the manager hadn't spoken, you would have disappeared."

After Solal left, he came to a camp outside the Chamber of Commerce Union City. There are many such camps outside the city. The houses in the Chamber of Commerce Union City are too expensive, so there are tracts of warehouses, taverns, and hotels everywhere.

However, people who enter and leave here are all people below the **** level, and there are very few strong people above the **** level. However, this place is also under the jurisdiction of the council of gods. The security is OK, but there are people missing in this place. , No one cares about it anymore.

Because there are a lot of people coming and going here every day, and ordinary people don’t have human rights, so they disappear if they are missing. If there is a family member, there may be clues, if there is not, it is an outsider, then maybe no one knows. , It’s just that the distant family members are still looking forward to the return of their loved ones.

"Fairy Inn." Soral looked at this hotel, and then walked in. The fairy hotel, at first glance, is a special service hotel, but in this civilian area, even if it is special, the price will not be high. Where did you go.

"Hey, big man, you are not welcome here." But before entering the hotel, a woman with heavy makeup stopped Solar and shouted loudly.

"Haha, haha." There was a burst of laughter from the men around, which obviously meant something else.

"I'm here to drink." Solar said with a shrug.

"Haha, big guy, don't be afraid, come in, come in, these fairies need big guys like you, these big **** guys need big guys." A human inside shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The men around also shouted loudly.

The woman with heavy makeup looked at Solar and asked, "Are you sure it's just drinking."

"Yes, just drinking, do you have other services?" Solar asked with a smirk.

"Get out!" the woman with heavy makeup cursed irritably.

Walking into the tavern, it looks different. In this tavern, the lights are relatively dim, and there are also beautifully dressed women. Under the dim light, they are very sexy. Of course, what is the stronger light? The effect, this is not known.

"Boss, come here with a barrel of ale." Solal's big **** directly occupied a large stool and cried out.

"Big man, let's pay first here, and if we live, we will add more." A human came to Solar with a barrel of ale and said.

"Okay!" Solal also knows that some taverns have this kind of rule, mainly because they sell alcohol. If you get drunk and don't pay the bill, the boss will worry a lot.

"There is a price on the item, and damage is to be compensated." After the boss received the crystal, of course, the lower-grade crystal was used here, a barrel of ale, only two lower-grade crystals, of course, for others, this is already very It's expensive because this is a fifty catty barrel.

Of course, why the price of the ale here is so low, Solar understood after taking a sip, the inferior wine was mixed with water. The taste of ale mixed with water is like beer to whom, it is terrible.

But for those around who are doing coolies, this is enough, and of course there are those drunk guys who do not know what they are drinking.

The hotels in this place are not like those high-end hotels. They will say what credit. Here, if you bring enough money, after you wake up drunk, you may just be on the side of the road. As for what it is. I don’t know if people do it.

Of course, this is also a matter of separation. People who have been here for a long time will basically have nothing to do, but outsiders like Solal, I am afraid that they have been targeted for a long time. In this complicated environment, everyone has it. .

"Big guy, do you want to have fun?" A enchanting woman walked to the table where Solar was sitting and asked.

"No need." Solar is a giant. The eyesight of giants is better than that of humans. Solar is sure that this woman is at least 500 years older than she looks now, and she can see thick white ash on her face. On, on the neck.

"Stingy." When the woman heard Solar's answer, she dropped a word and left.

Solar felt that he was suffering. Yes, the ale mixed with water was not as good as drinking water, at least the water did not have this strange smell.

"Hey, big guy, can I help you?" a human came over and asked.

"Who are you?" Solal asked warily.

"My name is Bobby, and I am from this area. In my memory, I have never seen a big man like you." This human being looks very kind, and his tone of voice is very easy to accept.

"I'm walking around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was pour the road some time ago, but those little dwarfs are so good at calculating, I want to find a job here now." Solar said with a shrug.

"What is the path of the leader?" The question of human beings seems very random.

"Don't mention it, Remi, the **** foreman, don't look at a kind-hearted look, and actually deduct my pay." Solare exclaimed angrily.

"Haha, it's that petty guy, big guy, you're unlucky too." Poppy immediately said when Solal said so.

"Yes. Come on, drink." Solar poured Bobby a full glass of wine. There was no way, this thing was too ugly.

Seeing the color of the poured wine, Bobby felt bitter, but he still had to smile and thank him: "Thank you."

The tavern owner, as if nothing had happened, dared to open such a hotel here, and blatantly sold defective products, which is not something that people like Bobby can ask.

"Poppy, is there any good work here?" Solal asked when Bobby took a sip of wine. It's etiquette when you pour someone else and others drink a swig.

Bobby strongly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his mouth and said, "The job is not very sure, but they are all temporary workers, but there are workers who follow the team. The pay is higher, but the life is a bit difficult."

"Don't be afraid, my request is very simple, as long as you are full, it doesn't matter whether it is bitter or not." Solal patted his belly and said.

"Well, why don't I ask for you?" Bobby drank the wine with another gulp and wanted to leave after a word.

"That's great, come, come and have another drink. I'm here to thank you first." Thoral grabbed Bobby, then said, while pouring the wine quickly, Bobby looked full again. It's a wine glass with a wonderful expression on his face.

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