A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 484:

"Yes, here." Dilly nodded.

"So how is Speaker Cook's mood now?" The Red Dragon Corps leader asked in a low voice.

"Mood...I don't know that, I still have big things to do, there is nothing to do, I will leave first." Dilly looked anxious.

The head of the Red Dragon Army's eyes lit up: "Mrs. Dilly, if you have anything urgent, leave it to me."

"This is something that Cook personally ordered. It is a very important matter. It involves..." Dilly didn't say half of it.

"Mrs. Dilly, I'm idle anyway, I'll help you." The commander of the Red Dragon Army wanted to help Dilly do things, so that Dilly could speak for herself when he was caught by Cook. .

"No, no." Dilly looked wary.

The commander of the Red Dragon Army was shocked when he saw this scene. There was a big deal, so he asked: "Mrs. Dilly, where are you going, I **** you?"

"No, I'm just going to release the mission." Dilly looked at the Red Dragon Corps commander and replied helplessly.

"Release missions, what missions are released, our Red Dragon Legion can complete them." The Red Dragon Legion commander asked.

"Commander of the Red Dragon Legion, what we are releasing is an internal mission, which you cannot accept." Dilly said as he walked.

The commander of the Red Dragon Army heard the internal task, his eyes rolled a little, and he said with a smile: "If you can't accept it, then you can't accept it. It doesn't matter if I ask?"

"It's about annihilating the believers of the ancient gods. Cook knows that your dragon guard has counterattacked, so he also issued a mission to completely clean up the believers of the ancient gods." Dilly said.

"Clean up the believers of the ancient gods, give it to us, give it to us, our dragons are assembled anyway." Hearing this, the head of the red dragon army immediately accepted the task, so there is no need to explain to Cook why the dragons More than a dozen legions launched a war on the territory of the Council of the Gods.

"How is this possible, this is as high as 100 million..." Dilly looked like she couldn't do it.

Upon hearing this, the head of the Red Dragon Army opened his mouth wide: "One hundred million high-grade crystals!"

"Yes, so how can it be cheaper for you outsiders." Dilly nodded and said.

When talking, I came to the mission hall of the Council of the Gods. It used to be very deserted, but now it is very lively. Dili started to release the mission at the window of the mission release, and the Red Dragon Army commander gritted his teeth and found two high-grade gods. : "Brother, change position."

"No... please, please." The Red Dragon Army commander took out another thing, which appeared to be the egg of a certain divine beast, so a lower god-level person who was ranked first to receive the task immediately said respectfully .

"Sir, what mission are you going to take?" the human in the window asked.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Dilly is releasing the task. He asked me to receive it. Get to know that I am the commander of the Red Dragon Legion." The commander of the Red Dragon Legion whispered.

"Yes, yes." The people inside are just lower gods. Hearing the Red Dragon Legion commander say this, he immediately stopped talking. This dragon is Nima's robber virtue. If you are wrong, it will be a loss. It.

"Ah, the task of 100 million high-grade Shenjing." Suddenly a voice in the hall exclaimed.

"Quick, hurry up, take up the task." The Red Dragon Army commander whispered.

"But..." The human who issued the task hesitated.

"Look, there is no requirement of the person who accepts the task. This is for us." Seeing that Dilly had turned and walked over, the Red Dragon Army commander immediately shouted in a low voice.

"Okay." The person who issued the task immediately issued the task to the Red Dragon Corps commander.

"Mrs. Dilly, I must finish the task." The Red Dragon Corps commander took the task scroll and said loudly, and then rushed out of the task hall.

"Stop." Dilly also pretended to shout loudly.

The people around saw that Dilly didn't move at all. Some people understood: "This dragon is too greedy for money. Looking at Mrs. Dilly's appearance, it is estimated that this is for the dragon."

"Clean up the believers of the ancient gods, deed, no one would dare to accept this task. Those guys are crazy." Someone shook his head.

"One hundred million, this is one hundred million," a dwarf wailed loudly.

"Shit, there is no life, how many **** crystals are fake." The other dwarf said grimly.

The commander of the Red Dragon Legion quickly returned to the temporary command post by the Blackwater Marsh. The commander of the Red Dragon Legion did not go to the headquarters at all. Instead, he came to the station of the Red Dragon Legion and rushed into the tent where the patriarch was.

"Patriarch, patriarch, got rich, got rich." The head of the Red Dragon Army burst into a laugh.

"What made you rich? Didn't you explain to Speaker Cook, why did you come back so soon?" The Red Dragon patriarch asked.

"Look at this." The Red Dragon Corps commander took out the mission scroll.

The Red Dragon patriarch took a look, his jaw dropped in shock, and then quickly said: "Quick, quick, go quickly, the news is probably coming soon."

"Huh, go, where to go?" The tent was torn open suddenly, and there were at least hundreds of dragons around, all of which were the patriarchs and elders of the dragon clan.

"Haha, we..." The head of the Red Dragon Army wanted to drive off.

"Boy, if you dare to run, I'll break your leg." The three-headed golden dragon elder sneered.

"Gu Gu, do you know?" The Red Dragon Army commander was speechless.

"Understood, your kid is not authentic, you want to swallow this billion high-grade **** crystals, and bring the task scroll." The three-headed golden dragon elder shouted.

The patriarch of the Red Dragon is also speechless. In this environment, it’s just a beating to speak. This is the patriarch and elder of more than a dozen dragon tribes. It’s easy to beat one of the elders and patriarchs of the Red Dragon tribe. Dragons are greedy for money and are strong towards others, but the patriarch of the Red Dragon faces other giant dragons, and he is a group, he has no intention of resisting at all. The result of resistance is to be beaten up.

"Haha, haha, okay, okay, there are 100 million high-grade **** crystals, and we won't lose money this time." After getting the mission scroll, everyone smiled after reading it.

"In this way, let's finish the task first, and then go back to the Divine Crystal." The patriarch of the Silver Dragon clan calculated it, and his tribe can get millions of high-grade crystals. This is not the case for Silver Dragon City after being looted by Cook. The numbers are small.

"But how to clean up this?" A giant dragon asked.

"Clean up the believers of the ancient gods. If you see it, I will look at the place where people can live in the middle. Let's go through it. As for the other creatures in the Blackwater Swamp, they will clean up the ones that do not open their eyes, and the others will be ignored." The great elder said.

"Okay, get started." The Elder Black Dragon rushed out first.

"Damn it, go quickly, or else I'll be raging again in the future." The Red Dragon patriarch said immediately when he saw the black dragon run away.

So the entire dragon was dispatched. Hearing 100 million high-grade crystals, the dragon was crazy, but the island where the believers of the ancient gods was located suffered. In fact, it was cleared by the dragon a long time ago, but the dragon in front Treasures are valued, so there are fish that slip through the net, and even the underground world has been cleaned up by the black dragon and the poisonous dragon clan. As for the believers of the ancient gods, they have long been eliminated by the dragon clan. The fighting experience of the dragon clan But inherited from the blood, this ancient **** believer himself was beaten to death by Cook, and when he encountered a group of unreasonable dragons, there was still a way to survive.

In the Blackwater Marsh, the island occupied by the believers of the ancient gods can be said to be scorched black. There is no complete place at all. Even the water surface near the Blackwater Marsh has been turned over by the Blue Dragons several times. Of course, it may be in the Blackwater Marsh. There are surviving guys, but there are very few.

The vision of the dragon is very good. You can see a fist-sized object on the ground from hundreds of kilometers in the sky, so don't expect to be discovered by the dragon.

The cleanup lasted for several days, and most of the dragons were evacuated silently. If it were not for the violent energy fluctuations, everyone would not have known that a large group of dragons had come, and the group of Thoral had been brave knights. The group was caught.

Kak and others were taken away directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Solar was released, which made Solar’s ​​heart even more frightened. Could this brave knights also have sect members, otherwise how could they be released? What about yourself?

Thinking of the pervasive sects, Thoral's heart became even more fiery, and he muttered to himself: "Joining such a sect, your descendants will definitely not be below the **** level."

Solal went back to pay the task, and Cook also readily gave 100 million high-grade crystals to the dragon clan, but Cook knew that these billion high-grade crystals would definitely make waves within the dragon clan.

"Cook, the way you smile makes me have a bad feeling." Dilly looked at Cook's smile and said.

"Haha, are there?" Cook laughed.

"I must be thinking about some conspiracy." Dilly has a great understanding of Cook. This person is also refreshed when he is refreshed, but also black when he has a dark belly.

In fact, everyone stands at a different angle. The God Realm has no place in Cook’s heart. In Cook’s heart, the Star Realm is important, but the God Realm Cook will not give up. Just like in a developing country, Star Boundary is a developed country. Of course, you have to go to developed countries to make money, and consume in developing countries.

What Cook values ​​is the overall situation. As long as the overall situation is not affected, Cook does not matter. If it affects the overall situation, I am sorry, Cook has the means.

"Cook, there will be a cocktail party in a few days, how are you preparing?" Dilly asked.

"Prepare, no need to prepare." Cook shook his head and said.

"How could it not be necessary to prepare, do you know what others say?" Dilly looked at Cook and asked angrily.

"How to say?" Cook really didn't know what others said.

"Cook, you have so many women, don't you let them be responsible for some things?" Dilly asked suspiciously.

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