A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 487:

"Okay, okay, it will officially start tomorrow. If you haven't paid the task yet, you can pay tomorrow." When Cook saw everyone's excitement, he was also very proud. The concept of double points is still Cooked before. It was done during the game. At that time, as long as he had double experience, Cook would be online. Of course, it was just the beginning. In the end, it was the game boss who found the profit.

Just like now, it seems that Cook has a lot of points, but how much does Cook make?

"President, President, is there another time for such double points?" someone asked.

"This is not necessarily true." Cook said, shaking his head.

"Guild Master, goodbye." The impatient Mageweave Master left immediately, knowing that there are only so many laboratories. Of course, the Mageweave Master cannot say that he will be in it all day. There are ten copies of the materials. After the refining, you need to pay for the materials before you can receive it. Even if it fails, you have to pay. This allows the laboratory to rotate as much as possible. Of course, the other side is that Cook is not afraid Those guys are hoarding tasks.

Cook has just left, and the entire Mageweave Association is boiling. As for those hapless guards, who will remember that these guards were originally recommended by the major councilors. After all, this is the mountain of gods, and Cook is also the gods. The speaker of the parliament cannot justify it in several ways.

After receiving the blacklist notification issued by the Mageweave Masters Association, these people knew that the guards had finished the rest of their lives. This time, almost everyone was on Cook’s side, because these guards were paid very well. Everyone agrees with what Cook said.

However, what more people are focusing on, double points, triple points, and then the amount of tasks received by the Magic Weave Association within an hour, which has reached more than 20,000 times, what concept is this.

In some large temples, there are not so many people to accept the task in half a year, is there no task? surely not.

"Double points, Cook's trick is very high." A meeting was held inside the Temple of Nature. The Temple of Nature was the temple with the lowest completion rate of the temple's tasks, because the elves yearn for freedom, and the number of mandatory tasks is very low.

"It's not the same. The Mageweave Association is different from us. If we do this, the effect will definitely be bad." The elder of the Temple of Nature said.

"That's true." These elders have the intention to hold meetings. You must know that the plantation in the Sky City is all the hard work of the elders. In the past, planting experiments had to be done, and the environment was different. Different, as long as you report to Dilly, then Dilly can adjust and change the original ice and snow environment into a tropical rain forest environment. What a good condition.

"It doesn't matter if I try, I said we have any issues, and quickly take it out. The golden prickly pear in my garden needs pollination." An elder from the Temple of Nature also said.

"That is, hurry up if you have any issues, we are all busy." The other elder also agreed.

The goddess of nature was speechless, and said; "Elders, don't you care about the development of the temple?"

"Isn't there you? You have to decide the little things. We are all busy." There is nothing embarrassing about the elders. You are the goddess of nature. Who cares about you?

The elders are thick-skinned to a certain extent. Although the goddess of nature is slanderous, she still has to ask: "Then are we going to implement double points?"

"It's up to you." An elder waved his hand casually, knowing that there was something in his heart.

"If I want to say that there will be nothing particularly important in the future, I won't look for us. Since we let you be the master, you will be the one." The great elder of the temple gave a final word. local.

The goddess of nature hurriedly asked: "What about **** up?"

"It's just such a big thing, what else can't be screwed up, our side is the big head." Another elder said.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I need someone to watch over the experiment, and I will agree when I will vote." One of the elders who spoke just now stood up and hurriedly left.

"Well, I agree too." The other elder felt even more uncomfortable when he saw that someone had left first, so he stood up and said something, and then left.

"I won't be looking for me in the future, but if you have any decision, just give me a written report to see. Well, that's it." Another elder left.

"Well, everyone is gone, goddess of nature, what will happen to us in the future." The elder is also worried about his experiment, knowing that it has failed more than a thousand times, this time may be successful.

Looking at the empty room, the goddess of nature was speechless. At least everyone had to wait for the end of the meeting in the past, but now it's good, just after the beginning, there is no one.

Double points make the dwarves a headache, because the dwarves don’t use any currency at all, no matter what gold coins, silver coins, or other metals are made, the dwarves can make them by themselves. As for the use of **** crystals, it is used by a god-level powerhouse. s things.

Ordinary dwarves use the points system, that is, how many points you dig for the ore, that is how many points, and then you can exchange goods for goods, you can use the points to buy, now it’s good, the Magic Weave Association does double Points, the miners of the Dwarf Miners Association are also extremely hot.

But the dwarven seniors are not willing at all. You must know that Cook’s Mageweave Temple has only a few Mageweave Masters, and the failure rate of Mageweave Masters in accepting tasks is very high, and if the Dwarves are mining, if you dare to give the Dwarf Miners double points , Countless ordinary dwarf miners can hollow out a mountain for you in one day, which will have a great economic impact on the dwarf clan.

"Damn it, doing something makes us very passive." The president of the Dwarf Miners Association cursed in a low voice.

"Now those miners have begun to gather, and we are required to double the points." A person in charge of the Miners Association said.

"Damn it, we dwarves can mine even half the size, how can we double the points?" the president cursed angrily.

At this time, the dwarf patriarch came, and when he entered the door, he asked, "How is the matter?"

"Those guys demand double points." The president of the Miners Association quickly reported.

"This is true of Cook, do something, how can the Miners Association double the points?" The dwarven patriarch also knows that there are almost as many miners as there are in the dwarf clan. Double the points, it is estimated that the dwarf clan will go bankrupt.

"Patriarch, what should we do now, if those miners go on strike, our order..." the president of the Miners Association asked worriedly.

"Damn it, **** it." The dwarven patriarch was still very proud, because the dwarves received a lot of orders, and the orders were too large for the dwarves to have enough manpower. The dwarves have never been so busy.

"Wait, I'll ask the elders' meeting." The dwarven patriarch dare not decide on such a big matter. You must know that this is related to many orders. If the contract is breached, the compensation will be very scary.

Watching the patriarch leave, the president of the Miners Association said, "Let's go, let's have a drink, it's not our business now."

"Let's go." When other association leaders heard this, they immediately followed, knowing that as long as the dwarf hears someone ask for a drink, everything will be left behind.

Not only elves, dwarves, but the entire God Realm was attracted by the news of double points for a while. Fortunately, the Pharmacy Association also carried out double points activities, but there was no use for eggs, because the people who will refine the finished medicine are basically not much.

But the major temples and organizations are in a state of discomfort. Everyone is slandering Cook in their hearts. Cook has a wealth of money and doesn't care about it at all. However, other temple organizations can't withstand such a toss.

Of course, Cook did not expect such an impact. After the release of the double points mission, Cook saw the results on the third day. The number of various modules more than tripled. Cook was very satisfied. Of course, various Construction has also been accelerated.

This speeding up is only faster in Cook’s eyes. It’s not time for Cook to spend all his time. Of course, the Tiger City and the Dragon Clan are the most satisfied. These two races look at the sky every day. The progress of the city.

Seeing that the buildings increase day by day, these two races are more happy, and the portal of Tiger City has been established, the city on the side of Tiger City is also under planning, and there is a large area next to the Council of Gods. The enclosed plot is the trading area with the tiger clan.

There is no need for Cook to preach, this time more people will rent the site here, but Cook's share of the site here is very small, only 10, or Cook built the portal as a stake, and the rest are owned and Council of the Gods.

These fees will be under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives of the Council of Gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What is the use? Everyone has to vote.

A scene that Cook did not expect appeared. Two days before the auction of the Tiger City trading market plot, Cook received some inexplicable things one after another.

"The Temple of the Goddess of Harvest is going to rent two shops with 3.5 million gods, G5 and G6." On Cook's office table, there is a stack of thick animal skins, and the first one has this message.

Cook opened the second one: "The Temple of the Goddess of the Night is going to rent five shops with five million top-grade crystals, and the maximum limit can reach eight million."

"The Temple of the Goddess of Hunting is going to use 15 million high-grade crystals to rent a shop, and up to 20 million high-grade crystals can be used."

"The Forging Temple prepares 50 million high-grade Shenjing to take down half of the street, and the Forging Temple has a stock of 200 million."

After reading it, Cook understood, and muttered to himself: "This Nima family thief is hard to guard against. These congressmen can also fight for funding."


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