A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 490:

"What do you mean by this?" The human who began to speak asked grimly.

"You humans are the most cunning. We don't want to be deceived. You have to fight you. We dwarves only need five stalls to collect ore." The dwarf said with a smile.

To be honest, the reputation of mankind in the God Realm is indeed not very good. This is certainly related to the relatively high human wisdom, but on the other hand, other races are biased against mankind, because in the ancient **** war, mankind played a positive role. It is not very useful, but in terms of logistics, humans have paid a lot. Because of this, the number of humans after the War of the Ancient Gods is more than that of other races combined, and since most of the logistics are in the hands of humans, the At that time, they had the most equipment and materials. The other races were exhausted from fighting with the ancient gods. In addition, the materials were controlled by humans, so they had to recognize the status of humans.

But prejudice is always there. Of course, human beings are flexible in their minds. This has to be admitted. Many times when other races deal with humans, they often suffer dumb losses. Of course, this has a lot to do with some humans who have no bottom line in doing things.

"Humph." The discussion between the big powers just broke up.

"Speaker Cook is a good idea. It's a secret shoot, and then our parliamentary income can be maximized." Several members of the House of Representatives gathered together and praised Cook.

"Hehe, we have already taken out all the **** crystals over there." Another councillor said with a smile.

"My side is too, dog day. I used to squeeze me out, but now I have to rely on Lao Tzu. Pooh, if it weren't for Speaker Cook, these guys would have kicked me away." A dwarf said grimly.

"That is, those guys are all dead, they don't have any feelings, and they are all about interests. Anyway, I follow Speaker Cook. Even if I will not be a member of Parliament in the future, I am a follower of Speaker Cook and I am not willing to go back. When it reaches some people's faces, I feel sick." A human said.

"Haha, I don't know if Speaker Cook wants you."

"Don't want me to follow."

These congressmen argue that outsiders cannot hear, because these sound waves are directly transmitted to other people's ears through divine power. Of course, if other people want to hear them, they have to forcibly cut off the divine power, but this makes a lot of noise.

Within this hour, the divine power fluctuates very frequently in the conference hall, but the frequency is very low, which means that everyone is discussing.

"Well, everyone, one hour is up, please pay the bidding book. If you don't pay, then it will be deemed to have given up the bidding." The auctioneer saw that the time was up and said.

When the people below heard this, they rushed to write a number if they didn't write it, but looking at the way these people gritted their teeth, it is estimated that the number written will not be too small, and it is likely to write as many as possible.

"Everyone needs to wait ten minutes." Soon the auction book was finished.

For more than ten minutes, the scene was silent. This cannot be said to be fraudulent, because everyone has a bottom in the bidding documents. Once you say that the price is lower than the price of others, it is obviously tricky. If you offend these people at the scene, Not to say what will happen to these people, the first Cook will definitely not let him go, so the person who sorted out the bids checked repeatedly before submitting a list to the auctioneer.

"I think everyone is waiting anxiously. Next, I announce the bidding price of Booth No. 0001, which is 3.2 million top grade Shenjing, and the winner is No. 3345." After seeing the auction price, the auctioneer did not believe his eyes at all. The price for this stall is such a high price, but in fact it is.

"Yeah!" A dwarf jumped up. The number plate in his hand is No. 3345. In fact, the number plate here is completely messy, mainly to prevent others from being recognized. Of course, some people are not afraid to be recognized, but some people Just want to keep a low profile.

"Stall No. 0002, four and a half million top grade Shenjing, shit." In the second booth, the auctioneer couldn't help but say reliance after finishing the number.

"The winner is No. 0467." The auctioneer was slanderous. When did Nima get the crystals of these people so easy.

No one spoke, no one spoke. It seemed that he was a person who wanted to keep a low profile. The auctioneer continued to shout. After more than five hours, two thousand stalls were completely auctioned away. The lowest bidder was actually Shop No. 1. , None of the latter is lower than this, the average price is 3.5 million high-grade **** crystals, and the total auction amount has reached a staggering seven billion **** crystals, which everyone can't believe.

Everyone looked at Cook, that is to say, Cook’s income from this auction reached more than one billion crystals. What is the concept of Nima? This is almost equivalent to a city in the sky, but everyone is I can’t say anything, because the reason why Tiger City wants to trade with the Council of Gods is all because of Cook. Without the place in Cook Town, what kind of situation is Tiger City to the Council of Gods? I'm sure.

"Hehe, everyone looks at me like that, do you think I'm rich, haha." Cook said with a smile when everyone looked at him. Finally, he laughed, and Cook didn't expect such a result.

"Congratulations to Speaker Cook." A human member of the House of Representatives immediately said loudly, flattering, without regard for face.

"Thank you. In this case, you will find the Mageweave Association building in the future. I will give you a 10% discount." Cook nodded and said thank you, making this flattering human feel extremely happy, and if Cook follows, let The people present were a sensation.

The 10% discount does not seem to be much, but you must know that Cook did not say what kind of building it is, that is to say, if you build a city in the future, this discount is equivalent to millions of crystals.

"Thank you Speaker Cook." The others shouted.

The dragons who watched on the side had their eyes staring down a long time ago, but the dragon is also good here, that is, the dragon guard, this tiger city still hires the dragon to guard, and the dragon guard’s virtue of greedy money is used here. , That’s very appropriate. Although some people criticize it very much, you should know that the other party is Tiger City and a sacred animal. You have to reason with them. That is nonsense. You have to talk about who has the big fist with the sacred animal. That's the truth.

Strangely speaking, the people in the Council of Gods initially opposed the dragon guards, thinking that this was pitting their own people, but as time went on, Dajia believed it was right, and of course there were voices of opposition.

"This Nima is simply a robbery." The Golden Dragon Elder of the Dragon Clan said.

The golden dragon elder's strength value is the first, but the strength value here does not mean that the attack power is the highest, but the three-headed golden dragon is the most durable. In the battle, the competition is the attack power, but the defense is also the most important. No matter how high Ya’s attack power is, the defense is scum. Once it is hit by someone else, it’s over. The attack power of the golden dragon is not high compared to some giant dragons, but the defense power is leveraged, and golden dragons like fighting. Hand-to-hand combat, no matter what magical technique you release, these guys will directly charge, as long as they are close by the golden dragon, huh, any race must kneel, of course, except for some individual abnormalities, there is a person like Cook.

"Yes." When the other dragon clan leaders heard the total number of crystals, they couldn't believe that these poor ghosts in the Council of Gods actually had so many crystals. You must know that the dragons used 2 billion crystals. Squeezed out by the fist.

"Hey, the leaders are different." Some people said sourly.

"Who are you talking about?" Golden Dragon thought he was the royal family of the giant dragon family. The title of this royal family was also knocked down with a fist, and asked angrily.

"Whoever understands, look at Speaker Cook, and then look at us." However, the dragon clan also disliked each other and replied angrily.

"Hmph, you don't come here if you have your own, there are some people missing from the Shenjing here, and we can still win it." Golden Dragon Grand Elder said angrily.

This auction can be said to be a perfect closing. Of course, the last thing is the most important thing. The collection of the gods is an internal affair of the Council of the Gods, so it cannot be seen by outsiders. Of course, it is mainly for fear of the dragons. I feel uncomfortable ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then make some extraordinary actions.

"Why, there are not so many **** crystals, there are not so many **** crystals, even if you give up!" Some auctioneers are lucky and want to use things to settle the account, but what are the members of the Council of Gods? The insiders of the faction, how many gods there are in that faction, these councillors ventilate first.

"That is, if you write so many numbers without Shenjing, you can simply disqualify and see who is the second bidder?" Before the bidders could explain, another congressman suggested.

"Damn, I'll give it." The bidder hurriedly said, blaming these congressmen as bad as pigs and dogs.

Seeing such a situation, other people have to pay the **** crystal obediently. This time, it is also two days, because it involves a problem of the **** crystal system, and the conversion of different **** crystals is different. And the **** crystals produced by these forces can't be of the same department, so it takes a lot of time. Of course, the conversion method of **** crystals is the same, and there is no fairness or unfairness, just that the procedures are complicated.

More than 13 billion high-grade crystals have made the members of the Council of Gods speechless. Of course, how to use this crystal is a big problem.

"Speaker Cook, do you think we also make a Sky City?" A member of the Council of the Gods suggested.

"Yes, but I don't have time now." Cook nodded, which is understandable.

"Well, let's decide on a city in the sky first, and then that will be the headquarters of our Council of Gods. As for the specifics, we will discuss it later." Someone immediately agreed.

Other people’s eyes lit up, Nima belongs to the Council of the Gods, so he is a member of the Council, and whether he has the right to live is certain. You can live in the Sky City without spending a penny on yourself. Who doesn't want to.

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