A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 492:

"Remarks, the result of the application will be announced, please monitor it. In addition, the use of the 13.868 billion yuan Shenjing in this auction will also be announced one after another. Please monitor it." Later, I couldn't believe it was true.

"Is this true?" Someone couldn't believe it after reading it.

"Of course, it is necessary. I knew that there were no Senate bastards. The result must be better. I didn't expect it to be so good. I don't know where the fees we paid before went there. It must have been corrupted by the Senate bastards." Immediately spoke.

"That's for sure. At that time, the House of Representatives had no right to speak at all. They were all **** in the Senate." Someone immediately agreed.

But some people questioned: "Even if it is announced, do you still know the truth?"

"Could it be that the announcement is still false, if all of this is false, then this Council of Gods will really be over." Someone said in disbelief.

"I believe Speaker Cook." Someone pulled out Cook directly.

But when Cook heard this, he just shook his head. I won't talk about these three announcements. This is what everyone put forward. It just said that the remarks are too tricky. An item was originally worth a crystal. , But when I purchased 1.2 Shenjing, the quality is not as good as this, so where does the extra part go in?

And even if you see how much is left behind the published figure, how much? Would you let you count yourself? How many years will it take for more than 10 billion crystals to be used up. When they are used up, outsiders may not know it. There will always be so many numbers on the book. In fact, everyone knows.

Of course, Cook will not take it seriously. After the meat is held in his hand, there is still oil and water, not to mention that it is such a large sum of money, and it is not his own, and it will definitely be less. This is the same as the project cost, the first price It’s relatively low, but it’s halfway through, and everything isn’t enough. You can’t stop it. So add, add, and the number added at the end may be several times the cost. As for whether there’s something tricky, it’s human design. The benevolent and wise see the wisdom, it is good to be shoddy, after all, there are real things, and even more terrifying is that there is on the book, but in fact there is no, that is called technology.

However, the large sums of money must be supervised by Cook. As for the fact that they were found in the end, ahem, let’s talk about it first, there is a balance on the account, who can you find out?

Regarding this announcement, a large number of the various forces of the Council of the Gods supported it, so the third floor of the Council of the Gods became a downtown area, and many people came to consult the subsidies for the construction of the city.

"Look here, everyone. This is the scale of the construction of each city and the details of the subsidy. Those with less than 100,000 residents will not be considered for the time being. Of course, except for special circumstances, cities with more than 100,000 and less than 300,000 will have the largest application. The size of the city shall not exceed 300,000, more than 300,000, less than 500,000, not more than 500,000, more than 500,000, less than 1 million, not more than 1 million, and more than 1 million separately Calculate, but special circumstances are treated specially. Just like a city with 280,000 people now, it is expected to reach 500,000 in the next three thousand years, so you can apply for a city with 500,000 people, but this is not your own It is said that it can be achieved. We will judge based on population change data and population proportions. Here, I want to explain that ordinary people are included. "The person in charge of this matter is a dwarf. This is A dwarf congressman.

The dwarf's mouth is very neat, saying that these are easy to do.

"Excuse me, our entire family has less than 50,000 people, what should we do?" someone asked.

"Hehe, you can form a city with other families or apply for a small city, but the chances of passing it are not high. Unless it is a transportation hub area or a place with strategic value, we will consider it comprehensively, and it will not be one size fits all. "The dwarf said.

"The subsidy really has 20 million crystals." Someone asked.

"This will be voted in the Council of the Gods, except for special circumstances. This needs to be based on the level of the place where the city is built, and the scale of the city, but there will be no less than one million **** crystals." The dwarf said.

"What kind of city is it?" someone continued to ask.

"Of course it is the kind of city built by the Mageweave Association." The dwarf replied.

"So are there any detailed requirements for the submitted application?" someone asked.

"Yes, first you have to take the form from us, and then the population, geographic location, development potential, as well as the size of the existing city, and the proportion of the population must be filled in." The dwarf took out a form and said .

"Then what should we do if we don't have enough crystals?" Someone asked again, this is the most important thing.

"We have also considered this point. You can mortgage our loan here. The interest rate on our loan is very low, and depending on the amount, there will be a certain percentage of interest-free time. After all, our move is to let everyone The improvement of infrastructure in China is not for making money. If we want to make money, we will not be so troublesome to do this or something.” The words of the dwarf caught the hearts of the people present.

"What about the specific interest?" someone asked.

"There is no specific discussion about this, and there will be a ratio at that time." The dwarf replied with a smile. The dwarf likes to deal with numbers most.

Hearing this, everyone received the form, and the one who received the form immediately looked at it, and then some took the form and left, apparently looking for someone who could call the shots.

This move by the Council of Gods made the Temple of Wealth more vigilant, and the Temple of Wealth immediately called a member of the House of Representatives, who was also a dwarf.

"Why is this, loans, low interest repayment, interest-free loans?" The goddess of wealth asked. The goddess of wealth is a member of the Senate, but the Senate is now a decoration.

"This is only for the construction of the city. I have no way to oppose it. I also want to bring this tens of billions of crystals to our temple, but I just gave up after thinking about it. Such a large sum of crystals is placed in our temple. We may have brought disaster." The councillor from the Temple of Fortune said.

When the goddess of wealth heard this, she was speechless. More than 10 billion crystals were placed in the temple of the goddess of wealth. The danger is certain, and there is always the possibility of being destroyed by people's hands.

"Let's go, let me know if I have anything in the future." However, the relationship between the goddess of wealth and the councilors of this wealth temple must be bad, so he waved and said.

"Yeah." The councillor from the Temple of Fortune gave a hum, and then left with a carefree gesture.

"Damn it." The goddess of wealth was angry when she saw the other side's unreasonable appearance.

"Stupid woman, your good days are here, 13 billion high-grade crystals, enough to suppress you, let alone so many relationships." The dwarf thought as he walked in his heart, and was squeezed out of the temple of wealth. At the time, the dwarf was very unwilling, because it was not that the dwarf business was not good, but the strength was not good. In the God Realm, the strength is still the first, and the others are secondary, even if you are strong.

The speaker Cook is not very serious. Cook basically does not have much time to attend the meetings of the Council of Gods, mainly because Cook plans to let his family meet with everyone, because of the construction of Cook’s private Sky City. The progress, the meeting reception that should have been long ago, has been postponed, but the members of the Council of the Gods did not have time to object. During this period of time, the members were quarreling and arguing in the conference hall, although everyone was behind them. Some of the forces of the are not harmonious, but just like subsidies, it is not only whether one has face in their own forces, but also the performance of a person. Of course, the orcs like the fox tribe themselves are the patriarchs. It's a member of Parliament, so it takes time to rip.

The big subsidy program has been taken out, but how to implement it, how to divide it, and how to judge it. These are all rules. It is impossible to say that there are no rules. Then there is any basis for judgment, so this rule is difficult to deliver. It’s almost a word-by-word grinding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Cook doesn’t care about this kind of thing, and Cook wants these guys not to bother himself.

The double experience month of the Mageweave Association has passed. The amount of tasks completed in this month is very surprising, and many Mageweave masters feel that their abilities have actually improved. This is no nonsense, and more practice. If it is done, it will definitely improve, at least the success rate will increase.

The School of Pharmacy is still studying various reagents, and of course some have started to prepare pharmacy. That is, the hundreds of talents that Cook has selected with the best talent are already preparing pharmacy. Cook has slowed the teaching progress, just to Let these pharmacy apprentices have a solid basic skills.

And many people have already submitted the construction drawings of the Tiger City Trading Market. This time Cook was going to release it to the Mageweaver Association in the form of a task, so Cook started to divide the drawings, and then made the drawings into various modules The blueprints, the blueprints are distributed, but these buildings are basically not the same, so this kind of non-universal blueprints, the mission points are very high, but this time Cook does not plan to take out the points, Cook is ready to go with the tiger city Merchants come to a deal.

To be precise, it was the transactions between the Mageweave Masters Association, who refined non-universal modules, and these merchants.

"Speaker Cook, what's the urgent matter for you to summon us?" The merchants got the summons from Cook, and all the people were coming. There was no way not to be anxious. It was all gods who delayed the day.

"Hehe, it's like this, everyone is not rich, but the drawings you gave, I have already divided them, but the points of these tasks must be higher than the average, everyone must understand." Cook chuckled. Said.

"Speaker Cook, we all understand what you said, what do you want to say?" All these people have raised their throats. I wonder what Cook is going to do?

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