A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 494:

"So every time the quality of the artifact increases by one level, the material will increase a lot, because the magic lines increase, the magic line circuits will definitely increase, and the magic line circuits will increase, so the pressure on the material itself during energy operation will also increase. The space between the magic lines will also become smaller and smaller, so the materials used to construct the magic lines also require the energy dissipation to be reduced to a minimum, and there are a lot of specialties in it." Cook said a lot again.

"Thank you, Speaker Cook, I understand." The enquiring Mageweaver finally reacted and said.

Others at the scene looked at Cook with admiring eyes. Cook said that being a magicweave master understands well. Now most magicweave masters have to arrange thousands of magic patterns in a three-dimensional space equipped with equipment. , It feels extremely difficult, and the tens of thousands of single magic patterns that Cook said are stuffed in, the difficulty is even more conceivable. Of course, these magic patterns also understand the tens of thousands of master artifacts Cook said. The magic line is the lowest value. As long as you have the ability, you can plug in a million magic lines, and the power will only be greater. Just like the low-grade artifacts mentioned by Cook, it is actually five thousand single magic lines to 13 thousand. , It’s just that Cook has more than 7,000 in his hands, and among the lower-grade artifacts, it is already a good artifact.

"Frightened?" Cook asked with a smile, seeing the changes in the surrounding Mageweaver.

"There are some." Hesen nodded and said.

"Let’s be honest, everyone here, the number of people who can independently refine artifacts does not exceed 5%, those who can independently refine medium-grade artifacts are less than 5% of this 5%, and those who can independently refine high-grade artifacts, Less than 1% of the refining middle-grade artifacts, not to mention the main artifacts, so don’t be discouraged or disappointed, because if you don’t work hard, you won’t be in the 5%, but as long as If you work hard, then maybe you can be in this 5%, hard work is the most important." Cook said.

"President, I will work hard." Hesen was said by Cook and said.

"Well, that's all for today's question. Think about it, everyone, but you can't refine it, but it doesn't mean you can't have it. Work hard." Cook waved and left.

Cook left for a long time, and someone responded: "This guild leader is gone again?"

"Oh, I actually left again, do I still have a problem?" Other people responded.

"The president is so powerful, I guess the president didn't tell the truth. The power of the master's master artifact is definitely not low." Someone said immediately.

"Hehe, no matter how low or not, as long as there is President Cook, then we don't have to be afraid of whoever it is. No matter who it is, we will make our president anxious. One person will give out a master artifact and **** him!" Haisen laughed. Said.

"Haha, don't talk about distributing the main artifact, it's the top-grade artifact. I will do whatever the president asks me to do, no matter what." There was a magic pattern master immediately laughing.

"Yes, I'm one of them."

"Stingy, when President Cook made her hair, it must be a set. You are as stingy as you, so you are not the president." Someone said immediately.

"Haha, hurry up to get the task, everyone, I just passed the second-level magic pattern master examination, tut tusk, I don't know if I can get a beast mount?" a magic pattern master said triumphantly.

Hearing about accepting the task, everyone lined up quickly, but there were already a lot of people in the queue. In the face of non-universal magic pattern components, some magic pattern masters chose not to accept the task. After all, the failure rate is very high, and the high points are useless. If you are confident, you like the high points.

These Mageweavers looked nothing unusual on the surface, but they were very touched by Cook's words just now, and they realized more intuitively what the direct gap between them and Cook was.

The current Mageweave Masters of the Mageweave Association are basically alchemy temples. To be honest, some people here did not put Cook in their eyes. Yes, everyone who refines artifacts has succeeded in refining them. These people are proud. I'm used to it, I always think that the gap between myself and Cook is just a matter of success rate.

But when Cook said this today, these people understand the direct gap between themselves and Cook, that is the gap between the sky and the earth, the main artifact can be refined, and according to Cook’s tens of thousands of magic patterns Concentrated in a small weapon, these original high-level magicweave masters didn’t even understand how these magicweave circuits were arranged. We must know thousands of magicweave circuits and tens of thousands of magicweave circuits. The layout is simply It just makes people crazy.

Cook didn’t care. As a Mageweaver, he must be very curious about the difference between artifacts. Cook thought he was just answering everyone’s curiosity. The most important thing is that Cook’s original scheduled time is useless. Finish.

This is very impressive for Cook’s arrangement. Cook has too many things, the Mageweave Association, the establishment of the three sky cities, the Pharmacy Academy, and the Council of the Gods from time to time to meet, and After completing the order for the artifact, Cook was extremely busy.

But, Cook had a very fulfilling life, but it didn't take long for Cook to be happy when he was approached.

"The angels are looking for me?" Cook looked at Dilly and asked.

"Yes, those guys are waiting for you at the Mountain of Gods, and there are hundreds of people here." Dilly looked at Cook with a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Cook asked.

"I'll see how you handle it, and see how your time is arranged." Dilly looked at Cook and said jokingly.

"What am I afraid of? If these angels are going to be aggressive, will the dragon and the tiger city agree or not? If both the tiger city and the giant dragon agree with me to build the angel first, then I don't care." Cook shrugged.

When Dilly heard this, she curled her lips: "I knew it was kidnapping someone."

"Haha, let me see what's going on." Cook laughed, and now confronts the angel, Cook is not afraid, just tell Cook that as long as the tiger city and the dragon clan are not opposed, the big deal is to build an angel Up.

The meeting room of the Council of the Gods, this place has hardly been used before. Cook became the speaker and used it more often. The meeting room is very spacious, but the architectural style is very old, and Cook does not plan to replace it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just missed some time in the Mageweave Association." Cook saw that the angels came from the angel royal family, so he said with a smile.

"We have something to ask Speaker Cook to come." But what the angel said made Cook a little surprised. The royal family of angels actually asked for help. What the **** is this?

"Please sit down, please sit down, sit down and say something." Cook certainly doesn't ask directly what it is, so it will be difficult to refuse at that time.

The angel royal family all sat down, but Cook's side, only Dilly is here, it is not that Cook does not want to find someone to accompany him, but the angel royal family is here, and things are definitely not small.

"We want to ask Speaker Cook to help us build a resurrection pool." The headed angel royal said directly.

"I don't know how to do this!" Cook heard this, and then said after a moment.

"We have drawings." The Angel Royal family's words gave Cook a stunned look, and Dilly looked at Cook too.

Cook shook his head and said: "This is the secret of your angel family, I don't think it is suitable."

"Chairman Cook, I shouldn’t have said this. We were originally in the Resurrection Pool in the Sky City. Although we have problems like this, it can still be used. Since you broke the Sky City, the Resurrection Pool has been destroyed. Now, our angel family knows that we are at a loss, so we have not asked you Cook, but this time we urgently need to use the resurrection pond, so we came to you. In any case, you have to help us to do it." The angel royal said .

Hearing this, Cook couldn't say anything at all. Cook was very puzzled, how could these angels have such an attitude? Is something big really happening?

"Okay, I'll look at the drawings first." Cook couldn't refuse at all, and there are so many people from the angel royal family, and the angel family seems to be saying good things just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but this is a sign of determination , Although Cook is not afraid of these guys, come and fight one by one, but for others, it doesn’t take a lot of time, just a few seconds. It is estimated that the mountains of the gods will become a ruin. Cook perceives it, these angel royals at least Bringing six main artifacts, what is the concept?

Not to mention that the angel royal family still has secret techniques, forbidden skills and the like. Once released, these angel royal families will not have any fruit to eat, but once the angel jade feet confront the entire council of gods, even if it is to repel the angel family , The loss of the Council of Gods will be very heavy.

Cook didn't want that. The Council of Gods was regarded by Cook as his own private land.

"President Cook, this drawing can only be seen by you alone." An angel royal took out a box and said.

"Dilly doesn't understand." Cook said, shaking his head.

"To Speaker Cook." The headed angel royal said.

When Cook saw the angel holding the box, he opened the box easily, but Cook didn’t believe what he saw before his eyes. A piece of white cloth was opened. The cloth was as thin as a cicada's wings and it was a full 100 meters long. , More than thirty meters wide.

"This is?" Cook took a look, and realized that this was actually something like a wizard model, not a magic pattern.

"Ancient magic pattern." The angel royal said.

Cook shook his head and said, "Don't lie to me, this is a wizard model."

"Haha, Speaker Cook, in fact, the inheritance of the wizards of the Star Realm and our God Realm are from the same place, but the development behind them is different." Tianshu Royal Family said with a smile.

Cook was surprised. This is the first time Cook has heard of such a thing. The Angel Royal family continued: "If Speaker Cook can help us build a resurrection pool, then the collection of our angel family can be opened to Speaker Cook."

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