A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 505:

"Ready." The apprentices below replied loudly. As apprentices of pharmacy, these people were convinced by Cook's use of paralysis potion, but what are the effects of specific potions? I don’t know, it’s like a kindergarten kid who just knows that reading is good, but what about the specifics? What Cook is doing now is like guiding children in kindergarten. Animations are hard to watch. The production of these animations requires a lot of knowledge. In this way, they can motivate those pharmacy apprentices.

"This thing is inconspicuous, the size of a thumb, but the value of this thing is at least millions of high-grade crystals, and you can't buy them with crystals." Cook has a gray mushroom-like thing in his hand, only bigger than a thumb It's just bigger.

The following Mageweave apprentices widened their eyes, and someone asked, "Master, what is this?"

"Soul fruit grows in a place where soul particles are extremely abundant, and generally grows on the body after the fall of certain emperors and even higher-level powerhouses." Cook said.

"Wow!" The pharmacy apprentices never thought of such a thing.

"Speaking of this, the soul of the Lord God has been severely damaged at once. This cut a little bit of refining medicine is enough to restore the soul trauma of these strong people. It does not need to cultivate for hundreds of years. A small amount of use can speed up the growth of the soul. There is nothing. Side effects." Cook said.

"What about the price of the potion?" someone asked.

"Haha, it is usually to refine soul repair potions, but no pharmacist will sell this kind of potions. This is a life-saving thing, and the key is that I am not short of money. Using soul repair potions can instantly repair injuries. The soul, use a small amount to speed up the soul repair speed." Cook said with a smile.

"Then there are others?" Hearing Cook's voice, a pharmacy apprentice asked.

"Of course, wisdom potion, wisdom potion is generally given to newborns, there is a certain chance of increasing talent, which means that the original talent may not reach the **** level, but taking this kind of wisdom potion, there is a certain chance of reaching the **** level talent. "Cook continued.

"Awesome!" The pharmacy apprentices were stunned. For some people, even a million high-grade **** crystals would have to get such a medicament.

"Of course it also depends on the level of refining. The perfect quality means that the wisdom potion does not have any side effects, which means that the probability will not decrease with the use of the potion. If there is enough wisdom potion, hehe, God level is nothing at all. Question." Cook continued.

Cook finished putting the soul fruit away, and finally warned: "There are extremely powerful undead creatures near the soul fruit, at least the existence of the **** king level, so you'd better not imagine this material, and the preservation method is extremely harsh. Let’s put it this way, to preserve this soul fruit for one year, at least three top-quality soul crystals are needed."

"In addition, I would like to introduce you a kind of medicine again. This medicine is called life medicine. Everyone thinks it is the water of life? No, life here refers to new life. The only function is to increase the probability of fertility. As for the sale of this medicine Price, haha." Cook took out a bottle of potion. This potion was improved by Cook from the wizard's notes. There may be some side effects, but Cook will definitely not say.

"Everyone may have seen this kind of thing." Cook then took out a half-person tall mushroom, which was covered in red, and it seemed that there were red flames constantly swimming on the surface.

"Elemental Fruit!" Sure enough, an exclamation sounded.

"It seems that our School of Pharmacy still has talents. Yes, Elemental Pass. The apprentice who just spoke, tell me, how much is my elemental fruit worth?" Cook asked.

An elf potion apprentice was watched by others and shook his head and said: "It is impossible to give a price. The energy contained in such a large elemental fruit is extremely pure. For those who want to hit the bottleneck of the fire system, it is invaluable. of."

"Hehe, yes, this elemental fruit is priceless. Someone wants to say that at the **** level and above, what you practice is the law? But what I want to tell you is that there is a saying called quantitative change causes qualitative change. A glass of wine makes people feel happy. But a hundred barrels of wine will make you unconscious and even pass out." Cook said hehe.

"But if you want to refine the elements, you need at least a fifth-level pharmacist. Whoever reaches the fifth-level pharmacist first, I will give an elemental fruit of the same size, and what attribute you are, I will give it to you. In other words, even if you are from the Space Department, I will give it." Cook promised.

"President, you are too rich." When the apprentices below heard this, their eyes widened.

"That is, I am the first person in the **** realm. Please continue to look at it. This is a natural stone. Such a piece is probably tens of thousands of high-grade crystals, but the price of this drop of life essence is at least one hundred thousand high-grade crystals. "Cook continued.

"This is the fruit of power. There is no market. The method of picking the fruit of power is very special. The method is wrong. It turns into a stone in two seconds. So in the future, whoever has news about the fruit of power, ask me and we will divide it." Cook then took out the fruit of strength.

"Oh, dean, do you even have this kind of perverted thing?" Some students have heard of the fruits of strength and exclaimed.

"Haha, this is nothing. Everyone looks at the Chinese medicine. Is it weird, why is it round? This is a poison. I don't know the specific name. What is the effect of this poison? More popular, three or five main gods will be finished directly, of course you have to put this pill into the mouth of three or five main gods yourself." Cook laughed, and then took out a green pill, and said.

"What the price is, everyone estimate by yourself." Cook said again afterwards.

"This is a paralysis potion, yes, it is a paralysis potion that has paralyzed hundreds of thousands of crocodiles. His full name is a high-level powerful paralysis potion. The quality is perfect. I refined it myself." Cook continued to take out a pill. .

"Wow, Dean, is it difficult to achieve perfect quality?" a student asked.

"Yes, inferior, qualified, excellent, inferior, medium, top, top, perfect, among them, top and even below, as long as you have enough experience, you can achieve it. The influence of talent is the difference in success rate, but In order to achieve perfect quality, talent occupies a large proportion, but if you have talent and no experience, then you can't even reach inferior quality." Cook nodded.

Then Cook took a breath and said, "What do I mean? Don’t be discouraged. Your talent is not good. As long as you have perseverance and others have studied for three years to refine the top quality, then I must have perseverance. I have refined it for 30 years to reach top-grade quality. Of course, if you have not refined a potion for 30 years and still fail to reach top-grade quality, then I can only say, change your career, this is not for you."

"Haha." When the students below heard this, they all laughed.

Cook stretched out his hand and made a quiet gesture, and said, "Don’t think about the advanced materials I just took out, because such materials are not available to everyone. It can be said that hundreds of years, maybe tens of thousands of years. There’s one point, it’s not good to say, if I’m not a pharmacist and I find a soul fruit, what do you think I would do?"

"Just eat it?" someone whispered.

"Yes, smart, I will eat it directly. You pharmacists can't even get the news, because even if you give this soul fruit to you, you can guarantee success? Do you have refining experience? No, I didn't say an egg. , I might as well take it safely by myself. What are you aiming at? These medicines, Diamond Pills, can be used below the Lord God to increase the body’s strength and defense. As for the specific data, the quality of the medicine is different and the effect is different. , Just like the perfect quality of my refining, the use of the **** emperor level can hold the master **** level two full attacks, the time is 20 hours~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course, in these 20 hours, you are hit by the master **** Two times, then it must not last for 20 hours." Cook took out the diamond pill, and after taking it, his skin was golden yellow.

"There is also a lucid potion, which temporarily improves soul resilience. Remember, it is resilience. You should have been unconscious. You will not fall into a coma after taking this. However, after the efficacy of the drug, you will fall into a deep sleep for a longer time. go."

"This is a focused medicine. It is most suitable for learning things. But what I warn you is that medicines below the top quality will be resistant. That is to say, if you take a medicine, it will be effective for two hours, but After you use hundreds of medicines, it may only be effective for a few minutes. This is a side effect."

"This is an energy burst potion, which can increase the level of energy burst in your body without causing serious damage to your body, but you can't use energy if the potion is over, otherwise it will be your own death."

"A powerful healing potion to treat physical wounds."

"The energy recovery potion speeds up the energy recovery."

"Weaken the potion, use it on yourself to reduce the damage that the enemy imposes on you. There are physical versions and magical versions. If the effect is to follow the energy."

"Spirit healing potion. Here, I want to explain that the restoration potion is a continuous recovery, while the restoration potion is an instant recovery, but there is no follow-up effect. Everyone will come into contact with these in the future."

"So, do you have any questions, haha, let's ask." Cook didn't plan to say anymore, put the medicine away and asked.

"Dean, is there a quick way to learn it?" A dwarf potion apprentice saw Cook pointing at himself and asked immediately.

"Yes." Cook replied in the affirmative. The apprentices below were excitedly looking forward to Cook's answer.

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