A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 508:

The chief of Cologne was very angry when he heard this, but he was more fortunate. Fortunately that he was here in time, the chief of Cologne returned to the family territory with an anger. The first thing was to take the clan’s third, the third. , Refers to the third brother of Cologne, the third brother of Cologne has always been relatively strong in the family, and the financial resources are not small, there are many times the patriarch of Cologne wants to clean up the third, but there is no excuse. ¢£,

Everyone has to ask, as the patriarch, Cologne can't find an excuse?

An excuse can be found for sure, but as a patriarch, if you want to turn your face, at least you have to beat him to death with a stick, otherwise, is it possible to keep the third child against himself in the future.

After Cologne returned to the family, the family elders were called together. No one knew how the presbytery was opened. After the presbytery was over, the elders personally sat in town. The elders are the grandfathers of Cologne, precisely because the grandfathers of Cologne are the elders , So their family will occupy the position of patriarch. There are many branches in a family. The larger the family, the more branches. Just like the Cologne family, there are thousands of branches, some of which are weak in blood. It's almost gone.

Just like Cologne and the third child, both were raised by the same parents, but from their generation, there are several branches, and the sons of Cologne will have several branches in the future. Of course, there are only a few branches in total, but because For too long, the relationship between each other is not so close anymore, of course it must be closer than outsiders.

"Boss, what are you doing?" The youngest was arrested soon, and the youngest entered the presbytery, and when he saw the chief of Cologne, he shouted sharply.

"Send the third child and the contract." The elder waved impatiently. At the age of the elder, he would have been spoiled for a long time, but he was still very aggrieved.

"Great Elder, Great Elder, what is this going to do?" The youngest asked loudly when hearing the words of the Great Elder, feeling even more frightened.

"The third child, you have to constrain in your work in the future, otherwise something will happen in the future, don't blame the eldest brother for not reminding you." Cologne said in a lesson.

"Boss, you are all you, you villain, the big elder, the second elder, and the third..." The youngest roared angrily when he heard this, and then looked at several elders, but none of them spoke. , The youngest's heart was cold.

"Elder, just want to die, let me know why?" The oldest three cried out.

"Hurry and take it away." At this time, the elder can say why, because in the matter of occupying the Puen family's territory, the elder has also got a lot of benefits, otherwise, the whole family will acquiesce in the actions of the youngest.

When the youngest heard this, he screamed sharply: "Elder, where are you going to send?"

"Send you to the Poon family, and let Old Poon break your leg himself." Of course, the chief of Cologne knew the conflict of interests, so he made a knife here.

Sure enough, when he heard this, the oldest three roared: "Great Elder, Great Elder, the interests of the mine have your shares, you can't ignore it."

"Take it away, seize all the assets, send it to the Poon family, and drive this person out of the Cologne family." Hearing this, the elder couldn't hold back his face and shouted loudly.

"Haha, haha, you group of villains, this group of... bang." The youngest roared angrily when he heard this, but he was beaten to the ground by an elder before he finished speaking. , Although it is also a **** level, the gap between a level is too obvious.

"I will see the Puen family stay away a little later." The elder left a word and other elders also left. This is a shameful scene, and of course the patriarch has come forward.

The chief of Cologne watched the elders leave, walked out of the presbytery, and then personally went to the place where the third child lived. Even if the third child was finished, he was expelled from the family, which offended the Poen family. You can imagine the life of the third child. It’s difficult, and the youngest family members are willing to leave. What they don’t want to leave is to rely on other people. Fortunately, the youngest has no offspring. After all, the youngest has not yet planned for the future.

Besides, Poon and his party came to the portal of the Council of Gods. After activating the key token, it was automatically transmitted without paying any fees. This made Poon and others who did not pay for the first time feel what privileges are. , And the Thunder Dragon Patriarch didn't care a little, and he did a lot of things for free.

"Take out the token." When the teleportation was over, it was a small square, surrounded by a few scattered guards, standing straight, one of the dwarves said.

Poon and the others didn't have time to look around, and quickly found out the token, even the patriarch of Thunder Dragon did not dare to ask for it.

"Welcome all the distinguished guests. I don't know how many distinguished guests need to go there?" The dwarf asked when there was no alarm sound after seeing all the tokens.

Old Puen first spoke: "I'm looking for Mrs. Mitch. I am the head of the Puen family."

"Miss Mickey is cultivating and needs to wait two hours and fifteen minutes." The dwarf took out a crystal ball and pointed it, then said.

"Ah, can you tell me?" Old Puen asked.

"No, guards like us cannot enter the training place, and your reception index is only one star." The dwarf said.

"What about me, the patriarch of Thunder Dragon." The patriarch of Thunder Dragon asked.

"Mrs. Ramallan meets with a fee of 500 high-grade Shenjing, Miss Xiao Lei does not need it, but Miss Xiao Lei is sleeping, and the date of waking up cannot be determined." The dwarf said.

"As expected of us from the Thunder Dragon clan, I will give the top grade Shenjing." Thunder Dragon looked triumphant, but his heart hurts extremely.

"I belong to the Gokry family, I want to see Gerry or Miss Murphy." The Gokry family asked.

The dwarf inquired and said, "It just so happens that Miss Murphy and Uncle Gerry have time. If you get on the transporter over there, they will automatically take you there." The dwarf inquired and said.

"Thank you." Hearing this, the patriarch of the Geckel family quickly thanked him, and then walked toward an open carriage on the edge of the small square.

"Sir, please sit down, I'll help you fasten your seat belt." Beside the open carriage, there were also guards who saw the chief of the Gokry family and said immediately.

"Huh!" After the patriarch of the Gokry family sat down, he placed the teleport token in a certain groove under the sign of the guard, and then shouted, the open carriage disappeared with an afterimage, speed Very fast.

The head of the Gokri family was taken aback by the sudden speed. About a few minutes later, the carriage finally stopped. What the head of the Gokri family saw was a huge manor with guards around the manor. In the garden, there are some pet-like creatures.

"Patriarch Gokeri, Gree Garden welcomes you." A guard saluted respectfully.

"Thank you." Although Patriarch Gokri knew that the guards in front of him were not at the **** level, these guards were Speaker Cook's people after all, so he politely replied.

"I'm very happy to serve you. Please come with me. The two adults are already waiting for you." This guard is actually an orc guard. If it hadn't been for the guard to turn around and show his hairy tail, Chief Gokri would still I didn't know it was an orc.

"Patriarch, welcome." Just when he walked to the gate of the building, a middle-aged man made a welcome gesture.

"Gerry?" Gerry asked unsurely when he saw the person in front of him.

"Haha, it's me, this is my daughter, Murphy." Grihaha replied with a smile.

"The patriarch." Murphy also bowed slightly.

"I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, I take the liberty to bother, and please forgive me." Patriarch Gecke would not underestimate these two of his own clansmen, it took a lot of effort to prove this relationship.

"Please come in." Gerry made a please gesture.

"It's magnificent." Looking at the building in front of him, Gockrie was envious.

"Cook built it himself." Murphy said triumphantly.

"Tsk tusk, Speaker Cook is such a nice person." Gokri's words are true.

"This?" After entering the gate, I saw the spacious hall, but on the leather chair in the hall, there was a furry squirrel-like guy sitting on the leather chair, but the red hair on this guy was very eye-catching.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Xiaobai, Speaker Cook’s first pet." Murphy explained, Er Xiaobai glanced at Geckel, then turned his head and continued to look at it. Opposite the squirrel, there was a magical projection, which was showing images and sounds.

"Order to go down and start serving," Gerry said.

"Yes." The servants around immediately went down and got ready to go.

But for a few minutes, a burst of fragrance came to his face, and the halfling women carried huge plates and placed them on the table, but what made Gokri different was that these halfling women were all wearing a big Spatula, Gokry wondered.

"Bang, bastard, you know to eat it." Geckry was wondering when he saw a shadow flash by, and then he heard the angry roar of the halfling woman, and the spatula around his waist was also held in his hand.

"Little bad, eat it again, deserved to be beaten." Seeing the little bad twitching on the ground, Murphy picked up the little bad angry.

"This..." Gokry was puzzled, and the servant dared to hit his master's pet.

"The spatula in the hands of these halflings is an artifact, an artifact with a paralyzing attribute. The average god-level powerhouse is beaten and can't move for at least one day." Murphy didn't know what Gokry was talking about, so he explained .

"What?" Gockrie exclaimed.

"These are Cook's dedicated team of chefs, they were invited by Cook, not servants." Gerry is an old man, knowing what Gekri is asking, so he speaks.

"Wow, wow, I said these dwarf ladies went there. Fortunately, I have a good sense of space. Tsk tsk, good things, but there are good things this time, Mrs. Murphy, can you start eating? "Before Gokri had time to say anything, a shadow shot directly in and asked. Seeing the guy who was talking, Chief Gokri almost turned around and ran away, so he reacted in time.

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