A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 510:

Seeing Patriarch Gokri's reaction, Gerry asked with a smile, "Couldn't it work?"

"No, no, this may require a large number of crystals." Chief Gokri said.

"Haha, I have combined with Murphy. We will subsidize the Mageweave apprentice for ten years. After ten years, we will not become an official Mageweave Master. We will no longer subsidize. There are subsidies." Gerry started and smiled.

"Will Speaker Cook have opinions?" Patriarch Gokri asked in a low voice.

"No, what is Murphy's monthly allowance, do you know?". Gerry shook his head and said.

"I don't know." Chief Gokri said.

"Do you know what equipment the guards around us are, and how much is it worth?" Gerry asked again.

"That is magic equipment, which can allow the high level of the sanctuary to display the strength of the middle **** and even the upper god." Gerry explained.

"This..." Gokry was horrified.

"Remember, don't say it." Gerry glanced at Gekri and said.

Patriarch Gokri nodded quickly. There were at least a hundred guards around this building just now, not to mention those who haven't seen it, which means that it is equivalent to hundreds of god-level guards.

"And these guards are soldiers and soldiers who have come out of the war. Everyone has killed no less than a hundred enemies." Gerry continued.

"Is it brought from the inferior plane?" Gokri asked guessingly when he heard this.

"Yes." Gerry nodded and said.

"I will bring the people in ten days." Gokry didn't know how much pocket money Cook gave to Murphy, but the amount was definitely not small.

At the same time, several other patriarchs also received this order and went back to prepare.

Cook also heard about such a thing, and said with a smile: "It seems that these women of mine are not stupid. They know what the pillars of the future of the God Realm are. They are definitely not trade, but technology."

(PS: Speaking of trade and technology, I had to complain about Yun Twenty. At that time, why most people made the decision to let Yun Twenty be dismissed. Of course, this has something to do with the benefits of some people, thinking that they would give money to no father. It's very face-saving, and it's not easy to get daddy, but the most important thing is that you don't recognize the key to trade and technology. No matter how good you do in trade, if the technology is not good, it is to give people a share of coolies. It’s not to build a factory wherever you go. It has to be yours. Of course, how the low labor price comes from. To put it bluntly, it is the hard-earned money of the people. According to the previous term, it is called exploitation, but the country as a whole exploits the civilian class. Not someone.)

"Don't you want to face, there are people who praise your own people." Jin Guangyan gave Cook a grimace.

"I don't have some shameless people, some people, thick-skinned." Cook replied with a smile, while annotating the inside of the pot in front of him.

"Okay, isn't it so troublesome?" Jin Guangyan asked angrily without speaking.

"Excuse me, you can go, I didn't keep you." Cook said angrily.

It turns out that Cook accidentally came up with something similar to tofu when he was doing pharmacy experiments. After several experiments, Cook has completely figured it out. It’s not that Cook is making tofu brains. Of course, Cook uses magic. The materials are still very advanced.

"You don't use this trick anymore, you want to swallow it, no way, but Cook, do you really think that Murphy will not raise a bunch of delicious lazy guys?" Jin Guangyan asked angrily.

"Definitely not, where do these people come under the jurisdiction, dare to eat and be lazy, I can't cure them?" Cook shook his head and said.

"Fuck, forget the magic pattern association and the pharmacy association, you are the earth emperor in it." Jin Guangyan uttered angrily.

"Okay, let's eat." Cook picked up the pot, poured Jin Guangyan more than half, then sprinkled the seasoning, and started to eat.

Jin Guangyan swallowed it in one bite, and he was not afraid of being hot. After half a pot of tofu brain was turned in Jin Guangyan's mouth for a few times, it was gone.

"It's terrible. What is it? It's not as delicious as monkey brain. Don't call me vegetarian in the future. Bah, I'm Jin Guangxian. It would be shameful to say that I am vegetarian." left.

Cook shook his head. This Jin Guangyan is a carnivorous animal. It is indeed wrong to be a vegetarian, but who would let this servant eat it himself.

"The taste is okay, but you can add some elements in it. Ice elements may be a good idea. It feels like drinking it on ice..." Cook pondered while eating. If someone knew that Cook was doing it in the laboratory. Such a thing, I don’t know if I will scold and cry without doing business properly.

The Mageweave Association, several cities in the sky, laboratories, and pharmacy schools are these four places. Cook runs back and forth. As for building dams and roads, Cook is basically outsourced, and then the inspection will be In addition, Cook wanted to leave these places where Cook ran, but no one took it, and no one could take it.

However, the rest of the gods are not as calm as Cook. With magic equipment, high-ranking sanctuary can display the combat power of a middle god. Cook's guards are all equipped with this kind of equipment.

This news spread like wildfire in the God Realm, and there were still many people who originally suspected it, but when one thing was discovered, everyone found that it was not as simple as it was said.

"Tsk tusk, the patriarch of the fox clan was immediately fainted by Cook's guards. It seems that the magic equipment is real." Inside the tavern, everyone talked privately.

"That's it, I think the hammer in Speaker Cook's hand is probably a mana weapon, but what kind of thing is this mana weapon? Is it magicweave equipment?" Someone nodded and said.

"Impossible, we don't have the magic pattern equipment. Could it be that you, a lower **** equipped with magic pattern equipment, can beat me as a middle god?" Someone shook his head and said.

"Give me a set of middle-grade artifacts, I beat you all over the floor."

"You poor ghost has a set of middle-grade artifacts, and I already have master artifacts in my hands."

"Just you, the main artifact?"

This kind of news is everywhere in the tavern. You can imagine the speed of this news. Of course, even if you know it, Cook will not come forward to explain it.

Mana weapons, to be precise, the Star Breaker in Cook's hands is also a mana weapon.

However, there are restrictions on the use of magic weapons. Once the energy is exhausted, it is waiting to die. Just like the weapons of the current army, once there is no ammunition, it is something that is inferior to a long spear.

The attack power of the magic weapon is nothing to say, but other aspects are not satisfactory.

Cook didn’t care, but some people did. After hearing the news of the magic weapon, the orc’s fox clan chief gritted his teeth. The silver fox clashed with Cook and almost lost the position of the clan chief. It took a lot of thought. Only to keep the position of the patriarch.

"President Cook." The Silver Fox finally blocked Cook at the portal, and it was on the side of the Pharmacy College.

"Patriarch Silver Fox?" Cook asked suspiciously when he saw Silver Fox.

"That's right, it's me, Speaker Cook. The dwarf who attacked me last time was the magic weapon used?" Seeing Cook, the silver fox's anger reappeared, but the silver fox asked with pressure.

"Magic weapons, I don't know what you are talking about, I just know magicweave weapons." Cook shook his head and denied.

When the Silver Fox heard Cook's refusal, his anger rose in his heart: "Cook, he is still not a man or the speaker, but I dare not admit it. Your approach makes me very despised."

"You continue to despise it, I'll go first." When Cook heard the words of Silver Fox, not only was he not angry, but he smiled and passed by.

"Cook, if you dare to leave, I will tell you that you are indecent to me." Silver Fox threatened loudly.

"Haha, go and talk." Cook didn't care at all. At Cook's level, not everything can threaten Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Cook like this, the silver fox cried out loudly. : "Cook, you liar."

The Silver Fox saw Cook still ignored him, and screamed angrily. A person like Cook should be casual in Silver Fox’s impression, but he didn’t expect that Cook would not care. With a shameless appearance, Silver Fox didn't make any moves.

The bunny patriarch has been walking around the college a lot recently. There is no other way. This side has become a cornucopia for the bunny clan. In a short time, the number of people gathered around the pharmacy college has reached tens of thousands, most of which are bunny people.

Here, rabbit people have more job opportunities. The pharmacy students in the college need a variety of needs, some need nanny, some need laundry, some need help cleaning, and of course there are some Special needs, such as maids and the like.

Before that, what was the biggest income of the Bunnymen? The bunny girls in various taverns. The income of the bunny girls was very considerable.

Of course, more is to help the pharmacy apprentice to take care of the various plants planted. For these rabbit people, a few high-grade crystals are given a month, which is already a sky-high price, and for those beautiful rabbit girls, it becomes something An apprentice's maid, that couldn't be better.

As for how the Bunnyman looks inside, in fact, the Bunnyman’s maid culture has penetrated into the Bunnyman’s mind. For the Bunnyman, it is natural and righteous for the Bunnyman to live by the strong. As for the waiting, it’s nothing. Of course, this has something to do with the higher fertility of the Bunny people. The quality of life and environment of the Bunny people is replaced by the same quality of life and environment as the Bunny people. The fertility level of the Bunny people is several times higher than that of the humans.

"Oh, isn't this the silver fox patriarch? Why, someone is here to find the academy?" The voice of the patriarch of the rabbit people was heard by the silver fox patriarch, it was harsh and harsh.

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